Half-Tried Deity

v1 Chapter 206: Visitor

Chapter Two Hundred and Six


"It's OK.★

★" Huo Crow only took a sip. He put the bowl on the table, there was no abnormality in his face, and Qi Huan's nerves that had been nervous all the time were slightly relaxed.

Now that the fire crow has come, Qi Huan certainly won't continue to be the light bulb, and left the three women's house early.

The erysipelas given by Qi Huan was almost useless to him, so Qi Huan turned his attention to the clear dew that Huo Crow would drink every day.

Qinglu was handled by the three women, ordinary people couldn't get close at all, and of course Qi Huan couldn't, but who would let them live close? Some things don't have to be done by yourself.

It is not difficult for Qi Huan to control Leis from a long distance, but those Leis are thinner than hair, and it takes Qi Huan a lot of effort to maintain their shape.

At this time, if the fire crow was there, he would definitely be able to see that the roofs of his three concubines were covered with silver lace like spider webs.

The erysipelas was transformed, and moved a little bit along Reis to the top of the bowl of clear dew. A drop of water dripped from above, but before it fell, it turned into a wisps of mist, blending into the clear dew in front of the three women, and they didn't even notice it.

Since Huo Crow came back, Qi Huan didn't dare to go to see Chun Yu secretly at night, but she would occasionally visit the city. Almost all of the erysipelas that Chunyu gave her had entered Huo Crow's stomach, but Qi Huan had not found anything wrong with Huo Crow so far.

It seems that his cultivation base has a vague upward trend.

"There seems to be fewer and fewer people in the city recently." Qi Huan sat next to Chunyu, chatting casually with him, and there was a guard standing outside, who was only sent by Huo Crow recently, just like a wooden man.

"From the news from the Demon Realm, a traitor has escaped into Guanyunjian." After Chunyu finished speaking, he wrote two words on the ground, Qiao Qiao.

"What traitor? As for using so much energy?" After erasing the words on the ground, Qi Huan's mouth raised. It seems that her apprentice should have done a terrifying event in the Demon Realm.

"It is said that the man stole Demon Venerable's personal weapon, and by the way also smashed the third six heavenly monuments in the Demon Realm."

...Sure enough, he was bold enough to steal even Demon Venerable's personal weapons, but Qi Huan became more and more curious. Personally, how did Qiao Qiao stole this girl?

Regarding the conversation between Qi Huan and Chunyu in the room, the guard outside the door did not show any strange look. This is not a secret. In fact, many people in the immortal and devil worlds already know it, but everyone is more curious. Yes, how did the Demon Venerable, whose strength is equal to that of the God General, lose his weapon?

Moreover, after that incident, Mozun directly ordered a forceful attack on Guanyunjian. It was not so much to find someone, but to make trouble in the fairy world. His attitude made everyone unpredictable.

After staying with Chunyu for a long time, Qi Huan left his house. In the city, the faces of the immortal soldiers who came and went were a little more tired, and the continuous fighting made them physically and mentally exhausted. It's just that no one dare to slack off, on the battlefield. As long as you relax, you will die.

As she was walking forward, suddenly a few people came over from the front. Among those who came, Qi Huan knew only one, and that was the personal guard of the fire crow who always followed her before. The faces of the remaining two were completely the same. Unfamiliar, but the aura exuding from those two people is extremely powerful, they are two celestial generals, and these two men are absolutely titled celestial generals like Fire Crow.

The three of them didn't stop after seeing Qi Huan, and Qi Huan didn't mean to say hello to them. Everyone staggered the route and walked forward. Qi Huan didn't realize that after she left, the Tianjiang with long fiery red hair looked back at her, his eyes were extremely strange.

That night, the fire crow hosted a banquet to entertain the guests. I don't know why, but he also invited Qi Huan over. Saying yes, it was really beautified. Qi Huan felt that she had been forced to pass, and before going there, the three concubines of Huo Crow specially dressed her up.

Qi Huan always felt that he was like a piece of fat, and he might be eaten by others at any time. As expected, the so-called visitors were the two people she saw in the city.

Seeing Qi Huan appear, the eyes of the two people immediately moved to her, and they didn't know what Huo Crow had said to them. The two people looked at Qi Huan's eyes more and more arrogantly, making Qi Huan frowned.

"Erya, sit here." Huo Crow pointed to the seat on his left. Even if Qi Huan didn't understand the etiquette of the immortal world, she should know that the position shouldn't be what she can sit now.

Although I don't know what medicine is sold in Fire Crow Gourd, at this time, publicly rejecting him is obviously not a wise behavior. Qi Huan walked obediently and sat beside Huo Crow, while the eyes of the two people still stayed on her.

"This young lady, is the silver red fen confidant?" The first speaker was a bald head dressed in black, and his bald head was pierced with a strange black compass.

"Brother Lou Yan, don't scare people." The red-haired man sitting next to Lou Yan smiled and opened his mouth. Qi Huan glanced at him again, always feeling that something was wrong.

"I'll take care of her for Yin temporarily." Huo Crow glanced at Qi Huan and found that she had been keeping her head down without any indication.

"I heard that in ten days, Yin will be married to her sister, so gratifying!" Lou Yan grinned, revealing a penetrating smile.

"My lord, I am afraid that I will be very happy." The red-haired man also said with a smile, and his two capable men have formed in-laws, for the first god. It is definitely a good thing.

It turns out that Xiao Yin is about to get married, no wonder he will get what happened today, Huo Crow needs so impatient! Qi Huan still lowered his head and said nothing.

"The Lord God General has already given the order, and that day his elder will be here to preside." After this, Huo Crow's face couldn't help feeling a little more proud. The first God will preside over the wedding personally. What a shame. .

The First God will go to host Xiao Yin's wedding personally, Qi Huan has a smile on his face, but his eyes are cold. Best, Xiaoyin did not participate in the Qingyun faction back then. If he really helped the No. 1 General, then don't blame her for disregarding the friendship of these years.

She really didn't have the strength to fight against the First God General. Qi Huan's strength was not strong back then. The only thing she was good at was that she had cultivated the Six Paths. Now that the six daos he has cultivated have dispersed from his body, Qi Huan cannot melt them back into himself, but as long as the First God places them in the immortal world, he has to be threatened by her.

The Four Divine Beasts are used to guard the immortal world. If something major happens in the immortal world, they are not allowed to leave their territory at will. In the Thunder Tower that day, she sensed the breath of the four gods, but they were after all, and Qi Huan didn't want to use them until the last moment.

Although there were only two guests at the banquet, there were still a lot of programs. Huo Crow's purpose has not been shown so far. Qi Huan has nothing to say with them, and has been staring at the enchanting dancers below who are dancing.

Tonight, there is no moon in the sky, and it is a bit suffocating. Looking at the battlefield where the immortals and demons were fighting in Guanyunjian from a distance, a ghastly killing intent filled the sky. The immortal demons who died there are too many to count.

At night, no one dared to appear alone in this place. The terrifying resentment alone was enough to kill everyone.

However, tonight, a figure appeared on the battlefield. The man, stepping on the corpse that was not completely decomposed under his feet, walked step by step towards the fairy world camp, vaguely telling that it was a woman.

"Erya, Yin is about to get married. He will continue to take care of you. It is somewhat inconvenient. But my place is a battlefield after all. I don't think you will like it. So, I made a decision for him without authorization, I think You shouldn't refuse, right." After drinking and eating~lightnovelpub.net~ Huo Crow finally reached the point.

It wasn't a secret that he took Qi Huan away, but he had never thought that the Dark Fire God would send someone to ask for this woman. Anyway, the agreement between him and Xiao Yin was before they got married, and he didn't take any action against Qi Huan, but just changed hands and gave her to the **** of the dark fire. This kind of favor, why not do it.

Originally, Huo Crow didn't know what to do with Qi Huan, killing her, Xiao Yin wanted to fight him hard, not killing her, Huo Crow always felt Qi Huan was a threat. Since someone is willing to accept this trouble, he certainly agrees. Besides, Xiao Yin and the Dark Fire God will have an enmity in the first place, let them fight, as long as they don't kill anyone, it has nothing to do with him.

Qi Huan raised his head to look at Huo Crow, still did not speak, waiting for the words below him.

"This is the seventh son of the Underworld God General, Mingjie, and the underworld general would like to invite you to the Underworld City as a guest."

"Xiaoxian doesn't know the **** general of Underworld Fire, and it seems that he has never talked about the general underworld." Qi Huan said calmly.

"It's okay. The God of Dark Fire will have an old friendship with Yin, and let him take care of you. I think Yin will be relieved." Huo Crow is talking nonsense with his eyes open. Xiao Yin and Dark Fire have an enemy, in the upper level of the immortal world. It's not a secret, but they are indeed friends.

Huo Crow was not afraid of Qi Huan's rejection at all. What he said was just a gesture. He didn't care if Qi Huan knew Ming Huo had an enemy with Xiao Yin. Anyway, when Qi Huan left here, everything would be with him. Irrelevant.

"Then...Thank you Huoya-sama." To Huoya's expectation, she actually agreed.

"Well, well, you guys, leave tomorrow." Huo Crow coughed twice, feeling a little dizzy in his head.

Looking down at the red pill in his palm, Qi Huan's mouth rose. For some erysipelas, if they want to be toxic, they need primers.

——————Pink will get moldy if you don’t throw it away~