Half-Tried Deity

v1 Chapter 238: Every family has hard to recite sutras

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Eight

Every family has hard to recite sutras

Long Jiu and Qi Huan recounted the old time. $

Iqukeom Long Yin seemed to have gotten the dragon language, and the dragon language cast an angry look at Qi Huan, stomped her feet strongly to show her dissatisfaction, and then turned away.

However, Qi Huan found out when Longyu left, and even she walked around the two black dragons with a look of fear. It seemed that if the two dragons were not superior in status, they were terrifying in strength.

I don't know what the original owner of this house did, but it was really a big deal to use these two dragons to guard the door.

"Nine brothers know this young lady?" After watching Long Yu leave, Long Yin walked over with a smile, and found that the two were talking fairly happily. Liu eyebrows raised slightly and he glanced at Long Jiu.

If he didn't know that he was a man, Qi Huan would definitely think that Long Yin was glaring at Long Jiu. Men who grow up like this will really have an impact on society!

"Wang, she is Miss Qi Huan, one of the four gods in the fairy world I mentioned last time."

"Oh?" After hearing Long Jiu's introduction, Long Yin was slightly surprised, he really didn't see Qi Huan's cultivation level so high. At first glance, he thought that Qi Huan had just ascended into the fairy world, "Shu Longyin was negligent." Long Yin was kind and kind, knowing what to say to someone.

"It's easy to say." Long Jiu is called the Long Yin King, is it possible that this is still the Dragon King of the Dragon Race? Just like Long Yin couldn't see the level of Qi Huan's cultivation. Qi Huan couldn't see through the depth of Long Yin.

Qi Huan had the confidence to kill Long Jiu, but it was really hard to say to Shang Long Yin. After all, Qi Huan was still a little lacking in confidence, and even if she could beat Long Yin, this place was still the territory of the Dragon Clan after all. She didn't want to be a dragon's food, although she felt that even if she gnawed herself, it might not be enough to stuff their teeth.

"If Miss Qi Huan doesn't dislike it, let's talk to another place?" Long Yin glanced at the two black dragons, a trace of unknown emotion flashed in his eyes.

The tempers of these two dragons were not as good as Qi Huan's appearance, even if the dragons came, if they were not the royal family, the two dragons would unceremoniously kill the trespassers on the spot. However, they didn't move Qi Huan's finger, which made Long Yin a little curiosity in his heart, and there was still a little hope.

Since the death of his dragon queen, he has not met a woman who can make him look different for many years. And this Qi Huan, who was mistakenly involved in the dragon clan dispute, made him curious.

How long has he not seen such a reckless woman? Long Yin looked at Qi Huan, who was sitting next to him before swallowing the entire snack on the coffee table, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Isn't he as attractive as a few plates of dim sum?

"Ahem, Miss Qi?" Long Jiu, who was sitting with him, also felt a little embarrassed. Qi Huan hasn't eaten anything in his life. As for this look? It seems that she was abused by others while she was staying in the fairy world.

"Something?" Qi Huan's mouth was bulging, and half of the fruity cake exuding a tempting fruity aroma was not swallowed outside. Although Qi Huan felt uncomfortable for coming to this unfamiliar place, the dim sum chef of the Dragon Clan was really good. Such a delicious dim sum almost made her swallow her tongue.

Qi Huan had already considered secretly when he returned to the fairy world. Whether she wants to abduct the dim sum master by the way, or stun with a stick and forcibly take it back.

"About that dragon spirit..." After all, that is the dragon spirit of the five-clawed golden dragon. In the dragon clan, only a dragon with pure blood can get the inheritance of the five-clawed golden dragon and become the dragon king. Even the current dragon king Longyin has not completed All inheritance. After Xiaoyin obtained the Dragon Essence, it seemed that the evolution direction was also the five-clawed golden dragon, which made the dragons very nervous.

According to the rules handed down by the dragon clan, only the five-clawed golden dragon is qualified to rule the whole clan, regardless of what the five-clawed golden dragon did before.

"I was eaten by Xiao Yin, this has nothing to do with me, you can ask him." Qi Huan pushed everything to Xiao Yin very unscrupulously. In fact, she was just an accomplice.

"Miss Qi Huan, we just want to meet your friend, and hope you can recommend it on your behalf." Long Yin didn't show any unpleasant expression because of Qi Huan's tone. In fact, the whole dragon clan, the most nervous person It's him.

"See him?" Before Qi Huan asked Long Yin what he wanted to see Xiao Yin doing, there was a sound of neat footsteps outside the hall, and then Qi Huan saw a row of guards with expressionless faces in silver armor rushing in. , Stand in a row on both sides of the hall.

Qi Huan turned his head and looked outside the hall door. Waiting for the big shot to come out, sure enough, four people wearing silver robes and one silver hair walked in without waiting for two minutes.

Qi Huan glanced at these four people, an old man, two middle-aged people, and one who looked quite young and looked exactly like Long Yin, except for their hair color and eye color, and even smiled expressions. all the same.

After these four appeared, not only Long Jiu, but also Long Yin stood up, "I have seen the four elders." Long Yin just nodded, and Long Jiu bowed.

"Dragon King, don’t be polite, we just heard that when the Shadow Fiend who stole my Dragon Clan’s treasure was brought back, a woman was accidentally brought back?" The silver-haired old man was talking, with a dark black dragon head in his hand. The crutch does not seem to weigh lightly, and it exudes terrifying mana fluctuations.

Although this old man's cultivation is the pinnacle of a heavenly general, but with the crutch in his hand, maybe he can compete with the **** general.

After watching the four people take their seats, Long Yin sat down with Long Jiu, "This is Miss Qi Huan, from the immortal world." Long Jiu introduced, then turned to Qi Huan, "These four are my dragon clan. Elders."

Like Long Yin who had just met Qi Huan, the four elders didn't think Qi Huan was so powerful, the difference was that. Their attitude is much worse than that of Long Yin.

Qi Huan finally understood why the noses of the people photographed by the Dragon Clan were all growing in the sky. This was definitely an effect. The great elder named Tianze just glanced at Qi Huan, and quickly looked away, as if looking at her a few more times would be contaminated with germs.

As for the other three, I don't even bother to watch them. Well, I don’t look good, so why should I let people look upon myself? Qi Huan pouted.

"How is Dragon King going to deal with her?" Tian Ze's cold voice came.

"Why did the great elder say this? This young lady just strayed into the Dragon Clan, and this is not her fault." Long Yin still had a smile on his face.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Qi Huan could vaguely feel a sense of opposition. It seemed that the relationship between the dragon king and the elder was not harmonious. It is also said that whoever is the overlord of one party would like someone to pull their legs behind. These so-called elders simply seized power with him.

"The words of the Dragon King are disproportionate." The elder's face became gloomy, and he continued in a teaching tone, "Since this woman was brought to the Dragon Clan with the Shadow Demon, she was naturally beside the Shadow Demon at that time. The relationship between the demon is very close, and it is likely to know the whereabouts of that treasure."

"Being around is very close? The elder's logical relationship seems to be a little wrong, right." Qi Huan tilted his head to look at the sparkling tea cup on the coffee table under the reflection of light, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Deal with her? Does she look so easy to handle. Or is this old man staying in the Dragon Clan for a long time, really thinking he is invincible in the world?

"Hmph, it's not your turn to be an outsider to interrupt here, Long Jiu. Take her away and take good care of her." Qi Huan's words made Tian Ze angry even more, and no one in the Dragon Clan dared to question his absoluteness.

During these thousand years, the entire dragon clan was under his control. After Long Yin gradually grew up, he only gave him a little power. It's just that he didn't expect that Long Yin's methods were really good, and his position in the dragon clan for a hundred years was equal to him. If it weren't for the sudden death of the dragon queen, I am afraid that Long Yin has now controlled the entire dragon clan.

"Elder, this lady is my guest now. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Long Yin narrowed his eyes, his tone still gentle. Only a glimmer of cold light flashed in his eyes. To be the current ruler of the Dragon Clan, he didn't rely on that face, his methods must be as high-end as his current status.

On the surface, the dragon clan is still a group of harmony, but everyone knows the facts. Qi Huan is just a poor fuse. If she is just an ordinary fairy, then she is probably going to stay in the dragon clan.

"I don't know how this lady became the guest of the Dragon King?" Tian Ze hummed.

"This is my business, doesn't the great elder feel that he has exceeded his power? Or does the great elder want to exercise power for me?"

Long Jiu seemed to be used to this situation, he just sat quietly and didn't interrupt. Qi Huan listened with gusto, she hadn't experienced such a thing yet. Mouth fighting is very fun, but Qi Huan hopes that the two of them will fight with real swords and guns. It must be very exciting.

"What the Dragon King is accusing the old man? The old man is just thinking about the safety of the Dragon King, and that thing was lost from the Dragon King's hands." The dragon head crutch in Tian Ze's hand fell heavily, and the whole hall seemed to sway along. stand up.

"The great elder seems to be really old. Did you forget that the person guarding the treasure pavilion, but the grandson of the great elder, this crime is not light." Long Yin lightly kicked the ball back to the great elder with that attitude. The tone was enough to make the old man smoke.

I can't tell, this beautiful Dragon King is quite eloquent. If that person judges people by appearance, then he will be miserable in the hands of the Dragon King. Qi Huan was somewhat fortunate, but fortunately, her relationship with the Dragon King was still harmonious for the time being.

The great elder knew that he was wrong, so he changed the topic and stopped discussing this matter. "What do you want to say about the dragon spirit thing, put this aside in advance, you sent Long Jiu to take back the dragon spirit, why not Bring things back?"