Half-Tried Deity

v1 Chapter 244: Robbery?

Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Four


After the son was rescued from his father, the ink smeared on his mother. +

W. . +Although Qi Huan has a good temper, He Moye doesn't allow anyone to approach him with any excuse.

Therefore, the ink kid was carried out of the yard again.

Tsk tsk, look at the pit that my three-year-old son smashed at the gate of the yard, it must be painful. Qi Huan thought so heartlessly.

The ink smeared into the soil in the posture of head planted onion was spent so much effort that the little head was pulled out, and he knew that his father avenged his personal revenge. Didn’t he overslept holding his mother last night? Besides, didn’t he catch his mother back in the middle of the night? Careful man.

I was aggrieved for a long time without seeing anyone coming to comfort me. At last, I curled my mouth and got up, rubbing my index finger and thumb by the way, and the dirt on my body disappeared immediately.

Now the whole family, except Mo Ye, everyone is jealous of the Moji children. Have you ever seen an immortal who has reached the seventh heaven after being born for more than three years? He is.

Moreover, the cultivation of ink marks does not require anyone's guidance, as if it is natural. As a result, Qi Huan would unconsciously gnash his teeth at his son every time he thinks of his hard work.

Looking back at the yard, Dad was holding his mother up and down, ignoring the child's fragile psychology. After thinking about it for a long time, Moji felt that it would be better not to bother. After all, his father had a bad temper when he faced the unexpected person of his mother.

After blowing a whistle, Xiao Nielong came out from under his feet, and a baby and a black dragon flew in the opposite direction of Wuyahai.

This is not the first time that Ink has left, Qi Huan didn't care much. Since a year ago, her precious son had been restless, and after Xiao Nielong hatched, the two restlessly got together and it was a day of trouble at home.

Originally Qi Huan was a little worried about his son going out to play by himself. After all, he is only three years old. Even if he is precocious and smart, he will inevitably encounter some troubles. The fairy world is not as peaceful as imagined, even if there is nothing on a little doll. Baby, maybe someone is staring at him because of something, and it's not impossible to kill someone if you don't like it in the fairy world.

But Mo Ye didn't care much. After he was sensible, he was thrown outside by his parents, and he has grown up like this. Moreover, cultivating immortals is a matter of defying the sky. If you just hang up, there will be no promise in the future.

However, unable to withstand Qi Huan's soft and hard foaming, Mo Ye still gave his son a lot of self-defense equipment, and finally took pains to draw a blood talisman on him, which was used to save his life at the critical moment.

However, when the blood talisman can be used, it is estimated that it will be provoked by the generals or the gods. The Moji cultivation base itself has reached the seventh heaven. After Xiao Nielong was born, he was even more against the heavens. According to Mo Ye's estimation, it should be around the eighth heaven. Together, they would generally only abuse people.

Only this time, Ink's time away from home seems to be a bit longer. After three days, Qi Huan couldn't sit still anymore. In the past, as long as he went out to play for more than two days, he would definitely greet her. Now that he hasn't come back for so long, something must have happened.

"Mo Ye!" After walking more than ten laps on the ground, Qi Huan glared at Mo Ye, who was sitting on the recliner at ease, and Mo Ye, who was fascinated by a silk book, felt mad.

"Huh?" The lady instructed, Mo Ye obediently threw the book aside and looked up at Qi Huan. She gave birth to one child. Her temperament has not changed much so far. When she is angry, her cheeks are still red, so cute. Mo Ye propped his chin with one hand and looked at the angry lady in fascination.

"If your son is lost, are you not in a hurry?" Looking at Mo Ye's fascinating eyes, Qi Huan couldn't help rolling his eyes, and by the way kept a safe distance from Mo Ye. If he was caught, her training would definitely end there, and then things would develop toward the bed as Mo Ye expected.

"He's okay." The blood talisman hasn't been opened yet, which means that the person is not doing well. Since it is okay, he has to worry about what to do.

"...But he is missing!!"

"Didn't you die?" Even if he died, he could save people back, so Mo Ye didn't understand the mood of his dear lady at this time. Moreover, he grew up like this when he was a child. At that time, his living environment was much worse than that of his son, and he lived for so many years.

"Are you his father!" Qi Huan was finally mad and couldn't help screaming.

Mo Ye changed a comfortable posture and looked at Qi Huan jokingly, "Isn't the lady in charge of this matter?"

"... I'll choke you to death first." Qi Huan, who was stimulated, rushed towards Mo Ye viciously, and his delicate and white fingers climbed onto Mo Ye's neck.

"Hahahaha, don't be angry, if you lose your son, you will lose it, or we will have another one?" He held Qi Huan into his arms, and Mo Ye put forward his own opinions with a smile.

"You give birth by yourself." After pinching for a long time, he didn't see him short of breath and made his hands sore. Qi Huan finally gave up the arduous task of murdering her husband. It's not that Qi Huan has never thought about having another one, but the process of having a baby is really scary, and it depends on the character of the child. If this breed comes again, will their family have a peaceful life in the future!

"Well, it's too difficult..." Mo Ye chuckled lightly, and threw the belt around her waist while Qi Huan was not paying attention. Kneading her soft hips dishonestly.

"Hmph, you can't wait to choke him to death and bury him with this one. If you have another one, your second uncle will be exhausted." Thanks to Lei Gong in the past few years, Qi Huan didn't know that Lei Gong had such a good personality. His precious son gets along in harmony.

In fact, this kid is simply a restless master, and he can cause a lot of trouble if he can't see it. But he really listened to Lei Gong. In fact, what he heard most was Mo Ye's words, although the two of them couldn't get along well.

"How come, even for the sake of a lady, I have to let him live to harm the people." After being stripped off, Qi Huan was still unaware, still lying on Mo Ye playing with his hair. I just feel that the temperature of the man under x seems to have risen a lot.

"I don't know where the little fox went, it's been more than three years..." Qi Huan sighed with the hot temperature of his palms, his body softened a bit, so comfortable, Mo Ye's massage technique became more proficient Up. As everyone knows, she is now at the wolf's mouth and will soon be completely swallowed.

"With Xiao Yin and Thor, what are you worried about."

"You really can see it." Qi Huan raised his head and took a bite on Mo Ye's straight nose with dissatisfaction, leaving two tooth marks, which seemed a little mismatched with his nose.

"Hmm..." Turning over and pressing Qi Huan under x, Mo Ye buried her head on her neck, took a deep breath, and a faint fragrance passed into her nose, causing a commotion in her lower abdomen almost immediately. For him, it is best that all irrelevant people disappear, only he and Qi Huan are left, and then he can do whatever he wants every day.

"Hey, get me up." Qi Huan, who finally realized that his clothes were gone, used both hands and feet, intending to kick the man who turned into a hungry wolf off his body, but the more he struggled, the more he would take advantage. Finding a dangerous object on the inner thigh, Qi Huan felt weak.

"Don't think, you haven't let me touch it for a few days." Mo Ye complained, biting her sensitive neck, feeling her trembling and laughing in a low voice, that deep and **** smile The sound made Qi Huan stretch out to push away his arms and softened.

This man always knows how to use her. And she hasn't grown up for so many years, which is really embarrassing.


"Um...I admit it, it's so fragrant." The resistance was suppressed, and finally gave up altogether. She had never won anyway, and her slender thigh was hooked on the man's waist and let him raging.

Mo Ye, who was suddenly immersed in it, half propped up from Qi Huan, his face gloomy. Someone broke in here, and... also brought back his missing son.

"What's the matter?" Qi Huan's eyes were still in a hazy state~lightnovelpub.net~ found Mo Ye had stopped, she was a little unsure.

"A guest is coming." Turning over and putting Qi Huan on his lap, he raised his hands and returned the clothes that had just been thrown out to Mo Ye again. He slowly dressed Qi Huan and then began to organize his own. Clothes.

When the two walked out of the attic, there was already a mess outside. "Heaven, there are three dragons? When did the dragon race hook up with the fairy?" Standing at the door, Qi Huan raised his eyebrows.

"Three years ago." Mo Ye embraced Qi Huan and walked towards a few people. His son was fairly honest, he was tied tightly with a rope, and he could not tolerate him being dishonest. It was the little evil dragon, and the attitudes of those dragon races towards it were a little weird. They should be respectful and afraid.

"What are you doing here?"

"Madam, we are just sending the noble son back." The headed person is obviously the dragon clan, but he is slightly different from the dragon clan Qi Huan has ever seen. In Qi Huan’s acquaintance, the dragon clan seemed to be shining brightly all over, but this one looked much colder, not wearing a dress, but giving a human feeling.

Qi Huan said calmly, "Thank you a few, then put the kid down."

"Madam, one more thing."

"Please speak."

"Master Ling destroyed one of our top fairy artifacts."

"..." Qi Huan glanced at her son and looked at the man with a smile. She has been robbing others for so many years. It was a novel experience to be robbed for the first time.

The person seemed to see Qi Huan’s unbelief, and simply took out the ruined fairy artifact, "Madam, look, this fairy artifact was bestowed by my father, once he was known by my father..." He even used a threatening tone. .

Qi Huan smiled and took the ruined fairy tool over. It was obvious that it was indeed a good thing. If it is complete, it might be comparable to a low-grade artifact, but does she look good to cheat?