Half-Tried Deity

v1 Chapter 245: Qualification is important

Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Five

Qualification is important

"It's indeed a top-level fairy weapon, but as far as I know, even the generals can't break this thing, right? I don't know what peerless magical skill my three-year-old son used to break it?" Qi Huan seemed like Asked with a smile. $


"It was this black dragon who broke it with a horn. This dragon has listened to your son's instructions." The leader said coldly.

Qi Huan picked up the fairy tool and looked up and down carefully. It was a golden bell with a big palm, and there was indeed a hole in it, but it was obviously an exaggeration to say that it was a small dragon hitting it out.

Qi Huan tried it with her hands. Even if she couldn't break this thing, Xiao Nielong's horns wouldn't be able to break the clock no matter how powerful it was.

"Then what do you want?" The question is not who broke this thing, Qi Huan wants to know what they are going to do.

"We can let your son go, but this dragon made a mistake, and I must let me take it back to beg my father." Finally, Qi Huan raised the corner of his mouth and threw the golden clock aside silently. The ink night.

"Why should I promise you? My son is only three years old. You can't handle it. If you are not as skilled as people, you dare to come to the door. I'm really curious how you were born so shameless. When you were born, there were no days of thunder. Split?" After spinning around the person, Qi Huan slowly began to sarcastically.

The faces of those people who were scolded by her turned red and white, and they had never met a person like Qi Huan, and had a satirical meal before they had a fight. So, women really can't offend casually.

"You woman really doesn't know good or bad, hum, let's go."

"Master Jiao Kui, the patriarch said that he can't..." Seeing that the leader was leaving, someone hurriedly stopped behind him. But it didn't help much, and the man Jiao Kui gave him a vicious look.

"You can go, keep my pet dragon." These people did a good job of abacus and threw the ink over, but wanted to catch Xiao Nielong away.

"I'm telling you, this dragon is a member of my clan, you are not qualified to keep it!" Qi Huan was humiliated, how could the arrogant Jiao Kui be able to bear it, and he had already come here. I forgot all about the task.

"Clan member? Don't say that I look down on you. Even your virtue will not become an evil dragon in your next life." This man is just a black dragon. He shouldn't think that the black dragon belongs to the same clan as the color of the evil dragon.

"You..." Jiao Kui obviously didn't expect Qi Huan to know the race of Xiao Nielong, even if it was in the Dragon Clan, few people knew about Nielong.

"Msang-gong, return the fairy tools to them, don't say we bully people." After Qi Huan finished speaking, Mo Ye obediently stretched out his hand, and the person actually reached out to receive it.

Only in the end he actually took over Jin Shui. The top immortal weapon turned into golden water so inexplicably, these people didn't talk about returning them to their tribesmen, their eyes looking at Mo Ye were full of horror.

Jiao Kui originally listened to his father’s order to find Nielong. In fact, he could take Nielong away like this, but he found that Nielong had a soul contract with a child. Originally, he wanted to follow the evil with ink. The dragon walked together, but Nielong said that he had to send the child home before he was willing to leave with them.

Jiao Kui also wanted to make Nielong willing. After all, if the Nielong was really offended, even if he was brought back to the clan, he would not have a good life.

But who could have imagined that this child's father's cultivation base was so terrifying to such an extent. The top immortal artifacts were refined by hand, and they didn't even feel anything.

"Do you want to put down the dragon that my family has so easily raised, or are you going to stay together?" Qi Huan gave them a multiple choice question without shocking them for long. But if she said to stay, I'm afraid it would be a fatal loss.

"Dare you, my father is the Black Dragon King."

"My mother is still a god!" The ink boy was riding on his old man's neck with a look of excitement. Qi Huan glared at her son with an angry look. Such an old child knew that he would use his mother's name to press others, so he had to educate him another day.

In fact, Qi Huan was worried. If this foolish son reported his name when he met a master, he might die easily without leaving any scum. Count with your fingers, there are definitely not a few people she offends within these six ways.

The man in front of him had the same methods as his own son. Qi Huan couldn't bear to continue bullying the junior, so he simply waved his hand, "Since your father is so powerful, then I will wait for him to lead you back." After finishing, Qi Huan made a five-finger tune. Dozens of silver thunder pillars descended from the air, and a natural cell was built. These people were trapped at the door without a chance to escape.

"Mother, Long Long."

He grabbed Xiao Nielong easily and watched his son climb up the dragon body from his father, Qi Huan took Mo Ye back to the yard.

She is not at all worried that the Black Dragon King will not appear. The so-called bad things are spreading for thousands of miles. Although no one dares to approach her, countless eyes from the fairy world are watching here, not just the fairy world. After all, Mo Ye is here. Staring at Mo Ye's movements nervously.

And now someone is looking for it, I’m afraid it won’t take long before the dragons will know that the evil dragon is with her. At that time, it was not only the Black Dragon King, but also the Dragon Yin... if you knew that the evil dragon egg was in her hands. , I am afraid it will be very hurt.

Both sides are troublesome, just solve it all at once.

"Mother, they are going to take Longlong and kill them all." The son gave an opinion later, making Qi Huan staggered and almost didn't get on the ground.

Her son is only three years old, now he knows to kill people? It won't be so exaggerated. "Did you teach it?" He stared at his father-in-law fiercely.

Mo Ye is very innocent. Didn't the lady always worry about the safety of her son? He just taught her son a little bit of survival rules, not many, just killing and being killed. In this regard, the kid learned very quickly.

I squeezed my son's white and tender face hard, and the mother didn't smile. "Little Momo, if you dare to run around, I'll kill you first."

After seeing the mother away, Mo Ji talked to Xiao Nielong very quietly, "The old man is wrong, and the mother is much scarier than Yasha."

Xiao Nielong nodded, it felt so too. So the little master dared to bully his father, but didn't dare to make his mother angry. Now it decided that the little master’s father was the person he admired the most. It was so great, how courage it was to marry the mistress home!

When the Black Dragon King arrived, he found that his son, his subordinates, and several friends from the fairy world he had specially invited were trapped in front of a beautiful and exquisite little courtyard.

After standing in front of the yard for half an hour, no one greeted him, but his "old friend" also rushed over.

One body is black, and the other is golden light. Standing together, these two people match. The cold light flickered in the black eyes of the Black Dragon King Jiaoye, and his face was gloomy as he watched the recognized Dragon King Long Yin approaching him.

The so-called enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, even Long Yin, who has always been extraordinary in accomplishment, looks cold. "What are you doing here?" Kakuno said unceremoniously.

"Nielong was born, this is a major event for the dragon clan, I came here naturally for the dragon clan." Long Yin said unceremoniously.

"In the beginning, the Nielong Egg was brought by my Black Dragon. Of course, the birth of the Nielong is also our Black Dragon." No matter who the person in front of him is, the relationship between the Black Dragon and them has long since disappeared. other.

"After Yan'er married me, Nielong no longer belongs to the Black Dragon clan."

"After Yan'er died, everything is over." Both of them mentioned Yan'er, and they couldn't control their emotions. A trace of pain flashed in Long Yin's eyes, and Jiao Ye was even more angry. Long Yan, the sister he hurts in the palm of his hand, had been married from the Black Dragon clan, and finally died so inexplicably. He didn't even allow him to see the corpse Long Yin, and after this time, the Black Dragon Clan completely broke with the Dragon Clan.

"Two people, please go to other places because of a quarrel. My son is still taking a nap." The courtyard gate opened~lightnovelpub.net~ Qi Huan walked out from the inside, his eyes swept over the two of them, and his tone was extremely rude.

"It's you who caught my son?" Kadono said unceremoniously when he saw Qi Huan.

"My son is only three years old and he won't let it go. I didn't kill him. It's already a virtue." Since all the ones should come, Qi Huan was not polite to them. However, the two dragon bosses seem to be at odds. If it wasn't something wrong, the two of them might have a life and death duel.

"What do you mean?"

"Father, this woman deceived us by not paying attention and even made a plot." In order to save herself some face, Jiao Kui first spoke out, causing Qi Huan to sneer. Those who deal with this virtue need to be calculated, and they really value themselves.

Looking at Long Yin on the other hand, they are more pleasing to the eye, even if they knew that the Nielong Egg was taken away by Qi Huan, Long Yin did not say anything bad. He knew clearly in his heart that if Qi Huan was really annoying, he might not be able to reap the benefits even if he put all his efforts into the family.

"Shut up!" Zhizi Moruofu, Kakuno also knows the virtues of his son, but of course he can't question his son in front of outsiders. He still maintains a strong attitude, "Then what harm can the son of Ling suffer?"

"If he is injured, you are the one who is dead now."

"Since he is not injured, please let go of my son." Qi Huan's attitude is really a bit arrogant. This Black Dragon King is not a soft persimmon. It is absolutely impossible to make him subdue to a few words.

"Please." Qi Huan was able to speak, and immediately removed the cage, closing the door with his backhand.

"Hold on..." Seeing Qi Huan let go and people were about to leave, Kakuno hurriedly reached out and opened the door, "There's one more thing."

"Do you think you have the right to negotiate terms with me? Get away!" Qi Huan snorted coldly, and a big hand of one hundred feet slapped towards Kadono.