Half-Tried Deity

v1 Chapter 246: Regret

Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Six


Kakuno is also the Black Dragon King, so his strength should not be underestimated. Originally, he would not have been repelled by Qi Huan, but he had never thought that Qi Huan's strength was not commensurate with her petite figure. $


The face of Jiao Ye, who had been beaten back a hundred meters away, couldn't hold back. The black dragon elders who came with him were naturally dull and wanted to join hands against Qi Huan.

Qi Huan admired their actions, and they were all shameless.

The four elders of the Black Dragon tribe are not good bullies, and their strength is one level higher than that of Kakuno. The four people joined forces, and Qi Huan couldn't resist no matter how hard it was. Moreover, her physical body was not too strong, although it can be recovered if broken, but it is really painful.

Just as Qi Huan wanted to get the Thunder Tower to resist, an extra hand suddenly appeared behind her, and she hit four palms in the blink of an eye. The four black dragon elders took three or four steps back with crimson complexion before stopping.

Looking at the palms they just pushed out, a strange blood-red line appeared on the palms.

"Forget it all," Qi Huan hummed, who had almost suffered a lot.

The man behind just chuckled, and put out his hands to put Qi Huan in his arms, "A few please come in."

"I didn't say to let them in." Qi Huan poked Mo Ye's waist, his tone fully expressing his dissatisfaction.

"Observe, huh?" In front of everyone, a kiss was printed on Qi Huan's red lips, which calmed her dissatisfaction a little bit.

With Qi Huan's character, she would do it without speculation. In the past, the strength was not enough, and Qi Huan would find it back secretly if he suffered a loss. Now she can be regarded as standing at the highest point of the Six Paths. It would be strange if she didn't go back on the spot if she suffered a loss.

It's just that this matter is after all about the Dragon Race and the Black Dragon Race, although Mo Ye is not afraid of them, but this is the fairy world after all. Moreover, the land of Feng Chan appeared recently, but the first **** general did not move, Mo Ye had to retain his strength, and now fighting with them would undoubtedly allow the first **** general to take advantage of it.

Long Yin and Jiao Ye led people into the yard separately, Mo Ye waved his hand, and the water pavilion that was originally standing in the garden not far away turned into a series of water dragons and flew over, and fell in front of a few people into several chairs.

"Please sit down."

Several people looked at the chairs condensed from water in front of them, then looked at Mo Ye, and sat down obediently. With just this hand, you can see the strength gap between them. It is easy to condense water, but you must always send spiritual energy. With such a large yard, even the houses are made of water. It is difficult. One can imagine. Anyway, Long Yin knew that he couldn't do it.

"A few are here for Nielong." Mo Ye sat on the chair, looking at the people on the opposite side calmly, Qi Huan put his hands on his shoulders and stood behind him.

"Exactly, I also invite Master Guixian to be accommodating. Nielong means a lot to my dragon clan." Long Yin's tone was neither overbearing nor overbearing. Kakuno opened his mouth and did not refute Long Yin's words.

He had heard of the ability of ghosts and immortals, but he didn't expect that the ghosts and immortals who should be in the underworld would live in the immortal world, and are they married? He didn't want to offend Mo Ye. Although there was some misunderstanding between them just now, he wouldn't care about it either. As long as he doesn't say something wrong, he shouldn't target himself.

Mo Ye nodded, frowning slightly. Seeing Mo Ye's expression, the patriarchs of the two dragon tribes all felt a stunned heart. If Mo Ye really disagrees, who would dare to grab it!

"After Nielong was born, he made a soul contract with my son, and he has to deal with this matter by himself." Mo Ye didn't care about the contract at all, although normally speaking, based on the age of the ink kid, It is impossible for him to complete this contract.

What is the soul contract? These people know very well in their hearts, and they die together. It is not impossible to dissolve it, but the cost is too great, and they are very willing to kill one of the two who made the contract.

If it were someone else, Long Yin and Kakuno would definitely not think about it, no matter how much the cost would be, the contract would be cancelled, but now it is different. The person who made the contract with Nie Long is Mo Ye's son.

Guixian's son, even if he was an idiot, they would not dare to do anything casually. Of course, if Mo Ye was not here, things would be hard to tell.

"Naturally, I also ask Master Guixian to send Master Ling, and we will explain it personally." Kadono said quickly, the first sentence was preempted by Long Yin, and the second sentence was his turn.

"Xiao Huan, wake up that kid." Mo Ye tilted his head slightly and looked at Qi Huan.

Qi Huan glanced at the people across from him, saw the joy in their eyes, and couldn't help but curl his lips. They don't really think that their son is easier to deal with, that stinky boy is basically a combination of angels and demons. He can completely put people to death with a smile, much harder than her mother. Such an old kid had actually learned his father's face-changing skills ten times ten. Recalling the time when he first met Mo Ye, Qi Huan couldn't help but shiver.

She now feels that she is the mind of the Buddha at all. See how gentle Mo Ye's temper has been after getting married. This can be regarded as saving many lives, accumulating virtue~

The nap was forcibly interrupted, and the ink kid was unhappy, but seeing that it was his mother, he could only blink a few eyes and crawl into her arms obediently, "Mother, I haven't got enough sleep yet."

Seventh Heaven’s cultivation base didn’t need to sleep at all, but Qi Huan had to let her son follow the normal child’s growth process. If it hadn’t been for the immortal world to have no school, she would still let her son go to a kindergarten.

"Hey, there are a few people who want to see you. You can sleep after seeing them."

"Oh..." The ink kid nodded obediently.

When Qi Huan took out his white and fat son with a red bellyband, all the people present were stupid except Mo Ye. None of them expected that Mo Ye's son was so small, he didn't seem to be sensible yet, right?

Putting his son into Mo Ye’s arms, the ink boy twisted on his old man’s seat, sat down in a comfortable position, and then smiled at the dull uncles on the spot, "May I ask some grandpas to find What do I do?"

Grandpa... has lived for so many years and hasn't heard of such a name. Both Long Yin and Jiao Ye felt that the blue veins on their foreheads were jumping, and they were both young. Thousand-year-old son, in the Dragon Clan, they are all teenagers. This kid actually called them grandpa...

The Moji kids knew that they had severely hit the two dragon kings with a single sentence. Well, who makes them disturb their sleep, deserves it!

"Ahem, it's about the evil dragon..." Long Yin explained to the ink the origin of the evil dragon, what it means to the dragon family, and the impact that it will have for a long time with the evil dragon.

It's just that the frothy mouthfuls that he said, the ink kids have no response. After he stopped, he realized that he actually told people to fall asleep.

His grandmother's, he has never been so aggrieved in his life. Long Yin stared at the golden eyes and his handsome face was stiff. If the ink is not in his father's arms at this time, if his father is not a ghost, if it is not for the sake of a three-year-old child, he must be destroyed. he! ! !

After a while, Mo Ye narrowed his eyes, raised his hand and pinched his son's fat cheek, and immediately pinched the person, "dead old man, you actually pinched me!" The ink boy went crazy.

"Slobber." Mo Ye looked disgusted, and smoothly wiped the saliva dripping on his hand back to his son's face.

Long Yin and Jiao Ye were completely speechless. The two of them had been here for a long time, and they hadn't said anything yet, just because the two of them were fighting each other. You said Mo Ye was too, how old his son was, he actually treated his son so much. Of course, if they realized the nature of the ink kids, they wouldn't think so.

Although Ink was sleeping just now, but Long Yin's words he heard clearly. Although the ink man is small, his brain is not stupid. Since his old man asked him to come out, he naturally had his own plan. Nielong and his soul are dependent on each other, it is impossible to separate, but he can sell to the two families to save face, similarly, he can also cut the two dragon patriarchs fiercely because of his identity and age~lightnovelpub.net~ One knife.

This old man is so vicious. He wanted to take advantage of him, so he let his son come out and take the blame. After comprehending the old man's thoughts, the pink and tender mouth of the ink-scribing kid finally opened, "Two grandpas, Long Long has been with me since birth. If he suddenly leaves me, he will definitely be angry. And without him, I won’t be able to eat well and cannot sleep. Insomnia is terrible. My mother said that there will be two black circles on my eyes, and then there will be no beautiful sister willing to marry me."

The ink kid's tone was very serious, Qi Huan tilted his head and looked far away.

There was silence in the yard, and they learned.

"But..." The ink kid who was most satisfied with the self-made effect said again, "After all, Longlong is also a member of your dragon clan. It should be a time for him to go back to his hometown to help you."

These words were smooth, and the attitude of several people slowly recovered.

"But..." Turning again, the hearts of several people turned a hundred and eighty.

Now, the two dragon clan patriarchs just wanted to kneel on the ground and ask for ink marks, so that he could finish his words quickly. Ink rubbing, this name is really appropriate, how can such a big child be so rubbish!

"However, Longlong generally doesn't like going to unfamiliar places, unless someone gives him so many treasures."

"No problem!" The two patriarchs readily agreed, isn't it a baby? There are not many other dragons, but many treasures, as long as the Nielong Huilong clan live for a period of time, let them give anything.

"Then it's settled, let's have a few dragon spirits first." The ink kid said quickly, for fear that the two would regret it.

"..." Regret not at the beginning.

After leaving the courtyard of Mo Ye's house, the two patriarchs were already powerless to fight again. They finally knew what an outsider was. The most terrifying thing in this family was not the ghost, but the master Moji.