Half-Tried Deity

v1 Chapter 53: Bone armor

I am so sorry. . It rained heavily at home yesterday. . . I bought my network card back today. . .


Seeing Mo Ye walking forward, the snake seemed to be ready to follow, but this small tomb didn't seem to be enough for it to display, so under Qi Huan's gaze, the snake seemed to be a suddenly deflated balloon, unexpectedly shrunk into A small silver snake with the thickness of a thumb.

   Teng Snake didn't seem to like to stay with the little fox very much, so it ran directly on Qi Huan's shoulder and started to coil. Qi Huan, who was a bit resistant to these crooked creatures, was completely frightened this time.

She wants to reason with this snake. The key is that people have to listen to it. Such a big one, once it gets angry, it is not a problem of eating it with one mouth. After thinking about it, Qi Huan decided It is better not to mess with it.

"Is there no restriction here?" After walking for a long time, Qi Huan didn't encounter any danger. This seems to be very different from the scene she imagined. It is not that the average ancient monk would make his tomb after death. It's like the organ city, at least there should be some kind of ban that can kill people with one touch.

   "How many restrictions do you really want to encounter?" Mo Ye said, raising his hand to break the invisible restriction in front. It is not that there are no prohibitions here. In fact, there are many prohibitions in the tombs of ancient monks, and many of the prohibitions are the painstaking effort of their life research. No one can solve them except for them who are already lying in the coffin.

   This is why they built the tomb in such an obvious place, but almost no one dared to break in. It's not too long to live, although there are definitely a lot of treasures in it, but no one can take the things in the tomb and go out safely.

   "I just want to see and see." Of course it's better not to take risks, but she is really curious about the power of the ancient prohibitions that the master respects.

Mo Ye did not speak, but took out a spiritual stone from the storage ring and threw it forward. The spiritual stone flew not far away, and it seemed that there was some obstacle in the air, and waves of water swayed around the spiritual stone. , And then an intact spiritual stone disappeared in front of Qi Huan's eyes.

   "Why is it gone?" Qi Huan was surprised, she didn't even see how the spirit stone disappeared.

   "It has become gas." Mo Ye said lightly, but Qi Huan was sweating profusely and vaporized? It will not be so exaggerated! "Do you still need to continue to see?" Mo Ye raised his eyebrows and asked deliberately.

   "No need, you keep walking." Qi Huan slowed down while saying, what a joke, of course she has to walk behind in such a dangerous place. God knows how many such terrifying restrictions are in front. At the same time, Qi Huan was also very curious about how Mo Ye broke the restriction. She hadn't seen Mo Ye done anything.

   The two of them walked through the narrow tomb passage. The walls of the tomb passage were covered with colorful paintings. I don't know how many years they existed, but they still haven't faded. Qi Huan curiously looked at the patterns painted on them.

   The protagonist above is an invisible man. The man wears a blood-red very mysterious mask on his face. Qi Huan is very familiar with the mask. She saw another man wear it not long ago. The pictures above are almost all battles between men and other people, both cruel and bloody, but every time the winner is the man with the mask, the last one is the scene where he breaks through the sky and soars.

The scene of the robbery that day was very grand. Just looking at this painting, Qi Huan could feel how terrifying the sky thunder would be when it came down. It was ninety-nine and eighty-one ways. This person is a magic repair, so his How much blood was stained on his hands to make such a terrifying thunder descend from the sky.

   "What are you looking at?" Mo Ye didn't know when he came behind Qi Huan, and saw her staring at the man in scarlet armor with a mask on the mural, holding a golden bladeless sword in his hand.

   "It's like an acquaintance..." It's really alike, whether it's the mask on his face or the sword in his hand, if he wears that armor, he will be a person. But how is this possible? The owner of this tomb should have been ascended for many years, and it is absolutely impossible to be the same man as the masked man. Although I don't know what he built this tomb for, probably the ancient monks are like the ancient emperors, and they all like to fix the tomb before they live.

   "Let's go, it's coming soon." Mo Ye behind Qi Huan flashed a strange light in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose.

   "Oh." Looking at the man on the mural again, Qi Huan still felt that something was wrong. But Mo Ye kept urging, Qi Huan had to keep up with his footsteps and move on. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

   walked further less than a hundred meters, Qi Huan followed Mo Ye through a blue water curtain, and in a blink of an eye she came to a small cave. There are icy blue transparent crystals everywhere in it. Those crystals have neither spiritual power fluctuations nor coldness. They don't seem to be spiritual stones or ice, and Qi Huan can't recognize what it is.

   But it was not the crystals that attracted her attention, but the huge and complete crystal in the center of the cave. There was a skeleton in the blue transparent crystal, blood-red skeleton. The red is too coquettish, and faintly black, as if the color left after the blood dries up.

"this is……"

   "Bone armor." Mo Ye looked at the skeleton, with a look of nostalgia in his eyes. Bone armor only appeared in the era when the ancient monks existed, and the refining steps have long been lost. However, it is said that the strength of the bone armor is determined by the strength of the original owner of the bone.

   "That's why you are here?" The bone armor, although Qi Huan had never heard of it, it looked weird when it looked at it, and it didn't look like a righteous person would use it. This color is very similar to the blood-red armor that the man wore on the mural just now. It shouldn't be the same thing. Thinking of the feeling of putting a human skeleton on his body, Qi Huan couldn't help shaking.

   "Yeah." Mo Ye was still standing there. Although he saw what he wanted for this trip, he didn't get it right away.

   "Why don't you get it?"

   "It's not the time yet." Mo Ye looked up at the top of the cave. The cave was not completely enclosed. Although the cave was covered by blue crystals, there was still light coming in. Mo Ye guessed in her heart that if he told Qi Huan, this was where the refining of demons and killings took place, and she didn't know what expression she would have.