Half-Tried Deity

v1 Chapter 65: There are wolves before and tigers behin

     walked in the dark for more than half an hour, Qi Huan suddenly felt a bright light in front of him, but it didn't look like an exit. Following the light, stumbling and groping over, Qi Huan came to a very ordinary stone door. The soft white light came from the stone door. Qi Huan stretched out his hand and gently pushed the stone door and disappeared without a trace.

   Qi Huan only felt that the scenery in front of her had changed, and the darkness just now disappeared. Looking around, there were glaciers and white snow everywhere, and the cold wind whizzed past her face like a knife. After a while, her hands and feet were also frozen a little stiff.

Qi Huan tightened her clothes tightly, and for the first time felt how sad it was that she couldn't learn the five elements spells. She was totally unable to keep out the cold here. Maybe someone else was killed by the mechanism here, maybe by the monsters here. , And she was definitely frozen to death.

   Qi Huan rubbed his face with his hands and turned his head to observe the situation here. No one looked around. The snow on the ground had reached her knees. Looking back, only the row of crooked snow caves she had walked through.

   Qi Huan heard Xu Kongzi talk about a teleportation circle, but it was quite similar to the portal when playing games before. Maybe she just met something like teleportation circle. I don't know where she is now. Now Qi Huan didn't want to find any fairy artifacts anymore. She even wanted to know if she could cross this ice sheet alive.

Even Xu Kongzi thinks he is a despicable person. Qi Huan feels that Juejian must be a very terrifying lord. With his character, it is absolutely impossible to send Qi Huan to a very cold map. I am afraid, what else is there. Unknown danger stared at her.

   This thought only circulated in her mind for less than a minute, and the danger came as expected. Three silver giant wolves more than two meters high came out from behind the snowdrift and approached her step by step. Seeing their blood-red eyes and unstoppable saliva, Qi Huan could imagine how scarce the food was.

"Do you think we can have a friendly communication with them." Seeing the little fox poking out half of his head from his clothes, Qi Huan lowered her head and asked. She always adheres to the principle of peaceful coexistence. Don't use violence as a last resort. problem.

   The little fox pulled Qi Huan's clothes twice and looked at the three wolves, leaving a few drops of saliva in his mouth.

Just as Qi Huan watched the little fox's silly time, he rushed out with a snake's teeth. Qi Huan hadn't seen her movements clearly yet, and the three snow wolves that were still majestic and majestic were already neatly arranged. Before Huan.

   The two-meter-long Teng Snake was half-coiled in the snow, stretched its one-meter-long neck and stared at Qi Huan. If it doesn't help, it will eat you.

   Qi Huan stared at it for a long time before he took out a radish from his storage bag reluctantly. As a result, Teng Snake dragged away two of the dead wolves after eating the radish. His grandma's, who raised the prodigal snake, even bargained!

   Thinking of the treacherous face of the original owner of Teng Snake, he looked at Teng Snake again, Qi Huanqing took out three radishes again, Teng Snake grunted twice with satisfaction, and took off the wolf skin for Qi Huan by the way. It's great, I gave a tip for a radish, and there is even after-sales service.

   I have to say that the snow wolf is worthy of being an animal that grows in the snow. This fur is really not ordinary warm. Regardless of the smell of the wolf skin that was just peeled off, Qi Huan directly put it on himself, and the warm breath immediately surrounded Qi Huan.

Qi Huan wore a piece of wolf skin, and then sat a piece of wolf skin with the little fox. The last piece of wolf skin was used to make fire. One person, one snake and one fox, formed a small circle in front of the fire, and the little fox and Qi Huan held it. The wolf meat was delicious, and the snake suddenly stood up again.

   Qi Huan also lowered the wolf's leg in his hand, and several people could be vaguely seen moving towards her in the distance. With Qi Huan’s cultivation base, she can only barely sense the breath of those people. She can be sure that the cultivator who exudes such a cold breath is definitely not righteous. No matter which person it is, it is absolutely impossible to meet them alone. Not a lucky thing.

   Qi Huan picked up the little fox who was still eating hard and threw two thunderballs to destroy the barbecue, and then sat on Teng Snake without any explanation.

For a long time, Teng Snake did not respond, and finally Qi Huan pulled out seven or eight radishes, and Teng Snake's body swelled. In a short while, Teng Snake grew from a two-meter-long snake to a tens of-meter-long python. The wolf skin was spread on Teng Snake's back. Qi Huan held the little fox and adjusted his sitting posture, then patted Teng Snake's back.

   Qi Huan was wrapped in wolf skin, and only felt the wind blowing around his ears, and the surrounding scenery was hard to see, and everywhere was white.

   I don't know how long it took to run. She looked back and saw that the few people were still behind her. Although they had not caught up with Qi Huan, it seemed that they didn't intend to give up.

   Because Qi Huan kept focusing behind her, she didn't realize that there were two more people in front of her. The fast-moving Teng Snake suddenly stopped steadily. Qi Huan looked up and found that two men wearing purple gauze just blocked Teng Snake's path.

Qi Huan looked at the two men who looked exactly the same in front of him, and frowned slightly, "Are you stopping me?" Tearing Kong Ling tied a knot on Qi Huan's finger. As long as the two of them do something, Qi Huan will definitely Will not give them any chance. This can't be blamed on her for distrusting others too much, the key is here, anyone may kill her, she has to be careful.

   "I don't know if Chaos Cauldron is in the girl's hand?" The purple-clothed man standing on the right smiled and asked. Although his face was gentle, his eyes were very cold when he looked at Qi Huan.

   "What Chaos Cauldron?" Qi Huan was a little puzzled, does he have that thing?

   "The girl can think about it, we are not in a hurry, but the ghost repairs behind the girl seem to be quite hostile to the girl." The purple-clothed man standing on the left spoke blankly.

   Sure enough, it turned into a threat if it could not be reconciled! Qi Huan didn't care about the few people behind him, but was very interested in the background of these two people, Chaos Cauldron, she remembered, Mo Ye gave her a bathtub before, and that thing seemed to be Chaos Cauldron.

   "Who are you?" What is in your pocket, how can you just take it out? Qi Huan is not a soft persimmon.

   "My name is Kun Qi, this is my brother Kun Lian, we didn't mean to embarrass the girl, but the Chaos Ding was originally what I taught, and I hope the girl can return it."

   "Then I know how you lost the Chaos Cauldron?"

"Ten years ago, people in the magic way entered my teaching and stole this tripod." Kun Qi still explained with a smile, but a moment of fear flashed in his eyes. Although it was a flash of emotion, Qi Huan discovered that Up.

   "Oh, the person you are talking about is Mo Ye."

Qi Huan’s words made the two people silent at the same time. Sure enough, Qi Huan sighed in her heart. She was still bullied. When this thing was in Mo Ye’s hands, no one dared to make any decisions. Get it back.

   "The little thief in front who dared to hurt my grandma takes his life." Before the two people in front of him were finished, Qi Huan suddenly heard a girl's crisp voice behind him, but the voice seemed to have some arrogant meaning.

Qi Huan turned his head, and the five people behind him stopped ten meters away from her. The leader was a little girl in a red jacket. The little girl had a pink face and looked very cute, but the pair was a little green. But her eyes destroyed her pure and lovely temperament, making her look a little gloomy.

"and who are you?"

"Hmph, you hurt my grandma, you dare not admit it!" The little girl pointed to Qi Huan's nose, and Qi Huan could see her pointed nails from far away. The nails were as sharp as a knife and still dark. It is estimated that the above poison will not be small.

Because Kun Qi said that these people are ghost repairs, Qi Huan immediately thought of who the grandma the little girl was talking about was, that old lady, before she came to her door, her people came to find herself. !

   "I didn't deny it, but I just want to ask, is she your biological grandmother?"

   "Of course, my grandmother is a relative!" The child is a child after all~lightnovelpub.net~ Qi Huan took a closer look at the four people behind her and found that they were not humans at all, but zombies. However, these four zombies do not have long hairs, and it seems that their strength will not be bad.

"Oh, if you catch you like this, your grandma will probably come out." Qi Huan said slowly, and when the little girl reacted, her whole body was **** by the silver thunder net. Sturdy.

Because the Thunder Stone was refined by Qi Huan into his own magic weapon, even though the ground net was broken by the old woman, the Thunder Stone was not broken, so the damage to the ground net was not serious. Deal with a ghost whose cultivation base is not as high as her. Cultivation is too easy. As for the four zombies, they turned into ashes the moment they were hugged by the thundernet.

In fact, according to the strength of this little girl, even with the help of these four zombies, it would be no problem to deal with the monks in the Yuan Ying stage. What she did not expect was that Qi Huan’s cultivation level would just kill the ghost. The purest Ganglei in the world, no matter how powerful a zombie, as long as it is stained with a trace, it will definitely not end well.

After restraining the little girl, Qi Huan turned her head and continued to look at the two brothers. She tugged the wolf skin that had slipped from her body and looked at them with only one face, "Chaotic Cauldron was given to me by Mo Ye, if If you want to take it away, I think it's best to say hello to him first."

   "So the girl is not going to give us things?" Kun Qi's face became gloomy after hearing Qi Huan's words. He just wanted to deal with Qi Huan while Qi Huan was fighting with the zombies. He didn't expect that Qi Huan didn't know what spells he used and killed the zombies without any effort. This made Kun Qi Qihuan a little bit. fear.

   "I don't think a dead person needs anything outside of his body." Seeing that the two of them had already planned to do something, a sneer appeared on Qi Huan's face.