Handsome All Over the Earth [Interstellar]

Chapter 86

At this time, the street was billowing with thick smoke, and the gunshots in the distance stopped for a moment, but this did not mean the end, it was just the tranquility before the storm. In a few seconds, there was a loud scream accompanied by a piercing scream. At this time, a military off-road vehicle without a door was driving on the street, picking up shredded paper and sand on the ground.

The car passed quickly, and a young black-haired man stood upright, holding a large-caliber sniper rifle.

After a round of artillery fire, a dozen or so mortar gunners didn't care about the result. After putting their head on the sandbag, they all looked up after the explosion, expecting that the three A1s would be killed, and one of the three monsters would be forced to The artillery hit, and the other two were hanging on the building, making a shrill roar!

The two A1s were like the scythes of the **** of death. They jumped into the crowd and ruthlessly harvested the lives of the soldiers at the front. The mortarmen smiled wryly and glanced at the armor box containing the cannonballs, and the last cannonball. Maybe they were the only one. The regiment was about to be destroyed here, so he glanced sideways at the smoke-filled mecha and fighter jets, took a deep breath and slowly exhaled the last breath.

The soldier looked ahead intently, they still had bullets, but it was impossible to kill these two A1s with bullets. His hands trembled, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms, and sat down with his back to the sandbag. , with trembling hands, he clicked and took a sip. The blue smoke rose up, accompanied by the aroma of tobacco, and the tense nerves of several mortar soldiers slowly loosened.

"This time it's dead, damn, this is a son of a bitch, where did it come from?!"

"I don't know... Has my wife made it to the airport safely... As soon as I received the order, I went here to establish a defense line."

"Don't worry, they will live well. When they all evacuate from Mars, our Xinghang will directly strangle these **** monsters! Guys, stop smoking, although bullets are useless, but listen to me to the end, Don't forget to keep one for yourself!"

Several people were talking and laughing, and one of the sergeants silently counted—






"call out--"

The shells were mixed with the sound of the wind and landed with a bang! Instantly fell to the ground and exploded a deep pit!

Liu Zheng heard the sound of the explosion less than a street away, and subconsciously shrank his head, not because he was timid, but because his nerves had been tense and never loosened, and the number of times he had brushed shoulders with death in one day. More than he has experienced in more than ten years combined.

The speed of the car was very fast, Liu Zheng waved the steering wheel, and instantly the wheel and the ground rubbed a harsh tire burning sound. Zuo Qing subconsciously grabbed the empty sleeve of Yi Zhen's left side. , in case someone suddenly attacked, a pair of black eyes stared at the front coldly, as the car turned sideways, the gunshots were even more like a piece, Yi Zhen let out a long sigh of relief, someone here...

"Liu Zheng stopped, I'll check the situation!"

"Okay!" Liu Zheng stepped on the brakes, but before the car stopped, Yi Zhen had already jumped off. He leaned against the wall and slanted his eyes. Now they don't worry about encountering A1, which is easier for Yi Zhen than A1. What I hate are people, the people who are chasing them!

Yi Zhen leaned against the wall with a gun in one hand. After seeing the situation on the street, he let out a long sigh of relief. It was two A1s fighting with the military. There were many destroyed mechas on the ground. They have no heavy weapons!

When the person on the opposite side gave the order to charge, Yi Zhen quickly ran to the side of a damaged mecha, and after lying down, quickly aimed at the opposite A1 that was about to rush into the crowd!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Dozens of soldiers who are doing their best to protect this line of defense charge with guns!

Gunshots rang out!

A group of soldiers charged without life! Just when the two A1s were about to jump and rush into the crowd!



The two short and rapid gunshots were different from the sound of machine guns. They suddenly sounded. Yi Zhen shot the bullet and hit the target immediately. After hitting, Yi Zhen walked out from behind the mecha with the gun in one hand.

There were two A1s in front of the charging soldiers, and a black-haired man standing in the distance, holding a gun in one hand, smiled at them.


Dozens of men were taken aback by Yi Zhen. They were all ready to die for their country, shouting "Long Live the United Nations, Long Live Humanity", and died with these two monsters in their arms! but was rescued.

After finishing the two A1s, Yi Zhen waved to Liu Zheng who was behind him and motioned them to drive over. The car drove behind Yi Zhen. After he jumped on it, he drove all the way to the soldiers who survived the disaster and waited for Yi Zhen. When they walked in, they found that these soldiers were all holding bombs. Yi Zhen got out of the car, looked at a few people and said, "Can you contact the military?"

"...I'm afraid it's a bit difficult." The veteran spread his hands and pointed to the messy back. Their officers had already died in battle, and only a few dozen of them were left. "And the military... The military is all at the airport to defend against A1. , must ensure the safe departure of civilians from Mars."

When Yi Zhen heard the veteran's words, he nodded helplessly and said, "Okay, do you want to go back?"

"No, we have to guard here! Don't let monsters get close to the airport!"

Yi Zhen frowned and said in a low voice, "Then don't stay here, do me a favor! We're going to the laboratory. When I'm doing experiments, I need you to protect them temporarily!"

The dozens of soldiers with guns were all stunned, "I'm afraid..."

Before the man could finish speaking, Zuo Qing interrupted directly: "Don't be afraid! Fuck! Send us over, we have to extract the vaccine that can kill A1! You didn't see my sister-in-law just now... He killed him with one shot. those monsters?"

"You're telling the truth?!" An older soldier, his temples were a little gray, he grabbed Zuo Qing's hand and asked anxiously.

Zuo Qing was startled by this soldier, he affirmed: "Yes, but someone is chasing us, they don't want us to reach the airport safely!"

The dozens of soldiers left in that regiment all glanced at each other and looked at each other, wondering if they should believe them, Zuo Qing said impatiently: "I know you don't believe it, but didn't you see it just now? And I , do you know me? I'm Gu Sinian's cousin Zuo Qing!"

"And him! The one who saved a lot of people in Torres' battle - Yi Zhen!" Zuo Qing pointed to his face and wiped the ashes on Yi Zhen's face with his hand, hurriedly said.

Speaking of Zuo Qing, he is still a big celebrity. After all, he is a character who often appears on the interstellar network. Several people quickly recognized Zuo Qing's face. But if you lie just to survive and want us to protect you, my machine gun will turn around and aim at your head!"

"Go drive, hurry!"

The car leaves quickly—it's very close to the lab.

The moment he jumped out of the car, Yi Zhen entered the laboratory that Zuo Qing said, and quickly entered it. Moses and Zuo Qing were in the laboratory at the same time, Zuo Qing was still holding the little girl in his hand, while Yi Zhen himself was non-stop. Do the experiment!

Dozens of soldiers replaced all the bullets with those smeared with Moses' blood and stood guard outside.

Outside the laboratory building, a soldier held a telescope to let out the wind, lowered his voice and said to another soldier next to him: "Are you saying what those people say is true? Can these **** bullets kill A1?"

"I don't know...but the two A1s were indeed dead just now! But...I believe that the man in the lead, his eyes didn't dodge at all, and I prayed in my heart that everything they said was true!"

To draw blood for Moses, Yi Zhen's skilled tests... Extraction, using the machinery in the laboratory, made Zuo Qing and Moses stunned, although Yi Zhen said he could, but he never said that he was so familiar... The movements were done in one go, no need Thinking, the guy with the tattered clothes is busy in front of the experimental bench with a gun hanging from his body!

"It's this!" Yi Zhen found a substance different from other known substances, it should be this thing working!

It took ten minutes for the replicated container to replicate the first vaccine against A1!

Yi Zhen, Moses, and Zuo Qing stared at the replicator, the time passed by one minute and one second, and four minutes left...


Suddenly the whole building was shaken!

Fortunately, the laboratory is on the negative floor, not half the center.

The two soldiers who were watching the wind upstairs steadied their footsteps and looked at each other. Is someone really chasing them? !

"Fuck!" The two soldiers looked at the armored vehicle and mecha below, and scolded angrily. The armored vehicle was from the second regiment. "What happened to them, they attacked us?"

On the streets guarded by the second regiment, the bodies of hundreds of soldiers were lying on the ground, a man was leaning on a tattered armored vehicle, and a soldier who was still breathing was stepped on under his feet.

"Why...why...attack..." The soldiers couldn't understand, they were human beings other than him, and their common enemy was monsters, so their entire legion didn't care about this group of people who suddenly appeared They approached, but they didn't expect these guys to attack them...

The man did not explain, but pushed the bullet and loaded it. The dark muzzle was aimed at the soldier's head, less than ten centimeters away, and with a bang, a cloud of blood blew out.

"I grabbed four regiments, four mechas, and two armored vehicles to deal with them. If they are not dead this time, I can't do anything about it." dead'.

Several enemies in combat uniforms rushed in with machine guns. The machine guns were very powerful, but the soldiers Yi Zhen called just now were not vegetarians. Halfway through, they were in a dilemma.

These dozens of soldiers fought well and moved quickly. The veteran machine gunner was strafing from the sky with a machine gun, just like he wanted to cut wheat ears, one after another!

But soon they were useless, an armored vehicle broke through the door, and it was a shot at the temporary fortifications they built! In an instant, the soldiers upstairs were blasted into the air, and their bodies were on fire!

Liu Zheng went up to take a look at the situation. His muzzle was a shot at the person on the opposite side, but the armored vehicle could not be broken at all!

After discovering the armored vehicle, Liu Zheng lowered his voice and used the communicator to inform Yi Zhen of the news: "No, they have armored vehicles, and... and mechas!"

The moment everyone heard this sentence, their hearts suddenly tightened, and it was impossible to rely on manpower to fight the armored vehicle.

The faces of Moses and Zuo Qing were suddenly pale, and Yi Zhen, who had been staring at the replicator, squinted his eyes, and there was a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth.

A bunch of idiots.

"You stay here, I'll go up! Close the door!" Yi Zhen clapped his hands on Zuo Qing's shoulder, "I know I'm not qualified to order you what to do, but I know... what you will do."

Zuo Qing nodded, before Moses died, he must have died.

Yi Zhen patted Zuo Qing on the shoulder and said, "Don't be so pessimistic, it's just a few mechas, you just need to believe me!"

If the other party sent a few legions over, Yi Zhen really couldn't bear it, but that group of idiots sent mechas over, his grey pigeon's name was not for nothing! Hackers can be terrifying! His gray pigeon program is really not written in vain! He couldn't get into Torres' mecha last time, but since he came back, he has already studied how to invade these mechas! And the United Nations mecha is definitely the first choice for practicing.

three people--

Yi Zhen: One-eyed, Green Fat, I need your help later, listen to my orders.

One-Eyed: Understood!

The green fat who is dragging 'garbage': I understand!

Yi Zhen: (●—●) Today, I want those **** who have been chasing me all the way to see the power of our robot 702!

Yi Zhen didn't actually go up, but turned around and found a hidden room to enter. The body controlled by Yi Zhen stopped moving and closed his eyes as if he was sleeping. The next moment, his sight appeared on the mecha outside the laboratory building. .

The green fat dragged the garbage and leaned aside, and suddenly stopped.


Because of the bombing just now, the whole building was riddled with holes and billowing with smoke.

There is a young man in the mecha controlled by the green fat, and the language he speaks shakes his head and does not understand.

The controlled mecha entered the building, a real behemoth, the green fat stared at the scolding soldier with a fascinated smile.

"Attack! Attack!" There was an attack order in the communication. The soldier in the mecha raised a huge special heavy M-201 machine gun and decided to send a wave of fire to the other side first!

The few soldiers in the vicinity all ran desperately and wanted to leave. They still remembered the horrible situation after the mecha shot at the inside for a while from the outside. Those bullets were not only on the arms, legs, or the body. ... directly beat people to face each other!

After the gun was set up, the man immediately issued an attack order, "Come on! Hahahaha!"

He laughed wildly, and couldn't wait to see the desperate expressions on the faces of the guys he shot.

But the bullet didn't fire.

Cold sweat broke out on the man's forehead.

"758201 shooting? What are you doing!" A voice full of anger came.

Keep giving orders!

Still not a single bullet came out of the bullet hole...

The green fat silently showed a fascinated smile, staring at the human who controlled the mecha.

three people--

Yi Zhen: When the green fat comes out, I want to explode the mecha you control ^_^

Green Fat: ヽ( ̄▽ ̄) OK

On the fierce battlefield, suddenly a mecha jumped out, and the soldiers inside the mecha looked at the uncontrolled mecha and wanted to see a ghost!

There was also a mech on the opposite side that moved without listening to the command.

"What are you doing? Are you all crazy?" Several soldiers with guns shouted madly at the three mechas that moved strangely.

"No, no...they are moving by themselves!"

The mecha controlled by Yi Zhen gave an order, and the two shells shot out at the same time.




The mecha controlled by Lu Fatty spread its limbs and stood on the spot, as if afraid that the mecha on the opposite side would not be able to hit it.

Lu Fatty immediately took control of the next mecha, and stared silently at the back of the other's head.

Yi Zhen drove the mecha to quickly get rid of the armored vehicles present, and swept the crowd!

The man in the cockpit kept whispering something in an incomprehensible language, and despair appeared in his eyes, and despair was like a spider web crawling up his heart.

"Stop, stop, what are you doing! God, what are you doing?!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The rest immediately took up weapons and attacked the mecha, but unfortunately this was the mecha driven by Yi Zhen. The companions suddenly turned their heads and aimed their guns at them. Hundreds of people who were chasing Yi Zhen and the others were all killed by the gunfire.

However, it was all done by Yi Zhen, Lu Fatty and One Eye were obediently controlling others, not allowing them to issue attack orders.

Yi Zhen managed everything and controlled the original robot body and ran up, quickly dragging the people out of the three mechas, and the seven or eight soldiers who were still alive also reacted from the strange situation just now!

"Damn, why did those people suddenly fight with their own people? This one is simply Lao Tzu's savior!" Liu Zheng scolded his mother and dragged out the soldiers in the mecha cabin controlled by Yi Zhen just now. The gun was pressed against the opponent's forehead.

"Say, who the **** are you?! You...why are you helping us?"

The man was so frightened by the situation just now that he spoke in a trance: "No, it's not me, I clearly want to kill you... that mecha... there is something wrong with the mecha!" , suddenly burst out in grief and anger, took out a knife from behind and slashed it in Liu Zheng's hand. When he was about to make the next move, he was instantly shot and killed by a soldier on the side!

The other two people who had been unable to move just now were all the same as that person. Attacking, attacking will not result in suicide.

Yi Zhen, who saw this scene, realized that it wasn't all that simple, these people were well-trained, like - dead men.

In less than seven minutes, Yi Zhen came back with nine people and took out the replica in the laboratory.

"So soon? Is it resolved outside?"

"Well! There is a machine armor attacking their own people like crazy! Fuck, thank him so fucking! Otherwise I'll finish it all." Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing, although he didn't know the reason, but he...really So happy!

"Yeah, it's amazing! Long live God!"

Zuo Qing and Moses turned to look at Yi Zhen at the same time. Did they know that Yi Zhen said he could solve it...

Yi Zhen made a silent gesture to them behind the crowd, motioning them not to speak, he took a small can of vaccine for everyone, and injected everyone at the same time.

After injecting Zuo Qing, Zuo Qing looked at Yi Zhen and said, "Aren't you going to inject yourself?"

"..." Yi Zhen ignored Zuo Qing's question, and immediately turned his head to change the subject: "There are still quite a few of these copies, and we will make some copies as soon as possible. We must immediately send the things to the airport, the military command post. ."

"it is good!"

Airport 18:12:59——

The first commander of Mars is in a daze at this moment. Although some people have been evacuated, there are still so many people... Other ports are also taking off one after another, but more and more people are dying...

And most importantly, he must send people to support the interstellar defense base, which has now become a paradise for A1!

Gu Si Nian and Hechuan reported that there are hundreds of millions of A1s and hundreds of mothers at the gate of the watch, the entire base has been besieged, and Gu Si Nian is doing the last resistance, 'four hours' this is what Gu Si Nian gave His time, it takes two hours to get from Mars to the base, their time is running out, not only the people here, but also 20 million soldiers are waiting for them——

"Let the third and fourth legions go to the gate of watch!" Garcia had to give an order.

"But Commander... there are still civilians who need to be evacuated... we can't mobilize that many troops... and... look below, the dead humans are used as food, and their numbers are increasing..."

"We don't have that many spaceships... Your Excellency Commander, the entire Martian people need to leave, and Titan Star Airlines can't hold so many people."

Garcia looked at the more and more monsters gathered below the airport, and his body was covered in cold sweat. He never thought that this kind of creature would reproduce faster than history said.

"But we can't ignore them either! Send the 3rd and 4th Corps first, and the rest will stay at the airports around the world, waiting for the support of the other eight stars!" Garcia ordered.

The adjutant sighed, "Yes! Sir!"

What if the 3rd and 4th Corps went and stayed for an extra hour? Maybe less?


after an hour--

"Ding-" Fatty green dragged the weapon he just collected and brought it to Yi Zhen. It hasn't forgotten what it collected. After digging out of its trash can for a long time, it took out an arm and stuffed it into Yi Zhen's hand. inside.

Everyone was startled, "Crack", several soldiers invariably loaded their bullets and aimed their guns at the green fat with pitch-black muzzles!

three people--

Lu Fatty: Xiaohong, this is for you, I've been looking for it for a long time! You can put it on! What are they doing with their guns on me?

Yizhen: I was frightened by you.

In fact, Yi Zhen was also frightened. He didn't react until he saw that the arm was a robot arm. This was because Lu Fatty found it inconvenient to find his hand.

Careful little fat man.

Because modern robots have indeed developed to the extreme in structure, medically installed prosthetics and robot limbs use the same structure, and this hand can also be used by real humans.

Several people saw Yi Zhen, with the help of the robot, take off the part of his elbow and connect it to his broken arm, and joked with them: "Why? I can't even control the robot to find a hand for myself?"

"Of course!" Everyone said in unison.

Fantastic hacking technique! That droid really does exactly what Yi-jin says! Great my brother!

More and more a1s were surrounding the airport, and at the moment when a few were about to rush in, a mecha came from the air with a variable frequency lasing.

Long Sheng was sweating profusely at this moment, he was very tired, and the high-intensity driving of the mecha had consumed almost all of his physical strength, but he couldn't stop.

His gun turned around the moment he heard the scream, and the mecha hit a large heavy weapon and shot an a1 again!

It is also very difficult for mecha soldiers to face these monsters, and there are many more than one such airports.

This is the first city of Mars, with a large population, which also means more food and more new a1s for a1.

Three people came from a distance, staggering, two adults and one child, the child ran after him, and an a1 monster followed closely, he quickly raised his gun and aimed at the monster behind the family!

The moment a bullet is fired.

Long Sheng suddenly closed his eyes, not wanting to see that the family of three finally walked to the airport but died in front of the airport, because an a1 suddenly jumped from the roof on the left and rushed towards the family.


The tongue of flame from the muzzle lit up!

A shot went off.

A car and three mechas appeared on the street, right in front of Lieutenant General Long Sheng.

All the soldiers in the car got out of the car.

With guns in their hands, they fired cold shots at the a1s that were fighting the Martian army around them!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

After a burst of gunshots, a1 fell to the ground convulsively one after another.

"Hahaha, **** it, these son of a bitch, I shoot one at a time!"

"Happy! Kill a few more and take revenge for my brother!"

Long Sheng rubbed his eyes in disbelief. These low-level soldiers killed a1 with guns?

The two parties cooperated to solve all the a1s in the vicinity. Yi Zhen got off the mecha with a long sigh and glanced at the fiery red-haired man in the suit of a lieutenant in front of him. He finally sent the man to the airport safely. Yi Zhen hurriedly took one. He took out the bottle of vaccine and said to Long Sheng, "Hello, we have found a vaccine that can suppress a1. Please help to inform the military, and mass production immediately will kill all a1s on the ground soon."