Happy Tycoon

Chapter 361: The best time!

I have to say that in this era, not only antiques are easy to collect, but there are also many old wines.

Of course, like some popular brands of liquor, such as Erguotou and Tuopai, there are not many old liquors, because the price of this kind of liquor is cheap, like Erguotou a bottle of seven and one bottle, Tuopai a bottle of six. Ordinary people buy it directly. Drank it.

   But some big brands of liquor, there are still more old liquors. Wines such as Moutai, Wuliangye, Xifeng, Fenjiu, **, Yanghe, Dongjiu, Luzhou Laojiao, Quanxing Daqu, etc. generally have one or two bottles in the house if the family conditions are better.

   After all, this kind of wine is a bit more expensive, and the brand is also big. After some people buy it or others give it as a gift, most of them leave it and don't want to drink it.

   This created a lot of convenience for Mr. Na to collect this old wine.

   Especially when Mr. Na told Yang Jing that he had a young man who was now an officer in the Yanjing Military Region and was able to receive some old wine hidden in the house of the general or the school official. Yang Jing immediately decided to let Mr. Na let him go and collect it.

   Just kidding, the special wines for the military area are all good wines, and they are much better than the ones on the market. And there is no fraud in this era, so there is no need to worry about receiving fake wine.

  Like later generations, Lai Mao produced in the 1980s and Lai Mao produced in the 1949 founding ceremony are pure nonsense. You can see that it is a fake wine at first glance. Although Lai Mao's brand was established as early as the 1920s, Lai Mao had never produced a wine named "Lai Mao" in Qian Province from after the founding of the People's Republic of China to 1988.

   There are also many "people's commune wines" and "service wines for the people" that have appeared in later generations. They all say they are Moutai. In fact, you don't need to identify whether this wine is produced by Moutai Distillery, just look at the trademark.

   The so-called "service wine for the people" and "people's commune wine" bottles basically have the flavor, alcohol content and content of the trademarks on them. This looks like fake wine, nothing said!

   Why? It's very simple. The net content is an indicator that was only available in the 1990s!

   Are the so-called "service wines for the people" and "people's commune wines" produced in the 1970s and 1980s all traveled back from the 1990s?

There is a famous saying in the world of liquor collectors of later generations, “Don’t be afraid that old wine is expensive, but you are afraid that old wine will be fake!” In this era, let alone fake old wine, even fake wine is very rare.

   The people of this year are still very simple. There are almost no fake wines that are drunk by the people, and it is even rarer that there are fake wines in the special wines exclusively for the major military regions. It is estimated that in this era, no one dares to provide fake wine to the military region. The catch is really going to be shot!

   Yang Jing heard that his old uncle had said something about it. If it hadn't been for the old uncle's repeated assurances, Yang Jing would have thought he was listening to the myth.

   This incident is about a military doctor of a certain military rank in a certain place giving gifts to the headquarters during the New Year.

Seven or eight years ago, when my uncle was busy with business in the South, he met a senior regimental-level officer who was specialized in the local area. This older brother was in charge of logistics work in the affiliated hospital of this military-level military medical university before he changed his career. .

   The old uncle said that the old man is very sincere, and coupled with the business contacts, he knew each other once and again. Every time the old uncle went to his place, the old uncle would drink a pot with the old uncle.

   Once while drinking, the big brother talked about his work in a hospital affiliated to a certain military medical university. He said that in the early years of the new century, local troops would send some gifts to the superior leaders of the headquarters in Yanjing every Chinese New Year. The place where their hospital is located is close to the place where a certain wine is produced. Therefore, this famous wine will be given out every Chinese New Year.

The army is a place where money is not bad, so don’t think that their hospital is just an affiliated hospital of a military medical college, but they can also talk to the superior leaders of the general headquarters every year, so the number of famous wines they send to the general headquarters is every year. On the "container" calculation.

   At the time of 2005 and 2006, this eldest brother was the officer in charge of logistics in this affiliated hospital, so he was responsible for the gift giving. The big brother said that the price of that famous wine was not cheap at that time, a bottle was more than 200, and of course wine made from pure grains was expensive.

   At that time, hospitals only spent hundreds of millions of dollars on wine delivery every year. The big brother thought it was too extravagant, so he personally found the place where the famous wine was produced, spent 500,000 a year's salary, and hired an old craftsman who retired from the famous winery from there.

The big brother told the retired old craftsman that your task is to blend me with edible alcohol and other spices. As long as you can blend the taste of this famous wine, then you can get 500,000 yuan a year. .

   This kind of work is absolutely impossible for ordinary people, but for this kind of old craftsman who has worked in the winery all his life, it is a matter of grasping snails with three fingers-ten stable things.

It didn’t take long for the master chef to produce a blended wine with almost the same taste as that famous wine. Even an old drunkard who tasted that famous wine for many years could not taste the difference between the two kinds of wine. .

   So, this blended wine became the main force in the gift-giving of military hospitals. Replace the bottle with the famous wine, stuff it into the container, and send it directly to the headquarters.

   The cost of this blended wine is much cheaper than the famous wine produced in the winery. This alone can save the affiliated hospital nearly 100 million in funds every year!

   The old uncle didn't believe it at the time, and asked the big brother, are you so afraid of your superiors who drink it out to cleanse you?

What the big brother said is very simple, but also very true-although our wine is also a famous wine, there is still a certain gap compared with the more famous wines of Mao Wulu. Maybe some troops were on it 20 or 30 years ago. The big leaders like to drink this kind of wine, but now the leaders drink this kind of wine very rarely, and everyone has gone with Mao Wulu. In other words, if we send this wine over, those big leaders will basically not drink it.

   Sure enough, after three years of doing this, there has been no accountability. But this big brother thought that he had made such a great contribution to the hospital and saved so much money. How could he have to mention it? The result is good, this big brother was transferred directly...

   When the old uncle told Yang Jing about this incident, Yang Jing still didn't believe it, but as he learned more and more things, he just didn't believe it.

   China’s military system is independent. It stands on the outside, and people on the outside have no access to things inside. It’s natural to not know this kind of thing.

   Later generations even dared to fool the Communists/Industry/Party with the Eighth/Lu/Military, what else would they dare not make?

   Fortunately, in this era, there is no such thing, and now it is not the time when fake wine and blended wine are popular.

  Especially the special wine for the military area of ​​this era, it is really good wine at a fair price. As long as you can receive it, it is definitely worth collecting!

   Lao Na has this kind of relationship, Yang Jing is not short of money, the two are good, and he is definitely able to collect a lot of famous wines and old wines.

   Stayed for a few days from the time and space in 1986, seeing the old and famous wines and old wines in carts and carts back and forth, really broke Yang Jingle.

Most of the old wines from Lao Na La are collected from the courtyards of the major military districts in Yanjing, not to mention Mao Wulu, Jiannanchun, Dong Jiu, **, Yanghe, Fenjiu, Xifeng and other famous wines. There are also a lot of wines, and many wines have a history of nearly ten years.

It’s no wonder that when the turmoil ended in 1976, many leaders who were persecuted during the turmoil era slowly returned to their original positions. It is also natural for some subordinates to send a wine to the old leader to celebrate and celebrate. So many of these old wines have survived. The number is not surprising.

Mr. Na’s purchase price is quite high. Take Moutai as an example. Now the retail price of Moutai is eight yuan plus one hundred and two overseas remittance certificates. Coupons.

   The purchase price is definitely a conscience price. Now on the black market in Yanjing, twenty-dollar foreign exchange coupons can be exchanged for almost two hundred yuan!

   As for Wuliangye, Luzhou Laojiao and other wines~lightnovelpub.net~Laona's prices are not low, and they are all twice as high as the retail prices on the market!

   Collecting wine is not something illegal or criminal. Mr. Na took the foreign exchange certificates and collected it openly, and the purchase price was so high that no one would go to report Mr. Na.

   Therefore, in just a few days, Lao Na received more than 10,000 bottles of various old and famous wines. Among them, later generations sold out the sky-high price of Moutai produced in the 1950s. The old man received more than ten bottles, as well as three bottles of Moutai before liberation!

   Maowulu, Fenjiu, Xifeng, **, Yanghe, and Laona from the 1960s and 1970s did not collect any less, and they added up to hundreds of bottles. As for the rest of the wine, most of them were produced in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

   If you want to buy more than 10,000 bottles of wine after thirty years, let alone old wine, even if it’s a new factory, you won’t be able to buy it for less than tens of millions.

   But in this era, Yang Jing only paid one hundred thousand foreign exchange coupons and more than thirty thousand yuan in cash to solve it all!

  Choose one of these wines. After the museum opens, an old wine exhibition hall can be established! The famous Moutai collection expert Zhao Chen Zhao collected more than 10,000 bottles of Moutai, and Mr. Liu from Pengcheng collected more than 30,000 bottles of Moutai, even better than the Moutai Distillery Museum. There are even more wines in the collection.

   But if Yang Jing wants to, he will start collecting wine from now, and when he takes over the Dragon Fund in the future, he will definitely receive more of these wines than the first two teachers!

   After all, Yang Jing possesses a skill that is against the sky, and he also has the advantage of foresight. Who can compare to him when discussing Tibetan wine on this planet?

  In this era, it is the best era for collecting old wine!