Hardcore Chef Dad

v1 Chapter 174: Hard Reward (Five/Five) 4D completed

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When Feng Yifan was serving dishes before, he thought that there were still children on the table today. He should not only consider the tastes of adults, but should take care of the tastes of the children. So I decided to make this roasted duck leg with fruit sauce.

It's not a very strong flavor. There are fruits in it. The sweet and sour flavor is very suitable for children's taste. It is very good to fill the needs of children like Zhang Zhuangzhuang who like to eat meat.

Zhang Zhuangzhuang heard that it was not braised pork ribs, and Fat Dudu's little face was a little unhappy.

Zhang Zhuangzhuang's father glanced at his son and said, "You have not eaten it yet, you just pouted? How do you know that Uncle Feng's dish is not delicious?"

Feng Ruoruo, as the most loyal little girl of his father, is naturally going to cheer for his father's food.

"Daddy's cooking must be delicious. Try it and make sure you want to eat one piece and want the second piece."

Yang Xiaoxi immediately answered, "I still want to eat the third piece."

Chen Yaofei followed: "There is still a fourth piece."

Zhang Zhuangzhuang was a little confused by the three girls. After thinking about it, he nodded and agreed: "Okay."

Feng Yifan smiled at his daughter and said, "If Ruo greet your children to eat, Dad will go busy."

Feng Ruoruo hurriedly blew a kiss to his father: "Come on, Dad, Ruoruo loves you."

Feng Yifan stretched out his hand to catch the kiss from his daughter, clenched his fist to his heart, and said contentedly: "Okay, there is a daughter's love in my father's heart. My father is full of strength, and he is full of power."

Seeing her father rushing back to the kitchen, Feng Ruoruo laughed so loudly that she even fell into her grandma's arms.

The table full of people smiled when they saw this scene.

The warmth of such a pair of father and daughter in such a small restaurant adds a warm and warm taste to the meal.

Zhuang Daozhong saw the little interaction between the father and daughter in his eyes, and his eyes also showed envy. At the same time, I couldn't help feeling that this warmth should not be broken, and even he should avoid Feng Yifan from going to the kitchen.

This has nothing to do with winning or losing, it's just those utilitarian things that really don't seem to be suitable for this family.

Feng Yifan returned to the back kitchen and started cooking the last few dishes, as well as preparing dishes for the new diners.

Of course, other newcomers will not order so many dishes.

The other tables of diners, either in twos and threes, come for a small wine, or two people meet for a dinner. There are not so many dishes on the order, but they usually order some dishes that the public likes.

As Feng Yifan was cooking, he was thinking in his heart that perhaps the interior of Su Ji could be renovated.

Reduce a few large round tables nowadays, replace them with a few small square tables, match them with wooden chairs, and separate them with some carved wooden screens.

In this way, it should be very convenient for young people who usually don't eat too many people.

In Feng Yifan's mind, the rudiments of some restaurant interior renovations unconsciously emerged.


The last fresh seafood is a mussel. Although it is some season now, I can eat it last.

Feng Yifan opened the mussel with his own hands, and unexpectedly produced a few small beads.

Seeing the little beads, Feng Yifan said with a smile: "That's right, these old mussels are a bit of something, and this evening is not a waste of work."

Zhuang Zhebin took a look. Although it is considered a pearl, it has no shape at all, it is not round at all, just like a few rice particles.

"Uncle, are you too far from pearls?"

Feng Yifan collected the millet grains and said, “I don’t care how round it is. The main reason is that. It also shows that these mussels in our family are indeed fresh.”

Lin Ruifeng couldn't wait to know how Master would cook this mussel.

Feng Yifan glanced at his apprentice, and he understood what he was thinking in his heart, and gave the answer directly: "Today, my mussel is going to be burned for nothing."

Next, Feng Yifan also started the formal operation. First of all, naturally, he wanted to clean the mussels.

After washing, Feng Yifan will hammer the thicker, flat part of the mussel with a rolling pin.

During the hammering process, Feng Yifan also explained to Lin Ruifeng and Zhuang Zhebin: "This place must be smashed, otherwise it won't burn when cooking, and it won't bite."

After hammering and washing, Feng Yifan directly modified the mussels and cut them into strips.

The next step is to boil the mussels.

"You should also pay attention here. Don't boil it too much, pay attention to the heat, and pay attention not to be too cooked, because when you burn it later, you need to cook it."

Feng Yifan had no reservations, and told Lin Ruifeng and Zhuang Zhebin some details.

This is because, in Feng Yifan's view, grilled mussels are not a complicated dish, and eating is just so delicious.

Add base oil in another pot and sauté the green onion and **** until fragrant.

Feng Yifan seriously instructed: "The mussel itself is cold, so add more **** slices, and after the mussel meat, add rice wine, stir fry quickly, and then add broth.

The seasoning is very simple, salt, a little sugar, no MSG, use a little sugar to improve the freshness, and finally add pepper, you can add more or less, when serving with a small dish, let the guests add it by themselves. "

After Feng Yifan adjusted the taste, he added the saplings that had been washed and prepared beforehand, and then covered the pot and simmered on low heat.

A very simple dish, even the seasoning is very simple, that is, salt and pepper, a little bit of sugar, nothing more.

However, after the cooking, the moment the lid was opened, the thick soup instantly burst out with a fragrance.

After loading the plate, Feng Yifan still adjusted the plate, so that the white and tender mussels were highlighted in the middle, and after the stalks were surrounded by them, it looked like a group of free white fish in a pond.

"It's finished, the last dish. Today's banquet is considered complete."

It is impossible for Feng Yifan to serve this dish, because he needs to keep busy next, after all, there are two more tables of guests in the restaurant in front.

This time, Lin Ruifeng and Zhuang Zhebin served out together, which was considered the last dish to be served. Feng Yifan also asked the two to have a meal, and then came back to the kitchen to continue to help.

Soon after Lin Ruifeng and Zhuang Zhebin went out to serve dishes, Su Ruoxi came in from outside with the menu.

Seeing that her husband was still busy and sweating profusely, Su Ruoxi's eyes showed distressed expressions.

Putting down the menu, Su Ruoxi asked, "Do you want to take a break? Go out for a meal?"

Hearing his wife's voice, Feng Yifan turned around and said with a smile: "It's okay, have you eaten? If you let your mother feed, you can take some time to eat with everyone."

Su Ruoxi bypassed the cooking table and came to her husband's side. She stretched out her hand and wiped the sweat on her husband's forehead and face.

Feng Yifan quickly reached out and took a tissue ~lightnovelpub.net~ and wiped his wife's hand, and then wiped off the sweat on his face and forehead.

"Don't be here, it's very hot here, the fire is so hot, you can't stand it for a while."

Su Ruoxi took a paper towel from the cooking table, reached out to help her husband wipe the sweat, and said distressedly: "You are too hard, and you are really too busy and tired in the kitchen alone."

Feng Yifan allowed his wife to wipe the sweat, and said with enjoyment: "If you don't work hard, how can you enjoy the gentleness of your wife?"

Su Ruoxi suddenly sighed and said: "You know that your mouth is sloppy. If you go out to study well, you will learn these messy things."

She said this, but the smile on her face already showed that in fact, Su Ruoxi still liked to listen to such words.

Feng Yifan enjoyed it again, and had to let his wife go out first: "Okay, you go out first, remember to eat some food, it's too hot here, wait for Xiaolin and Xiaobin to finish the meal, and they will help. "

Su Ruoxi approached her husband, kissed him quickly, and ran out of the back kitchen quickly.