Hardcore Chef Dad

v1 Chapter 297: Let my daughter be a judge

Around 9:40 in the evening, the last table of guests finally left the restaurant contentedly.

Su Ji's business today is considered to have ended successfully. Feng Yifan came out of the kitchen and quickly cleaned up the bowls, chopsticks and dishes on the table, and sent them all to the water room in the alley outside the back kitchen.

Zhao Daxia saw another batch of questions sent: "Is this the last table?"

Feng Yifan immediately replied: "Yes, it's the last table, you have to work hard."

Zhao Daxia straightened up and twisted her waist and said, "It's okay, it's not hard work. It's much easier than I was in other places. Go and work, just leave it to me here."

Feng Yifan had seen Zhao Daxia's work, and knew that this eldest sister was indeed quick and easy, and he was quite relieved.

Returning to the back kitchen, Feng Yifan said to his apprentice: "Ruifeng, today there is Sister Zhao washing the dishes. Let's go to the front to clean the restaurant first, and finally clean up the kitchen."

Lin Ruifeng responded when he heard it, but he still finished his work first. The cooking table was cleaned up, and the knives and chopping board were wiped clean.

After finishing these, Lin Ruifeng and Master walked out of the back kitchen and went to the front to help clean the restaurant together.

The restaurant door was closed, and a group of people first wiped all the tables and chairs, especially the oil stains on the tabletops.

It also takes a lot of time to clean the restaurant. Fortunately, Feng Yifan, Lin Ruifeng and Su Ruoxi work together, and the workload of each person is not very large.

After wiping the tables and chairs, soak the floor with soap and water after wiping, and then carefully mop the floor clean.

The three people finished cleaning the front restaurant, and Zhao Daxia had also cleaned all the dishes and dishes.

Coming to the front, seeing Feng Yifan and the others busy in front, Zhao Daxia also started immediately.

Zhao Daxia directly asked Feng Yifan: "Boss, I have washed all the dishes at the back and put them in the disinfection cabinet you mentioned. Would you like to check it?"

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "No, I can trust you, Sister."

But Zhao Daxia is still very serious: "No, the boss, I think you should check it out. I wait until you finish the check before taking the money to leave, lest there is anything wrong with it."

Seeing that Zhao Daxia was very persistent, Feng Yifan went to the back and took a look.

Make sure that the dishes, chopsticks and dishes are put in the disinfection cabinet, and indeed they are all cleaned and very clean. Feng Yifan can't help but sigh Zhao Daxia's work attitude.

Back to the front restaurant again, Feng Yifan nodded and said, "Sister, you did a very good job. I'm very satisfied."

Zhao Daxia finally laughed: "Okay, as long as the boss is satisfied."

Su Ruoxi handed the prepared money to Zhao Daxia: "Sister, this is today's money, please take it away."

After receiving the money, Zhao Daxia also put it in her pocket, and the smile on her face was even greater: "Yes, today we are both clean, the boss and the boss are both happy people, and I am very happy, then I will go back first."

Seeing that Zhao Daxia was about to leave, Feng Yifan thought about it and ran to the back kitchen again, and took out the lunch box containing the pine nut crisps from the back kitchen.

"Sister, it seems that you like to eat this snack. Let's take this one back for you to eat."

When Zhao Daxia saw this, she was a little embarrassed to answer: "This, how is this embarrassing? I work for you, and you have already taken care of the food. Now that I have taken the money, how can I still take these?"

At this moment, Feng Ruoruo came back hand in hand with her grandma.

After sending off the two good friends, Feng Ruoruo followed her grandma to play in the small park for a while.

Seeing that it was late, the grandmother brought her granddaughter back with her.

As soon as I walked in, I heard that Aunt Zhao was pushing off the dim sum delivered by her father. The little girl hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Auntie, take it. Dad's dim sum is delicious. You can take it back and eat it slowly."

Watching Feng Ruoruo come back and hearing Feng Ruoruo's words made Zhao Daxia a little wondering what to do?

When she was stunned, Lu Cuiling also walked over and said, "Take it, a box of snacks is not worth much."

In the end, Zhao Daxia accepted the dim sum, and then bid farewell to the family in the restaurant. After walking out of the restaurant, I looked back at the restaurant and saw a smiling family in the restaurant. Zhao Daxia felt that it was lucky to be able to work in such a restaurant.

Unconsciously holding the lunch box tightly, Zhao Daxia turned and walked outside the east end of the old street, and quickly disappeared into the night.

Feng Ruoruo obediently waited for his father to close the door, and immediately rushed to his father, raised his head and looked at his father and asked, "Dad, today is Saturday, can I sleep with you and mom tonight?"

Feng Yifan glanced at his daughter's face with an expectant look, then raised his head and glanced at his mother, then nodded and agreed: "Okay, that's okay."

Feng Ruoruo immediately laughed happily: "It's great, you can sleep with your parents."

When Lu Cuiling saw her little granddaughter being happy, she pretended to be unhappy and curled her lips: "Grandma is just like that."

Hearing what the grandma said, the little girl quickly turned and threw herself into her arms.

"No, grandma is not disliked. Ruoruo likes grandma the most, but if Ruuo sleeps with her grandma every day, I will sleep with her parents for one night today."

When she heard the little granddaughter's words, Lu Cuiling squeezed her granddaughter's face slightly: "Well, then you can sleep with your parents tonight."

Naturally, Feng Ruoruo was very happy and leaned into her grandmother's arms, and said sweetly, "Grandma is really nice."

Feng Yifan glanced at the time. It was almost ten o'clock, and he asked his father-in-law, "Dad, why don't you go to bed first? It's ten o'clock already."

Su Jinrong waved his hand instead: "Don't worry, you sit first, and we will discuss it."

Listening to Su Jinrong's words, everyone sat down, and then all looked at Su Jinrong a little strangely.

Seeing everyone sitting down, Su Jinrong thought for a while and said: "Discuss how to go with you, Su Lanxin, compare."

Everyone fell silent, and even Feng Ruoruo was obediently silent in her grandmother's arms.

As for Lin Ruifeng sitting on the side, although he wanted to say something, he couldn't say anything when he saw that the master didn't speak.

After a moment of silence, Su Jinrong looked at his son-in-law and asked, "What do you think? How are you going to deal with it?"

Feng Yifan raised his head and looked at his father-in-law with a serious expression. Then I saw the daughter who was playing with her in her grandma's arms, and suddenly there was an idea in her heart.

"Dad, since Master Uncle also said, let us decide how to compare, then my idea is to compare on Ruoruo's birthday."

This sentence surprised everyone present.

Su Jinrong frowned and looked at his son-in-law and asked, "Ruoruo's birthday? How are you going to compare it?"

Feng Yifan stretched out his hand and pulled her daughter from her grandmother's arms, picked her up on her lap, and said seriously in front of her daughter: "It's very simple. Both of us will cook Ruoruo a dish, and let Ruoruohe come to celebrate her birthday. Children come to judge."

Feng Ruoruo didn't care what his father said about the competition, she just heard his father say that he wanted to celebrate her birthday and invited children to come.

The little girl immediately turned around and hugged her father's face and said, "Dad, do I have to invite all the children from the kindergarten for my birthday? I want to invite Xixi and Feifei, as well as Liu Yan, Zhang Zhuangzhuang, and..."

Feng Ruoruo is so precious, he almost reported the names of all the children in the kindergarten class.

Of course there are several names, Feng Ruoruo never reported, such as "Liu Zihao".

Maybe the little boy would be very sad if he knew it?

Feng Yifan listened to her daughter once and asked her to stop first. He said to everyone seriously: "I think, Ruoruo’s birthday, we use the name of Children’s Day, please come to Ruoruo kindergarten children to celebrate Children’s Day.

Then let the aunt and the others come over, and we made a banquet for the children in the back kitchen with the theme of Children's Day.

Finally, let the children judge, who is doing the best? "

Su Ruoxi couldn't help but say: "If the children are allowed to judge, will the aunt and the others feel unfair? And the children's judgment, will it seem trivial?"

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "How can it be a child's play?"

Then he asked his daughter: "So Ruoruo would like to be a judge for Dad?"

Feng Ruoruo thought for a while and asked: "Dad, if you are a judge, is it true that if you say who is good, then who wins?"

Feng Yifan nodded: "Yes, if someone says that the dishes are delicious, then whoever wins."

Feng Ruoruo immediately agreed: "Okay, then Ruoruo will be a judge, Ruoruo must say that Dad won."

Hearing her daughter say this, Feng Yifan was taken aback.

When Su Ruoxi heard her daughter's words, she immediately became happy: "Hahaha, look at it, you can't say that you can't be trivial. If you let Ruoruo be a judge, Ruoruo thinks that Dad is the best, how can you compare?"

Feng Ruoruo became unhappy when she heard her mother's words, pouting her little mouth and stretching out her little hand to hold her mother, not to let her say.

"Mom, what you said is wrong, Dad is the best."

Su Ruoxi stretched out her hand to hold her daughter, and took the opportunity to pull her daughter into her arms. Explain to her daughter earnestly with a smile.

"If you think that Dad is the most powerful in your mind, but if it's a competition, if you go to be a judge, you must be fair and just. If you can't sit down to be fair and just, then if the judge is unqualified."

The little girl still pouted her lips unwillingly: "Ruoruo just thinks Dad's food is the best."

Su Ruoxi looked at her husband and asked, "Look, how can you compare this?"

Feng Yifan smiled slightly and said confidently: "It's very simple. We don't tell Ruoruo which one I did, so that Ruoruo and her children can evaluate them according to their preferences."

This idea of ​​her husband really went beyond Su Ruoxi's expectations.

Then, whether it was Su Jinrong and Lu Cuiling, or Lin Ruifeng who was sitting in the audience, they all felt that this was indeed a good way.

From her mother's arms, Feng Ruoruo's little head turned towards her father and whispered: "Dad, you can tell Ruoruo quietly."

Feng Yifan touched her daughter's head and said seriously: "You can't tell Ruoruo, we must ensure fairness and justice, and we can't cheat, "you know?"

Feng Ruoruo looked at her father very seriously, and withdrew her little head into her mother's arms, but still nodded.

Su Jinrong said at this moment: "Well, this method is okay."

Seeing his father-in-law agreed, Feng Yifan said with a smile: "Since Dad, you think it's okay, then we'll talk to Shishu Gong and ask him to talk to my aunt. Anyway, if you want to compare with my aunt, you have to follow this plan."

Lu Cuiling was a little worried and asked, "Son, are you really sure?"

Listening to her mother-in-law's question, Su Ruoxi couldn't help but feel a little worried after thinking about it.

"Yes, if you let a group of children be the judges, without telling them in advance who made it, and simply let the children judge based on their likes and praises, is there really no problem?"

Although Su Ruoxi had seen her husband during this period of time, she made a variety of snacks for her daughter’s kindergarten children to eat, so that those children liked it very much.

But if it is a comparison of cooking, every child's taste is different.

And children often have a little bad preference. In this case, it can be said that it is very difficult to make dishes that appeal to all children.

Feng Yifan thought for a while and said, "Don't we still have a judge like Shishu Gong?"

Speaking of this, Feng Yifan looked at his father-in-law again: "Furthermore, Dad can also be the judge, and let aunt have one person over there, so that the three professional judges are combined with the opinions of the children."

After hearing such a plan, everyone thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this plan was indeed very suitable.

The theme of the banquet for both parties is Children's Day, so the children are the first critics.

It is determined by the children's preference.

Secondly, each of the two parties will make a three-person review team with Zhuang Daozhong to judge from a professional point of view.

Seeing that everyone seemed to have no objection, Feng Yifan smiled and said, "I think, in this way, my aunt won't have any opinions. We will use such a closed contest in Su Ji to make a decision."

Su Jinrong finally made a decision: "Okay, just do it."

After confirming the plan of the competition, Feng Yifan led the apprentice to the back kitchen to complete the rest of the finishing work.

After cleaning the back kitchen, send the apprentice back from the back alley of the kitchen.

Feng Yifan returned to the back kitchen again, carefully checked the various gas and water pipes in the back kitchen, and finally locked the door and turned off the lights and walked out of the back kitchen.

Just when Feng Yifan was in the restaurant~lightnovelpub.net~ How was the front door locked? There are also people who check all kinds of things in the restaurant. Just turned off the light, a message came on the phone.

When I opened it, it turned out to be a message from Yang Zhiyi, asking about the scallion oil used to make braised pork.

As Feng Yifan went upstairs, he edited the scallion related information on his mobile phone and sent it to Yang Zhiyi.

Scallion oil is very simple, consisting of green onions, shallots (onions can also be used), coriander, plus bay leaves, star anise, and white koe.

First, when the oil is cold, put the bay leaves, star anise, and white kombu into the oil for frying. After the oil temperature rises, put the cut and beaten green onions and shallots into the frying pan, and finally put a little bit parsley.

After sending the information about scallion oil to Yang Zhiyi, Feng Yifan thought for a while and sent a copy to Feifei's grandfather.

After sending the message, Feng Yifan arrived at his father-in-law's room.

Just entering the door, Su Jinrong, who was lying on the bed, spoke first: "You are really sure to make a Children's Day banquet for the children. You can also win. Chen Wei, who may be better at Western food?"