Hardcore Chef Dad

v1 Chapter 376: Rules of competition

   When Feng Yifan, Shi Jinbin and Shi Jiahui stepped into the kindergarten kitchen together, they saw at a glance that various ingredients and tableware have been placed in the kindergarten kitchen.

   The chef who came in in line before, everyone carrying boxes of things in their hands, has opened those boxes and took out all kinds of ingredients from the boxes and put them away.

   Compared with the opponent's formation, Feng Yifan looked at the small incubator in his hand, and it was obvious that he was indeed inferior to the opponent by looking at the formation.

   Suddenly a voice attracted Feng Yifan, Shi Jinbin and Shi Jiahui.

"Hurry up, take out all the things, put all the cooking tools inside, yes yes, some inside, set up the cooking table, put all the ingredients on it, hurry up, don’t I got the category wrong..."

   Such a series of command and dispatch, I have to admit that the person in charge is indeed very professional.

   And Feng Yifan quickly saw that the person in charge of commanding and dispatching was Tan Xueli.

  Shi Jinbin saw the young female chef in charge, and looked carefully at it and asked, "This female doll is Su Lanxin's apprentice?"

   Shi Jiahui immediately replied: "Yes, her name is Tan Xueli, she is Su Lanxin's closed disciple."

   Shi Jinbin nodded and said, "I can tell, I don't know how the craftsmanship is? But the temper is very similar to Su Lanxin."

   Shi Jiahui said in a low voice to his father: "Her craftsmanship is indeed good. Although she hasn't been able to create dishes alone, she has learned cooking skills very well, and both Eastern and Western dishes are involved."

   Speaking of this, Shi Jiahui added: "I used to be abroad when I saw her performing the Vance Tofu knife method in public in a restaurant, and finally used the Western style soup cooking method."

   Shi Jinbin was a little surprised when he heard this: "Tofu shreds paired with Western-style soup? How does it taste?

   Shi Jiahui smiled and replied: "It is indeed unique in taste, and that tofu should be their speciality, not ordinary water tofu."

   Shi Jinbin listened and nodded: "It's interesting."

   Feng Yifan said suddenly: "So, it's no wonder that when she came to Su Ji last time, she opened her mouth to challenge my Vance tofu knife skills."

   Shi Jinbin smiled and asked, "How is it? Did you compare with her?"

   Feng Yifan answered indifferently: "Of course not, is she qualified to challenge me?"

   Shi Jinbin and Shi Jiahui's father and daughter were taken aback when they heard the words, and then the father and daughter laughed at the same time.

   In the original kindergarten kitchen, a group of people were busy.

   Suddenly heard a burst of laughter, making everyone look at it unconsciously, and then stopped working one by one. It was a bit strange how these three people got in?

   But none of the cooks stepped forward to inquire. After a short stun, the cooks immediately resumed their work.

   Seeing this scene, Shi Jinbin was a little surprised: "Yes, these cooks are really responsible."

   Feng Yifan asked a little strangely: "Isn't this something a cook should do? If you are disturbed by a little movement, then in such a noisy kitchen, wouldn't the cook be unable to work?"

   When Feng Yifan said this, Shi Jinbin smiled and said: "You are right. It seems that Su Lanxin and Chen Wei do have a set of training for the back kitchen."

   I have to admit that compared with the very professional cooks in front of me, who can concentrate on their own work without being affected.

   Feng Yifan, Shi Jinbin and Shi Jiahui seemed out of place, and the three looked very unprofessional.

   But none of the three paid any attention, and then took out the prepared cook hats and put them on.

After    was put on, they walked towards the inside of the kitchen together.

   The kindergarten’s kitchen is said to be big or small, but in fact it is not too small.

   After all, there are many children in the small, middle, and large classes of kindergarten, plus the preschool. If you want to prepare lunch for these children, the kitchen is too small to be busy.

   Feng Yifan started, and Shi Jinbin and Shi Jiahui's father and daughter followed behind him.

   Walking in the kitchen, passing in front of busy cooks, there is really a feeling of inspecting work.

   But judging from the busyness of the cooks and the ingredients they took out of the big boxes.

   Feng Yifan, Shi Jinbin and Shi Jiahui were also a little surprised. Su Lanxin was really well prepared for today's competition.

   When the three of them reached the back of the kitchen, Chen Wei and Tan Xueli stood there waiting.

   Seeing the arrival of the three people, Chen Wei smiled and asked Shi Jinbin: "Junior, it seems that you are a judge in this competition. Do you want to end up in person?"

   Shi Jinbin smiled and said, "Of course I will abide by the rules. I just came to take a look."

   Next, Shi Jinbin introduced his daughter: "This is the eldest daughter of my family. This time I will give Yifan a shot. Isn't this a violation?"

   Chen Wei pointed to Tan Xueli next to him: "No, this is Tan Xueli, Lan Xin's disciple."

   Tan Xueli also took a step forward and bowed to Feng Yifan and the three of them.

   "Good uncle ten, good sister, good brother Feng."

   Feng Yifan responded with a smile: "You are welcome, Junior Sister Tan, we are also old acquaintances."

   Tan Xueli said seriously: "Yes, the craftsmanship that Senior Brother Feng showed last time is really admired by Senior Sister, Senior Sister has now regarded you as my target."

   Feng Yifan was taken aback after hearing this, and then continued to laugh: "Then I am under a lot of pressure. Junior sister is a closed disciple of my aunt. I am at this level, I'm afraid I will be caught up quickly."

   Tan Xueli is still very serious: "Senior Brother Feng joked, you are now the head of Su Ji. You were our head before, and the little girl can catch up if you don't dare to speak lightly."

   Feng Yifan can still feel Tan Xueli's determination to challenge herself through such a verbal confrontation.

   Feng Yifan didn't mind this either: "If Junior Sister Tan really wants to challenge me, then I will accompany me at any time, but the premise is that you have enough qualifications to challenge me."

   Tan Xueli felt helpless and unwilling to hear this.

   Because she is indeed not qualified to challenge Feng Yifan now.

   Not to mention that Chen Wei, the chef, personally made the shots today. Just to mention that Feng Yifan's few seemingly simple dishes left her with the impression that she could not challenge Tan Xueli.

   Without going on, Chen Wei went on to say: "Today there are twelve chefs here, half of us on each side, who are responsible for helping us with some corner work.

   You can rest assured that they have been strictly trained and will not deliberately manipulate you because of the competitive relationship between us. "

   Feng Yifan asked a little strangely: "Why use so many people?"

   Chen Wei said with a smile: "Don't forget, we are going to make lunch for the children and parents of the entire kindergarten. If there is no one to help, can you do it alone?"

   Feng Yifan also nodded: "Okay, that's a lot of thanks to uncle."

   Chen Wei went on to say: "Don't thank me, your aunt arranged this. She said that it must be fair, then there will be a fair matchup."

   At this time, Su Lanxin also came to the kitchen.

   Seeing that the personnel, tools, and ingredients are basically all equipped, and both parties have already arrived, Su Lanxin is also very satisfied.

   Su Lanxin walked in front of the crowd, and said seriously, "I think you have no objections to the competition, right?"

   Both sides naturally nodded. Since this time has come, naturally there will be no objections.

Seeing that both sides nodded, Su Lanxin continued: "Well, first of all, what you have to try is to make lunch for the children. The time is the end of the Children’s Day activities, which is lunch time. You must serve the children. Guarantee All children, parents and kindergarten teachers can eat their meals on time."

   Shi Jiahui asked: "Are there any requirements? Must the food be Eastern or Western?"

Su Lanxin waved her hand and said, "There is no requirement. The two chefs of today can play freely, draw up your menu, and then let these chefs help, or your deputy can do it. It's okay, as long as the dishes can be served on time. "

   Both sides nodded again, and they also had no objection to this arrangement.

   Su Lanxin went on to say: "You both need to prepare meals for the kindergarten children, parents and teachers, but also prepare a special dish for the judges to taste."

   Everyone was a little surprised, but Shi Jiahui asked, "Why do we have to prepare one separately?"

  Su Lanxin said calmly: "Because it is a competition, it is natural to prepare a special process for the judges to judge which is higher and lower."

   Feng Yifan and Chen Wei looked at each other, and almost asked in unison: "What's the requirement?"

   Seeing that both of them agreed, Su Lanxin replied: "The request is very simple. I want a dish for Feng Ruoruo's birthday."

   Feng Yifan was a little surprised. He didn't expect Su Lanxin to give such a topic.

Su Lanxin saw a surprised look on Feng Yifan’s face, and then said: "What you said, today is your daughter’s birthday, so I think as a father, you should be able to cook a dish for your daughter? Then just cook you for your daughter. A dish, as a test between us."

   Feng Yifan hesitated, he actually didn't want to take out the dishes for his daughter to try.

  Su Lanxin saw that Feng Yifan was not very happy, and then said, "Is it true that in your father's mind, the dishes you cook for your daughter are not the most perfect?"

   Feng Yifan understood that Su Lanxin had to make himself a perfect dish.

   Pour into his father's love for his daughter and cook a unique dish to test.

  In fact, in Feng Yifan's mind, there are too many dishes that are devoted to his daughter, and many of them are even his own homemade dishes and have won praises.

   But now, at this moment, after he has been with his daughter for so long, he doesn't know which dish is his daughter's favorite dish?

   always seems to feel that the previous creations for my daughter are just what she imagined in her heart to like.

   may be made now, but my daughter may not really like it.

   So what does the daughter like?

   Observation during this period of time, Feng Yifan naturally also knows.

   But it is not a simple matter to create a dish for her daughter according to her daughter's likes.

While Feng Yifan was still silent and hesitating, Chen Wei agreed first: "Well, although I have no daughter and I don't know Feng Ruoruo's preferences, but I will do my best to cook a dish that Feng Ruoruo likes very much. "

   Then, Chen Wei looked at Feng Yifan and said, "As a father, you are taking an open-book exam. Wouldn't you dare to take it?"

   Hearing such obvious provocation, Feng Yifan no longer hesitated: "Okay, I accept."

   Su Lanxin clapped her hands: "Okay, things have been arranged, and the two of you can start preparing.

   Please remember that the lunch at the kindergarten at noon and the dish for Feng Ruoruo’s birthday will be counted in your score, and everything is sloppy. "

   Finally, Su Lanxin said to Feng Yifan: "Don't let me down too much."

   Feng Yifan responded calmly: "I hope you can honor your promise. If I win, you will not disturb us anymore."

   Su Lanxin nodded: "Don't worry, I shouldn't bother you again after today. I don't think your whole family wants to see me again, which makes you hateful."

  Shi Jinbin couldn't help but say: "Lan Xin, in fact, you and Jin Rong are brothers and sisters after all, Master he..."

   Without letting Shi Jinbin finish the sentence, Su Lanxin said very solemnly: "Brother, this is not the time to talk about friendship, nor is it time to talk about family relationships. After the winner is divided, you can talk about it."

After    said, Su Lanxin didn't stop at all, she turned around and walked out of the kitchen.

  While walking, Su Lanxin raised her wrist to check the time: "It's eight o'clock now, before twelve o'clock, I hope you can give your answers."

   Watching Su Lanxin leave, Shi Jinbin shook his head helplessly and sighed.

   Shi Jiahui said: "Dad, why bother with her? People like her have no intentions at all."

   Tan Xueli is still next to her, and she is naturally unhappy when she hears this: "Master sister, please speak with respect. Master also has her problems. If you are replaced by you, you may not be able to do better than Master."

   Shi Jiahui looked at Tan Xueli and said, "If it were me, I wouldn't use such an extreme method. I would try my best to discuss with my father and brother."

   Chen Wei said, "Well, now that the method of the test has been determined, let's start now."

  The people on the next two sides also started to prepare.

   First of all, of course, we need to discuss the menu~lightnovelpub.net~ Considering the healthy diet of the kindergarten children, we also need to consider a little taste issue, and the key is the issue of time.

   To be able to eat at twelve o'clock, this is really a very urgent time.

   Even if both parties have prepared something in advance, but from 8 o'clock to 12 noon, the time is still very urgent.

   Therefore, after discussing with his uncle and senior sister, Feng Yifan finally decided on the form of lunch, a nutritious bento.

   On the other side, after some thinking, Chen Wei also determined a similar form.

   But Chen Wei is not a lunch box, but a buffet for everyone.

   determined the presentation of the lunch, the two sides then began to determine the dishes and the quantity, and the need to divide the labor, deploy all the personnel on hand, and use everyone to their fullest.

   After discussing, Shi Jinbin left the kitchen. As a judge, he really couldn't stay.

   But not long after Shi Jinbin left, Lin Ruifeng hurried back.

   Seeing Lin Ruifeng running in panting, Feng Yifan casually smiled and asked: "How about it? You won't really send Shen Qingluo to her company, right?"

   Lin Ruifeng gasped, staring at the Master with wide-open eyes, but couldn't say a word.

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