Hardcore Chef Dad

v1 Chapter 486: Hardcore

After dinner, the little girls naturally wanted to go to the small park to play, but today Feng Yifan couldn't watch them together.

I'm going to set up a stall tomorrow, there are still a lot of things to prepare. Therefore, Feng Yifan must stay with his apprentice and make adequate preparations for tomorrow.

Before going out, Feng Ruoruo did not forget to say a few words to his father seriously.

"Dad, if you don't disturb you and Uncle Xiaolin, if you will come back earlier and stay with your father, okay?"

Feng Yifan smiled and squeezed her daughter's face slightly: "Okay, if you go to see the grandma in the small park after dancing, you can push your grandfather back with your grandma and mother, and then you can accompany your father."

Feng Ruoruo smiled and nodded when he heard his father say this: "Okay, okay, if you go to dance with your grandma, you will come back to accompany your father."

Feng Yifan asked her daughter again: "Ruoruo can't just play by herself, Ruoruo still has to accompany her grandpa to exercise."

This is why Feng Yifan asked his mother and wife to take their daughter out.

He felt that the store was not very busy at night during these two days, so he could just give his father-in-law more time to exercise. And when I go to set up a stall, my wife and daughter can also accompany his father-in-law to exercise every night.

After all, there are Feng Yifan, Lin Ruifeng and Zhao Daxia at the stall at night, so they should be able to get busy.

Feng Ruoruo listened to his father's instructions and seriously agreed: "Don't worry, father, Ruoruo will definitely work out with grandpa."

Watching everyone go out together, Feng Yifan closed the door of the shop again and led the apprentice to the back kitchen to keep busy.

Before Feng Yifan had taught his apprentice some details of roasting goose and roast duck, but in the next time, it was time for preparation.

Take out all the processed goose, duck and meat.

Among them, goose and duck must be marinated first.

Feng Yifan did not conceal the slightest bit of marinade recipe from his apprentice.

The first thing is to prepare a powder. The powder for marinating the goose has more ingredients. Feng Yifan showed the apprentice the same, and told the apprentice the approximate ratio.

"Salt, sugar, sand ginger, cloves, star anise, cinnamon, licorice, bay leaves, etc. are all powdered, plus some five-spice powder and thirteen incense. Remember that the ratio is not fixed. It depends on the size of the goose. Adjustments can be made according to taste."

After the powder ratio is completed, some sauce is needed to marinate the goose.

"In terms of sauces, they are basically all kinds of sauces available on the market, such as hoisin sauce, mochi sauce, peanut butter, sesame sauce, southern milk, and soy sauce."

In front of his apprentice, Feng Yifan mixed these sauces in a proportion, and stirred them in a small bowl.

When the goose is marinated, green onions, ginger, garlic and dried onions are added.

"You look good, the ginger, garlic, and shallots are all smashed, and the shallots are also cut off. Pour them into the belly of the goose together with these powdered sauces, and add high-grade white wine. This wine belongs to your Feng Sister’s house. Using this high-quality wine can not only remove the taste of the goose, but also increase the aroma."

All the ingredients were put into the goose's belly, and Feng Yifan reached into the goose's belly to apply very carefully.

"You must remember that the inside must be applied very evenly, so that the goose can be thoroughly tasted."

After applying the various materials, Feng Yifan used a sealing needle to seal the abdomen opening of the goose.

"Look clearly, this is the same as usual sewing clothes, so use a needle to seal it, and finally remember to put the needle into the abdomen of the goose, so that it won't get stuck."

After the seal was sealed, Feng Yifan went on to blow on the goose.

Insert a leather tube into the opening left by the slaughter of the goose neck, hold the leather tube opening tightly with one hand, and press the needle on the goose belly with the other hand, and then start blowing into the leather tube.

Feng Yifan took a deep breath, then blew it hard, and instantly all the goose skins rose.

Although he had seen it once before, when he saw it with his own eyes now, Lin Ruifeng still had to admit that Master's vital capacity was really amazing.

You know, Feng Yifan has almost blown up the goose when he continues to breathe.

According to what the master said before, the goose skin must be blown up so that it looks better after roasting.

After only two mouthfuls, the goose has been blown up and it looks very round.

Lin Ruifeng couldn't help remembering that when Master let himself blow, he had blown for a long time before blowing a goose into swelling.

After Feng Yifan blew it, he said to his apprentice: "After that, I will go. If you can't blow it, you can change it to pumping up. Use that kind of ballooning foot to step on the inflator. The effect is actually the same."

Speaking of this, Feng Yifan seriously exhorts: "You must remember that whether you are blowing or pumping up, you must pinch this hole, otherwise it will be unsightly if it leaks too much."

The goose after blowing was pinched by Feng Yifan's neck and brought to the boiling water pot on the stovetop.

"You can put some baking soda in the pot, and then use boiling water to pour it all over the whole body of the goose, so that the goose can be preliminarily shaped."

After scalding with boiling water, Feng Yifan put the goose aside and let it dry slowly.

In this process, Feng Yifan also made a few geese. Also treat the ducks in a similar way.

After the geese and ducks have been processed and dried in superheated water, the crispy water can be started.

Feng Yifan also mixed the crispy water in front of his apprentice.

"This crispy water can be made more in advance. The basic ingredients are: white vinegar, red vinegar, Erguotou, rose wine, water, maltose, and lemon."

Pour it into the pot according to the proportion, slowly heat it to mix the ingredients, and finally present a pot of slightly reddish crispy water.

While waiting to let cool, Feng Yifan also modified and marinated the pork belly.

"The meat is cut into approximately two finger widths, and the marinades are: sugar, rib sauce, southern milk sauce, Zhu Hou sauce, hoisin sauce, pasta sauce, light soy sauce, and less salt. This is actually a barbecued pork recipe, so remember You must have more sugar, less salt, and chopped garlic to add flavor."

All the sauces are ready, Feng Yifan also puts the cut pork belly into the sauce and mixes it evenly, then seal it with plastic wrap, and put it directly into the refrigerator.

"Refrigerate it overnight, let it fully marinate and taste it, and tomorrow we will take it over and bake it in the hanging oven."

Lin Ruifeng watched the entire operation of Master carefully, and he was really dazzled, because everything that Master taught today is very hardcore.

These things are not considered Huaicheng local dishes, but they will definitely be popular at food stalls.

From today's Feng Yifan roast goose out of the oven, you can see that everyone is so happy to eat.

When you go to the stall, using these Cantonese roast meat with fried rice and noodles will definitely make your business very hot, and it will become a very popular food stall on the street.

Of course, the most important point is that these are easier to produce in batches as long as you master the skills.

At least it is simpler than the delicately crafted dishes of Su Ji, suitable for mass production when setting up a stall, and used as a delicacy to attract diners on the street.

Of course, in addition to the roast goose, roast duck and barbecued pork, Feng Yifan's improved cooking of eel will also become a Suji characteristic of street stalls.

When the pork belly is marinated in the refrigerator, the crispy water has cooled down. Feng Yifan carefully smears the goose and duck with crispy water.

"You must remember that after applying this crispy water, put it in the shade and dry it overnight. It is best to blow it with a fan and then leave it there to dry overnight. But remember, if you stay overnight, you must not blow it away. , Otherwise it may be too dry."

After teaching, Feng Yifan asked his apprentice to make a goose and a duck.

This can also be regarded as allowing students to familiarize themselves with the process and master these production processes as soon as possible, laying the foundation for the future to support the food stall alone.

Feng Ruoruo didn't spend much time in the small park because he was thinking about his "old father" at home.

Together with Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei to exercise with grandpa, the little girls are also a little absent-minded.

When she heard the grandma’s dancing and music ended, Feng Ruoruo couldn’t wait to run in front of her grandma and mother and said, “Okay, the dancing is over. Let’s go home, grandma and mother.”

Lu Cuiling and Su Ruoxi were all taken aback when they saw Feng Ruoruo.

Then the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at each other and couldn't help laughing at the same time.

Grandma stretched out her hand to pull the little granddaughter into her arms, and said with a smile: "You little thing, I said why you were absent-minded today? I didn't go to dance with me, and said that I wanted to exercise with my grandpa here. In fact, it was in my heart. Thinking of Dad, so I don’t want to dance, right?"

Other people were so strange when they saw Feng Ruoruo going back so soon?

Why is Feng Ruoruo not active at all today?

She didn't go to dance with the old ladies and exercise with her grandfather. The little girl was absent-minded all the time. Sometimes she had to call her twice to get a response.

Now that the music there just stopped, Feng Ruoruo actually yelled to go home.

All this is really abnormal.

After listening to Lu Cuiling's words, everyone suddenly felt that Feng Ruoruo was thinking about his father who hadn't come out.

Su Ruoxi smiled and said to her daughter: "Let's play for a while, grandpa still needs to exercise."

Feng Ruoruo's small mouth suddenly pursed, obviously very unhappy.

Su Jinrong supported the wheelchair and stood there and said, "If we want to go back, then let's go back. It's too early. Go back and rest early. I will follow Dad to set up a stall tomorrow."

Feng Ruoruo immediately changed his words when he heard her grandfather speak.

"Grandpa, let's exercise for a while. Dad said, Grandpa needs more exercise. Ruoruo walks a few steps with grandpa."

At this moment, Feng Ruoruo became very sensible again, and took the initiative to walk over to help grandpa support the wheelchair.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked at each other again, and for a while they didn't understand the little girl's mind.

Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei saw Feng Ruoruo going to support her grandfather, and the two little girls also went there, supporting her grandfather with Feng Ruoruo, and then walked a few steps back and forth with her grandpa together.

When the children flocked to her grandpa and walked away a bit, Su Ruoxi smiled and explained to everyone: "Grandpa said to go home, if Ruo is worried about going home, dad thinks that she has not completed the task of taking grandpa to exercise, so she has to accompany grandpa to exercise. Now, go home and talk to Dad."

Listening to Su Ruoxi's words, everyone suddenly understood.

Li Feier smiled and said, "Sure enough, Ruoruo your family is very smart."

Su Ruoxi went on to say: "She is a clever, and as long as it is a task assigned by her father, she must complete it well."

Yang Zhiyi immediately said sourly: "This is completely the opposite of our family's Xixi."

Li Fei'er looked at her husband, curled her lips and said, "That's because you don't have Dad Feng to take care of the children. Look at how well Ruoruo, Xixi, and Feifei are taken care of by Dad Feng?"

Yang Zhiyi sighed helplessly: "Well, it looks like I will learn more about cooking from Chef Feng in the future."

Grandma Xixi suddenly said: "Not only to learn cooking, you also have to learn how Feng Yifan takes care of children. Look at Ruoruo, no matter how busy Feng Yifan is, he will accompany Ruoruo and let Ruoruo be by his side. Speak with Ruoruo and interact with Ruoruo, you look at you."

Grandpa Xixi took the words: "When I started writing a manuscript, I locked myself in the room and didn't show up for a few hours."

Yang Zhiyi was scolded by his parents and his wife, and instantly felt that his family status had once again been reduced.

Now he even regrets a little bit. He had known that he would not let his parents and his wife reconcile, so that at least there would be no such situation in front of him.

However, despite being scolded, Yang Zhiyi was actually very happy to see the harmony between his wife and his parents.

As for being slapped? He is a big man. Has he been educated by his parents since he was a child? Anyway, the face has long been thickened, so I don't care.

Seeing Yang Zhiyi bowing his head and reluctantly accepting the criticism, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Grandpa Feifei said: "In the future, Dad Xixi will really study hard with the children’s Dad Feng, and strive to become a good father who understands his daughter."

Grandma Fei Fei also said: "Yes, when Dad Fei Fei comes back, let him go to Dad Feng to learn from him."

The grown-ups here chatted, and the three little girls walked back and forth in the small park several times around the grandfather.

Finally, Su Jinrong was a little tired, and said to the children: "Okay, okay, grandpa is tired today, and it's very late. Let's go home and continue to exercise tomorrow."

Hearing that grandpa was going home, Feng Ruoruo smiled and nodded and agreed: "Okay, let's go home."

The three little girls ~lightnovelpub.net~ slowly let grandpa sit back into the wheelchair.

In fact, after so long of exercise, Su Jinrong's legs are already struggling, so he can go back to the wheelchair and sit without the help of the children.

After grandfather was seated, Feng Ruoruo said to Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei, "Let’s go home and see what Dad is doing at home."

Yang Xiaoxi immediately agreed: "Okay."

Chen Yaofei said: "Ruoruo, it's not early, Xixi and I are going home to sleep, otherwise we can't get up tomorrow morning, so we won't be able to come to Ruoruo's house and set up a stall with Father Feng."

Being reminded by Chen Yaofei, Yang Xiaoxi also slowed down: "Yes, you can't go to Ruoruo your house. We have to go home to sleep. It's too late. It will take a long time for my grandparents and parents to go home."

Feng Ruoruo walked over and hugged two good friends: "Well, you will get up early tomorrow, come to our house for breakfast, and then let's play together and set up a stall with my father, okay?

The two little girls naturally nodded in agreement.