Hardcore Chef Dad

v1 Chapter 619: Su Liancheng's honesty

After talking to the apprentice, Feng Yifan asked the apprentice to give the phone to Su Liancheng.

"I know that you are kind and that you really want to help Ruifeng win, but the method you used is wrong. Do you think that in such a short few days, Ruifeng can study how to cook beef? And cook delicious wagyu dishes? , Do you want to go with fried rice?"

When Su Liancheng heard such words, he realized in an instant that he might indeed use his strength in the wrong place.

Not to mention that Lin Ruifeng had no concept of Wagyu before he got the recipe he gave him.

Even if Su Liancheng gave him a complete set of recipes, Lin Ruifeng's current basis is simply unable to cook wagyu beef well, let alone combining wagyu cuisine with fried rice?

This is obviously something that has been seriously beyond the scope, and Lin Ruifeng can't do it for a cook of this level today.

So Su Liancheng seemed to understand why Feng Yifan called to learn about the situation and immediately stopped Lin Ruifeng's own research.

This is not because a master does not support his disciple's own efforts, but because as a master, he knows his disciples well.

Feng Yifan knew very well that Lin Ruifeng was still far from the ability to create his own dishes.

So Lin Ruifeng spent a lot of thought on studying how to cook wagyu beef and how to combine wagyu beef with fried rice. This is actually a matter of putting the cart before the horse.

Perhaps in the end, Lin Ruifeng spent a lot of time and experience, and the result did not achieve the expectations he wanted to achieve. On the contrary, it made him miss another opportunity to improve his cooking now.

Su Liancheng also slowly figured out the key, and said to Feng Yifan on the phone: "Sorry, I was not thoughtful. I was just thinking about how to help Xiaolin, but he didn't think about it at all. Xiaolin's current cooking skills To the extent, I was negligent."

Feng Yifan said seriously: "I know your thoughts very well. You can rest assured that we are still friends and relatives. Ruoxi and I will definitely recognize you as a big brother. You really don't have to do so much."

Although there was no direct explanation, Su Liancheng naturally understood what Feng Yifan meant.

These words also made Su Liancheng a little ashamed.

He was really worried in his heart, Feng Yifan still hated them in his heart, and he may cut off contact in the future, or fall into trouble when there is a problem with Fujing Building.

So Su Liancheng tried his best to please Lin Ruifeng, but also wanted to build a good relationship.

But now that Feng Yifan said this, let him relax a lot of his hanging heart.

Su Liancheng finally said, "Brother-in-law, if you have any needs in the future, please tell me. I will definitely go all out to help you."

Feng Yifan responded with a smile on the phone: "You really don't have to be so polite. The enmity between us has been resolved. Everyone can do a good job individually. As for other things, don't take it to heart. You can help Ruifeng like this this time. , I, as a master, also thank you very much."

Su Liancheng said helplessly: "In fact, I didn't help him, but I almost didn't help him."

When Lin Ruifeng heard this, he couldn't help saying: "Master, I really don't blame Brother Lian Cheng. It's all I thought. He was just helping me."

Feng Yifan went on to say: "Okay, your task now is to find a way to solve the problem of greasy fried rice. This is a question I gave you. You solve the problem first. You win or lose in the test with Ma Xiaolong. Don’t worry about it, and I won’t drive you away just because I win or lose."

Su Liancheng heard what Feng Yifan said to Lin Ruifeng, and quickly pressed the phone on the hands-free so that Lin Ruifeng listened to Master's teaching together.

After Lin Ruifeng listened, he said seriously: "I know Master."

Feng Yifan responded: "Okay, just know it, work hard."

After the two parties bid farewell, they hung up the phone.

Lin Ruifeng looked around and looked at the ingredients Su Liancheng had helped to prepare in the kitchen, as well as some recipes that he had found for him. He also looked a little guilty.

When Su Liancheng saw this, before Lin Ruifeng could speak, he reached out and patted his shoulder and spoke first: "Don't feel guilty, just like your master said, I have my purpose to help you, if you are not Feng Yifan's apprentice, no Because Feng Yifan values ​​you, I won't help you.

So you don't need to feel guilty, let alone be too grateful to me, because of this matter, I have obtained the results I want and the benefits I hope to get, and you have not owed me anything. "

Lin Ruifeng raised his head and looked at Su Liancheng. He didn't expect Su Liancheng to speak so directly.

But after hearing such direct words, Lin Ruifeng instantly awakened and understood that in the adult world, there is nothing without a price.

Su Liancheng was able to help in this way, in order to please Feng Yifan, and then let Feng Yifan continue to help Fujinglou.

To put it bluntly, it is because Su Liancheng's Fujing Building now needs part of Feng Yifan's dishes to support.

Therefore, Su Liancheng did not hesitate to invest in Lin Ruifeng, to win Lin Ruifeng to have a good impression on him, and I hope that Lin Ruifeng can help Feng Yifan in the future.

But now, Feng Yifan called and stopped the student's self-study.

Although Su Liancheng seemed to have been unfavorable, he was blamed by Feng Yifan. But in fact, if Feng Yifan had received this love in his heart, Su Liancheng would have achieved his goal.

Lin Ruifeng figured this out and didn't blame Su Liancheng for taking advantage of him.

"I still want to thank you, Brother Liancheng, whether you look at the face of my master or not, you have mobilized so many resources these days just to let me learn these things. I still appreciate you, of course. I can’t make any promises yet..."

Hearing this, Su Liancheng interrupted him: "You don't need to make any promises. I think it might be better for the two of us to maintain a friendship."

Lin Ruifeng was a little surprised, and then saw Su Liancheng proactively reach out to him.

After hesitating for a while, Lin Ruifeng also stretched out his hand and shook hands with Su Liancheng, and the two became friends.

Lin Ruifeng helped to tidy up the things, and then did not ask Su Liancheng to drive him, but rushed back to the ancient street by himself, and then went straight to Liu Wanhua's shop.

In Liu Wanhua's shop, Lin Ruifeng saw Shen Qingluo who was waiting a little anxiously.

Without any hesitation, he rushed in and hugged Shen Qingluo.

"Sorry, I'm not good these days. I should tell you what I think and what I'm going to do. You shouldn't worry about me, and even more shouldn't make you think about us and feel the relationship between the two of us. If something goes wrong, it's all my fault, sorry."

Shen Qingluo was held in this way, and when she heard Lin Ruifeng's words, she was also stunned for an instant.

At this moment, such a hug seemed to drive away all unhappiness in an instant.

Shen Qingluo slowly stretched out her hand, and then suddenly hugged Lin Ruifeng in the same way, and then she buried her head in Lin Ruifeng's arms, tears already streaming down.

Lin Ruifeng noticed that the person in his arms was sobbing, so he hurriedly asked: "What's wrong? I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, don't cry, I know it's me not good this time, Master has already told me about me, I understand that I'm wrong. It has caused a lot of bad consequences."

After sobbing for a while, Shen Qingluo hit Lin Ruifeng's chest with a fist.

"You bastard, why didn't you tell me? Did I tell you not to study new recipes? Did I tell you not to teach yourself those things? But why didn't you tell me? "

Seeing that Shen Qingluo was crying, while continuing to punch his chest with his fists, Lin Ruifeng could only apologize very sincerely: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I didn't think so much, I just thought, I Let’s work hard alone and work out the cooking of wagyu beef with fried rice."

Shen Qingluo heard this and asked: "Then you, have you researched it out?"

Lin Ruifeng smiled bitterly and said, "I was going to study it out, but the master called to stop it."

Shen Qingluo finally burst into laughter: "You, you are really too stupid. Did you give up your own research because of a word from your master?"

Lin Ruifeng reluctantly said: "Because the master is right, I really haven't mastered the basics. I shouldn't study the cooking by myself. Those will only make me put the cart before the horse. In the end, I may not learn anything well, and there is no way to be true. proficient."

At this time, Liu Wanhua couldn't help but said, "Well, Yifan is really a good teacher."

Shen Qingluo turned to look at Liu Wanhua and asked, "Grandma Wanhua, do you think Xiaolin can't teach himself?"

Liu Wanhua nodded and said, "Of course not. If you can learn everything by yourself, why do you still have to go to a teacher? And if cooking is considered art, then your own self-study can really stimulate creativity, but if you don’t even master the basics , You can't make a dish just by what imagination you have."

Shen Qingluo pouted and said, "Grandma, I think Xiaolin can try it."

Liu Wanhua shook his head: "No, I think Xiaolin should listen to Master, and do the best he can do now, and then try to cook further."

Lin Ruifeng also nodded and said, "Yes, Master said the same to me, and Master assigned me a task to solve the problem of greasy fried rice."

Liu Wanhua continued: "Well, I’m not wrong to hear from your master. This greasy problem. Greasy is a kind of taste problem. It can also be regarded as a basis in cooking. Don’t look at fried rice as simple, but in fact you want it to be true. Doing your best is not so easy."

Seeing Lin Ruifeng nodded in agreement, Liu Wanhua said: "It's like fried pho in Cantonese cuisine. It seems very simple, but in fact, fried pho is a great test of a chef's skills. There won’t be any excess oil left on the plate, that’s the real effort."

Shen Qingluo thought for a while and said, "But Kobayashi makes sizzling fried rice. If you control the oil, you won't be able to achieve the effect of fried rice."

Liu Wanhua nodded and said, "So this is a test for Kobayashi. How can we improve it? So as to ensure that the fried rice is delicious without making people feel greasy after eating it?"

Shen Qingluo immediately said: "Actually, Auntie has already told us the answer. You can add some grated orange zest, or add lemon juice to the meat. You can also try it, Xiao Lin, but it seems that Aunt Ruoxi didn't tell us. How much is it."

Liu Wanhua laughed: "Hahaha, this may be a test for Xiaolin."

Lin Ruifeng nodded and said, "Well, I understand, I will continue to try."

Liu Wanhua went on to say: "Okay, everyone has come back. Let Qing Luo accompany you today. Let us go and study together. At noon, I will go to eat with Chaodong and Cuifeng. Today we are all at noon. You all eat fried rice, Kobayashi, you have to work hard."

When Shen Qingluo heard this, she said with some worry: "Grandma Wanhua, if you all eat fried rice, isn't it a bit embarrassing for Xiaolin? He didn't think of a good solution."

Liu Wanhua smiled and said, "Why is it embarrassing for him? His master told him clearly how to do it. Now it depends on his own skill, whether he can integrate those methods with his fried rice well, so as to be greasy and not greasy. It tastes very delicious."

Without waiting for Shen Qingluo to speak, Lin Ruifeng said this time: "No problem, I will invite everyone to eat fried rice at noon."

Shen Qingluo looked at Lin Ruifeng who had promised, and just wanted to say something, but seeing Lin Ruifeng's firm gaze, she swallowed the words that came to her lips again, without saying anything more.

Then, Lin Ruifeng took Shen Qingluo, and the two left Liu Wanhua's shop together.

Liu Wanhua saw the two young people leaving behind. This moment really made her feel as if she had seen herself and Su Jinrong.

Inadvertently, Liu Wanhua began to miss Su Jinrong.

Lin Ruifeng pulled Shen Qingluo back to the Lin's shop, and after entering the door, he was ready to start.

But he hasn't prepared some other things today, so he still needs to prepare a little bit of other things. After all, the night market business can't be delayed at night.

Shen Qingluo followed Lin Ruifeng into the kitchen, standing in the kitchen watching Lin Ruifeng busy, there was a kind of satisfaction in her heart.

There is even a kind of illusion that the lost things have returned to their own hands.

While Lin Ruifeng was busy, he would raise his head from time to time and look at Shen Qingluo at each other. The inadvertent eyebrows between the two young people also filled their hearts with sweetness. This kind of sweet love in the kitchen has stimulated Lin Ruifeng's potential even more.

After preparing all kinds of ingredients, put the barbecued pork, roast goose, and roast duck into the oven. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Lin Ruifeng thought about some of the methods the master had told him, and vaguely thought of a method that could be tried.

Then he went to the refrigerator at home and searched for the oranges and lemons in the refrigerator.

Use a peeling knife to peel off the orange zest first, then spread the orange zest on a baking tray, put it in the oven to dry the moisture in the orange zest, and then pulverize all the dried orange zest.

After finishing these, Lin Ruifeng took out the rice from the refrigerator, and immediately started to cook the rice in the pot.

During the rice frying process, Lin Ruifeng added orange peel powder, and the fried rice was slightly orange-scented.

Because it was an experiment, Lin Ruifeng only fried a little bit, and did not add other meats. He made an unremarkable plate of fried rice, and he brought it to Shen Qingluo to taste it together: "Come on, help me taste it. Is it okay to do this?"

Shen Qingluo's expression was a bit complicated, because she thought this kind of fried rice was strange, but she still took a spoonful of it with a spoon and put it in her mouth to taste. </div>