Hardcore Chef Dad

v2 Chapter 771: A prepared menu

Feng Yifan washed his hands carefully, then put on disposable gloves, then took out a knife of his own, and began to seriously deboning the duck on the plate.

Catherine and Tom were watching, and their eyes gradually became very surprised.

At the beginning of the chef at the Perovence restaurant, the two of them had indeed seen Feng Yifan's knife skills, but they did not expect his knife skills to be so exquisite.

Such a steamed duck was slowly dismantled by a knife in Feng Yifan's hand.

The key is that every piece of meat that Feng Yifan removed is very complete.

In the end, almost only half of the duck's skeleton remained.

The meat on the plate is very complete.

Afterwards, Feng Yifan seasoned the meat on the plate again.

No condiments such as salt are added.

Instead, Feng Yifan found another plate, cut very thin slices of melon on the bottom pad, and put the deboned duck meat on top, and finally sprinkled some sweet-scented osmanthus on it.

With such a decoration, the remaining half of the steamed duck with fermented rice seems to have become another dish.

Before preparing to steam again, Feng Yifan suddenly opened the front door and ran out.

Before long, he quickly ran back from outside.

And because Su Ji opened the door, many people on the ancient street looked inside, but they were all blocked by Feng Yifan, and he locked the door again from the inside.

The people on the ancient street were a little confused when they saw that the door was locked again.

"What's going on? Is it opened?"

"It shouldn't be opened, right?"

"Then chef Feng who ran out just now?"

"Yes? Chef Feng is here, why not open it?"

"It looks like Chef Feng is cooking inside."

"Does it cook in there? Doesn't that mean it is about to open?"

"Wow, is Su Kee going to open today?"

"Hey, definitely not, Chef Feng said in an interview before that he is now researching the menu, and he needs to develop a unique menu before it opens."

"That's a real pleasure."

The crowd onlookers at the door couldn't help feeling a little helpless, but everyone also understood that now they can only wait.

Feng Yifan returned from Fan Chaodong and Wang Cuifeng's rice wine shop.

Brought back a bottle of fermented rice.

Feng Yifan put the fermented wine along the side of the plate and poured it into the plate.

When the fermented rice was poured out, the whole back kitchen was filled with the sweet aroma of fermented rice.

Catherine and Tom didn't know very well, they were both very curious.

Shi Jiahui explained to two people that this thing is called fermented rice wine, which is a kind of fermented rice wine, but it has not been fully fermented into wine.

Feng Yifan had everything ready and put this plate in a steamer that had already been steamed by SAIC.

Because the duck inside was cooked, it didn't steam for a long time this time, just five minutes.

Basically, it is to volatilize the alcohol in the fermented rice.

When Feng Yifan turned off the heat and opened the lid again, the whole kitchen filled with a rich fragrance.

The sweet smell of fermented wine, with the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus, the scent of melon on the plate, and the scent of duck, really make people slobber.

Feng Yifan took the plate out of the pot, put it aside, and said, "Well, it's pretty good like this."

Others took a closer look and saw that the plate was as beautiful as an unfolding picture.

It was the same meat from the previous half of the duck, but after Feng Yifan dismantled the bones and re-arranged the plate, it was really beautiful, and with the fragrance, it was like a hibiscus in the water.

Seeing everyone's index fingers moved, Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Sorry, you can't eat this. This is for my mother and my daughter to eat."

Hearing this, everyone who was ready to taste was taken aback.

Su Jinrong smiled and said, "Hahaha, Yifan is really a filial son and a good father."

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Dad, when you have dinner in the evening, you can also taste it and give me some advice."

Su Jinrong joked: "Then I dare not."

Feng Yifan suddenly laughed.

The others also laughed.

After everyone laughed, Feng Yifan asked, "How did your results today? Have you developed new dishes?"

The smiles on Catherine and Tom's faces instantly disappeared, and the two shook their heads bitterly.

Feng Yifan nodded: "Well, it seems a bit difficult for you, so let's wait for the customized tableware, tables and chairs to be delivered, the western restaurant will open first."

Both Catherine and Tom were taken aback by this.

Catherine then asked: "But the chef, the menu?"

Feng Yifan walked out of the back kitchen and quickly brought back a menu from a cabinet in front.

"Since you haven't worked out a new dish, then use my copy first."

Taking a look at Feng Yifan's menu, Catherine and Tom were instantly surprised. The two of them didn't expect that Feng Yifan had actually prepared the western restaurant's menu.

Feng Yifan explained: “This menu is based on the positioning of our western restaurant, and I filtered the menu prepared afterwards. If you have suitable dishes in the future, you can add it to this menu, and we can also draw up a new one at that time. of."

Feng Yifan gave two sets on the menu.

They are two servings of beef as the main dish and fish as the main dish.

Of course, there are also some side dishes and some single items to choose from on the menu.

The two main set menus are not common in western restaurants.

The beef is grilled over charcoal fire, and is served with nut sauce and vegetable juice to make steak cakes, which are not traditional steaks.

Fish meat is a fish steak made from a whole piece of fish meat.

As for some of the items, there is an improved version of the butter lobster that Feng Yifan made in the Shanghai Hotel restaurant.

In terms of desserts, Luo Yu and Hans are the main desserts.

After giving the menu, Feng Yifan said: "In addition, there are drinks. This is Tom's strength. You can filter according to the menu. You can tell me which winery you want to contact, and I will give a recommendation. Letter, let you get in touch easily."

Tom quickly responded: "Yes, chef."

Su Jinrong and Shi Jiahui were by the side, watching Feng Yifan tell Catherine and Tom various things.

At this moment, they had seen Feng Yifan's side as the chef of a top restaurant.

Especially about contacting the winery.

Be able to give a letter of recommendation to prove that Feng Yifan has been in contact with those wineries, and it is obvious that the winery will sell Feng Yifan's affection.

Through this, it is not difficult to prove that Feng Yifan is well-known abroad.

Everything was arranged, and Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Catherine, you are the sous chef of the western restaurant, you must be a good sous chef."

Catherine responded solemnly: "Yes, chef."

Shi Jiahui saw that Feng Yifan had arranged the western restaurant next door, and she sighed: "It seems that we also need to speed up the progress? We want Su Ji to open as soon as possible, not too behind the next door.

Feng Yifan said with a smile upon hearing the words: "Master Sister, Su Ji, don't worry, Su Ji's menu still needs to be carefully considered."

Shi Jiahui rolled his eyes and said, "Or else, would you also get a Su Ji menu?"

Feng Yifan shook his head: "That won't work, I can't hide your talents, Master Sister."

Shi Jiahui suddenly laughed and scolded: "You get fucked, you obviously want to squeeze us."

Everyone in the back kitchen also laughed.

Feng Yifan also smiled and said, "Sister, don’t I want to inspire your fighting spirit and potential? Think about it for so many years, have you been cooking traditional dishes? Have you really displayed it? Your own imagination, to cook a dish?"

After Feng Yifan said this, Shi Jiahui thought about it seriously, as if it was really the case.

Since Shi Jiahui became a teacher and left her father's side, she has been cooking the dishes on the traditional recipes, basically without any major changes.

But after coming to Su Ji, she has created an innovative dish in a short time.

Although the flavor is still fried soft pocket, there are still differences in the method and it has its own characteristics.

Thinking about it this way, Shi Jiahui felt that in Su Ji, being forced by Feng Yifan, there is really room for improvement.

But thinking like this in her heart, Shi Jiahui still said, "Huh, even if there is a breakthrough, I will not miss you. Anyway, you are the boss who squeezes employees."

Feng Yifan had no choice but to appease: "Okay, as long as the master sister is happy, you can call me whatever you want."

Shi Jiahui is quite satisfied.

Afterwards, Feng Yifan said to Catherine and Tom: "When the business next door is over, you don’t have to go to Ruifeng to help in the next few days. The three of you will become familiar with this menu as soon as possible. I will take the time to make it for you tomorrow. , The rest is up to you to comprehend."

Catherine and Tom naturally agreed immediately.

Shi Jiahui was a little surprised: "You actually only do it once? The rest is left to let them understand by themselves? Are your requirements too high?"

Catherine helped to speak: "The assistant chef, this is not the case, because after the opening, the chef will definitely take us for a period of time. The process of the chef leading us is also a process we are constantly familiar with, so the chef started to demonstrate it again. To give us a rough demonstration."

Shi Jiahui still felt that Feng Yifan showed too little.

Feng Yifan said: "If I do it again and they can't understand it on their own, then the three of them should be expelled."

Shi Jiahui asked strangely: "Are you saying that is too absolute?"

Tom asked Catherine to help with the translation, but also to express his point of view.

"Western dishes, the cooking method is not complicated, the only complicated part is some heat control, and some deviations in seasoning. This is not something that can be learned through multiple demonstrations. We may also need to follow the chef to cook. Let the chef taste our dishes again and again to finally determine the taste."

Feng Yifan finished the translation for Tom in Catherine, and he also said seriously: "Many times, the difference in taste is often not understood by just watching me."

Shi Jiahui agreed with this point: "Well, this is true."

After Shi Jiahui agreed with this, she looked at Catherine and Tom and said, "It seems that you have to study hard tomorrow."

Catherine and Tom had a bitter look at first, and then a serious expression of their willingness to work hard.

Su Jinrong said at this time: "Yifan, since you want to let the next door open first, you should also pay attention to it. After all, the ancient street is an old street dominated by ancient charm. The western restaurant may still seem a little out of place. You must deal with it. Don’t let some people say that you’re admiring foreigners."

After hearing this, Shi Jiahui felt that what Uncle Master said was reasonable.

"Yes, now that the Internet is relatively developed, you really need to be careful of some criticisms in this area, which may have a very bad impact on some of your reputation."

Feng Yifan nodded: "I know, so I plan to invite Li Fei'er and Meng Shitong to film and do an interview. I will explain some questions to you personally."

Su Jinrong nodded: "Well, this is the best way to avoid a lot of trouble."

Shi Jiahui also agreed with Feng Yifan's approach.

Seeing his father-in-law and senior sister so cautious, Feng Yifan was still a little puzzled: "Isn't it?"

Shi Jiahui said seriously: "There will really be trouble. If you open a western restaurant in other places, there will be no problem, but this old street is an old street dominated by ancient buildings, so it will definitely be criticized. I feel that Western restaurants are out of place here."

Catherine said: "But this time the chef asked us to customize the tableware, tables and chairs, which are actually more in line with the Chinese style."

Hearing this, Su Jinrong and Shi Jiahui were also a little surprised.

Feng Yifan no longer concealed it, and directly took out some of the photos he had ordered.

"Dad, take a look with the master sister."

Looking at the photos on Feng Yifan's phone, Su Jinrong and Shi Jiahui were completely relieved.

The tableware, tables and chairs customized by Feng Yifan for the western restaurant this time are indeed very domestic cultural style. Perhaps the interior decoration of the restaurant is not that Chinese, but if it is paired with more Chinese-style tables, chairs and tableware, it can be considered a special flavor. It matches well with some styles of the ancient street outside.

Especially some of the water cups~lightnovelpub.net~Feng Yifan has custom-made porcelain lids directly, but they don't have lids.

Then there are all kinds of Chinese patterns on all kinds of dishes.

Shi Jiahui looked at it and asked: "Yifan, you bought these tableware, can you take it with the dishes you are cooking?"

Feng Yifan nodded: "Don't worry, big sister, you can definitely match it."

Shi Jiahui couldn't help but look forward to it: "I am now looking forward to the dishes on your menu."

Feng Yifan smiled and said: "Don't worry, when it opens, I will definitely ask the master sister to taste it and see if my western restaurant meets your appetite."

Shi Jiahui promised: "Okay, I have to go and try it when the time comes."

As everyone chatted, the time was almost the same, so Feng Yifan started to cook dinner for everyone, in fact, it was mainly for his daughter and her two friends.

At the same time, the little girls who have left kindergarten have already started to learn in the dance classroom.

Today, in addition to various basics, Guo Hong also teaches some simple dance steps to the children.

A class also makes the children very fulfilling and can really learn enough.

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