Hardcore Chef Dad

v2 Chapter 785: Kids want snacks

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The third week of kindergarten has started. The children in Feng Ruoruo’s class are very surprised. Why doesn’t Feng Ruoruo’s father send snacks to the kindergarten?

What the children don’t know is that Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei, three little girls, go to dance classes together every day after kindergarten, so every day Feng Ruoruo’s snacks are sent to the dance classroom to let them stay Ate at the dance classroom.

So in the first two weeks of the kindergarten children, although they were looking forward to it every day, they did not look forward to Feng Ruoruo's snack.

This Monday, the children successively arrived after class in the morning.

Liu Zihao found Feng Ruoruo directly and asked, "Feng Ruoruo, why doesn't your father give us snacks?"

Feng Ruoruo looked at Liu Zihao a little strangely. After thinking about it, the little girl said, "Teacher Fang didn't ask my father to bring snacks."

Liu Zihao said immediately: "But before, your father said that he would give us snacks every Friday, but now it has been two Fridays, and your father has not sent us snacks."

Feng Ruoruo said seriously, "That was before the holiday, and now it's a new semester after the holiday."

Yang Xiaoxi helped by saying: "Yes, yes, it's the new semester, and Teacher Fang didn't let Father Feng send it."

Chen Yaofei said very seriously: "It's the new semester, and I need Teacher Fang to talk to Dad Feng again, and then Dad Feng agrees to continue to send snacks to the kindergarten."

The other children in the class listened to the conversation between Liu Zihao and the three little girls, and they all came to ask curiously.

Liu Yan said, "Ruoruo, I really want to eat the snack your father made."

Zhang Zhuangzhuang also said: "Yes, I really want to eat."

Other children also expressed their desire to eat.

"Feng Ruoruo, your restaurant has never been open, and we can't go to your restaurant to eat."

"Yeah, we can't go to your restaurant to eat, can you ask your father to send us snacks?"

"Feng Ruoruo, please, tell your dad."

"Then can we talk to Teacher Fang?"

Feng Ruoruo saw so many children who said that she wanted to eat the snacks made by her father, and she was also a little embarrassed, because it seemed that her father was very busy recently.

The little girl didn't want her father to work so hard, and her father would send snacks to dance classes every night.

She felt that asking her father to send snacks to the kindergarten again, wouldn't it be repeated?

But the little girl was embarrassed to refuse the children.

Feng Ruoruo thought for a while and said, "Then, let's ask Teacher Fang, and Teacher Fang agreed. I will go home and tell my father."

The children all agreed immediately.

Liu Zihao took the lead and rushed directly to Teacher Fang to ask.

"Teacher Fang, can you ask Feng Ruoruo's father to send us snacks to eat?"

Teacher Fang has been a little absent-minded recently, and Liu Zihao suddenly rushed to ask questions, and for a while, Teacher Fang was a little bit relieved.

Seeing that Teacher Fang did not answer, Liu Zihao asked again: "Teacher Fang, can you let Feng Ruoruo's father give us snacks?"

This time the little boy raised his voice, which shocked Teacher Fang.

Teacher Fang recovered. After being frightened and skipped over, she calmed down and looked at Liu Zihao and the other children behind him.

"What do you want to do?"

The children said their requirements together.

Teacher Fang was a little bit dumbfounded after listening.

But then I think about it, after all, they are a group of children, and it is normal to think about snacks.

Teacher Fang adjusted her mood, smiled and said, "Do you all want to eat the snacks made by Feng Ruoruo's father?"

The children in the class answered almost in unison: "Yes."

Seeing the children answering in such a neat manner, Teacher Fang was really envious. He felt that the children were happier. As long as there were delicious and fun things, he could forget all his worries and sorrows.

Teacher Fang quickly recovered and said with a smile: "Well, although everyone wants to eat, should we ask Feng Ruoruo? See if Feng Ruoruo is willing to let her father bring us snacks? I have to ask Feng Ruoruo's father to see if he is willing, right?"

After hearing what Teacher Fang said, the children replied in unison: "Yes."

But Liu Zihao immediately said: "Teacher Fang, Feng Ruoruo just said that as long as you agree, she will tell her father."

Feng Ruoruo heard Liu Zihao's words, and Feng Ruoruo quickly said, "No."

Then, the little girl walked out from behind the children and came to Teacher Fang and said: "Teacher Fang, can I whisper to you?"

Teacher Fang smiled and said, "Okay, then come over and talk to the teacher."

Feng Ruoruo walked to Teacher Fang and whispered a few words in the ear of Teacher Fang.

"Teacher Fang, my father actually gave us snacks every day, but my father sent me to the place where I learned to dance, so I didn't send it to the kindergarten."

Teacher Fang was taken aback at first, but quickly remembered that Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei were going to learn dance.

She thought for a while, and asked the little girl softly: "So Ruoruo, don't you want my dad to send snacks to kindergarten children?"

Feng Ruoruo thought for a while and said, "No, yes, I want to ask my father."

Teacher Fang saw Feng Ruoruo's nervousness and could see that the little girl was willing to share snacks with kindergarten children, but the little girl should be worried that her father would disagree.

Teacher Fang went on to say: "Well, if you are an honest and good boy, then the teacher will help Ruoruo tell her father to see if Ruoruo's father is willing to send him to kindergarten, okay?"

Feng Ruoruo nodded after hearing this: "Okay, Teacher Fang, please talk to me."

Teacher Fang looked at the little girl with a smile, and his heart was suddenly filled with happiness.

Then she couldn't help but want to tell the little girl about her troubles, and see if the little girl's father can help?

"Ruoruo, in fact, the teacher has something trivial and wants Ruoruo's father to help..."

But when it came to this, Teacher Fang felt that it seemed inappropriate to get rid of the children in the class in this way. In the end, she didn't speak the whole story, but stopped.

Feng Ruoruo stopped when Teacher Fang said something, and looked at Teacher Fang a little strangely and asked, "Teacher Fang, what do you want my father to help you with? Tell Ruoruo, Ruoruo will definitely let my father help you."

Teacher Fang smiled, touched Feng Ruoruo's little head and said, "Teacher, thank Ruoruo, but the teacher does not need Ruoruo's father to help."

Feng Ruoruo looked at Teacher Fang, and then said: "Then Teacher Fang, if you need help, you can talk to Ruoruo."

Teacher Fang smiled and nodded: "Okay."

Then, Teacher Fang told the children in the class about the results of her discussion with Feng Ruoruo.

"Well, if you have agreed, the teacher and Ruoruo will tell Ruoruo’s father together. If Ruoruo’s father agrees, let Ruoruo’s father give everyone a snack on Friday, okay? ?"

As a result, all the children in the class cheered, "Okay."

The matter was resolved, and the children in the class had fun together again.

It's just that Teacher Fang looks at the children with a trace of envy and sadness.

The children in the kindergarten were arguing and asked Feng Ruoruo's father to send snacks.

Actually at Feng Ruoruo's house, Feng Ruoruo's mother also raised this question with his father today.

"Have you recently forgotten that you want to send snacks to your daughter’s kindergarten children? In the last semester, you started to send it every day, but later changed to once every Friday. This semester has already started two weeks, so you don’t plan Send snacks to my daughter’s kindergarten children?"

Feng Yifan heard his wife's words, and he suddenly said, "Oh, I forgot all about it."

Lu Cuiling smiled and said, "You send snacks to your daughter's dance class every day, but you forgot your daughter's kindergarten children."

Feng Yifan smiled bitterly and said: "I forgot it. Speaking of which, I am not familiar with the little girls in my daughter’s dance class than the children in the kindergarten. For example, in the kindergarten I know that there is Liu Yan and that fat boy Zhang Zhuangzhuang. And that Liu Zihao who often quarrels with Ruoruo."

Su Ruoxi said: "So, you can't favor one another. You can send it to your daughter's kindergarten children today."

Seeing what his wife said, Feng Yifan naturally nodded and agreed: "Okay, I will send it to the kindergarten today."

Su Ruoxi said: "Then do you do it at home?"

Feng Yifan shook his head: "I can't do it at home. I'm going to a western restaurant later. I have to deliver the things I bought today. I'm going to arrange them together. If it doesn't work, let Chen Xu and Luo Yu make one."

Su Ruoxi smiled and said, "You can really save trouble, and my daughter clearly hopes to eat Dad's cooking."

Feng Yifan can only say: "Okay, then I will make it for my daughter today."

Su Ruoxi said: "Then I want to go too, I will do it for my daughter with you."

Feng Yifan suddenly understood at this time. His wife said so much and went around in a big circle. In the end, she wanted to make snacks with herself.

Obviously, Su Ruoxi has been a little irritable at home recently, so she wants to go to activities.

Feng Yifan thought about it and agreed: "Okay, let's do it together."

Lu Cuiling was still a little worried: "Ruoxi, can you go to the back kitchen to make dim sum now?"

Su Ruoxi smiled and said, "Mom, don't worry, it's okay. If you encounter those who contribute, I will let Yifan contribute. I will do something simple and easy, otherwise it will be too boring to stay at home all the time."

Lu Cuiling reluctantly smiled and agreed: "Okay, then you go."

At this time, Su Jinrong also walked out of the room, still holding a few pieces of paper in his hand.

He handed it to Feng Yifan and said, "Yifan, look, can these dishes be used on the new menu?"

Feng Yifan unfolded the paper and looked at it. Each piece of paper recorded a dish.

After taking a closer look at the dishes, Feng Yifan couldn't help but smile and said, "Yes, Dad, your dishes are great, especially this braised pork head. This is a rare dish."

Su Jinrong smiled: "I can't make it now. I suddenly thought of such a few dishes last night. I think it should be good to add to your menu."

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Great, Dad, I think we will focus on this grilled pig head. We can also design a pig head banquet, how about it?"

Su Jinrong waved his hand: "The pig's head banquet is not up to specifications, and it will take a three-head banquet to do it."

Feng Yifan was also a little surprised when he heard what his father-in-law said.

But instead, he also smiled and nodded in agreement.

Su Ji still has to retain some characteristics.

Not only is Feng Yifan's innovative four-season banquet, this three-headed banquet is also a world-famous banquet.

It's just that there are really not many restaurants where these three-head banquets can really be made.

Today's father-in-law's proposal was a reminder to Feng Yifan. He decided to follow the father-in-law's reminder to slightly improve the Three Head Banquet, so that it can have some novel look and taste.

The few dishes that Su Jinrong brought out were used by his son-in-law, and the father was also very happy.

He held a cane in his hand and said, "Okay, let's go and go to the restaurant to have a look."

Although his father-in-law can leave now, Feng Yifan still pushes the wheelchair up and asks his mother to take care of his wife, while he follows his father-in-law closely.

Su Jinrong saw Feng Yifan pushing his wheelchair and was still a little dissatisfied: "What are you doing? Think I can't go?"

Su Ruoxi heard it and said, "Dad, don't behave, Yifan is also doing this for your good."

Su Jinrong suddenly laughed when he heard the words: "Hahaha, you, this still protects your husband? I tell you, now I can go."

Feng Yifan hurriedly said: "Dad, I know you can go, but we are pushing the wheelchair. When you are tired, you can sit down and have a rest. Didn't the doctor also say? You are still recovering and cannot go. There are too many standing together, so we still push the wheelchair on."

Lu Cuiling also helped persuade: "Yes, father-in-law, you still have to understand the children's wishes."

Su Jinrong was not stubborn in the end: "Okay, then push it up."

The group of people went downstairs, walked slowly out of the community, and crossed the road to the ancient street.

The ancient street in the morning is not bustling at night, but it seems a little bit empty. But this emptiness also gave the shopkeepers in the old street after a busy night a relatively quiet rest time.

Pushing the wheelchair, Feng Yifan came directly to Su Ji with his father-in-law, mother and wife.

He opened the door of Su Ji and let everyone enter Su Ji first.

Soon after everyone entered Su Ji, Catherine heard movement coming from next door.

"Chef, the things we purchased have already arrived, do you ask them to bring them in the morning?"

Feng Yifan nodded: "Of course, let them send it, let's see how to arrange it."

Catherine agreed: "Good chef~lightnovelpub.net~ After Catherine left, Shi Jiahui also came to Su Ji.

Seeing that the master sister is coming, Feng Yifan handed over a few handwritten recipes from his father-in-law: "Look at the master sister, this is what my dad wrote. I am going to have another banquet based on these dishes alone."

Shi Jiahui took it over and took a serious look, then nodded and said, "Well, these dishes can indeed have another banquet, especially this braised pork head, but it's a rare dish. It's really good if you want to make it. It’s not easy, but will it be inconsistent with the style of Suji’s menu?"

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Sister, we can improve it."

Shi Jiahui was a little surprised: "Can you change this too?"

Feng Yifan nodded confidently: "It should be possible. I will change it later and let everyone taste it together to see if it meets the requirements."

Shi Jiahui laughed: "Okay, then we can look forward to Chef Feng showing his skills."