Hardcore Chef Dad

v2 Chapter 828: Enviable father and daughter

   After everyone finished the dinner at Tonight Ruo Restaurant, they also filled out the form distributed by Feng Yifan.

   Feng Ruoruo went to help her father collect them one by one.

   The diners all had satisfied smiles on their faces. After they had submitted the forms, they all got up to bid farewell to Feng Yifan and Feng Ruoruo, as well as everyone in the restaurant.

   "Chef Feng, this dinner tonight is really great."

   "Yes, this is the best dinner I have ever had."

   "It is delicious indeed."

   "Not only is it delicious, every dish is very beautiful."

   "Chef Feng is indeed a well-deserved reputation."

   "Thanks to Chef Feng for his hospitality."


   Feng Yifan took his daughter to the door to bid farewell to the people who were about to leave: "Thank you for your patronage, and welcome everyone to visit next time."

   Feng Ruoruo stood by his father's side, and said like his father, "Thank you for your patronage, and welcome to visit next time."

   When they heard the words of the father and daughter, the guests were also very happy, laughing and saying goodbye to the father and daughter.

  Of course there are some young women who will ask to take a photo with the father and daughter.

   Feng Yifan also agreed to take a group photo with her daughter's consent.

   Seeing that a young female diners took a group photo and was agreed, the others also wanted to take a group photo.

   Feng Yifan had to take photos with his daughter and some diners who wanted to take photos.

   finally sent the last guest out, the business tonight is officially over.

   Feng Yifan took his daughter back to the dining room, and then closed the dining room door.

   Feng Ruoruo took his father's hand and saw his father shut the door. She curiously asked: "Dad, shall we not do business?"

   Feng Yifan replied with a smile: "Well, today's business has ended."

   Feng Ruoruo asked in surprise: "How come it's over? Ruoruo just came."

   Hearing this, everyone else in the restaurant burst into laughter.

   Shi Jiahui said: "It seems that our Ruoruo children are still unfulfilled?"

   Luo Yu also said: "No, you don't care about our Ruoruo kids. When they first came, you ended the business. Don't give us Ruoruo kids a chance to show off their strength."

   Luo Yu's words made everyone laugh happier.

   Feng Ruoruo saw everyone laughing. The little girl pursed her mouth and said, "Don't laugh. Why don't you do business if Ruoruo comes?"

   Feng Yifan squatted down, pulled his daughter into his arms and explained to her softly.

"Ruoruo, this is the case, because in our Ruo restaurant, we have to reserve seats in advance every day. In this way, we will not make dishes and no one will waste it, so the people who booked today have already eaten it. , Our business is over."

   Seeing that his daughter still doesn't understand, Feng Yifan can only explain briefly.

   "Actually, if we do not have enough food in the restaurant, if we continue to do business today, we cannot do business tomorrow."

   Feng Ruoruo understood this time: "Dad, shall we get up early tomorrow morning? You take Ruoruo to the vegetable market?"

   The understanding of the little girl is that since there are no more vegetables, dad should take himself to the vegetable market to buy it?

   Obviously, Feng Ruoruo has already regarded getting up early in the morning to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables as an interesting thing.

   Feng Yifan was a little bit dumbfounded when he saw his daughter.

   He can only say: "We won't go to the vegetable market tomorrow, if the restaurant's food is not available in the vegetable market."

   Feng Ruoruo said incredulously: "No, there is Grandpa Zhang's in the vegetable market, and Grandpa Zhang has a lot of dishes."

   Other people in the restaurant saw Feng Yifan patiently explain to her daughter a little bit. They found it very interesting, but at the same time they had to admire Feng Yifan's patience with her daughter.

   Especially need to face Feng Ruoruo, a child who likes to break the casserole and ask the end.

  Most men in restaurants may have the answer in their hearts that they can’t.

   Because this does require a lot of patience.

   Feng Yifan also explained it over and over again, explaining to her daughter little by little, breaking various things apart and breaking them up, and explained to her in words that her daughter could understand.

   After a long time of explanation, the back kitchen of the restaurant has been cleaned up, and preparations for cleaning the front restaurant have been started. Feng Yifan finally made his daughter clear.

"Well, if you understand, it's because many things in Dad's restaurant were bought from far away, and there is no way to deliver them in a short time. So you must save a little bit. You can't entertain so many guests every day. That's right. Right?"

   Hearing what the little girl said, everyone else in the restaurant also said in unison: "That's right."

   Feng Ruoruo heard everyone say in unison, and turned to look at everyone in the restaurant.

   Then the little girl was a little embarrassed, and quickly buried her little head in her father's arms.

Feng Yifan saw her daughter shy, and said with a smile: "Hahaha, don't be shy, everyone will definitely think Ruoruo is cute, and if he is a very serious and good boy, he will always give up when he understands the problem, everyone. Think Ruoruo is very smart, right?"

   Everyone said in unison: "Yes, Ruoruo is the smartest."

   After hearing everyone say this, Feng Ruoruo finally put his little head out of his father's arms.

   Feng Yifan saw his daughter's appearance and continued: "Okay, let's get to work quickly. We have to clean up our restaurant. If Ruoruo also helps, okay?"

   Feng Ruoruo naturally raised his little hand to do it together.

   Next, Feng Yifan put on her grandmother's sleeves for her daughter, and folded a small hat for her daughter with newspapers, and took her to clean together.

   When cleaning, my grandfather wanted to help.

   But it was stopped by Feng Ruoruo.

   "Grandpa, grandpa, don't move, let Ruoruo come, sit down and rest with grandpa, you can't work physically yet."

   Su Jinrong heard the concern from his granddaughter, so he had to sit down and stop intervening.

   The two old people were sitting, watching Feng Yifan and his daughter busy with everyone.

   Feng Ruoruo helps Aunt Shi Jiahui wipe the table from time to time, and sometimes helps Uncle Xiao Ning mopping the floor, or helps Uncle Ma.

   The small figure running back and forth in the restaurant is really interesting to watch.

  Su Jinrong and Feng Jiandong sat and watched, really smiling.

   Because there are a lot of people, cleaning is actually not very time-consuming. Everyone quickly cleaned the restaurant, and in the end only dragged the floor at the entrance.

   Feng Yifan and the others left first and handed them to Ning Cheng and Ma Xiaolong, so that after they locked the door, they dragged from here to the back door.

   Feng Yifan took his daughter's little hand and stood on the ancient street, instantly becoming the focus of tourists on the ancient street.

   "Look, it's Chef Feng."

   "It's Chef Feng, and his daughter."

   "Chef Feng closed the door so early?"

   "It's very early, it's not nine o'clock yet."

   "Does anyone have children? It's understandable to close the door early."

   "Moreover, it seems that if the restaurant is closed, only one group of guests who booked will be accepted a night."

   "Wow, isn't that there is very little business?"

   "Why? There are already a lot of guests."

   "That is, how many restaurants are there now that can be completely filled?"


   Faced with the comments of some people on the street, Feng Yifan took his daughter and laughed.

   Feng Yifan would also smile at some people who stopped on the street, took out their mobile phones and wanted to take pictures, and then took his daughter to take a photo together.

   This kind of generous behavior has won the praise of many people on the street.

   just stood at the door for a while, and waited until Ning Cheng and Ma Xiaolong had finished the finale, and walked around from the back to the front.

   Feng Yifan looked at the number of people and said to everyone, "Well, today we are here for business, and we will go back tonight. Everyone will look at and sort out the opinion sheets, see which opinions are more numerous, and sort them out."

   Speaking of this, Feng Yifan looked at Lin Ruifeng, Ma Xiaolong and Ning Cheng and said, "You three are a little tired. You three will tidy up in the evening."

   Chen Xu and Luo Yu looked at each other. They felt that it was too early to go back, so they asked Ying to stay for help.

   Su Liancheng said: "Then I must stay. I want to contact the guests directly. If I don't understand the feedback from the guests, will I be expelled from this receptionist?"

   In the end, Catherine, Hans, and Tom will also stay to help.

   Shi Jiahui said: "Then I will stay, anyway, it is indeed early to go back, Yifan your family will go home first, let us here."

   Feng Yifan was a little bit sorry when he saw this: "Master sister, I always keep you busy, I'm really a little bit sorry."

Shi Jiahui smiled and said, "What's the matter? You are the chef. These jobs should have been ours, and we all need to study new dishes. Now the menus of Su Ji and Ruo restaurants are almost all you. One’s food."

   Feng Yifan laughed: "In fact, you don't need to worry. Now that they are all opened, let's study them slowly."

   Catherine said: "Chef, you are not in a hurry, but we have to work hard."

  Chen Xu and Luo Yu also said: "Yes, we also have to make our own dishes."

   Others have also said that in order for the chef Feng Yifan to challenge, he must make a dish that can be on the menu.

   Seeing everyone's fighting spirit was high, Feng Yifan didn't stop him.

   "Okay, then don't be too late. It must be over before eleven o'clock. You must have a good rest. We will have a fierce battle tomorrow."

   Everyone didn't care if they were on the street, and they responded in unison: "It's the chef."

   Such a group of people shouting like this in the street naturally attracted the attention of the crowd on the street again.

   At this moment, Feng Ruoruo also yelled to his father in a similar manner: "It's the chef, Dad."

   The so-called "Chef Daddy" name of the little girl immediately amused everyone on the street, and this section of the ancient street reverberated with laughter.

   It’s strange to hear many people on the street smiling for people who are far away.

   Feng Yifan was also amused by his daughter. He picked up her daughter and said, "Well, if you are also a small employee in our restaurant, let's cheer together."

   Feng Ruoruo raised her little hand: "Let's work hard together."

   Then Shi Jiahui took the lead, and everyone responded together: "Yes, Ruoruo, little chef."

   Feng Ruoruo was called the little chef, and the little girl shyly hugged her father's arm and blocked her little face.

   Feng Yifan said: "Okay, can you have a degree? Don't just call the little chef, this will kill our Ruoruo.

   Let's go back first, you remember, it must end at eleven. "

   Shi Jiahui and the others agreed, and watched Feng Yifan take his daughter and accompany the two old people to leave.

   Seeing Feng Yifan and his daughter, one young and one young, from the back, Luo Yu suddenly said to Chen Xu: "Xiao Chen, let's have a baby too."

   Chen Xu was a little surprised when he heard: "You, didn't you say that you don't want children?"

Luo Yu stared at the big and small backs and said, "I think it’s nice to have a child. You see Ruoruo, how well-behaved, and don’t you think that she is with the chef. Is it particularly cute?"

   Shi Jiahui said next to him: "You, don't look at other people's children, just decide whatever you want."

   Catherine also suddenly said: "I feel very good too, I also want a child like Ruoruo."

   Shi Jiahui can only say: "If such a child is so easy, it needs care, care, education and guidance."

At this time Chen Xu said, "Master sister, I think I can. I will work hard with Luo Yu to teach the children, and I should also be able to accept it. My children may not be as cute and well-behaved as if it were the two of us. Children, we will all love to take care of them."

   Shi Jiahui laughed when she heard it: "Well, that's okay, you only need to be mentally prepared."

   Luo Yu said again: "Shall we wait any longer? The restaurant is not on track yet, it's quite busy."

Su Liancheng said at this time: "Oh, you two just want you. Are you afraid that no one will help you with your children? You are not worried, Feng Yifan, the boss, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will be because of you. Will you be expelled from maternity leave?"

   Shi Jiahui smiled and said, "Hahaha, then our boss lady can’t agree."

   This sentence immediately amused everyone.

   Including Hans and Tom, they all laughed after listening to Catherine's translation.

   Everyone chatted and laughed on the street, and then entered the Lin's shop together, and then began to carefully read the feedback written by every guest who came to dinner today.

   Although I have talked and laughed before, everyone is very serious at this time.

   carefully read each guest's feedback message.

   As for Feng Yifan, he has already walked out of the old street with his daughter. The father and daughter are leisurely, not in a hurry. They left the old street, crossed the road, and then entered the community together.

   On the way, the little chatterbox has naturally never stopped, telling dad many things.

  The main thing is to complain to my dad.

   "Dad, mother originally went with us, but mother and grandma chatted with the parents of other children's children, and they forgot about you and Ruoruo. We both came back, but mother did not go."

   After hearing his daughter complain, Feng Yifan really couldn't help but smile, and he looked forward to his wife's expression after learning about it.


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