Hardcore Chef Dad

v2 Chapter 832: Stick to word of mouth

Feng Yifan continued to make some adjustments to the restaurant based on customer feedback, and the reputation of Ruo's restaurant continued to rise, and the popularity of discussions on the Internet remained high.

All the diners who have eaten in the restaurant will be eager to post to Moments or Weibo when they go back.

Everyone must praise Ruo Restaurant.

Whether it is the interior decoration of the restaurant, or the service provided by the restaurant.

The most important thing is naturally the dishes in the restaurant. From the presentation of the dishes to the taste of the dishes, it really makes all the diners full of praise.

"If the restaurant, it is really the restaurant I have ever eaten with the most care."

"Yes, I can't say if the restaurant is the most expensive, or the best restaurant, but it can really be said to be the most dedicated restaurant."

"If you go to the Ruo restaurant, you will find that each of their services is very attentive."

"Entering the door will guide you to book a seat and sit down, prepare a variety of snacks and some drinks for you, and before ordering, will seriously ask your taste and whether you will have certain taboos, really. Very hard."

"If you go with your friends, and you and your friends have different tastes, you will definitely have a very intuitive feeling."

"Yes, I am going with my husband. My husband's taste will be heavy, but I like light and I can't eat spicy food. So after serving, although it is the same dish, my husband and I have a taste of the dishes. There will be a difference."

"This is true. Chef Feng will make detailed adjustments to the taste of the dishes according to the different tastes of each person based on the feedback from the reception students."

"Wow, is it so powerful?"

"That's incredible, right?"

"In fact, it is so incredible. This is something that only top chefs can do. You can adjust the taste of your own dishes according to the different tastes of diners, and will not affect the overall flavor of the dishes."

"If someone who has a heavy taste and also likes spicy food goes, it would not be so easy to adjust, right?"

"Why? I'm from Sichuan Province. I ate it once in the past. The taste is really good."

"Yes, it can be done."


These discussions on the Internet can be said to make everyone more curious about Ruo Restaurant.

In addition, it is difficult to reserve seats in Ruo's restaurant, which adds a bit of mystery to Ruo's restaurant.

Because of this sense of mystery, it also attracted many people. Even if they didn't book a seat, they would come to Ruo's restaurant specifically to see if they could get in.

There are also people who are not bad for money, who specially bring the money to prepare to buy a seat booked by others.

Feng Yifan never imagined that he would encounter such a thing at the entrance of the restaurant.

Judging from the appearance of a person who wants to buy heavily, he should indeed be a rich person.

However, Feng Yifan still warned a bit unceremoniously: “If someone sells his reserved seat, it is considered deliberate hype here and does not respect the rules of my restaurant, then I will not allow you to book a seat in the future.”

Hearing this, all the people who had already started to hesitate after seeing the other party paying a lot of money.

Soon, the more courageous diners said: "Chef Feng, since I have reserved a seat, it should be my own freedom who I let in to eat? Is it an infringement by your forcible interference? My power?"

Feng Yifan looked at the other person and said, "If you feel that I violated your rights, then you can eat in my restaurant. My restaurant is like this. You can return the seat you reserved, and I will give you the refund now. Refund, but if you want to transfer, sorry, I can’t agree."

At this time someone asked: "Chef Feng, if you return, will you re-book the seat that was withdrawn?"

Feng Yifan shook his head: "Our restaurant only releases so many reserved seats every day. If someone unsubscribes, I will refund the money in full, and I will not release the seats for others to make reservations. I will assume that the seats today are not reserved ."

Upon hearing this, there was an uproar at the scene.

If Feng Yifan releases the seat for others to book after someone unsubscribes on the same day, this is more reasonable in the eyes of many people, and many restaurants will do the same.

But like Feng Yifan now, he would rather lose an order than be transferred, which is really shocking to everyone.

And the diners who were clamoring before that Feng Yifan's rules violated power are now speechless.

Of the diners gathered in front of the restaurant, naturally no one would dare to give up their seats.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Feng Yifan saw that many people gathered here on the ancient street to watch, he simply said his own rules seriously.

"I hope that everyone who makes a reservation at Ruo Restaurant is a friend who really likes food. I don't want my reservation at Ruo Restaurant to become a profit-making tool for those interested.

Therefore, if our restaurant’s rule is that the reserved seat, whoever booked it, can only taste it. If you want to transfer at a high price, then please forgive me if the restaurant refuses to receive it, and may not receive you again in the future. . "

After hearing Feng Yifan's words, the onlookers on the ancient street suddenly began to discuss.

Everyone felt that Feng Yifan's courage was really strong.

But after thinking about it, it seems that people do have such a strong capital.

At this time, someone asked again: "Chef Feng, what if I want to reserve a seat and invite someone to eat with me?"

Feng Yifan replied: "You need to register with your friends in real-name, and you need to pay a deposit for multiple people."

Having said that, Feng Yifan went on to say: "Everyone, if the restaurant is just an ordinary small restaurant, we just want to dedicate the delicious food to friends who like food, so please let us go to such a small restaurant.

Those who want to use our restaurant seats for profit, please consider carefully, is it worth it for you to do so? "

When the onlookers heard these words, they all began to think, is it worthwhile to grab a seat in a restaurant like this?

Feng Yifan looked at the man who wanted to buy a seat with a lot of money.

"My friend, if you really want to taste the dishes in Ruo’s restaurant, you can wait until the National Day holiday is over, when the flow of people is reduced, and then take time to come and taste it. If the restaurant welcomes you at any time, you don’t need to pay more money."

The gold master who came here was a little helpless after hearing Feng Yifan's words.

He had no choice but to say to Feng Yifan: "Chef Feng, we really shouldn't be like this. I'm really sorry for disrupting your restaurant's business and rules."

Speaking, the other party took the initiative to reach out to Feng Yifan.

Feng Yifan also stretched out his hand and shook his hand.

"Thank you for understanding. We are actually a very ordinary small restaurant. Even if the restaurant can't be regarded as a very authentic Western restaurant, so I really can't afford to be so loved by everyone. You really don't have to do it for a meal. It's a lot of trouble."

From the eyes of the onlookers, Feng Yifan's remarks were also addressed to them.

Many people listened and thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be exactly what Feng Yifan said.

If the restaurant is not closed at any time, you can book a table when there are few people, so you may feel better when you come over to taste.

What's more, as Feng Yifan said, buying a scalper order at a high price for a meal is really a bit too exaggerated.

The host who came here on a special trip asked again: "Chef Feng, if I want to book your restaurant and come here for a meal, I don’t know if it’s okay?"

Feng Yifan smiled and said: "Yes, if you book it, you have to cover all the 22 tables in my restaurant, and our rule is that we are not allowed to book a place on any holiday."

At first, the crowd onlookers heard Feng Yifan agree to book the venue.

Everyone will more or less feel that if Chef Feng says so much, he still has to bow to money in the end.

But after listening to him, after any holiday is not allowed to book the venue, everyone carefully pondered it and immediately understood Feng Yifan's intentions.

The reason why we are not allowed to book the venue on holidays is that during holidays, many people may have free time to book a seat and invite three or five friends to come and taste it together.

If the charter is allowed on holidays, ordinary guests who have time to come during the holidays will not be able to come.

From this point of view, everyone can understand Feng Yifan's approach.

The rich man was taken aback when he heard it, and then he laughed: "Hahaha, Chef Feng is really very principled. If this is the case, then I have to abide by your rules. I will leave today. After the National Day, I will definitely come here to taste it again."

Feng Yifan responded with a smile: "Welcome."

After the people left, Feng Yifan also greeted the diners who had reserved seats to enter.

Under the envious eyes of the onlookers, diners also entered Ruo's restaurant one after another.

After the diners came in, Su Liancheng approached Feng Yifan and said, "Brother-in-law, in fact, I think that since so many rich people like it, if the restaurant is simply turned into a high-end restaurant, the price will be increased and the rich will be received. "

Feng Yifan turned to look at Su Liancheng and said, "What? Are you afraid that I can't pay your salary?"

Su Liancheng was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "No, I didn't mean that."

Feng Yifan went on to say: "Don't worry, if you feel that you are not satisfied with my salary, you can leave at any time, and I won't stop it."

Su Liancheng can only say: "I'm sorry, brother-in-law, I really didn't mean that. I just think that if the restaurant's profitability is not very good, as it is now, if we only receive the rich, we can make more."

Feng Yifan sighed and asked, "You think we are short of the money, don't you?"

Su Liancheng was stunned.

Feng Yifan said: "I can tell you that we don't lack that little money. Don't think we only receive 22 tables of guests every night, but after eliminating the cost, we are still profitable, so I don't think we need to rely on high prices. Price to make more money."

In fact, the reason why the restaurant has gained a good reputation during this period of time.

It is also because the price of Ruo restaurant is not very high.

Perhaps for some people, if the price of each meal in the restaurant is indeed not low, but compared with the same type of western restaurant, the price is still much lower.

Among them, Feng Yifan uses domestic ingredients to reduce part of the cost.

Of course, more importantly, Feng Yifan did not think about making a lot of money from diners at once.

He knows very well that there are a lot of reservations in restaurants nowadays, because the topic and popularity of the restaurant are still there, so many people will come to the restaurant because of curiosity.

But if a restaurant wants to last for a long time, it cannot rely solely on curiosity.

Moreover, relying solely on topical hype to maintain the popularity of the restaurant and the attendance of guests, to Feng Yifan, seems to be an insult to his cooking skills.

He wants to gain word of mouth, after letting diners come to eat once, he will think about coming again.

And he also hopes to turn his restaurant into a restaurant where diners from all over the world can plan a journey specifically for it, a restaurant that must be tasted many times in a lifetime.

Feng Yifan believes that only by doing this is a truly good restaurant, and it is also the best recognition of his cooking skills.

Looking at Su Liancheng's face with anxiety, it was obvious that he was worried that the words just now angered him.

Feng Yifan said helplessly: "Uncle, do you think that for a restaurant, if it wants to do it for a long time, is word-of-mouth important? Or is it important?"

Su Liancheng hesitated for a while and said, "That should still be important."

Feng Yifan nodded: "Yes, why can't many restaurants in China be open for a long time now? It's because everyone doesn't care about feathers and word-of-mouth, so so many time-honored brands have lost all life and even closed down.

When Feng Yifan said this, he pointed to the old plaque of Su Ji next door.

"Don't forget that old plaque. Grandpa and the ancestors of the Su family are all looking at us."

Su Liancheng said ashamed: "I am wrong. I shouldn't just want to make money and ignore some of the responsibilities we have to shoulder."

Feng Yifan said: "It's okay, brother, the people you hire in the future also need to understand this. What we want are those who really want to dedicate food to customers, not lack the tools to love the culinary industry. people."

Su Liancheng nodded earnestly: "Good chef~lightnovelpub.net~I understand."

At the same time, just after Su Liancheng's voice fell, there was a sudden burst of applause on the street.

It turned out that the conversation between Feng Yifan and Su Liancheng was heard by many people on the street. At this time, everyone spontaneously applauded Feng Yifan.

"Chef Feng is awesome, we support you."

"Chef Feng is right, you can't just make money."

"No, a good reputation is the key to a restaurant's long-term operation."

"We believe that Chef Feng will make the restaurant a world-renowned restaurant."

"Wow, won't it be more difficult to book a seat then?"

In the end, I don't know who said it, but it caused a burst of laughter from the crowd in an instant.

Feng Yifan and Su Liancheng said goodbye to the supporters on the street outside the door, and then went into the restaurant to start the busy day.