Hardcore Chef Dad

v2 Chapter 833: Photographers and interns

Feng Yifan told Meng Shitong about letting Meng Shitong and the others help, filming and recommending other people in the restaurant, and the other party immediately agreed.

In fact, Meng Shitong and the others were planning similar things originally.

Because of this period, they have successively sent out the videos of Ruo Restaurant before.

It has also attracted a lot of attention on the Internet, and has been urged by many fans who follow them, wanting to learn more about Ruo Restaurant.

After discussing with He Yaqian and others, Meng Shitong made a similar decision.

That is to discuss with Feng Yifan, and then go to Ruo restaurant to shoot a few times.

By the way, you can interview other people in the back kitchen of Ruo Restaurant.

In this way, you can also make an album about the chefs of the restaurant, and then you can continue to release new videos, which should also make new and old fans very satisfied.

It's just that after Meng Shitong and the others had discussed it, they had not come forward with Feng Yifan. Instead, they had received Feng Yifan's invitation first.

The two sides really hit it off.

Meng Shitong quickly told He Yaqian and others the matter.

"Hahaha, we really wanted to go with Chef Feng. Chef Feng also hopes that we can film and promote the rest of the restaurant's back chefs and want to push other chefs out, so that it won’t affect everyone. Just follow him."

Hearing what Meng Shitong said, He Yaqian was a little surprised: "Wow, did Chef Feng want to go with us?"

Meng Shitong nodded: "Yes, I just answered the phone."

Suddenly A Fei, A Bin and Jasmine were all excited.

"Hahaha, we finally have a subject to shoot again."

"No, I was still worried before, what are we going to shoot next?"

"In fact, there are a lot of things that can be photographed, but I'm afraid that it won't attract people who are paying attention now."

While being happy, Meng Shitong still has some precautionary thoughts: "However, we do need to be vigilant. We must think carefully about what kind of theme videos we will do next? We can’t just shoot Chef Feng’s restaurant forever. ."

These words also calmed down the excited people in an instant.

Originally, Meng Shitong and the others had some cooperation with TV stations through Li Feier.

And they also have the corresponding idea, that is, to shoot more of the chef's craftsmanship, so that they can take over the introduction of Feng Yifan.

But now Li Fei'er is going to the province, ready to take over some new projects.

And maybe the new project will be a show aimed at the cooking of the province, which will also conflict with Meng Shitong and the others.

In addition, most of the attention Meng Shitong and the others have now come from Feng Yifan's fans.

The concentration of these questions put Meng Shitong and the others in an embarrassing situation.

Although this time, Feng Yifan asked them to shoot and promote other chefs in Ruo Restaurant, which is considered to have found some new topics for Meng Shitong and the others, but what happened afterwards?

A group of people are stuck in a kind of thinking, wanting to find a more suitable way out.

But everyone was thinking hard and still did not think of a suitable way out.

At this time, Meng Shitong said: "Well, let’s prepare first. We will go to Ruo restaurant to shoot tomorrow, and then we will go there a little bit earlier and have a chat with Chef Feng so that he can give us some ideas. After all, he is coming back from abroad. Maybe there will be a good idea."

After hearing this, everyone felt that this method was good, so they stopped thinking about it for the time being, and started to prepare for tomorrow's shooting.

The next day, Meng Shitong and the others really came to the ancient street in the morning and came to Ruo's restaurant, which had not yet opened the door.

Because if the restaurant did not open, Meng Shitong called Feng Yifan.

Not long after hanging up the phone, if the restaurant door is opened from the inside, Su Liancheng comes out and invites Meng Shitong and the others in.

Entering the Ruo restaurant, you can see that the restaurant has indeed not yet opened for business, because the tables and chairs have not been placed.

When Feng Yifan saw Meng Shitong's arrival, he also smiled and expressed his welcome: "Welcome, welcome, I didn't expect you to come here this morning."

When Meng Shitong and the others entered Ruo's restaurant, A Fei immediately raised the camera in his hand and started shooting.

Feng Yifan and Su Liancheng didn't stop when they saw it, and they really hope that Meng Shitong and the others can record it truthfully.

Meng Shitong took a look and said, "A Fei, don't worry, you should give Chef Feng and the others time to prepare."

Feng Yifan waved his hand and said: "It's okay. Just take pictures. If we have nothing in the restaurant, we can't record it truthfully. Everything can be seen and understood by diners, even every dish of ours."

Hearing this, ALFY turned the camera at Feng Yifan and asked: "Chef Feng, you say that, it seems that you are confident in your cooking skills?"

Feng Yifan nodded: "Naturally I am confident, otherwise how would I open a restaurant?"

A Fei asked again: "Chef Feng, don't you worry that others will learn your craft?"

Feng Yifan turned to look at the people in the back kitchen, and then everyone in the back kitchen laughed.

Shi Jiahui helped to explain: "If you say this, it can be seen that the cooking skills are still too underestimated. The top chefs' skills are not so easy to imitate. Each of the ingredients, the control of the heat, and the seasoning are all problems. It is not simple to imitate.

And you should also know that if a major feature of the restaurant is that our chef will temporarily adjust the taste of the dishes according to the tastes of different diners.

So even if you give you a standard condiment ratio, you may eventually reproduce the dishes, but the taste in the mouth will be very different. "

Shi Jiahui's words surprised Meng Shitong and others.

A Fei, who has re-enacted a few dishes, said: "This is probably also a lot of times in China. This is the reason why chefs say the right amount when they cook, right?"

Feng Yifan said: "Yes, the right amount is to make some adjustments according to different people's tastes.

In fact, many times, most people overlook one point. The chefs of really good restaurants need to taste the taste when they prepare their dishes. They must make sure that the dishes taste good enough before they are allowed to be cooked and served. The process of testing dishes. "

He Yaqian suddenly said, "Ah, I know about this. I remember watching some relevant clips before. The chef of a western restaurant will use a small clean spoon to test the dishes before serving, and make sure that the taste of the dishes meets the requirements. , Otherwise we will call back and let it be redone."

Feng Yifan nodded: "Yes, this is also the job of a chef."

Jasmine asked curiously: "Then the chef doesn't cook by himself?"

Feng Yifan laughed: "Well, it depends on the chef's mood. Usually in well-known restaurants, if the chef is a stricter person, he will cook the main course himself, just like our Ruo restaurant now, I will let everyone I will cook the other dishes and I will do the main course myself."

A Fei seized the opportunity to ask, "What if it is not strict? Would it be done by other chefs?"

The smile on Feng Yifan's face was even worse.

After hesitating for a while, Feng Yifan said: "In fact, even if the chef does not do it himself, he will carefully supervise it. The chef who cherishes his feathers does not allow others to do badly on any dish in the restaurant.

And being able to take over the chef to cook the main course also shows that the chef's cooking skills are recognized by the chef. "

Meng Shitong thought about the shooting this time and he hesitated before asking: "So, Chef Feng, you also want to introduce other outstanding chefs in your restaurant?"

Hearing this, Feng Yifan was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Meng Shitong with a deep smile and laughed.

"Hahaha, let's put it this way. In fact, the back chefs of my restaurant may be placed in the back kitchen of any restaurant, and they can all become chefs on their own. In Ruo restaurant, they may be facing a master like me. When cooking, I feel a little bit restrained and aggrieved."

Such self-confidence and a certain arrogant speech surprised Meng Shitong and others.

But if you look at the rest of the restaurant, they seem to have no objection to Feng Yifan's words.

Feng Yifan went on to face the camera and said: "If one of them can surpass me one day, then I am willing to give up the chef's seat, and I can retire as a hand shopkeeper.

A Fei was also a little surprised when Feng Yifan said this to the camera.

"Chef Feng, do you want me to edit this paragraph for you later?"

Feng Yifan shook his head: "Of course not. I said to the camera that I want you to take it. You can edit it later. As the beginning of the introduction of these excellent chefs in the back kitchen of our restaurant, it is my expectation for each of them."

A Fei smiled and naturally nodded in agreement.

Then, Meng Shitong and the others also took a shot.

It was completely from the morning that the restaurant began to prepare for the shooting, but this time the protagonist of the main shot is no longer Feng Yifan.

A Fei, A Bin, and Jasmine used three lenses to record the morning in Ruo’s restaurant from different perspectives. First, they took a group portrait and recorded the busy figure of everyone in the restaurant in the morning.

In the beginning, everyone in the back kitchen was really a bit uncomfortable because of the camera.

Even Su Liancheng was a little bit unnatural.

Later, under the mediation of Meng Shitong and He Yaqian, everyone gradually got used to working under the camera.

There is also an episode, that is, the interns recruited by Su Liancheng came.

Su Liancheng gave a serious explanation to the first batch of internships.

The point is to tell them that if you want to work in Ruo’s restaurant, you need to have a heart to serve the guests, and to let the guests taste the food.

Both of them can understand.

And the women of the two obviously came with an admiration for Feng Yifan.

So after listening to Su Liancheng’s introduction, the girl immediately expressed her position: “Please don’t worry, I’m here to stay, because this is the holy place in my heart. There is my favorite Chef Feng here. I hope I can really wear it. The last one is the same overalls as Chef Feng."

The reason why the intern girls say this is because they wear different clothes during the internship.

Because it is an internship, they are not qualified to wear work clothes like a restaurant, so they can only wear internship aprons.

Therefore, this Feng Yifan fan hopes that he can stay.

Su Liancheng didn't say anything specifically about this. He then began to teach two people. First of all, he must teach the two interns how to arrange the table. The clean tablecloth must be flat on all sides, and the surface must also be flat.

At the same time, the tableware should be placed at the center of the table, and the distance between each tableware and the center should be the same, as well as the distance between the plate and the knife and fork.

The most important thing is the folding of the tablecloth, how to place the tablecloth, when and which set of knives and forks should be used, and what kind of wine glasses should be matched with the guests.

It can be said that Su Liancheng really explained everything to the two in general in the morning.

Among them, the girl who wanted to stay was really serious, using a notebook to record every point.

These were also seen by Feng Yifan, and they were also taken by Meng Shitong's lens.

And on Feng Yifan's side, it can be considered that there is already a plan to keep someone.

During the period, Meng Shitong also took the opportunity to ask him: "Chef Feng, it seems that you should be satisfied with that girl? Do you want to keep her?"

Feng Yifan responded softly: "Should people who work hard not be left behind? Maybe talent is important, but hard work is indispensable. Therefore, if you have talent but not hard enough, I will definitely not stay in my restaurant."

Meng Shitong asked in a low voice curiously, "So, does she have a chance to learn cooking here?"

Feng Yifan looked at Meng Shitong a little strangely.

Facing Feng Yifan’s gaze, the latter smiled and said, “In fact, before she came, she had contacted Yassy and asked Yassy how to come to you to learn how to cook. The idea that Yassy gave her must first find a way. Enter your restaurant to work."

Feng Yifan suddenly couldn't laugh or cry: "Then she is going through the back door?"

Meng Shitong quickly said: "No, no, it can't be counted. She and we don't actually know each other. She just wrote a private message on the Internet, and Yaxi just suggested that she come over to apply for a job."

After listening to Meng Shitong’s explanation ~lightnovelpub.net~ Feng Yifan looked at the girl and said in a low voice: "If she really works hard enough, she has the opportunity to study in the kitchen. This depends on her performance afterwards. I said, talent. It’s also very important."

Meng Shitong nodded, probably understanding what Feng Yifan meant.

In short, although the girls are working hard enough now, they still need to show a certain talent if they want to enter the back kitchen, otherwise they can only be waiters.

Meng Shitong originally thought that it might be a little difficult for girls who have no foundation.

But she suddenly thought of Luo Yu. It seems that in Luo Yu's experience, she was just an ordinary waiter at the beginning, but she was able to become a dessert chef with her own efforts.

Thinking of this, Meng Shitong looked at the female voice who followed Su Liancheng, carefully watched every movement of Su Liancheng, and carefully wrote down what Su Liancheng had said in her notebook. She thought that perhaps this girl could really enter Feng Yifan's kitchen.

Feng Yifan actually observed the two interns in secret, and he had a certain judgment on the performance of the two interns.