Hardcore Chef Dad

v2 Chapter 931: Children participate, dinner in the suns

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As the little girls talked to their grandparents and mothers about what they had seen along the way, the puppy also leaned close to the cat lying under the couch.

The dog and cat rubbed against each other, and then the puppy hummed quietly beside the cat.

This scene also seems to be telling the cat what he saw and heard along the way.

Feng Yifan, Yang Zhiyi and Li Feier came back and saw the little girls lying beside their grandparents and mother talking. They also thought this scene was very good.

Feng Yifan held up the camera again and captured the scene in front of him.

Hearing the sound of the camera, Chen Shoulin looked up, and then smiled and said, "Dad Ruoruo, remember to give us a copy of the photo when you look back. It feels like you should have taken a lot of cute moments of the children. Mother take a look."

Feng Yifan smiled and nodded: "Okay, I will wash a part of it back and make it into three albums, and then we will keep a copy for each of the three of us. Then I will copy the digital backup of the photos to each of you."

Yang Zhiyi listened and said, "That's good, then I will recommend a good photo studio to Chef Feng."

Li Feier suddenly smiled and said to her husband: "Ruoruo's father still recommends you to others? Don't forget, Ruoruo's two grandfathers are top enthusiasts in photography, and they can also contact the best photo studio in Shanghai. "

Yang Zhiyi was a little embarrassed immediately: "I forgot."

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, thank you father Xixi for his enthusiasm, but I think there are some things that are more valuable to do by yourself."

Upon hearing this, the parents of the three families looked at Feng Yifan with a little surprise.

The latter went on to say: "I, I plan to use a special way to make that album, it will be kept secret for the time being, and everyone will know it when they see it."

Su Ruoxi said, "Do you still keep secret from us?"

Feng Yifan nodded and said, "Yes, keep it secret, keep it secret for now."

Feng Ruoruo heard his father say keeping secret, and immediately rushed to his father's side, raised his head and stared at him and asked, "Dad, do you and Ruoruo want to keep secret?"

Feng Yifan looked down at his daughter and squeezed her little cheek.

"Of course, for the time being, everyone will be kept secret, and Dad will treat them equally, so Ruoruo can't know in advance. When the album is finished, Ruoruo can know."

Feng Ruoruo pursed her small mouth, then hugged her father and started acting like a baby.

"No, dad, tell Ruoruo, if you promise that you won't tell others, just tell Ruoruo."

Seeing her daughter acting like a baby, Feng Yifan smiled and said, "It's useless if you are acting like a baby. Dad will definitely not say it now."

Su Ruoxi saw her husband resolutely not to say anything, she smiled and said, "If you come back, don’t listen to your father’s words, maybe now your father doesn’t even want to make a photo album, just blow the cows first. go out."

Feng Ruoruo turned to look at his mother when he heard the words, then looked back at his father.

Then the little girl muttered strangely: "Is Dad bragging?"

Su Ruoxi smiled and said, "Yes, Dad must be bragging, otherwise why didn't Dad say it?"

Feng Ruoruo heard what her mother said, and felt that what she said was right.

Then the little girl looked up at her father and smiled and said: "Dad, you brag, bragging is not good."

When Feng Yifan faced his wife and daughter, he didn't care at all. He smiled and said, "Anyway, Dad won't say it now. This is a matter that needs to be kept secret. Waiting for Dad to make a photo album will surely surprise you. ."

When Chen Shoulin heard this, he couldn't help but smiled and said, "Our chef Feng is really good at selling things."

Li Xiuchun followed up and said: "Since this is the case, then we will all wait and see, if the final result is not good, then we must condemn him together, right?"

Su Ruoxi responded first: "Yes, I want to condemn it if I don't look good."

With Su Ruoxi starting, the three little girls first responded: "It's not nice to denounce Dad (Daddy Feng)."

Feng Yifan nodded and said, "Okay, let's see the result then."

With three cute little girls, everything will become very joyful.

In the laughter, Feng Yifan also asked to take out the osmanthus branches that were cut back, and then a group of people sat together and began to carefully pick off the osmanthus flowers on it.

For this reason, Feng Yifan also specially brought a baking tray and put it in the middle.

Everyone put all the sweet-scented osmanthus picked from the branches in the baking tray.

The three little girls, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei, first watched Feng's father's teaching carefully, and then the three little girls followed very carefully.

Use pink and tender fingers to pick the sweet-scented osmanthus on the branch from the torus.

One by one, pluck it and place it in the middle baking tray where everyone sits around.

The baking pan was also gradually covered with a layer of osmanthus, then another layer, layer by layer, and soon the baking pan was covered.

Those who are also camping, seeing the atmosphere of Feng Yifan and the others, a smile will appear unconsciously on their faces, and there will be a little bit of envy in their eyes.

In the eyes of others, Feng Yifan and his three families are really like a family.

They took three cute and lively little girls, sitting on the grass very comfortably, with a baking tray in the middle of them, and then together they picked the osmanthus flowers that were cut back from the osmanthus branches, plucked the osmanthus flowers, and put them in the baking tray. Go inside.

The little girls are very careful, and Pudu's little hands plucked a flower and threw one into the baking tray.

In this process of picking and throwing, the little girls gained a kind of fun.

At the same time, this process has exercised the little girls' hands-on ability very well.

Especially this sense of participation will make children feel great and useful. So in this way, children will be more motivated to participate in it, will prefer to help their parents do something, and may even take the initiative to ask for work.

Of course, the three little girls are very young now, and they are all the darlings of the family, and everyone will not let the children do much more.

After some slow picking, the osmanthus was finally picked off.

Looking at the sweet-scented osmanthus in the baking tray slowly, everyone felt that this hard work was not in vain.

Seeing the sweet-scented osmanthus on the plate, Feng Ruoruo sniffed the remaining scent on her hands, raised her little hand and said, "Dad, are we going to start making that sweet-scented osmanthus sauce now?"

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "No, we will make the sauce. We have to wait for a while to make it. These sweet-scented osmanthus, let’s cool it a little bit, and then put it in a sealed bag. Do it slowly."

Yang Xiaoxi asked, "Daddy Feng, how long will it take?"

Feng Yifan thought for a while and said, "It should take a while. If we want to eat good food, we must be patient, right?"

The three little girls nodded in agreement.

Chen Yaofei said: "We will be patient before we can eat delicious food."

At this time, Feng Ruoruo smelled her little hand for a long time, and raised her little hand to come in front of the two little friends: "Smell Xixi, Feifei, my hands are so fragrant."

Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei also raised their little hands, smiling and expressing that their little hands are also fragrant.

"My hands are also fragrant."

"Yes, we have the fragrance of flowers in our hands."

When the adults saw the little girls sniffing each other's opponents, they were also amused by the three little girls.

At this time, the sun began to gradually sink to the west.

Unconsciously, Feng Yifan and the others also played for an afternoon.

Although today I didn't go to many places, climb mountains or play in the distance of the camp, but this day, everyone felt very fulfilled, and the time slipped through everyone's fingers without knowing it.

Seeing the sun sinking in the west, Feng Yifan put aside the sweet-scented osmanthus in the baking dish and said to everyone: "Okay, we are starting to prepare dinner."

I heard that we are about to start preparing dinner, everyone can't help but look forward to it, wondering what Chef Feng will do for dinner?

Su Ruoxi asked everyone honestly: "What are you going to give us to eat at night?"

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "We ate barbecue and grilled fish together at noon. At night, let's eat a little lighter."

Hearing her husband said that she wanted to eat lightly, Su Ruoxi was even more curious and asked, "What to eat at night?"

Feng Yifan then replied: "Let's have a hot pot in the evening."

When I heard that I had hot pot in the evening, everyone was shocked.

Didn’t you say you want to eat lighter?

Feng Yifan looked at everyone’s astonished expressions, and said with a smile: "The hot pot is not all Sichuan flavor. I came here this time but I specially prepared a pot bottom. It is not spicy, but a light pot bottom. It is very suitable for today. Eat late."

Feng Ruoruo immediately said, "Daddy, don't be spicy. Xixi and Feifei and I don't like spicy food."

Feng Yifan nodded: "Don't worry, Dad promises it won't be spicy."

This also makes everyone curious?

What kind of pot bottom does Chef Feng prepare?

Feng Yifan sold it again. Instead of taking out the bottom of the pot directly, he opened the box he brought and began to prepare the things and ingredients for the hot pot in the evening.

At this time, everyone discovered that Feng Yifan had prepared a lot of things when he came out camping this time.

Because in full view, he even took out a casserole from the box.

Yang Zhiyi couldn't help but exclaimed, "God, Chef Feng, did you really bring the kitchen here? Why did you even bring the casserole?"

Feng Yifan responded with a smile: "Isn't this prepared? Besides what kind of dishes, of course you have to bring handy tools with you."

After finding the casserole, Feng Yifan also began to prepare a variety of ingredients.

And also divided the work for everyone, let the Yang Xiaoxi family go to wash the vegetables, let Chen Yaofei and grandparents handle the meat and shrimp together.

As for Feng Ruoruo's family? It is to prepare the bottom of the pot.

Wait until everyone is basically ready.

I found a casserole to make a hot pot, which looks more like a stew.

Feng Yifan didn't rush, he first heated the casserole on the card stove he brought with him, then put oil in it, and put the chopped green onion and **** into it and sauteed.

After sautéing, Feng Yifan put in the cleaned fish pieces again and fry them, so that the surface of the fish is fried with a coking layer, and the casserole is also the coking part.

Everything was ready, Feng Yifan finally took out the materials he had brought.

At this time, everyone finally understood.

The soup base that Chef Feng made this time is actually fresh fish soup base.

And the base material he brought over was specially boiled fish soup, but it was not just fish soup. There were other ingredients in the soup base.

Put it in a casserole, then add water to the pot and start to simmer.

Putting on the lid of the casserole, Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Okay, now the soup base is ready, we can start eating after the pot is boiled again."

The children can't wait, because they have already smelled the aroma of the soup base.

"Dad, can't you eat yet?"

"Papa Feng is delicious, I really want to eat it."

"Yes, right, the things in this pot of Father Feng are so fragrant."

Feng Yifan said to the children: "Don't worry, we have to wait a while. After it is boiled, we have to put these things in and cook before we can start eating."

At this moment, Yang Zhiyi saw the top of the mountain in the distance. When the sun had set, the clouds in the sky were dyed in color, which was really very beautiful.

Yang Zhiyi hurriedly called everyone: "Look, look at it, the sun has set over there, it's very beautiful."

Reminded by Yang Zhiyi, everyone also looked at the distant valley together.

In an instant, seeing the sun that had set, the afterglow dyed the clouds in the sky, either gold or red.

At the same time, the valley in the distance was also dyed in color.

This scene is really very beautiful, just like a gorgeous Chinese painting.

The three little girls shouted in unison: "Wow, it's so beautiful."

Feng Yifan picked up the camera and quickly captured everything at this moment.

Then, as the sun set further to the west, Yuhui even dyed Feng Yifan and their camp.

Feng Yifan looked at it and said, "Hurry up, let's sit here and take a photo together."

With that, Feng Yifan asked everyone to do the work and sat up in the front of the tent.

He went to other campers for help. Finally, Feng Yifan also went behind everyone, bent over and stood with Yang Zhiyi, and everyone took a good pose.

With the help of taking pictures, the people shouted "one, two, three, eggplant".

Feng Yifan and the others also shouted "Eggplant.

Click, the camera took a picture of the three families under the sunset.

Feng Yifan expressed his gratitude to the other party, took the camera back and showed it to his wife and children, and he concentrated on starting the final preparations.

Finally ~lightnovelpub.net~ The soup in the casserole was obviously already boiling, and there was a sound of turning over.

Feng Yifan carefully lifted the lid of the casserole.

The moment the lid was opened, the surface was covered with a strong fish fragrance, which was also mixed with the smell of spices.

The fragrance of the spice is not strong, not only does it not cover the fragrance of the fish, but it also supports a different compound taste.

The three little girls smelled the scent, and naturally they were about to eat it.

"Yeah, dad, let's eat quickly."

"Yes, daddy Feng, let's eat."

"I really want to eat."

Feng Yifan also distributed tableware and chopsticks to everyone, and put some things into the pot to cook, and then he greeted everyone and said, "Okay, let's start eating."
