Hardy Empire 1945

v1 Chapter 149: The importance of guiding public opini

Director Ed has been worried this evening. There are gunshots everywhere in Los Angeles, and the intensity is comparable to that of a war. He doesn't know how to explain it tomorrow.

If the mayor asks what he should say.

How to deal with the frightened people.

The reporter asked himself how he would answer.

If there is a gang rage in the truth, then he, the director, will have done it all.

Henry contacted Chief Ed, and the two met on a certain street. Ed got into Henry's car, and the driver went down to the smoking car and only the two of them were left in the car.

"Chief Ed, you have to do something." Henry said with a smile.

"Serious? There are gun battles everywhere, and so many people have died. I am lucky to be able to keep the position of the director." Ed only has a sad face left.

Henry chuckled, "Hehe, what does Chief Ed think happened tonight?"

Director Ed is very surprised: "What happened? Isn't it because the two gangs rushed together to cause such a large casualty?"

Henry shook his head.

"No, no, that's not the truth. The real situation is like this. There is a gangster group North Shore Gang that has been entrenched in Los Angeles for a long time, and has done many vicious cases. Your Chief Ed is determined to eradicate them and secretly send people to investigate."

"A few days ago, it was learned that the North Shore Gang was going to conduct a large-scale drug transaction. The Los Angeles Police Department immediately organized an arrest for such a heinous criminal act. During the arrest, the police encountered unprecedented resistance. The police worked with HD security. , Launched a desperate battle with this group of criminals, and finally solved a huge drug transaction case and killed a large number of recalcitrant criminals."

Director Ed's eyes widened after hearing this.

"Also, can this be the case?"

"Why not, you are the chief of the police, is there anyone who knows the truth better than you, and tonight the police station and HD security have indeed deployed so many people to start a gun battle with the culprits. Who can deny this is the fact."

Director Ed's expression slowly changed from shock to surprise.

If Henry said this, then what happened tonight can be completely covered up, and he will become a heroic police chief, cracking a major case and destroying a gang, which can be said to have done a great job.

"Drugs? Where did the drugs come from?" Chief Ed said.

"Hehe, rest assured, we have prepared these for Director Ed." Henry smiled.

Director Ed got even more excited when he heard it.

"If that's the case, then the police station is not only not responsible but has done a great job, can anyone believe it?" Ed asked.

"Believe it or not, you have the final say. Get the reporters together, hold a press conference, announce the results of the battle tonight, and don't let them report indiscriminately.

Tell the reporters that this is the real situation tonight. If there are other random reports, the Los Angeles Police Department will reserve the right to pursue the blame. "Henry said.

Director Ed nodded vigorously.

"Yeah, yes, you can't let them write scribbled, unify the caliber, as long as public opinion is on our side, the people will not doubt it.

When getting out of the car, Director Ed, who had been frowning, now looked excited.

It's definitely a big credit for getting it right this time.

As for the real situation, it doesn't make sense at all.

After Chief Ed went back, he immediately organized the police to set up cards at various crossings. As long as you met reporters, don't let them run around. Tell them to come to the police station, and the police station will hold a press conference.


The Bill Gang raided the North Shore Gang's industry and encountered sporadic resistance, but it was quickly wiped out.

The main force of the North Shore Gang was mobilized by Hemiweis to participate in tonight’s operation. There were not many people left to look after the house. The Bill Gang again aggressively attacked and crushed the past with five to ten times the number of people, and they soon took over these industries. Received in hand.


Get all the valuable supplies.

The North Shore Gang’s business already includes drug trafficking.

A lot of drugs were found on the North Shore Gang site, which weighed almost 40 or 50 kilograms. Bill commanded him to load these drugs and a large number of weapons into the truck and drove them directly into the police station and gave them to Chief Ed.

The North Bank gangs who originally attacked the Jewish gang industry, faced with well-equipped and powerful HD security players, will resist at first, but they won’t be able to hold on for long.

Some were wiped out, some surrendered directly, and the actions of the North Shore Gang were completely dismantled.



Many Los Angeles citizens were awakened by the fierce gunfire. It was early in the morning, and there were still many vehicles passing by on the street, and the sound of sirens was heard from time to time.

Everyone guessed that something big must have happened in Los Angeles.

Some adventurous reporters got up and went out with their cameras, ready to interview a big news headline tomorrow.

The two reporters drove out and found that the intersections were full of police officers. They would check as long as there were cars passing by.

The reporter drove the car and asked, "Mr. Police, we are reporters from the Los Angeles Metropolitan News. Can you tell me what happened?"

"You are reporters, don't ask me. I don't know the details. When all reporters go to the police station, our chief will hold a press conference. Then everything will be clear." The inspecting police said.

When the two reporters heard that the police station was about to hold a press conference, they drove over.

This happened in many places. All reporters were told to go to the police station to attend the press conference.

3 o'clock in the morning.

Thirty to forty reporters from more than a dozen newspaper offices have gathered in the large conference room of the police station. There is a high pile of things in the middle of the rostrum, but they are covered with thatch cloth.

Director Aide walked into the venue neatly, with a smile on his face. As soon as Director Aide showed up, these reporters started to ask questions.

"Mr. Director, what happened tonight? There were gunshots everywhere. Is there a war in Los Angeles?"

"Witnesses said that many people died. Is it true?"

"Some people say that tonight's events involve several major gangs in Los Angeles. Is that true?"

Director Ed did not change his face and pressed his hands against the reporters. The noisy voices of the reporters gradually lowered. Then Director Ed said unhurriedly:

"Dear friends from the press, I know that everyone is very concerned about what happened tonight. Now I will report on what happened tonight. I believe you will understand after the report is over."

"I can tell everyone responsibly that the action tonight was initiated by the police, and the target was the North Shore Gang, a gangster organization entrenched in Los Angeles."

The North Shore Gang is very famous in Los Angeles. When reporters heard that the police dared to take the initiative to target the North Shore Gang, many people were shocked.

The police dared to move the North Shore Gang, which was far beyond everyone's expectations.

"As the chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, on the day I took office, I swore to fight crime and maintain the safety and social order of Los Angeles citizens. The North Shore Gang has been entrenched in Los Angeles for many years and has committed many vicious cases. I secretly vowed in my heart that he must be eradicated."

"Later, under my careful arrangement, I broke into the North Bank Gang with two undercover agents, and gradually got hold of the situation of the North Bank Gang, and just recently, we got news that the North Bank Gang was preparing for a large-scale drug trade.

"After learning this news, I made up my mind to capture this group of criminals who poisoned the people."

"After careful deployment, the HD security patrol team was also combined to start an operation against the North Bank Gang. During the operation, we encountered fierce resistance from the gang members. Many residents heard fierce gunfire. That's right, that's us and the North Bank Gang. the sound of."

Speaking of this, Director Ed raised his voice loudly:

"The Los Angeles Police Department is determined to maintain city order and protect the safety of Los Angeles people. It is not afraid of sacrifices and overcomes all difficulties, and finally completely eliminated this group of evil gangsters."

I have to say that Director Ed has average abilities, but his acting skills are really not to be said. It is estimated that he can get the best supporting actor award when he enters Hollywood.

And it's really shameless, boasting of being unambiguous.

Director Ed pointed to the thing covered with the tom cloth in the middle and said, "These are the seizures tonight."


Pull open the thatch.

The reporters saw a large pile of guns, probably no less than a hundred, and packs of white powder. They knew they were drugs at first glance.

Click, click, click.

The flashes flashed randomly in the meeting room.

The reporters kept taking pictures of guns and drugs.

Chief Ed was standing beside him, his body straightened, with a majestic gesture on his face, and he assumed a good policeman posture.

Wait for the reporters to finish taking pictures.

Director Eide smiled and continued: "These seizures are only a part. Let me give you a set of statistics. Tonight we have eliminated more than 80 gangsters, arrested more than 200 people, seized more than 500 weapons, and seized five drugs. Wan Dok."

"Here, I want to commend the HD security. In this operation, HD security has contributed a lot. They have always charged at the front line, and the gangster drug dealers have shown their powerful combat effectiveness. HD Security signed the agreement, and they really played a great role in maintaining law and order in Los Angeles."

"I want to announce some figures here. Since the establishment of the HD security patrol, the city’s crime rate has dropped by 56%, night-stalking robberies and forced female cases have dropped by 68%, burglary and robbery cases have dropped by 51%, and other cases have also been reduced. dramatically drop."

"At the beginning, there were people who opposed the government's hiring of security patrols. They thought it was a waste of taxpayers' money. Now the effect is in sight. Do you think this is a waste of money? If the money can play a role in maintaining public safety, the Los Angeles Police Department Willing to pay this money, and the Los Angeles City Government is also willing to pay this money."


Director Ed's speech finally ended, the first half of the briefing of the case, the second half is basically to help HD security brag.

The contract with HD Security was also decided by Ed at the beginning, and it is naturally due to his role now.

Some reporters asked questions,

"Director Ed, we have some news that someone has attacked some places in downtown Los Angeles. What is going on?"

"Several bad robberies did happen tonight, but they have been dealt with. Some robbers were killed and some were arrested. They are now safe. Please rest assured that the Los Angeles Police Department is capable of protecting people's safety. "Director Ed said.

"Excuse me, Chief Ed, there are rumors that it was two gangs fighting tonight that such a fierce seizure occurred. Is this the case?"

Ed lowered his face, "This reporter, I can tell you clearly that it is a rumor. There are no gangs fighting tonight, but the police arresting drug dealers."

"Excuse me, Chief Ed..."

Another reporter wanted to ask a question, but Ed raised his hand to interrupt.

"Let's end the press conference. It's 4 o'clock in the morning. I think journalists have to go back and write articles in order to catch up with the newspaper publication this morning."

"But here I remind friends from journalists that the Los Angeles Police Department has handled the case that happened tonight. When reporters are reporting, please do not report speculative content. You should focus on official information to avoid misrepresentation of the news and be held accountable. Responsibility."

Ed gave a warning at last.

This concludes the press conference.

Although the reporters still have doubts in their hearts, they have no evidence. After returning, they can only honestly report according to the information released by the police station. Even these contents are already strong enough and enough to deal with each other.

The next day.

The headlines of major newspapers in Los Angeles are almost all about the events that happened last night.

"The Los Angeles Police Department cracked a huge drug dealing case. The police and the drug dealer had a fierce exchange of fire. The police killed more than 80 drug dealers, arrested more than 200 people, and seized more than 50 kilograms of drugs."

"The North Shore Gang entrenched in Los Angeles was annihilated in one fell swoop. The Los Angeles Police Department dispatched all officers, and the HD security patrol team cooperated to deal the most severe blow to the gang members. The North Shore Gang ceased to exist."

"The Los Angeles Police Department Chief Ed said that the police department has the ability to protect people's safety. Please rest assured that Los Angeles will become safer in the future."

When people in Los Angeles saw the newspaper saying that the North Shore Gang was destroyed, many people were surprised and then happy ~ lightnovelpub.net~ The North Shore Gang was not very popular in Los Angeles.

The kidnapping and deception are all evil, and their shots are fierce, and their reputation in Los Angeles is much worse than that of the Jewish gang and the Bill gang.

Now that the North Shore Gang is destroyed, people will only clap their hands and cheer.

Many people commented: "Our police chief is okay. He is courageous and intent, but he can kill the North Bank Gang. This chief is very competent."

"I hope he will be re-elected as Director."

"HD security is really good. I often see their patrol cars on the street. Recently, the law and order in Los Angeles has indeed improved a lot. I think the money is worth the money."

Director Aide received a call from the mayor, and the mayor praised Ed and praised him for handling this matter well.

"Ed, no matter what the truth is, as long as the people are satisfied is the success of our work." The mayor smiled.
