Hardy Empire 1945

v1 Chapter 156: Mr. Hardy, a legitimate businessman

Hardy walked into the Flamingo Casino. Bill, Alan Payne, Lanster, Henry and others were all here for the first time, and they were all amazed when they saw such a luxurious casino.

"It's no wonder that Mr. Siegel spends 8 million. It's really luxurious here, much more luxurious than any casino in Los Angeles." Bill admired.

A casino with dozens of gaming tables, a hotel with three to four hundred rooms, bars, nightclubs, restaurants, tourist areas, outdoor swimming pools, fitness clubs, tennis courts, saunas and massage rooms. The facilities are unprecedented and it is definitely the best. Holiday destination.

After reading it, Bill said in amazement, "Why can't it be such a good place, Boss, now you take over here, how do you plan to run it? You won't lose money too?"

Hardy sighed.

"The issue of flamingo is very complicated. To sum up several reasons, the first is poor publicity, the second is poor management, and the most important reason."

"What is the most important reason?"

"Poor luck."

On the day Siegel opened, Las Vegas suffered a heavy rain that was rare in ten years, disrupting all plans.

Immediately after the heavy rain, the newly built facilities were severely tested. During the heavy rain, the transformer was burned out by lightning, and the hotel air conditioner broke down the next day.

Siegel uses the best things. Under normal circumstances, these problems will not occur. However, the heavy rain on the opening day was too great and affected the normal operation of the equipment.

"Then what are you going to do?" Bill asked.

“It’s good to know the problem and solve the problem. Before the casino reopens, the facilities here must be fully completed, including the casino and all ancillary facilities, so that it can truly become a resort.”

"Intensify publicity, and take turns in newspapers, magazines, even radio stations, and TV. Find someone to take photos and videos. As attractive as possible, the theme must be clear, "Come here is to enjoy."

"Also, to increase the convenience of coming here, there is only one flight per day from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. It is too few. Our airline will soon be ready and the number of planes must be increased."

"Come to our casino, the ticket money can be exchanged for a part of the chips, do you think they are willing to come to our casino to play."

"Also, looking back, I am planning to increase the public bus from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. For gamblers who come to the Flamingo Casino, the ticket can be exchanged for chips to play in the casino, which is equivalent to a free ride in the car."

"Women are very important. When it opens here, we must have a group of high-quality women. That's why I asked you to train those women."

"In order to attract customers, the casino will also hold a regular lottery. You bet $1 and draw every two hours. All betting bonuses go to the winners. All of these people will stay in the casino before the draw, right, as long as we keep people. Make money."

"I have already bought the land around the Flamingo Casino. In the future, a racetrack, a dog racing track, and a boxing fighting center will be built. Only when it scales can we attract more people."

"I will also set up a casino TV channel to introduce casinos, various gambling, various facilities, some open programs, and regular lottery draws."

"In the future, there will be gambling competitions, various gambling projects, parties, etc..."

Hardy said more than a dozen things in a row. Bill, Alan Payne, Henry and others opened their mouths. They were surprised how the boss had so many useful ideas.

"Boss, you have thought of so much in such a short time?" Bill asked in surprise.

Hardy spread out, "The time is too short, so let's talk about it for the time being. In fact, there are many ways to attract people. In the final analysis, they are to provoke people's desires. As long as you operate in this direction, it will naturally have an effect. As for what to use The form doesn’t matter."

A group of subordinates listened in admiration.

The boss has studied human nature so thoroughly that he can be a psychologist.

"Boss, when do you plan to open the casino?" Bill asked.

At this point, Hardy's face became more solemn, "It will be open in the future, but not now. Everything has to be done after the five major families are dealt with."


At noon the next day.

Las Vegas Public Cemetery.

Today may be the largest number of people ever in the Las Vegas public cemetery. Bill and his brother have 200 people standing on the left, 150 HD security people standing in the middle, and guests from various Las Vegas casinos on the right. There are also more than one hundred people.

The members of the Los Angeles Gang were all dressed in black and looked solemn.

HD security personnel are wearing black combat uniforms, showing a sense of majesty.

The casino guests came from different families, and they were immediately overwhelmed by the momentum of these two groups of people. They looked at Bill from time to time and guessed that he is now the biggest gang leader in Los Angeles, Bill Pitt.

Then he looked at the handsome young man in the middle of the funeral, knowing that this must be the famous Mr. Jon Hardy.

Hardy is now very famous.

He now has several titles on his head, the owner of the largest security company in the United States, Hollywood film tycoon, and four listed companies under his name.

This is just his apparent identity. Many underworld people know that Jon Hardy is the true underground emperor of Los Angeles.

Not long ago, they wiped out the Irish North Bank Gang in one fell swoop, and even killed Raymond's Army Instructor David.

It is said that Raymond became furious after the incident, but more than half a month passed and the Irish did not have any substantial actions of revenge.

As for Bill Pitt of the Los Angeles Gang, he is just the executor of Mr. Hardy.


In the eyes of ordinary people, Hardy is a businessman, a businessman who does legal business.

As for his underworld status, if there is no evidence, please don’t slander it. Even if the official is not good, you can know but you can’t talk nonsense. Talking nonsense is legally responsible.


Hardy was standing in front of the coffin. Siegel and Fred lay quietly inside. Siegel was dressed in a white suit. He loved elegance when he was alive and liked white suits.

Next to the coffin stood a woman in black clothes and a black veil, Virginia Hill, Siegel's last woman.

The woman held on to the coffin and kept sobbing.

Before Siegel's death, Virginia was in Chicago. She didn't dare to return after knowing that Siegel was killed. Hardy informed Virginia in advance of her burial. Although this woman loves vanity, embezzles Siegel's money, and Siegel's career Part of the reason for her failure.

But that was Siegel's business, and Hardy didn't intend to pursue it.

Siegel loved her so much, and Hardy felt that Siegel would definitely want Virginia to send him off when he was buried, so he informed her to come.

And on the other side is Fred.

Fred's wife and children are here, watching Fred's body crying extremely sad, after the priest finished the eulogy, Hardy as a friend gave a eulogy to relatives and friends.

"Siegel, my friend, he taught me a lot of things. His life was very exciting and exciting..."

Many people say that Siegel’s life is indeed wonderful, the mafia veteran, the boss of the killer group, the underground king of the West Coast, countless women, countless murders, and the final death is also shot to death by people, which is completely in line with the perfect ending of a gangster.

"...He established the Flamingo Casino, pursuing perfection, and hopes to develop the Las Vegas business through his own efforts. He very much hopes that the company here can make money in a stable and united manner and develop together.. .."

When those casino families heard Hardy's words, they had thoughts about whether Hardy's words were for them and gave them a warning.

Make money by uniting steadily.

If it is not stable and united, will the end be like the four big families?

"...Although he is gone, his deeds will remain in people's hearts. Maybe someone will come here decades later and see his tombstone and say, Benjamin Siegel, I have heard of His name, he is the founder of the rise of Las Vegas."

"Fred, my friend, he is also Siegel's most loyal partner, and their friendship has lasted for more than 20 years..."

The eulogy is over,

People came up to offer flowers one after another.

The white petals were sprinkled into the coffin and soon submerged the bodies of the two of them. They were born and left, even if they left a shallow footprint in history, it was extremely rare.

Siegel was actually lucky, he did it.

The funeral is over.

The family members dispersed.

But those in charge of the casino did not leave immediately. They gathered around to meet Hardy. The battle the previous night completely established Hardy's position in Las Vegas.

The underworld is a place where strength is most important.

Hardy fully demonstrated his strength.

A bald middle-aged man stood in front of Hardy and said with a smile: "Mr. Hardy, I'm the casino steward of the Lucace family."

Hardy stretched out his hand, and the other party quickly stretched out his hands and shook Hardy.

"I talked to Patriarch Lukasser over the phone. Last year, Patriarch Lukasser helped me. In Las Vegas, let’s help each other if there is anything to do."

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Hardy." The steward's face was full of smiles.

"Mr. Hardy, I'm the manager of the Borello Family Casino in Cleveland." Another person came up to greet, and Hardy shook hands with this person.

"Mr. Hardy, I'm the manager of the Bruno Family Casino in Philadelphia."

"Mr. Hardy, I'm the head of the Marcelo Family Casino in New Orleans. Our patriarch asked me to say hello to Mr. Hardy. If Mr. Hardy passes by New Orleans, the patriarch said he would invite you to drink and eat roast chicken."


After Hardy met the heads of these casinos, he smiled and said: "You know, I am a legitimate businessman. I was invited by Siegel to buy the Flamingo shares."

These stewards try to keep smiling.

But slander in my heart.

Are you a legitimate businessman? Well~lightnovelpub.net~ You have a big fist, you have the final say, you are a legitimate businessman that the four big families can't afford.

Hardy sighed slightly.

"In the Flamingo Casino, I have invested several million in front and back. If it continues like this, I am afraid that all my investment will be lost, and I have to come over and take a look."

"I am not familiar with the place in Las Vegas, so I brought the hd security, and I am going to use hd security to be responsible for the safety of the casino."

Saying here Hardy looks at these casino stewards,

"By the way, do you think it is necessary for hd security to maintain the safety and order of Las Vegas?"

The people in charge are all taken aback.

Ask what we do, can we decide this? The four big families in New York and the Selton family in San Francisco were all destroyed by you overnight. What do you want us to say.

"Of course it is necessary, too necessary." The Lucace Casino manager turned his eyes and thought of something, and said.

"Yes, the hd security has done a very good job and should stay."

"Seeing the patrol car, we feel more at ease than before."

The people in charge of things rushed to agree.

Hardy smiled and nodded.

"Sometimes, the city government and city councillors are willing to hear the voices of the people. If you are willing to see that hd'an is retained, you can reflect it to the city government and the councillors and let the city government pass the employment agreement as soon as possible."

These stewards finally understood.

This is for them to pass on to the MPs who are familiar with their families.

"Of course we have to react, we must reflect." The manager of the Lucesse Casino immediately stated his attitude.

"Yes, yes, I will also reflect upward." The roast chicken manager also said quickly.


Hardy had a smile on his face.

You see how great it is now, all casinos are united and loving, and Las Vegas will have a bright future in the future.
