Hardy Empire 1945

v1 Chapter 338: Rich is a father

"Mr. Hardy, I welcome you to Japan with all the cabinet members." Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida said respectfully with a big smile on his face.

They were informed that this time Hardy came, not only to guide economic issues, the last time he sold the money from the military industry, a total of 570 million US dollars, it is said that Hardy persuaded the US government to bring this money back, ready to use Japan’s aid and economic recovery.

Now Japan is desperately eager for assistance.

Hope to restore the economy.

570 million dollars.

This is a huge amount of money that makes everyone fascinated.

Now that the money is completely in the hands of Hardy, Hardy has the final say where it is spent, how could the Japanese government be disrespectful.

Originally the Japanese seized companies were sold. These people still have a lot of resentment towards Hardy because he handled Japanese assets cheaply, but now they are full of respect for Hardy, because those assets will only slowly deteriorate if they are left there. But now it can get back the much-needed funds. The American consortium will buy those assets, and it will definitely develop. It will hire Japanese workers at that time, which is a good thing for Japan no matter what.

I thought that Hardy was plundering Japanese assets before, but now I know that Mr. Hardy has worked hard to exchange assets for money, which is indeed more helpful to Japan now.

"Hello, Prime Minister, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. John Jay, the vice president of Manhattan Bank of the Rockefeller Consortium." Hardy introduced.

"Hello, Mr. John Jay, and welcome to Japan." Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida hurriedly bowed and shook hands.

The Rockefeller Consortium, one of the largest consortiums in the United States, has a great influence on American politics and economy, and he dare not neglect it.

"This is Charles Lee, the vice president of Morgan Stanley Investment Bank, a Morgan consortium." Hardy introduced the Morgan leader.

Shigeru Yoshida bent down again to meet him.

Hardy introduced the people from the seven major consortiums. Any one of them is famous. Originally, these people came to Japan randomly, and they didn't dare to neglect. Now they come together in a group, led by Hardy, and the Japanese cabinet understands Hardy's influence more and more. How big is it.

Mr. Hardy said before,

In view of the extremely downturn in Japan's economy, it cannot be saved by some simple policies. It will bring the investment team over. This is the person Mr. Hardy brought.

This makes the Japanese cabinet feel more and more that Mr. Hardy really wants to help Japan solve the current economic dilemma in Japan.

"Mr. Hardy, there is a podium set up over there. The reporters are waiting. I hope you can say a few words to accept the interview. Look?" Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida asked.

"Yes." Hardy nodded and agreed.

He didn't frustrate his speech.

Hardy stood on the podium, and the reporters held up their cameras to take another crazy shot. Hardy was dressed in a straight Italian handmade suit, calm and handsome with domineering.

Hadi specially asked Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida to stand beside him, which made Yoshida a little flattered. He stood beside him with his hands in front of him, stepped back half of his body, and did not dare to be even with Hadi.

It can be seen that these Japanese officials were very submissively trained by MacArthur, at least on the surface.

Hardy glanced at the reporter and said into the microphone:

"Before I came, I asked the Japanese government to provide information on the living conditions and economic development of the domestic people. According to the information given to me by the Japanese government, the Japanese economy is now in chaos and is on the brink of collapse. A large number of companies have closed down. Laid-offs, skyrocketing prices, severe inflation, and food shortages, residents can’t get even the most basic living conditions."

Having said that, Hardy looked at Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida,

"Is that so, your Prime Minister?"

"Ah, yes, this is indeed the case now."

Shigeru Yoshida quickly replied, although this question is a bit embarrassing, but it is true.

Hardy continued.

He said with a heavy face:

"The reason why this situation is today is due to the war. The Japanese people were bewitched by imperialists and militants and started the war. The war was cruel. This is also the cause of the current situation in Japan."

"Those gangsters were sentenced last year, some were hanged, some were sentenced to life imprisonment, and received due punishment. Although they died, they left the evil results to the Japanese people. Before we came, President Johnson and I Speaking of Japan, President Johnson said that Japan must be completely free from the influence of imperialism and **** thoughts before it is possible to return to the international community."

Whether it is Shigeru Yoshida on stage, members of the Japanese cabinet, or Japanese reporters and welcoming entrepreneurs, they all get excited when they hear that Japan may return to the international community.


Because Japan’s status is now an occupied land, it is not legally an ‘independent country’. Later, in order to seek independence and become a sovereign country, Japan paid a great price, and then joined the United Nations again in 1956.

And now, the United States still enforces the strictest economic and political control over Japan, and Japan has no hope of renewing its independence at all.

Today, Hardy's words seemed to drop a holy light.

Let them see the hope of regaining sovereignty, how can the Japanese not be excited, this is more eager for them than the restoration of the economy.

Many people looked at Hardy's eyes with eagerness.

After Hardy said this, he turned his head and looked at Shigeru Yoshida, "Prime Minister, whether Japan has already recognized the mistakes in launching a war is very important. This is a question of attitude. Only by recognizing the mistakes can it be completely with the empire. Confucianism and **** broke, and regained the recognition of the international community."

Shigeru Yoshida's mind flew around.

They discussed in the past whether Japan should admit its mistakes. The United States exercises control over them in public opinion and ideology, and also requires Japan to recognize the mistakes of launching a war of aggression.

But on this point, Japan has always been ambiguous.


The reason is to study the national character of Japan.

Respect the emperor as a god, influenced by the spirit of Bushido, believe in the principle of pragmatism that the weak eat the strong, and what kind of racial superiority.

Now the Emperor has been trained by MacArthur almost, admitting that he is just an ordinary person, not a god.

If you admit the mistake of war again.

After losing the spirit of Bushido, they feared that the Japanese nation would be taken away and would never be able to stand up ever since.

So although distorted.

Still have to maintain that little dignity.

Now Hardy’s problem makes Shigeru Yoshida very uncomfortable. Hardy just said that he must throw away imperialism and **** in order to return to the international community. If he does not admit his mistakes, today the newspapers will definitely report on it, and I guess it will. Say that Japan does not forget imperialism and ****.

Then their hope of regaining independence is completely gone.

It will also offend the United States, the United States government, and MacArthur. What it has done in recent years is to deeply reform Japan. The goal set by the United States is to "ensure that Japan is no longer a threat to world security and peace."

If they find that they still have the idea of ​​restoring imperialism hidden in their bones, I believe that the US government and MacArthur will carry out another round of cleansing.

"Hayi, yes, we must sincerely admit that it was wrong to start that war. On behalf of Japan, I express remorse for that war." Shigeru Yoshida bowed to Hadi and said with an extremely sincere attitude.

Click, click, click.

The reporters were desperate to take photos and record this moment.

The text reporter even wrote down what Shigeru Yoshida said in his notebook. Tomorrow's newspaper, I believe that Hardy's speech and Shigeru Yoshida's repentance for admitting war mistakes will definitely make headlines.

Hardy smiled inwardly.

Do you think this is the end? Knowing that you are stiff, I will slowly destroy you from public opinion a little bit.

This is just the beginning.

Hardy continued to speak.

"The Japanese government's social survey shows that the unemployed population in Japan now reaches 13 million, and the 13 million does not include women and children. This is a very terrible number, accounting for more than 30% of the total labor force in Japan."

"Inflation is severe and prices are skyrocketing. Today's prices in Japan are 20 times what they were before the war. This is a terrible figure. According to economic experts, if this situation cannot be effectively changed, it may take 100 years for Japan to recover. "

Whether it is Shigeru Yoshida on the stage, cabinet members or Japanese entrepreneurs off the stage, their faces are all very heavy.

Hardy is right, they are also very pessimistic about the future of Japan.

Hardy paused.

Intentionally let people ease their emotions.

"This time I am here, I will make an overall plan for the Japanese economy, including several aspects. One is to abolish some backward feudal economic rules, the other is to carry out comprehensive demilitarization reforms. Direction, Japan is an island country with scarce resources and unable to provide raw materials locally, so after our analysis, Japan is more suitable for an export-oriented economic strategy."

"For example, open a TV factory to provide cheaper TV sets for the United States and Europe, and for example, develop the light textile industry, import raw materials such as cotton and wool from the United States and Australia, and make them into fabrics or export garments."

"You can also make clothing, shoes, hats, furniture, home appliances, toys, musical instruments, auto parts, rubber products, gem processing, ceramics, audio equipment, etc."

"I have obtained the president's permission to open up American advanced technology to Japan and allow the introduction of advanced production equipment and processes."

"In May of this year, I was appointed as the Special Envoy for Economic Guidance in Japan. The reason I didn't come was because I knew about Japan's problems. It just won't help to come here. Since it is not easy to solve internally, I am prepared to use external forces."

After finishing talking, Hardy raised his finger to the seven consortium team, and said with a smile: "I invite the California consortium, the Rockefeller consortium, the Morgan consortium, the Cleveland consortium, the Texas consortium, the DuPont consortium, and the Mellon consortium to come with me. Japan ~lightnovelpub.net~ invests in Japan. I believe that with their presence, construction funds and sales channels will become smoother."


Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida, cabinet members and dozens of entrepreneurs present applauded together. They knew that these large consortia could just stretch their hands and pull their companies out of the quagmire.

"In addition, if you want to operate, you must have a start-up capital. I thought of the military-industrial companies that were sealed up. Those companies have been completely sealed up in accordance with the orders of the United Nations and the Allied Command. How can they be used to turn waste into treasure? , I thought for a long time, and finally decided to sell them to raise start-up capital."

"I came here this time and brought back all the US$570 million from the sale of the business. I will use this money entirely for aid and economic construction to Japan."


Huh huh huh huh~!

More enthusiastic applause erupted from the audience.

Everything else is fictitious, but money is real. Now what Japan has is money. Before Hardy can bring it, then they would be willing to call Dad.

The reason is as simple as that.