Hardy Empire 1945

v2 Chapter 425: Sharpening the knife Huohuo to the pig

Hardy sat down and chatted with a group of think tanks. Their opinions on "Malaya's future direction" were relatively unified, and they would definitely be independent. Britain could no longer stop it.

But how to be independent, what changes are there in the middle, and what benefits Hardy can get from it, this is what they study.

The possibility of the merger of Singapore and the Dominion of Penang, these researchers feel that it is completely feasible. The situation in Singapore is exactly the same as that of Penang and Malacca before. It belongs to the Dominion. As for the method used?

A social counseling analyst looked at Hardy and said, "Mr. Hardy, I have a suggestion. Princess Margaret will have a baby soon, right?"

Hardy nodded, "It's been six months, and it will be born in three months."

"Do you think it is possible to run it and let the UK grant Singapore to your children in the future."

Hardy's eyes lit up.

This is a good idea.

As for the "response to a military conflict with Indonesia," this is actually a lesson learned from Johor.

The Hardy Investment Company in Malaya absorbed a large amount of Chinese assets. Later, a conflict with Johor occurred and the Sultan of Johor was destroyed.

And six months ago.

Hardy began to lay out in Indonesia, allowing investment companies to enter the Indonesian market and carry out acquisition activities. When Hardy did so, it is inevitable that there may be conflicts with Indonesia in the future, so these people are asked to study how to deal with conflicts with Indonesia.

Let me first talk about whether Hardy will conflict with Indonesia.

definitely will.

Whether it is an interest dispute or a disagreement, when Hardy enters Indonesia, he has the idea of ​​proactively picking things up in his heart.

Take the initiative to lean in.

Use the economy to create friction.

It is a routine of the Sultan of Johor.

Some people would say that Indonesia is not Johor, and you can let Hadi knead it at will. After Indonesia's independence, it has an area of ​​1.9 million square kilometers and a population of over 100 million. It is a properly large country.

Hardy's strength is simply not enough in the face of such a big country.

But Hardy was really not afraid of him.

Just want to touch him.


half year ago

Hardy entered the Indonesian market through formal channels and started a number of investment companies in Indonesia. At this time, Indonesia and the United States established diplomatic relations and were still in a relatively friendly state. Indonesia pursues an independent foreign policy. Although it is pro-Soviet, it does not intend to completely rely on it.

In short, it's a bit of a good taste.

In fact, this is the normal state of a weak country, and it cannot be said wrong.

Diplomacy is nothing more than three states, one is like the United States and the Soviet Union, being the boss by oneself, watching the world and giving up to me, and gathering a bunch of younger brothers around.

The second is to be willing to be a little brother, some because of geography, some because of politics, and belong to the two big brothers.

The third is to have both sides, want to maintain their own independent personality, use vertical and horizontal techniques to shuttle back and forth between the complicated international situation, this is not a lot.

At this time, Indonesia is very welcome to foreign investment. Indonesia has just established a country and is basically in the stage of innocence. Naturally, it is hoped that foreigners can invest.

The real wealthy people in Indonesia are mostly Chinese. After the initial period of stability, the Indonesian government began to suppress the Chinese. The Minister of Finance at the time made it clear that Chinese only accounted for 5% of the total Indonesian population. , But owns 70% of Indonesian assets. This situation must be changed.

Subsequently, the government introduced a series of policies to squeeze Chinese capital. For example, the rice milling industry could only be operated by Indonesians. This caused a large number of Chinese rice mills to close down and were subsequently taken away by Indonesians at low prices.

It also stipulates that all major shareholders of companies must be Indonesians, and Chinese can only be minor shareholders. This makes it extremely difficult for Chinese-owned companies to close down or sell them cheaply to Indonesians.

When the Hardy Investment Company came over, these Chinese-funded enterprises had another way, which was to join the Hardy Investment Company and become a foreign-funded joint venture. The foreign-funded joint venture is legal in Indonesia, so that Indonesians can't take advantage of it.

And Hardy does not pay nothing at all, and will provide resources and channels to allow these companies to enter the Hardy economic circle.

Circles are very important.

Even large consortiums in the United States will create business circles. What's more, these small Southeast Asian companies entering the big circle of Hardy immediately give them the feeling of jumping from a mud puddle into a big river, free and fun.

The Hardy Investment Company also encouraged these people to set the company's headquarters in the Dominion of Hardy, or in Cayman, or even in the United Kingdom or the United States.

This is so convenient for cooperation.

As for the local area, just leave the operating office.

In the beginning, the Indonesian government didn't care too much, but when the problem was discovered, the Hardy Group had acquired a large number of companies, and all the procedures were completely reasonable and legal.

The national law does not stipulate that the Chinese cannot sell their assets to foreigners.

But watching a large amount of their wealth that originally belonged to them flows into the pockets of foreigners, which makes Indonesians very annoyed. Recently, the Indonesian government is discussing and preparing to formulate new policies to limit or even interrupt this situation.

They have completely regarded Chinese assets as their own wealth, and they used all means to **** them, and now they have flowed into Hardy's pockets. How did they suffer and plan to use national power to stop them.

Intelligence agencies have long been deployed in Indonesia and have a clear grasp of the actions of the Indonesian government.

As soon as someone proposed a restriction, Hardy received a letter.

at the same time,

The Hardy Group spread this information and circulated it among the Chinese. After the Chinese heard about it, those who were still hesitating, all stepped up to join the Hardy Investment Company during this time.

There was no way before.

People can only admit that their heads have been plundered by gangsters.

Now that there is a bright road ahead, and a group of hungry wolves and murderous soldiers behind, people naturally know how to choose.

Must run towards Guangming Avenue.

Even many people,

During this period, the family moved to Hadi Dominion, which caused the population of Penang and Malacca to surge again.


Colonel James, a former senior US military staff member and expert on conflict issues, thinks that the Indonesian issue is the most likely point of conflict recently.

"Tell me in detail." Hardy said.

Colonel James took out a chart and wrote a few names on it, and then said: "If the Indonesian government issues a restraining order or even seizes property companies later, it will affect the interests of the Hardy Group, which is not acceptable to the Hardy Group."

"The Hardy Group can protest to the Indonesian government, but the Indonesian government may not agree to it. Then, what we do, we will promote Indonesia's economic destruction and violation of the agreement to the international community."

"It's a gesture to make people sympathize with us. When we do something in the future, people can understand why we did that."

"Then there is force intimidation, but Indonesia's military power is not weak. It has an air force, an army, and a navy. The army has about 150,000 people, the air force has more than 100 aircraft, and the navy has 8 ships..."

"We can create a little friction, or a small-scale battle, and then use this excuse to find the U.S. government and the British government for assistance. The assistance includes weapon assistance and political assistance, and we can take the opportunity to develop the dominion's armed forces."

"As for the real conflict with Indonesia, try to control it after a year and a half. After all, we are still in the early stages of construction. By that time, we will be fully prepared and formulate a strategy in advance, which can give the Indonesian army a fatal blow."


Recently, the HD Defense Company started a large-scale conscription in the Hadi Dominion. This situation has aroused great concern from neighbors.

The Sultan of Malaya became a little panic.

Before the Hadi Dominion had no enlistment, they were no opponents. Now they have a large-scale enlistment and their strength will be stronger. If they were to be attacked in the future, they would have no ability to resist.

There is another reason.

They are still a British colony in name. They are now pursuing independence, but they have not succeeded. Now such a powerful armed force suddenly appears here, and Hardy is still the husband of the British princess.

How can this make people not worry about it.

Those who are more concerned about the Hadi Dominion also include Indonesia, which is close at hand and separated by water, but it is only concerned.

At this time Indonesia has become independent, with a land of 1.9 million square kilometers, a population of over 100 million, and a politically unified country. It is a properly large country.

At least they think so.


The Dominion of Hardy is recruiting, training,

Build new air bases and naval bases.

The military power of the Hadi Dominion increased dramatically.

at the same time,

Many factories and enterprises began to rise, machines were shipped from the United States and Japan one after another, workers' raw materials entered the site, and large-scale production began.

The entire Hadi Dominion became vibrant.


Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, Hardy returned to Cayman in mid-March. At this time, Margaret had already had a pot belly and was expected to give birth in two or three weeks.

"Go to America or England?" Hardy asked Margaret.

"I miss my sister." Margaret said.

"Then go to England." Hardy decided immediately.

After packing everything, the plane flew to England. Queen Elizabeth was very happy that her sister had come back to give birth. She was going to arrange a delivery at St. Mary's Hospital in Paddington, London, and let her Queen’s gynecologist deliver the baby to Margaret.

The St. Mary’s Hospital is famous because almost all the main members of the royal family were born here, including Prince Charles and Princess Anne in 70 years.

Later Diana's two children were also born in this hospital.

Speaking of the 70-year-old Prince Charles, he is standing not far away. Prince Charles is six and a half years old this year and has become a little Zhengtai. He stands beside his mother in a decent way and looks at Hardy secretly from time to time.

As for Princess Anne, who is three and a half years old this year, she is much more lively. At this moment, she is curiously touching Margaret's belly.

"Is there a baby in this?"

Princess Anne's voice is cute.

"Yes Annie, do you think it is the younger brother or younger sister?" Margaret asked her niece Annie with a smile.

"I like my little sister." Annie said.

She hopes that a little sister can play with her.

"I brought you gifts, many, have been put in your own room, I hope you like them." Marguerite said.

"Thank you auntie."

The two little guys thanked together.

"Your uncle arranged the gift." Margaret looked at Hardy.

The two little guys thanked Hardy again,

"Thank you Uncle."

Hardy smiled and touched the heads of the two little guys. It was not easy. Queen Elizabeth asked the two little guys to leave, and they could talk about other topics.

After being separated for three months, Princess Elizabeth obviously felt that Margaret was calmer than before. Perhaps this was the change brought to her by marriage.

The two little guys returned to their room. Charles' gift was a battleship series produced by Hardy Toys. It was very delicate and of course expensive.

Princess Anne got a complete set of Barbie dolls. Girls naturally want to play with girls' toys. Now there are six princesses in the complete set of Barbie dolls. The latest addition is Princess Margaret Special Edition.

Two weeks later.

St. Mary's Hospital.

After more than an hour of fighting, Margaret gave birth to a healthy baby, a boy, which disappointed Annie.

Margaret was very happy.

The next day after giving birth, they moved back to their castle to live.

Seeing the little guy who kept scratching his hands and feet, Margaret said to Hardy in disbelief, "Oh my God, I actually gave birth to a person, it's incredible."

Hardy covered his forehead a little.

In the next two days, we discussed what the child was called. Hardy named the child "David". David Hardy, Margaret liked the name very much.

After half a month,

Members of the British royal family held a birthday party for David Hardy to celebrate the birth of the fifth in line to the British royal family.


Don't look at this little guy whose surname is Hardy, but he has the right to inherit the British royal family.

In accordance with the British noble inheritance law, the eldest son inheritance system was implemented. When George VI, his heir was Princess Elizabeth, and the second in line was Princess Margaret.

After Elizabeth came to the throne, her son Charles was the first pick, and Princess Anne was the second pick. If there are more children in the future, it will continue.

Princess Margaret, who originally had the second-place succession right, has now been postponed to fourth place, and his child David Hardy is ranked fifth.

Of course,

This is just the current ranking.

In the later period, Queen Elizabeth also had two sons, and the ranking would have to be pushed back. When Charles has a child, his children will be ranked as the eldest and grandchildren, and will surpass Princess Anne.


Even if it is pushed to 100, Hardy now has the right to inherit the throne of the British Empire, which is also a great honor.

Of course,

It's just a privilege.

In Hardy's previous life, even Charles, who was ranked first, was not ranked, let alone the others.

At the reception.

Queen Elizabeth accepted David Hardy as her godson.

He also gave David Hardy the title of Viscount, which is generally rare. As Hardy’s son, David will definitely inherit the title of Hardy in the future, so there is no need to give a noble. The reason is not that simple.

Because immediately,

Queen Elizabeth announced that it would bestow a fiefdom of "David Hardy", a fiefdom of Singapore, and the status of a dominion of Singapore.

When the outside world knew the news,

It immediately caused a lot of shock, and there were many conjectures.

As one of the few colonies in the United Kingdom today, the voice of Malaya's independence has continued, and the United Kingdom has been unable to suppress the momentum.

Now Singapore is suddenly given to a new-born royal family member, especially the child whose surname is Hardy, and his father’s dominion is nearby.

How could this kind of operation not arouse people's conjecture.

Many people think this is a conspiracy.



It's not ~lightnovelpub.net~ but it's definitely a deal.

After Hardy came to the UK, he was not simply paternity. During this time, he and Queen Elizabeth had an in-depth exchange of the situation in Malaya.

I also said some of my own thoughts.

After the two reached some consensus, they exchanged ideas with Prime Minister Churchill, and the results came out after three days of deliberations.

The Hardy Group will continue to invest more than US$500 million in the UK in the next three years, and Hardy can choose the direction of investment.

A few years ago,

The Labor Party's large-scale nationalization has caused a lot of impact on British private enterprises. After Churchill came to power, he stopped most of the nationalization process and gradually implemented privatization.

They need Hardy's investment.

And Hardy's reward was that his son David Hardy received a knighthood title alone and bestowed it on Singapore.

And also promised privately,

Support all operations of Hardy in Southeast Asia.

In fact, this is equivalent to the British abandoning the Malayan colony and transferring the rights of that place to Hardy. As for how Hardy operates, it depends on his own ability.

Independence can no longer be prevented,

Then use him in exchange for something.

Whether Hardy makes or loses after taking over is irrelevant to the UK.

For this transaction,

Both parties are very satisfied.

The most dissatisfied are naturally the sultans in Malaya, because they have seen strong red flags from this incident.

In the past, the British were more gentlemen in doing things and treated them more tenderly, but this Earl Hardy, although sleeping with a British princess, has a typical American character in his bones. You can see from his actions in Johor. The means are fierce.

Moreover, the Hadi Dominion has been expanding its army recently.

Is this going to sharpen the sword to the Sultan?