Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 10: Leaky Cauldron

"Get up, kids, we have a lot to buy today." Hagrid roared wildly from the closet on the first floor, through the thick two-story floor, into Tiera and Harry's ears.

Harry sat up sleepily, perhaps because of the excitement of stepping into the wizarding world, perhaps because of the happiness of having a good friend like Tiera, Harry tossed and turned until two or three o'clock last night.

So when he was woken up by Hagrid's piercing voice, it felt a little unreal.

As if everything that happened yesterday was a dream, in which his parents are no longer losers who have accomplished nothing, but heroes of the magical world against the forces of evil, and friends of his parents appear on his eleventh birthday, not only Brought him his first sweet birthday cake, and took him away from the Dursleys to make his first friend.

God, if this is a dream, please don't wake me up.

Harry prayed silently and opened his eyes.

The morning sun shines in through the skylight of the attic, and the black-haired, dark-eyed boy sits at the old wooden table and writes and draws.

Seemingly aware of Harry's gaze, Tiera looked up from the pile of mathematical formulas on the table.

"Are you up?" Tiera smiled at Harry, revealing two pointed little tiger teeth, reminding Harry of the little fox he saw at the zoo on Duli Dursley's birthday He smiled, with a sly, lovely smile.

"Get dressed and wash up." Tiera said, "Today we're going to Diagon Alley!"

It was not until Tiera threw the clothes to Harry that Harry realized that the clothes in his hands were not the ones that were full of holes and dust when he came, but a clean one. Clothes he had never seen before.

"I woke up early today, and I have nothing to do, so I'll wash your clothes for you." Tiera said with a smile, "Your suit is still dry, so put on mine first."

Tiera and Harry are both eleven years old. Because they work in a Chinese restaurant, compared to Harry, Tiera has no worries about eating and drinking, and under the special care of the proprietress, Tiera even eats a little overnutrition, so I mentioned it. Not only was Yella half a head taller than Harry, she was also a bit stronger than Harry, and Harry had no problem wearing his clothes.

Harry squeezed Litiera's clean clothes with some soapy fragrance, and quickly put a set on his head.

Today is a big day for Harry.

If there is a choice, he doesn't want to wear a suit full of holes into the magical world.

Harry and Tiera are taken to the Leaky Cauldron by Hagrid, all dressed.

It was a dingy, cramped bar, sandwiched between a huge bookstore and a record store on the other side, two blocks from Tierra's attic, and not at all if Hagrid hadn't pointed it out. Someone noticed such a shabby and small bar.

In fact, Tiera passed by the door of this bar many times, and every day from the Chinese restaurant where he worked, he had to pass this street to walk back to his attic in the old city.

Every time she passed by, Tiera noticed only the bookstore and record store on either side, never the Leaky Cauldron between the two buildings.

"It's hard for the average person to notice." Hagrid blinked at Tiera, "Unless someone brings a little wizard and Muggle here for the first time, they won't be able to see the Leaky Cauldron, let alone go in."

Before Harry and Tiera could speak, Hagrid was pushed into the Leaky Cauldron.

As a place that was famous both in the wizarding world and in Tierra's previous life, it was too dark and dirty, far more dirty than the movies showed. Tiera felt that a third-rate restaurant in any third-tier city in China was better than a third-rate restaurant in China. This is to be clean.

In the Leaky Cauldron, several old women were sitting in the corner drinking sherry with small glasses, and one of them was smoking a long pipe. A little man in a top hat was chatting with a bar owner with almost stripped hair and a shriveled walnut.

As soon as they entered the door, their chattering stopped suddenly. Everyone here seemed to know Hagrid, and they smiled, waved, and whistled at him.

"Old rules? Hagrid." A hunchbacked man sitting at the counter wiped his glass over and over and looked at Hagrid.

"Oh, no, Tom, I'd love to have a drink, but I'm doing errands for Hogwarts." Hagrid patted the bartender on the shoulder with his huge palm, almost knocking him down.

"You know, I never drink when I work, that's why Dumbledore trusts me." Hagrid said proudly.

"My God," said the bar owner, who turned his attention to the two little boys following Hagrid after Hagrid refused, when he saw Harry's almost emerald green studies and hidden in tousled hair. Lightning-shaped scar, he screamed like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, "Oh, Merlin is on, this is—this is not—"

Suddenly, the Leaky Cauldron was silent.

"Oops!" The bar owner seemed to realize his gaffe, and hurriedly whispered, "Harry Potter, oh Merlin's beard, it's Harry Potter—what an honor."

The bar owner hurried out from behind the bar, ran towards Harry, grabbed his hand, and burst into tears.

"Welcome back, Mr. Potter, welcome back." Harry didn't know what to say. Everyone is looking at him. The old woman who smoked the long pipe smoked so hard that she didn't realize that the pipe was extinguished.

Hagrid started to giggle, the crackling sound of the chairs falling one after another, and all the wizards in the bar came here for the sake of it, young and old, men and women, all kinds of strange Harry was surrounded by people, and if Tiera hadn't been pulling on the cuff of Hagrid's coat, he might have been squeezed out of the circle by now.

Harry had never seen such a scene. When he came back to his senses that day, Harry suddenly found himself shaking hands with the people in the Leaky Cauldron.

"I'm Cordry, Mr. Potter. I can't believe it. I finally see you."

"It's an honor, Mr. Potter, it's an honor."

"I've been looking forward to shaking hands with you - my heart is pounding."

"I'm so happy, Mr. Potter, I can't explain how I feel. My name is Dick."

"I've seen you before," Harry yelled when Digg got so excited that his hat fell, "you bowed to me once in the store."

"He still remembers!" Digg excitedly shouted to everyone present, "Did you hear me! He, Harry Potter, he remembers me!"

So Harry shook hands over and over again.

Cordry, the wizard who was the first to shake Harry's hand, always came over and asked to shake him again.

A pale young man came over, his expression was very nervous, and one of his eyes kept twitching.

"Professor Quirrell." Hagrid nodded slightly, as if he was saying hello.

"Harry, Tierra, let me introduce to you, this is Professor Quirrell, your teacher."

"Bo... Bo... Potter," Professor Quirrell stammered, grabbing Harry's hand, "seeing you there is, there is, there is a kind of happiness that UU reading www.uukanshu.com can't describe. "

Tiera stood next to Hagrid, noting that Quirrell was holding Harry's hand with a pair of black gloves.

At this time, a strange thought suddenly flashed through Tiera's mind.

If Professor Quirrell was to take off his gloves and shake Harry's hands now, would the first Harry Potter movie end prematurely?

"You teach a type of magic, Professor Quirrell?"

"Black, black, Defense Against the Dark Arts." Professor Quirrell said vaguely, as if he thought it might be better not to mention it. "You've used it... you don't need to learn it, right, Mr. Bo... Bo... Potter?"

Quirrell suddenly laughed nervously. "You're right, are you going to buy what you need? Just in time, I, I, I too... want to buy a book about sucking, vampires."

But the rest wouldn't let Professor Quirrell talk to Harry endlessly. It took Harry about ten minutes to get rid of them. In the midst of the chatter, Hegra raised Tiera to Harry: "It's time to go, there's still a lot to buy. Come on, Harry, don't keep Tiera waiting."

The last time Cordley shook hands with Harry, Hagrid led him across the bar to the small walled patio. There is nothing here but a trash can and some weeds.

"Sorry Harry, Tiera, I was going to take you to the Leaky Cauldron for breakfast, they make mashed potato sandwiches so well, not even the house-elves at Hogwarts can do that." Hagrid grinned at Harry and Tiera, "But now we're going to go to Diagon Alley and grab a bite to eat, um...well, that delicious sausage isn't sold out yet."

As Hagrid spoke, he drew out his pink umbrella.