Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 104: night talk

As soon as Pettigrew heard Tiera's words, she immediately collapsed from Tiera's arms, jumped onto Ron, and grinned at Tiera.

"Haha, haha~" Tiera suddenly laughed, "Just kidding, kidding."

Then he smoothly changed the topic to another place.

Although Tiera really wanted to study the offspring of Animagus crossed with real animals——

But now is not the time, and it is not yet time to startle the snake.

"By the way, let's take a picture of the three of us pets." Tiera took out the magic camera from her bag and said, "After all, Banban has been in your house for more than ten years, and may die someday. ."

"Okay." Ron put Scabbers on his bed.

Tiera also motioned for Raven to fly over.

And when Pettigrew was about to escape, Raven stepped on Pettigrew's tail with one paw.

Harry also carried Hedwig to Ron's bed.

"Crack—" Tiera pressed the shutter and took pictures of Raven, Hedwig, and Scabbers—

Especially Banban's mutilated little finger.

Then Mrs Weasley came in with a quilt and pillow.

"Mrs. Weasley, I'll come!" Tiera quickly stepped forward to help.

But Mrs Weasley threw the quilt on Ron's bed and waved her wand—

The sheets and bedding were automatically spread on the hammock by the window.

"No child, you can't use magic outside the school." Mrs. Weasley said with a smile.

Tiera withdrew her hand in embarrassment—

Oh, yes, this is the magical world. It doesn't take two people at all. You only need to wave your wand to make a quilt.

"Go to bed earlier, children." After making the bed for Tiera, Mrs. Weasley waved her wand again, and took out a brand new set of toothbrushes and towels for Tiera from the closet.

"Thank you, Mrs Weasley," Tiera said.

Molly Weasley smiled and rubbed Tiera's face, then patted his shoulder, turned and walked down the stairs.

"Come on, I'll take you to the bathroom." Ron said, "If Mom finds out that we're still awake, then we'll be miserable."

Tiera didn't care about going to bed early or late, she obediently followed Harry and Ron to wash and lay in the hammock.

"Hey, Tiera." Harry called softly in the dark, "Are you asleep?"

"Not yet, what's wrong?" Tiera replied with her eyes closed.

"You can't guess who I met at Knockturn Alley today," Harry said.


"How do you know?" Tiera heard a rustling sound, and then Harry's face appeared beside his pillow.

"Who else is there besides him?" Tiera wrapped the quilt helplessly and moved in. Harry rolled over and lay beside Tiera.

At Hogwarts—

Especially at the end of the first year of school, Harry would be tortured by the scar on his forehead all night and couldn't sleep at night.

At such times, Harry would wake Tiera carefully like a kitten or a puppy.

Although Tiera had nothing to do with his scars, she would tell Harry a few stories to lull Harry to sleep.

Before going to bed, Harry would be like this, lying side by side with Tiera in the large bed in the Hogwarts dormitory—

But now the Weasleys' hammock is a little crowded.

Tiera moved in again, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"I came out of a dark magic shop called Burginberg today," Harry began as he lay beside Tiera, "I saw Malfoy and his dad go into that shop and sell a large pile of stuff."


"I also asked the owner to order a lot of things that were like black magic."

"What's the matter?" Tiera asked.

"Um...I don't remember exactly..." Harry rubbed his head and said, "It seems that there is...corpse oil...baby bone meal...wolf poison potion...and...and I forgot."

"Do you think Malfoy has some conspiracy?" Harry asked.

"Don't think too much about Harry." Tiera breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that Lucius had no plans to escape, but was prepared to take money to save his life honestly.

"It's not like you don't know who the Malfoys are. It's very reasonable for them to buy these things. It may even be just a daily purchase that happens every summer for them." Tiera persuaded him. ghost.

It's not that Harry's ability to trick things is so strong, but that Harry is involved too much. Once Harry wants to get to the bottom of something, it will definitely attract Dumbledore's attention.

"That's right." Harry thought for a while and replied, and after letting Tiera tell a bedtime story, Harry returned to his sleeping bag contentedly.

Before Harry got out of bed, Tiera pulled her hand out of the bed and touched Harry's arm—

Tiera breathed a sigh of relief knowing that Harry had indeed put down everything he had seen in the Burginberg Dark Magic Shop.

Grandpa's baby is safe.

Then Tiera stayed at Weasley's house for more than half a month—

It made Tiera feel the warmth of home after a long absence.

Mrs. Weasley would add Tiera four times to each meal, and Mr. Weasley would take Tiera around his garage—

It was full of Muggle tech gadgets that Arthur Weasley had confiscated from other wizards' homes or collected while passing through the Muggle world.

But it's like a wild cat that has been wandering alone for a long time is suddenly brought home.

The enthusiasm of the Weasleys made Tiera a little uncomfortable at first, but as time went on, Tiera gradually got used to this kind of family-rich atmosphere—

After all, Tiera satisfies the aesthetics of almost everyone in the Weasley family~lightnovelpub.net~ Who doesn't like to be well-behaved and sensible, and to understand the Muggle world. What about pulling?

In the whole Weasley family, it seems that Ginny Weasley doesn't have much interest in Tiera—

Tiera guessed that it might be because Harry kept pestering him.

So until she left the Weasleys, Tiera was either helping Mrs Weasley with the goblins in her vegetable garden, helping Mr Weasley sort out his garage collection, or running across the endless plains with the Weasleys. And fields, overwhelm a golden wheat.

Soon it will be August 31st—

On the night before school starts, Mrs. Weasley conjures up a sumptuous dinner, perfected by Fred and George's laborious fireworks display.

The kitchen was full of red and blue stars, bouncing between the ceiling and the walls for at least half an hour. After enjoying themselves, everyone drank a cup of hot chocolate and went to bed.

It took a long time to set off the next morning. They get up as soon as the chicken crows, but it still seems like there's a lot to do.

Mrs. Weasley was irritable, rushing around looking for spare socks and quilts.

Everyone was always bumping into each other on the stairs, half-dressed and a little bit of bread left in their hands. Mr. Weasley nearly broke his neck when he tripped over a chicken in the yard as he carried Ginny's suitcase to the car—

It seems that only Tiera is still so organized. When everyone was busy for a while, he was already sitting quietly on the sofa on the first floor of the Burrow, neatly dressed in Hogwarts school uniform, and next to him was a little Old small suitcase.
