Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 123: Bludgers

Two days before the Quidditch match, on the night of the first Thursday in November, Tiera hid in the Chamber of Secrets. From sunset on the first day to sunrise on the second, Tiera did not show up— —

It wasn't until the early morning of the next day that Tiera fluttered out in the form of a "parasite".

When it flew out, there was a light black wizard's robe behind "Parasite"——

The wizard's robe was pitifully small, like a wizard's robe worn by a four- or five-year-old child.

In addition, there is a matching, pointed wizard hat——

This is Tiera's second molt.

After four months, Tiera began his second molt——

This time, the molting Tiera made a super small wizard robe——

This time, it was just a simple production. It was a black magic item made using Tiera's second molt, the basilisk snake venom, and Tiera's own venom.

After all, Christmas is approaching, and Tiera is about to start preparing presents again.

Two days later will be the first Quidditch match of the semester——

The night before the game, Harry sounded Tierra's prophecy again.

After all, the accuracy of Tierra's prophecy is obvious to all——

In the past month or so, Tiera has given prophecies very few times, but they have been fulfilled every time—

So Harry lost sleep again.

"Tiera—" Harry climbed onto Tiera's bed again, lay down beside him, and shook Tiera gently, "Are you asleep?"

"What's the matter, Harry?" Tiera quietly stuffed the Alchemy of Death and Life under the pillow.

"No... nothing." Harry fled.


Tiera dragged out "The Alchemy of Death and Life" from under the pillow to continue reading.

On Saturday morning, Harry woke up early, lay in bed for a while, looked sideways at Tiera for a while—

It wasn't until Tiera opened his eyes that Harry sat up with a "snack-".

Thinking of the upcoming Quidditch match, Harry was a little nervous, he had never been so nervous before, when he thought of Tierra's prophecy—

Harry shook his head, patted his face, then got up, got dressed, and went downstairs for breakfast with Tiera.

When they got to the auditorium, Harry and Tiera found the rest of the Gryffindor team huddled around the empty long dining table, nervous and taciturn.

As eleven o'clock approached, the teachers and students of the school began to head to the Quidditch field.

It was a cold and wet weather, and there was a faint sound of thunder in the air.

Harry and Tiera parted at the door of the locker room. Harry walked into the locker room, put on the bright red Gryffindor uniforms with the players, and then sat down with Xinwood to give them a pre-match pep talk as usual.

At eleven o'clock, the game officially started.

When the fourteen Gryffindor players walked out of the locker room and came to the arena, they were greeted by a loud noise.

Mainly cheers, because both Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff want to see Slytherin defeated, who is so capable of hating Slytherin.

But at the same time, the boos and cheers of the Rhys Lytherins from the crowd could also be heard.

Mrs. Hooch, the Quidditch judge, asked Flint and Wood to shake hands, and they stared menacingly at each other and clenched each other's hands unnecessarily.

"Listen to my whistle," said Mrs. Hooch, "three, two, one!"

The crowd was roaring, and they were sent off to take off, and the fourteen team members jumped into the lead-grey sky together. Harry flew taller than the rest of the team, squinting and looking around, looking for the Snitch.

But at this moment, when Harry had just stopped in the sky, a heavy black Bludger suddenly flew towards Harry.

With the sharp reflexes of his Chaser, Harry narrowly avoided it by a tiny margin, and Harry even felt the ball brush his hair as it flew past.

"I saw—the figure of you being chased by the Bludger—"

More than a month ago, Yella's prophecy suddenly echoed in Harry's mind.

"Watch out, Harry, prophecy!" said George, batting bat in hand, galloping past Harry, ready to hit the Bludgers at the Slytherins.

Harry saw George hit the Bludger hard at Deryampsey, but he didn't expect the Bludger to change direction midway and fly straight towards Harry again.

Harry quickly descended to dodge, and George slammed it in the direction of Slytherin again.

However, the Bludger, like a boomerang, turned around again and took Harry's head.

Harry suddenly accelerated, "Whoosh-" and flew to the other end of the arena.

But Harry could still hear the Bludger whizzing after him.

Fred Weasley is waiting for the Bludger at the other end. Harry bowed his head sharply, and Fred slammed the Bludgers with all his might.

The Bludger was hit the other side.

"Solved—!" Fred shouted happily. However, before he could finish shouting, the Bludger seemed to be magnetically attracted around Harry, chasing after him again, and Harry had to try his best to speed up and escape.

The sky was starting to rain, and Harry felt big drops hit his face and splashed on his glasses.

"Someone, someone did something to this Bludger!" Fred shouted, knocking the Bludger, which had launched a new round of attack on Harry, into the air.

"We need a timeout," George said, gesturing to Wood as he blocked the Bludgers.

Wood heard George shout.

At the same time Mrs Hooch's whistle blew, Harry, Fred and George landed near the ground, but at the same time George and Fred protected Harry from left to right, driving the crazy wandering ball.

"What should I do? What should I do? What should I do?" Hermione anxiously grabbed the scarf around Tiera's neck~lightnovelpub.net~ and made Tiera almost breathless.

"Don't... don't worry... Ha, Harry won't be in danger..." Tiera struggled to pull Hermione's hand off her scarf.

After Harry, George, Fred, Wood, and the rest of Gryffindor discussed for a while at low altitude, they decided to continue the game—

The rain is getting heavier and heavier. Mrs. Hooch's whistle sounded, Harry kicked his feet, and flew into the sky again, and he heard the swish in the back of his head, knowing that the Bludger was chasing again.

Harry rose higher and higher, suddenly turning, then spinning, then sharply turning down, then spiraling upwards, and then going east and west again, following a "zigzag" route. He was slightly dizzy, but still kept his eyes wide open.

Rain was running into Harry's nostrils as he hung upside down to avoid another ferocious attack from the Bludgers. He suddenly paused when he heard the wind whistling past the Bludgers—

Tiera! After Harry stabilized his broom, he glanced down quickly—

Bludger stopped in the air for some reason.

And Tierra—

Standing on the edge of the court, Tiera, who has always loved cleanliness, had her legs soaked in the rain-soaked sand of the court, and a "diary" not much bigger than a slap floated in front of her.

Tiera smiled at Harry—

But suddenly, Tiera's face turned pale, and she fell back and fell into the mud.

The Bludger lost control again and continued toward Harry.

Harry had to start flying around the arena like a loop tackle, squinting, looking for the Snitch through the silvery rain curtain—

Suddenly, a ray of golden light flashed.
