Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 13: Seven hundred and thirteenth underground

"Now take us to the underground vault 713, but can I trouble you to make the car drive slower?" Hagrid said to Griphook.

Together, they helped Harry pack three big bags of Jin Galleons, Silver Kexi and Copper Nuts, enough for Harry for three semesters.

"There is only one speed." Griphook said.

They went deeper and deeper, and the speed became faster and faster. The air in the sharp turn became colder and biting, and the wind blew on Tiera's face like a knife.

The minecart rattled and came to a mountain stream. Harry leaned out of the car to see what was in the dark mountain stream. Hagrid grunted, grabbed Harry by the neck, and dragged him back.

Soon, they stopped on the platform where the underground vault No. 713 was located.

There is no keyhole in the underground vault 713.

"Stand back." Griphook said solemnly, but long before he said that, Tiera, Harry and Hagrid had already taken a step back.

Griphook stretched out a long finger and knocked on the door lightly, but the iron door actually disappeared little by little, as if an eraser had erased a sketch.

"Apart from the goblins of Gringotts, anyone who wants to do this will be sucked in by the door, trapped in the door and unable to get out." Griphook said.

"How often do you check?"

"About once every ten years." Griphook grinned maliciously.

In this super safe underground vault, there is no doubt that extraordinary things will be stored.

After the door opened slowly, Tiera saw a dirty little bag wrapped in brown paper on the ground.

The Philosopher's Stone, the Philosopher's Stone!

Tiera felt as if she had missed a beat, her eyes fixed on the small brown package until Hagrid picked it up and stuffed it into the pocket on the inside of the leather jacket near the heart.

Tiera then looked back.

"Let's go, get back into that **** car, don't talk to me on the way back, I'd better keep my mouth shut," said Hagrid.

After another run in the car, they finally stood on the sunny street outside Jiling Pavilion. Harry was overwhelmed with a bag full of money.

"Let's go get you a uniform first," Hagrid said, pointing his head at the Lady Malkin's Robe Shop, "Harry, Tierra, I'd like to go to the Leaky Cauldron for a refreshing drink, do you mind? The minecart was so nasty that year, it made me dizzy." Hagrid looked really bad, so Harry and Tiera went to Lady Malkin's robe shop.

With Tiera by his side, Harry felt less nervous.

The body was less rigid when the squat Mrs. Malkin was taking Harry's measurements.

After taking Harry's measurements, they arrived at Tiera soon after.

When they both finished measuring, Hagrid just came back, holding two chocolate raspberry and crushed praline ice cream **** in paper bowls.

"Let's eat while you walk." Hagrid said with a smile, and took Tiera and Harry to buy quills and ink; bought their textbooks at a bookstore called Lihen; bought them at the cauldron shop I got a tin wax pan, a good quality balance and a foldable brass telescope.

They visited a pharmacy, which smelled of rotten eggs and rotten cabbage leaves.

But the pharmacy is magical, with buckets of sticky stuff on the floor, jars of herbs, hay roots, and brightly colored powders along the walls, bundles of feathers, clusters of spikes hanging from the ceiling Tooth and Daddy Mao's claws. Harry was scrutinizing a horn made of one-horned bison horn, worth twenty-one gallons each, with five nut beside it as Hagrid bought a standard dose of various powders from the salesperson behind the counter. A spoonful of beetle eyeballs.

Tiera was very pleasantly surprised to find the gall of a manticore and the silver shell of a feathered snake in the drugstore. Of course, there were also desert thorn flowers, fairy wings, grimace swan chrysalis, and the skin of the African tree snake.

However, the leather strips of the African tree snake and the grimace swan pupa are raw materials controlled by the Ministry of Magic, and the purchase requires real-name registration with a magic wand.

The gall of the manticore and the silver shell of the feathered snake are still very expensive, about two Galleons per ounce.

Tierra needs about 5-6 ounces to boil a pot of Hydra Reagent. If the probability of failure is multiplied by three times, it will take about 72 Galleons, and he has emptied the gold Galleons that he exchanged for pounds. more than half.

In order not to make others suspicious, Tiera did not buy a single gram of other medicinal materials except the medicinal materials required in the admission letter.

Anyway, the Leaky Cauldron Bar is only two blocks away from where he lives, so he can come whenever he wants.

When they came out of the pharmacy, Tiera suddenly squatted on the ground, covered her stomach, and broke out in a cold sweat.

"Ti, Tiera, what's wrong with you?" Harry was startled.

Even Hagrid was a little overwhelmed.

"I, I have a stomachache." Tiera gritted her teeth and said, "Maybe it's because I just made a minecart. I'm old, I'm sick. If I exercise vigorously after eating, I'll have a stomachache."

Tiera's face was pale and frightening now, as if someone had punched him in the stomach.

"Hay, Mr. Hagrid, I'm very sorry, but can you give me a hug? Just, just in a while, I'll be fine soon."

"Oh, Merlin is here, come here, you poor little one." After speaking, Hagrid held Tiera in his arms like a kitten, and patted him on the back.

"Um... Harry, how about that, did you see the sign on the corner? It's Ollivander's Wand Shop, you go there to pick up a wand first, and I'll take Tiera to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries. Look, it's very close, in London's Clearing, we'll be there soon, and if you're done picking out your wand, just wait for us in the lobby of the Leaky Cauldron, and I'll make it clear to Tom, I think Tom should also be happy to buy you a few glasses of pumpkin juice."

"Okay, Hagrid, Tierra, he'll be fine, right?" Harry asked nervously.

"Well, no, Harry, Tierra will be fine, the doctors at St Mungo's are the best doctors in the UK, Tierra will be fine for sure. Not a big deal, you look like me Wouldn't someone so tall be uncomfortable after riding in Gringotts' mine car, Tierra must be like that too, I mean the doctor at St.

Hagrid said as if to cheer himself up.

After picking up Tiera, he stumbled to the Leaky Cauldron.

Along the way, Hagrid's huge body bumped into many pedestrians and wizards, but he couldn't care less, because Hagrid felt that Tiera's hands and feet in his arms seemed to be getting colder and colder, just like Christmas snowflakes.

So when Tiera reached into Hagrid's coat as if seeking warmth, Hagrid took the initiative to roll up the coat and tightly wrap Tiera's cold hands and feet.