Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 188: 2 new teachers

Although Dumbledore was over a hundred years old, he was always full of energy.

Today he wears semicircular glasses, is several feet long, and has a beard and hair **** in tiny gold chains.

"Welcome! Welcome to Hogwarts, old and new!" said Professor Dumbledore, standing on the podium, his beard gleaming from the light of the candles, "I have a few words for you all, among them One thing is very serious, and I thought it might be better to make it clear before you all get dizzy with this fine meal..."

Dumbledore cleared his throat and continued: "After they searched the Hogwarts Express, you must all know. Our school is currently hosting a number of dementors from Azkaban, and they are here to On Ministry of Magic business."

"They are stationed at all the entrances to the grounds of the school," Dumbledore continued. "During their stay here, I must make it clear that no one is allowed to leave the school without permission. Dementors should not be subject to Playing tricks or pretending to deceive—"

"Not even an invisibility cloak." He added this expressionlessly, then stared at Tiera and continued:

"Dementors are born with no understanding of pleas or excuses, and no mercy, so I warn each of you not to give them any excuse to hurt you. Incumbent boys and girls presidents, you have to make sure that no student will come into conflict with the Dementors."

Harry and Tiera glanced at each other, each with a small calculation in their hearts.

"But what's heartening—" Dumbledore continued loudly, "I am delighted to welcome two new teachers to our ranks this year.

"The first is Professor Lupin, who generously agreed to fill the vacancy in the Defence Against the Dark Arts course."

There were some scattered, not so warm applause—

Tiera believed that most of the little witches still couldn't put down the handsome and suave Gilderoy Lockhart.

Especially when they saw Professor Lupin sitting in the middle of all the well-dressed teachers, looking very shabby, they missed Professor Lockhart, who had a humorous speech, a high standard of teaching, defeated Voldemort, and most importantly, was handsome.

"Look, Harry!" said Ron suddenly. "Look at Snape!"

Snape stared at Professor Lupin along the long staff table. Everyone knew that Professor Snape had always wanted to be a Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, but even Harry, who hated Snape, was surprised by the twisted expression on Snape's thin, sallow face—

That expression was more than annoyed, it was disgust—

Jealousy twisted Snape.

"As for the second teacher we appointed—" After the less enthusiastic applause died. Dumbledore continued, "Well... I regret to inform you that our teacher in Conservation of Magical Creatures, Professor Kettle Burn, retired at the end of last year to allow more time for his remaining limbs, however—"

"I am happy to announce that it is none other than Luber Hagrid who will fill his vacancy. Hagrid has agreed to serve as a teacher in addition to serving as a hunting ground guard."

Because "Gildello Lockhart" blew "Voldemort" and the Basilisk to "ash" in full view.

Therefore, the Ministry of Magic also realized that the death of Myrtle more than 50 years ago was obviously a big play directed and acted by Tom Riddle, later Voldemort, in order to gain fame.

So under Dumbledore's negotiation, the Department of Legal Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic revoked the control of Hagrid's wand and eliminated his case, which is why Hagrid was able to succeed Professor Kettleburn.

As for the Basilisk, or Slytherin—

Now that silly snake is playing wildly on the planet where Tierra's library is located.

The ecological environment of the planet where the library is located is similar to that of Earth, so after the performance at the gate of Hogwarts Castle, Tiera threw Slytherin to that planet, and used flesh and blood magic to restrain Slytherin a little. After taking a look at the effect of Hydra Potion, Slytherin reluctantly restored the form and wisdom of some people—

That is to say, Slytherin's intelligence is neither high enough to pose a threat to Tiera, nor low enough to lose human thinking.

In this way, with the little memory left in Slytherin's brain, with the aid of some magic, it is enough to help Tiera identify and summarize the native animals, plants and ores of that planet that can be used as raw materials for potions and alchemy.

After Dumbledore announced that Hagrid would be the professor of the Conservation of Fantastic Creatures, there was a burst of applause and cheers on the Gryffindor table.

This naturally includes Harry, Ron, Hermione, and of course Tiera.

Among them, Tiera cheered the most intensely—

I'm sorry Hagrid for what I have done and what I might do in the future.

To be honest.

Tiera has been greedy for that eight-eyed giant spider king for a long time.

"We should have known!" Ron snarled, hammering the table, "otherwise who would let us get a book that bites?"

Tiera, Harry, Ron and Hermione were the last to stop clapping. When Professor Dumbledore began to speak again. They saw Hagrid wiping his eyes with the tablecloth.

"Okay, I think the important things are done, so everyone—" Dumbledore said, "let's start eating."

The golden plates and goblets before them were suddenly full of food and drink, and the auditorium echoed with laughter and the clatter of knives and forks.

Hermione was still a little rude, but the tears in her eyes had disappeared, and she cut the steak on her plate viciously.


Alas... little girls are just too emotional. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Hermione is still a pattern Tucson now.

Apparently, Hermione had misunderstood her relationship with Luna Lovegood.

Although Hermione had long given up her fantasies about Tiera, even when she went to the beach in France this summer, she briefly had a relationship with a summer boyfriend and girlfriend with a handsome Italian guy—

But Hermione just wasn't happy.

Lao Niang Tang Tang is second in the first year, and has worked hard for a semester, and has known Tierra since the beginning of school—

In the end, Tiera, the big pig's hoof, never told me to wear clothes when I was cold—

Hermione got angrier the more she thought about it, and the more she thought about it, the more she got angrier, and unknowingly...

I ate a lot of pork trotters for dinner.

This caused Hermione to burp after dinner—

He only hurriedly blessed Hagrid and went back to his dormitory to sleep.