Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 201: Harry in a bad mood

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Phoenix Fox shouted after Tiera ran out from the entrance of the gargoyle.

"Oh, don't blame me, Fox." Dumbledore sat down and poured himself another cup of tea. "Although I have no evidence to support this argument now, I can be sure that our little Tiera has absolutely nothing to do with him. It came out so easy.”

"Ah, ah, ah." Fox also called.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll come back for me. I'm just giving him an olive branch right now," said Dumbledore. "Tiera is a shrewd boy, he knows what's best for him, and when he puts other After he has tried all the alternative paths, he will definitely come back to me."

After running out of Dumbledore's office that day, Tiera seemed to let herself go even more, skipping classes, not turning in homework and pranks seemed to have become Tiera's daily routine. Well-behaved students become mischievous idiots that everyone has a headache—

Even worse than George and Fred Weasley.

Because Tiera never blatantly violated school rules—

Either exploit the loopholes in the school rules, or let people fail to grasp the evidence.

Of course, this is just an appearance, just to let Dumbledore and other teachers not bother him during this time.

Tiera will eventually work with Dumbledore.

Tiera knew that Dumbledore dreamed of killing Voldemort.

Because Voldemort is different from Grindelwald, he is like a time bomb that doesn't know how many there are and when it will explode.

But the cooperation with Dumbledore is not now, and now Tiera has no time at all, and just wants to quickly learn the demon summoning ritual.

Not in this form. If Dumbledore took the olive branch as soon as he offered it, he would appear to be too cheap.

Tiera knew how valuable the "prophecies" in her mind were to Dumbledore.

Of course, Tiera had to plan carefully, how to sell these "prophecies" at a good price.

That's why he released a video of Voldemort's resurrection in Defence Against the Dark Arts class.

First, reveal a piece of information to show that you are valuable.

As long as Dumbledore took the bait, the rest would have to wait for Tiera to sit on the ground and raise the price.

And after October, due to the start of Quidditch training, Harry also got busy, plus Hermione Granger was busy with his own lessons, which gave Tiera more time to be alone alone.

Whenever she was alone, Tiera used to sit by the big window at Hogwarts, staring out the window, looking at the stupid dementors who wanted to eat and couldn't get enough to eat. Then, he calculated the mathematical configuration of the demon summoning ceremony in the memory palace in his mind.

Due to being obsessed with the analysis ritual and unable to extricate herself, Tiera quit her part-time job as a pharmacist on the Gryffindor Quidditch team at the beginning of the school year to ensure that she can concentrate on the analysis of the ritual all her time.

The captain of the Quidditch team, Oliver Wood, tried countless times to invite Tiera to return to the position of pharmacist, but Tiera refused.

When the time advances to mid-October, all third-year students will usher in their first weekend in Hogsmeade Village, and everyone is excitedly discussing the upcoming off-campus trip——

Except Harry and Tierra.

Frustrated that he didn't get Uncle Vernon's autograph, Harry just sat languidly while Ron and Hermione chattered.

As usual, Tiera sat on the wide windowsill of the common room window, looking out the window without any joy or sorrow, while stroking Crookshanks—

Harry found that Tiera was always like this recently, and on weekends, too. Often she could sit alone from dawn to dusk, just staring out the window with nothing to do.

Harry also asked Tiera politely, but Tiera just smiled, and then didn't speak, which made Harry confused—

Seeing Tiera's nervous look, Hermione once almost thought something happened to Gilderoy Lockhart.

Since Tiera accidentally leaked her prophecy in the second experimental class of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Tiera seems to have begun to alienate the people around her intentionally or unintentionally—

Everyone, whether it's those looking for his prophecy, or close friends like Harry, Ron, or Hermione.

But contrary to this situation, Tiera began to get close to Crookshanks, or rather, Crookshanks began to get close to Tiera—

Harry remembered Crookshanks ignoring Tiera when school started.

Soon, the time came to Halloween, and the trip to Hogsmeade, which all the third graders had been eagerly awaiting, was just around the corner—

This also made these mischievous little wizards a little more peaceful in the past week or so——

They were afraid they had made a mistake and had to cancel their trip to Hogsmeade.

But Harry was in a bad mood that morning—

Not only because he couldn't go to Hogsmeade Village, but also because he found that Tiera had disappeared again——

Harry was awakened today by a shrill arguing that sounded like a quarrel between Hermione and Ron.

Usually, when he opened his eyes every day, he habitually looked at Tiera's bed, but today Harry found that Tiera's bed was neat and tidy, as if he had never slept before—

The sudden disappearance of Tiera has happened from time to time this semester, but Harry still hopes that he can be with him at a time like today—

After getting up to wash, Harry listlessly walked out of his bedroom and went to the Gryffindor common room——

Sure enough, it was Ron and Hermione who were arguing—

Ron's rat, Scabbers, is gone.

"It's dead!" Ron flushed with anger, "My Scabbers are gone!"

"It just disappeared!" Hermione also said blushing.

"Then look at what this is?" Ron raised his blanket and said in front of Hermione, "Look! Look at the cat hair on it! It's clearly your cat that ate it!"

It took Harry a long time to see the sparse orange cat hair stuck to the blanket.

"What does that mean?" Hermione asked back. "It's not like you don't know how agile your old rat is. It might be hiding where to steal food now."

"Impossible~lightnovelpub.net~ I've looked everywhere, but I can't find it anywhere!" Ron almost cried, "It's your cat that ate it!"

"No!" Hermione retorted.

"Yes!" Ron shouted.




It looks like Ron and Hermione's friendship is over. Both of them were so angry that in the end no one paid any attention to the other, Harry didn't know how to remedy their relationship, and it was hard to remedy, because he was in such a bad mood right now that he couldn't go to Hogsmeade and play with Tierra. Ra's disappearance made him a little irritable too.

"Don't worry about Harry," said Hermione. "I'll bring you a lot of candy from Honey Duke."

"I'll bring more!" Ron also said.

"Don't worry about me," said Harry, wishing he'd said it casually. "Meet at dinner. Have a good time."

He accompanies them to the front hall, where Filch, the caretaker, is standing inside the gate, checking a person with a long list, looking suspiciously at everyone's face, and watching out for anyone who shouldn't go out.

"Stay here, Potter!" Malfoy shouted deliberately after reducing to the point where there was no Tierra around, he, Crabbe and Goyle were standing in the line, looking at Harry provocatively—

Malfoy seemed to be frightened by Tiera, no matter where he saw Tiera, he wanted to hide like a mouse seeing a cat.

But as long as Tiera wasn't around, Malfoy immediately became arrogant, as if he wanted to vent all his grievances on Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Harry ignored him and walked up the marble stairs alone, through the unmoved corridor, back to Gryffindor Tower.