Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 25: Professor McGonagall

The train gradually slowed down, Harry and Ron stood up nervously, and Tiera was still sitting on the sofa of the train.

But the clenched hands indicated that Tiera was not as indifferent as she seemed.

"The train will arrive at Hogwarts in five minutes. Please leave your luggage on the train and we will take you to school."

The voice echoed on the train, and Tiera knew it was the house-elves from Hogwarts.

Harry was so nervous that the contents of his stomach turned up, and he saw that Ron's face was turning pale under his freckles.

They stuffed the rest of the candy into their pockets and rushed forward with the flow of people in the aisle.

The train gradually slowed down and finally stopped.

The little wizards pushed and shoved, swarming towards the car door and descending to a dark and small platform. The chill of the night made Harry shiver.

Then a light flickered over the students' heads, and Harry heard a familiar voice shout, "First-year students! First-year students here!"

"Oh, Harry, Tiera, you're finally here, come this way, come this way, are you all right?"

The tall Hagrid stood out among a group of little wizards, very dazzling.

Hagrid smiled in the direction of Tiera and Harry with his bearded face.

Tiera tried to see something from Hagrid's big face.

But Hagrid's smile was still as bright as before, and he couldn't see anything.

He wished that Hagrid's expression was a little more serious, or a little lost.

Tierra squeezed over to Hagrid and gave him a big hug.

Hagrid seemed flattered and smiled even brighter.

Tiera shook her head and followed Hagrid with the other little wizards, slipping and stumbling, as if walking down a steep and narrow path.

The path was dark on both sides, surrounded by dense woods, and no one spoke. Only the occasional sniff or two.

They are just like the evil dark wizards in the legends of the Middle Ages. They are led by a leader to walk in the dark and moonless forest path, heading towards the mysterious castle in the middle of the forest.

"Come around this corner, and you're about to see Hogwarts for the first time." Hagrid called back.

A black lake suddenly opened at the end of the narrow path.

On the high hillside on the other side of the lake stands a towering castle with many spires and windows shining like diamonds in the dark night.

"Hogwarts," Tiera said in a low voice, with unstoppable excitement in her voice.

"There can be no more than four people in each boat," Hagrid said loudly, pointing to a group of small boats moored on the shore. Harry, Ron and Tierra get on a boat, Hermione follows

Neville could only go to the boat next to him.

"Are they all on board?" cried Hagrid, who was in a boat by himself.

"That's good, then, let's go!" A group of boats immediately sailed forward across the lake with waves as flat as a mirror.

Everyone was silent, staring at the huge castle soaring into the sky. As they approached the cliff where the castle stood, the castle seemed to rise above them. "Head down!" Hagrid shouted as the first boats approached the cliff.

Everyone bowed their heads, and the boat carried them through the ivy curtain that covered the front of the cliff to the hidden open entrance.

They seemed to come to the base of the castle along a dark tunnel,

At last they reached a place that resembled an underground pier, and then climbed up a ground of gravel and small pebbles.

"Hey! Is this your toad!" said Hagrid, pointing to an empty boat as he checked the empty bed.

"Oh, thank you Merlin." Neville said in surprise, and hurriedly took the toad from Hagrid.

Then they followed Hagrid down a winding path to a huge wooden door.

Hagrid raised his huge hand and knocked three times on the wooden door.

The wooden door slowly opened.

Standing behind the wooden door was an old witch in an emerald green robe, with neatly braided hair and a strong nose.

"First-year freshman, Professor McGonagall," said Hagrid.

"Thank you, Hagrid." Leave it to me here, and you can enjoy the banquet. "Professor McGonagall nodded.

Professor McGonagall pulled the door wide open, big enough to fit ten Gringotts, the ceiling was barely visible, and the stone walls were surrounded by flaming torches, which Bittiera had seen in a movie in a previous life. It is even more majestic and grand.

Tiera followed behind Harry, his body trembled uncontrollably, the knuckles of his fingers had been turned white by Tiera's grip, he pursed his lips tightly, trying not to suddenly look like a fool Laughed the same.

Tiera knew that if he didn't control it, he would laugh, because this is how he behaved when he first entered the Harry Potter Park of Universal Studios.

At that time, he was surrounded by a group of giggling people, but now he is surrounded by a group of nervous little wizards.

"Tiera, don't be nervous..." Ron patted Tiera's shoulder lightly and said, "My brother... My brothers said the entrance ceremony would not be, it wouldn't be too difficult, and they would never let us pack up and go back. The government's right."

Ron thought Tiera was nervous, so he whispered comfortingly.

"Oh, okay" Thank you Ron. " Tiera said, taking a deep breath at the same time, trying to relax her body as much as possible.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," said Professor McGonagall. "The opening banquet is about to begin, but before you go to the dining room, you must first determine which house you are going to. The classification is one This is a very important ceremony because the House is like your home at Hogwarts while you are here. You will have classes with the rest of the House, you will live in the House dorms together, and you will be in the House common room together. spend your spare time.”

A group is a family, and a comrade is a sibling.

For some reason, Tiera suddenly remembered this sentence.

"The names of the four Houses are: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each House has its own glorious history, and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. During your time at Gwarts, your outstanding performance will earn your college points, and any infractions will cost your college points. At the end of the year, the college with the highest score will receive the College Cup, which is very high. The honor. I hope that no matter which college you are assigned to, you can win glory for the college."

Soon you are going to become a lot of "points" in Gran.

"In a few minutes, the sorting ceremony will be held in front of all the teachers and students of the school. I suggest that while you wait, you should sort out yourselves and be more alert. After all, this is a big event."

Her eyes wandered over Neville's cloak and the dirty thing on Ron's nose, and she nodded silently when she saw Tiera's meticulous hairstyle and dress.

Harry tried nervously to smooth his hair.

"I'll pick you up when it's ready over there." Professor McGonagall said, "Please keep quiet while you wait."

Until Professor McGonagall left the room. Harry let out a sigh of relief.