Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 3: Magical Blessing

This library is completely hollowed out with a kind of black stone and hewn out bit by bit.

The hardness of the stone itself is not very big, but it can inconceivably isolate the prying eyes of the old rulers other than the outer gods.

As long as there is no active contact, the outer gods cannot influence any creatures inside the stone.

This is why the great race of Yith chose to build this library inside this stone, which contains almost all the dangerous knowledge in the universe.

According to Merlin's records, this stone belonged to another native race on the earth at that time, a kind of intelligent crustacean high life similar to upright crabs. After the great Ith race discovered the magic of this stone, the two sides Co-founded the library.

But because the aborigines of the earth at that time did not have the erudite knowledge of the great Yith race, this joint museum was blessed with three magical blessings by the great Yith race.

One is called knowledge. Every intelligent life who visits this place can face knowledge directly through words.

A kind of time, every intelligent life who has visited this place has the same number of opportunities to avoid madness as the fingers of one hand.

There is also a kind of sacred, which comes from the sublimation of the stone itself, and any contaminated spirit cannot enter this library.

These are the three great magics that have not dissipated even after countless years of hard work.

And the reason for this setting...

Because the race possessed by the great Yith race at that time had seven fingers, their allies, the crustacean creatures like upright crabs, had pincers in both hands, and they counted as two fingers, while their mortal enemies, the flying worms, were Not even a finger...

But even so, the influence from the unspeakable existence cannot be completely eliminated.

Some beings are independent of the fourth dimension, far beyond the limits of human comprehension.

These two magical blessings, according to Merlin's guess, may have been used by the great Yith race to overcome research problems.

Whenever a research reaches a dead end, the race of the great Yith will set up a ceremony outside the library to contact a great being in the universe, in most cases one of the three gods, Yoggsothoth The incarnation of Tavier At Umr.

This Outer God, who represents the benevolent side of Yoggsothoth, sits on a boulder pedestal behind the first silver key gate in the ultimate abyss of the universe. He is happy to bestow endless knowledge on any beings who can pass through the silver key gate.

As long as they can bear the weight of that knowledge.

When the researchers of the great Yith race were driven mad by the incarnation of the One Who Returns to All Things and went back in time, they would always leave a large amount of knowledge in their souls that could be accepted by themselves.

Just like when Tiera was contacted by the outer **** corresponding to the "Secret Book of Seven Chapters of Xuanjun", he left two magical magical imprints in his soul.

This kind of magical blessing called time can be saved except for facing Azathoth and the Three Pillars, or for dying and fighting against other god-level old rulers.

In the eyes of the tyrants of the great Yith race, this ability is for the purpose of further exploring the truth of the world, not for saving their lives in the hands of the old rulers.

It's a pity that Tiera wasted such an opportunity.

However, Merlin is much more reckless than Tierra. Tiera comes from modern society after all. She took the postgraduate entrance examination last university and is familiar with the myth of Cthulhu, so she only wasted one chance.

At the beginning, Merlin started without three fingers.

By the time he really understood what it all meant, it was too late.

This also led to Merlin, the famous Great Magister, suffering from extremely serious mental pollution from the Outer Gods in his later years, so severe that he seemed to have completely transformed into another person in his later years, another crazy, cruel, and unreasonable humanoid monster.

In the last time he was awake as Merlin, he wrote down the contents of the piece of parchment that Tiera was holding now.

"A wise man who does not belong to this time and space, a traveler from another world, I foretold your arrival..."

"I try my best to stay awake and write the following words..."

"Don't use up your five chances..."

"Don't try to contact the great Yith race, at least until they are at the same latitude..."

"You can choose the supreme goddess..."

"If you can, please come to me. I put my coordinates on the IIV bookshelf on the fourth floor, but please don't try it lightly until you get the latitude of divinity."

"If I take the initiative to contact you..."

"Hide in, hide in the library, I can't get in..."

After reading this paragraph, Tiera put her hands together silently.

I hope people are all right.

Don't get in touch with anything.

Tiera rummaged through a few more pieces of parchment, this time not just reading the beginning, but reading the whole thing.

Since Merlin predicted his arrival, then given the state of mind that Merlin was able to enter this library at that time, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com should not leave any nasty things in its own notes.

At least from this point of view, he can read with confidence.

I have to say that the notes of a great magician are of great help to a rookie like him who is new to magic, especially Merlin himself has grown from a farm boy who does not know one big character to a great magician. From how to guide one's own magic power, to the essence of magic, almost everything is covered.

Tiera stared at the parchment in her hand.

"Yuja Dili, Ur, Osalia." Tiera chanted the incantation in her mind while gently loosening the parchment with both hands.

The parchment seemed to pause in the air and then fell.

This is the levitation spell recorded in Merlin's diary, the simplest and most suitable spell for beginners to use to guide their own magic power.

Although Tiera successfully cast the curse worm before, the curse worm belongs to the instinct inscribed on the soul by the outer gods. Before he learned to guide his own magic power, the source of the curse worm came from his spiritual power, rather than relying on him. of magic.

Therefore, he also needs a simple magic to guide his own magical power.

"Yuja Dili, Ur, Osalia." Tiera said aloud this time.

The parchment in his hand seemed to have a tendency to break free, but after Tiye stretched his hand, the parchment still fell.

"Yuja Dili, Ur, Osalia." After about forty or fifty attempts, the parchment in Tiera's hand finally floated in the air tremblingly.

But after more than ten seconds, the parchment still fell down quickly.

And Tiera also felt a chill all over her body, and collapsed on the chair as if she was exhausted.