Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 31: Potions Class

Tuesday morning was a spell class. The man who taught spells was an unusually small wizard, Professor Flitwick. During the class, he had to stand on a stack of books to reach the desk.

At the beginning of the first class, he took out the roster and called him. When he read Harry's name, he screamed with excitement and fell to the ground and disappeared.

Every Wednesday night, they use telescopes to observe the sky and learn the names of different stars and the trajectories of planets.

Three times a week, they were led by a squat witch named Sprout to the greenhouse behind the castle to study herbology, learn how to cultivate these exotic plants and fungi and understand their uses.

I don't know why, but this class made Tiera extremely excited.

Harry noticed that Tiera would chase after Professor Sprout and ask questions every time after class.

At first, Professor Sprout would answer with joy on his face, but gradually, Harry could feel a hint of helplessness in the tone of this kind fat witch.

Probably the most boring class is the history of magic, and it's the only class taught by ghosts. When Professor Binns fell asleep in front of the fireplace in the faculty lounge and forgot to bring his body to class the next morning, Professor Binns was indeed very old.

During the class, Professor Binns kept talking in a monotonous voice, while the students scribbled names and dates, confusing the villain Merrick with the eccentric Uric.

Even Tiera was not as serious in this class as other subjects. Tiera, who was sitting next to Harry, had been reading a book called "Introduction to Alchemy", which dazzled Harry.

Since the class was so boring, Harry didn't bring other books to read, and he couldn't read the books that Tiera brought.

So Harry had to lie on his side on the table, staring at Tiera.

Tiera is very beautiful.

Harry had to admit that at this age when all children were dirty and messy, Tiera's hair was always meticulously combed, and her face was as clean as a beautiful porcelain doll.

More like when he's reading, Harry thought.

Tiera usually has a slightly raised corner of her mouth with a slight smile.

But when he concentrates on reading, his face instantly becomes expressionless, even a little stiff.

Only then did Harry discover Tierra's eccentricities when she was reading.

In addition to staring at the book, Tiera's hand seemed to run over every line and every word in the book.

"Since you're so boring..." Tiera raised her head suddenly, took out a dozen neatly folded parchments from her bag and spread them out on Harry's desk.

"Why don't you memorize this potion notebook." Tiera said, "This is some common sense knowledge I summed up in the summer vacation for a month. There is a potions class on Friday, since we have never been exposed to it before. Magic, you should work harder than others."

"Bezoar? Bezoar? What is this?"

Although Tiera's notes are very concise and the handwriting is neat, each knowledge point is a line, with huge spaces between lines, and different key points are marked with different colors of ink.

But Harry still looked dizzy.

However, there is also interesting knowledge. For example, the combination of narcissus root powder and wormwood can make a powerful sleeping pill, called life and death water.

Harry was debating whether to get his cousin Dudley a drink, and then lied to him that it was a bubbly drink.

It was almost Friday, and Harry and Ron finally found their way to breakfast in the dining room without getting lost on the moving stairs.

"What classes do we have today?" Harry asked Ron as he added sugar to the cereal.

"Two potions classes with the Slytherin students," said Ron, his mouth full of oil, while Tiera and Hermione were reading a book. If Harry and Ron had problems with their schoolwork, they would be very happy. Willing to answer, but they won't answer that kind of question.

"Snape is the dean of Slytherin Academy. They all say that he favors his students. Now we can see if that is true."

"Hopefully Professor McGonagall will favor us too," said Harry. Professor McGonagall was the Head of Gryffindor House, but she left them with a lot of homework yesterday.

Just then, the mail arrived.

Harry was used to it now. But when he was having breakfast on the first day, more than a dozen owls suddenly flew into the dining room, which really startled him.

These owls fly around the dining table until they find their respective owners and throw letters or packages on their laps.

Tiera silently stuffed the remaining half of the fried egg on the plate into her mouth, and Hermione had already drank the glass of juice next to her when she heard the first owl call. Prevent owls from hitting them.

So far, Hedwig hasn't brought Harry anything.

Sometimes it would fly in and peck at Harry's ear and ask for a sip of toast, then fly back to the owl house and sleep with the other owls on campus.

But this morning, it fluttered between the jam tray and the sugar bowl, placing a note on Harry's plate. Harry opened the note immediately.

It was written in very scrawled handwriting:

Dear Harry,

I know you don't have classes on Friday afternoon. Can you come and have tea with me around 3:00 pm? I'd like to know your first week. Please let Hedwig echo me.


Harry borrowed a quill from Ron and hurriedly wrote on the back of the note:

"Okay, I'm very happy, see you later."

And then let Hedwig fly away.

Fortunately, Harry still hopes to have tea with Hagrid, because Potions class is the most annoying course Harry has ever taken since he entered Hogwarts.

At the opening banquet, Harry felt that Professor Snape didn't like him. By the end of the first potions class, he realized he was wrong.

Professor Snape didn't dislike him, he hated him.

Potions class takes place in a dark classroom in the basement of Hogwarts.

It's cold here, and it's humid. There are rows of glass jars along the wall, with rows of taxidermy inside.

Snape, like Flitwick, picked up the roster as soon as he was in class, and like Flitwick, he always stopped when Harry's name was called.

"Oh, yes," Snape whispered. "Harry Potter, this is our newcomer! Big name."

Harry always felt that there was a yin and yang in Snape's tone.

"You are here to learn the precise science and rigorous craftsmanship of this potion preparation." Snape's voice was almost a little higher than a whisper, but everyone could hear every word he said.

Like Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape has the deterrent power of keeping a classroom in order without breaking a sweat.

"Since there's no foolish wand waving here, many of you won't believe it's magic. I don't expect you to really appreciate the beauty of that slow-simmering cauldron with white smoke and fragrance, You won't really understand the mind-blowing, mind-blinding magic of the fluid that flows into people's veins... I can teach you how to increase your prestige, brew glory, and even prevent death, but there must be one, you don't often Just the kind of idiot you meet."

After his riveting opening remarks, the class fell silent.

Harry and Ron raised their eyebrows and exchanged glances.

Hermione Granger almost moved to the edge of the chair, leaning forward, looking eager to prove she wasn't a fool.

In the entire classroom, only Tiera seemed to be unmoved, still calm like an expressionless porcelain doll.

"Potter!" said Snape suddenly, "what would I get if I added powdered narcissus root to a wormwood infusion?"