Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 33: Change

After the potions class, they had no class for the day. At five minutes to three, the three of them, Harry and Tiera, and Ron, who had to follow him, left the castle, crossed the fields, and came to Hagrid's cottage on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

When Harry knocked on the door, they heard a nervous struggle and a few muffled barks from inside the room. Then came Hagrid's voice: "Back, Fang, back."

Hagrid opened the door a crack, revealing his large bearded face.

"Wait a minute," he said. "Back off, Fang."

Hagrid let them both in, desperately grabbing the collar of a huge black hound.

The cottage has only one room. Hams and pheasants hang from the ceiling, boiling water is boiled in a copper pot in a brazier, and a large bed is placed in the corner with a quilt made of rags.

"You're welcome," said Hagrid, letting go of his teeth.

Fang Ya immediately jumped towards Ron and licked his ears, but was smeared by Tiera, and then turned to rub his saliva on Tiera.

Tiera had a small dog in his family in his last life, but unfortunately he was too old and died before he started his Ph.D. Otherwise, it would be very sad if the dog in his family knew that his little master would never come back.

Like Hagrid, Fangya was obviously not as fierce as he looked, and when he was touched by Tiera's familiar dog-touching technique, he immediately lay on the ground and opened his belly.

"Tiera, you're very popular." Hagrid smiled and gave Harry, Ron and Tiera a hot cup of tea and took out a bunch of faintly scented tea from the oven. Sweet-smelling grey rock-like flatbread.

"This is Ron," Harry said to Hagrid. Hagrid's rock cakes moved from the baking pan to the dinner plate piece by piece.

"Another little Weasley brother, right?" said Hagrid, glancing at Ron's red hair. "I spent most of my life trying to drive your twin brother out of the forbidden forest."

Then Hagrid asked again about their class.

Harry and Ron talked to Hagrid all the interesting things from the beginning of the school year.

"Snape gave you five points!?" Hagrid's mouth widened, and the crumbs of the rock cake fell into his beard.

"He never gave Gryffindor extra points! It would be nice if he didn't deduct points for Gryffindor!" Hagrid said in surprise, "What did you do, he actually gave you extra points!"

"Harry answered Snape's three questions!" Ron said proudly, as if he was the one who answered the three questions, "Three questions that no one can answer!"

Ron apparently ignored that Hermione, who was at the same table, had been raising her hands frantically.

"No, no, I..." Harry glanced at Tiera in panic, and found that Tiera seemed to be concentrating on petting the dog, not participating in the conversation here.

Just when he wanted to explain, he heard Hagrid's rough voice suddenly say: "I remember Lily... that is Harry's mother, Lily Potter, who was also very good at potions at school."

"My mother is also very good at potions?!" Harry suddenly became excited and forgot to even explain.

"Yes," said Hagrid after thinking about it, "I was a gamekeeper at Hogwarts for a long time, well, your mother, Lily, was the kindest and smartest I've seen in all these years. A witch, she was good at so many classes at Hogwarts, it's hard to believe she's a witch from a Muggle family, and potions is the best one."

"Oh, by the way, she and Snape played very well at the time. Although one was Gryffindor and the other was Slytherin, they played very well." Hagrid recalled.

"My mother and Snape are friends?" This made Harry even more surprised, she had a hard time believing that the acerbic, greasy-faced, eerie Snape of Slytherin would be his mother's friend.

"Well, the kind of friends who are very close, they can be said to be inseparable from the beginning. Apart from sleeping, classes, meals, and even self-study are all sticking together." Hagrid replied.

"And then?" Harry asked, eager to know all about his mother.

"Later, then Snape... Well, I mean Professor Snape had a disagreement with your mother because of some things, and eventually parted ways. In the end, your mother married your father, James Potter."

"What kind of disagreement?" Harry demanded.

"Well... I don't know." Hagrid evaded, as if he didn't really want to discuss the topic. "Oh, by the way, Ron, how is your brother, Charlie?"

Hagrid changed the subject bluntly, "I like him very much, he is always very good at those magical creatures."

When Ron told Hagrid about Charlie's study of dragons, Harry found a small piece of paper under the teapot warmer, which was a clip from the Daily Prophet. Gringotts break-in latest report The investigation into the Gringotts break-in on July 31 is still ongoing.

It is generally believed that this is the work of an unknown black power witch and wizard.

The goblins of Gringotts reiterated today that nothing was stolen.

The underground vault searched by the trespassers was in fact emptied earlier in the day.

A Gringotts Goblin spokesman said this afternoon when confronted with the annoying memoirs as flies: "There is no comment on what is in the vault. Please do not interfere with this matter."

"Hagrid!" Harry suddenly remembered that Ron had told him about this. He and Tiera were worried about whether a dark wizard would attack Hagrid, but when he got off the train, he saw Hagrid. After he was safe and sound, he put it down. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

But now the newspaper clearly stated that the robbed vault had been taken that morning, so the thing that was taken was most likely the dirty little package that Hagrid took them to get!

"Hagrid, the day Gringotts was hijacked happened to be the day we went. Could the robber be for that 7..."

"Oh, my God!" Hagrid suddenly exclaimed, turning his head around, looking at the clock on the wall.

"Oh my God!" said Hagrid, "it's so late."

Hagrid hurriedly grabbed his coat.

"I'm really sorry, children, I, I suddenly remembered, I made an appointment with the people in the Forbidden Forest to go at four o'clock in the afternoon, go... to visit the unicorns, yes, to visit those poor unicorns Horned beasts, they were attacked, I have to go and see."

"I'm so sorry boys, give it, take it, take more." Hagrid shoved the rock cakes on the table into Ron and Harry's arms, "and Tiera, yes, you have some too. ."

"I have to go to the Forbidden Forest first." Hagrid said, "You guys, go back to the castle first, I'm really sorry kids, next time, next time we'll have a good talk..."

Tiera, Harry and Ron were kicked out inexplicably, and everyone's pockets were filled with heavy rock cakes.

To be precise... Ron was the only one who was inexplicably.

Harry was on the second floor, and he was basically certain that the thing that Gringotts stole was the dirty paper package that Hagrid took them to Vault 713 that day.

Tiera was on the fourth floor. He not only knew who asked for the package, but also where the real Philosopher's Stone was placed.

I just don't know if there is a bearded old man on the fifth floor who likes to eat Lemon Snow Treasures.