Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 336: before christmas

Tiera raised her hand with a smile, brought it close to Harry's forehead, and then:


"You're young, what are you thinking about?" Tiera flicked Harry's forehead hard.

"Oh..." Harry cried while covering the place where Tiera had bounced, "You're not much older than me!"

"I'm older than you mentally, you should call me uncle." Tiera rolled her eyes and said, "You have time to think about these things, why don't you invite a girl honestly, I Ginny is pretty good looking at Ron's sister."

"Mmmmmmm..." Ron nodded with the steak in his mouth, "If you... ah, ah, ah... if you invite Ginny... ah, ah, ah... she's absolutely delighted... ah ah ah... "

"From... ah ah ah ah... starting from the first year enrollment... ah ah ah ah... every summer vacation... ah ah ah ah... I have to tell... ah ah ah ah... your story... ah ah ah ah..." Luo En said while chewing.

"Oh...Okay, okay..." Harry said with a low expression, "Let's talk about it..."

For the week that followed, Harry had been sullen, if before the first event Harry would have said that finding a dance partner was a piece of cake compared to dealing with a Hungarian wasp.

But now he has easily defeated the Hornets, but he is facing the challenge of finding a girl to dance with.

Harry felt that he would rather fight the dragon one more round—

Anyway, with the help of Tiera's magic item, Harry felt that it would be easy for him to defeat the fire dragon again.

Harry feels that he is a bit introverted, so even if he spends Christmas at school every year, Harry doesn't know many classmates who have registered for Christmas at Hogwarts-

Because the people who stayed in school in the past were always a very small part.

But this year is different. All the students above the fourth grade seem to be staying. In Harry's view, they are all very obsessed with the upcoming prom——

At least all girls are like this. He was suddenly surprised to find that Hogwarts accommodated so many girls. He didn't pay attention to it before. Girls giggling and whispering in the hallways, girls screeching every time a guy walks by, girls exchanging excited opinions about what to wear on Christmas night...

"Why are they all in groups?" Harry asked Ron - as a dozen or so girls passed by, they looked at Harry and smirked secretly, "How could you wait for them? Going alone, grabbing one and making a request?"

"Tie one around with a noose?" Ron suggested, "Have you thought about who you're going to invite?"

Harry didn't answer.

On the second day, a curly-haired girl in the third year of Hufflepuff College——

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Harry, who had never spoken to her before, offered to invite Harry to the dance with her. Harry was so surprised that he refused without even thinking about it. The girl walked away, looking hurt.

Throughout the history of magic class, Harry had to endure the sarcasm and ridicule of the girl from Dean, Seamus and Ron.

The next day, two more girls came to invite him, one was in the second year, and the other was in the fifth year. Seeing her, it seemed that if Harry dared to refuse, she would knock him unconscious.

"She's pretty." Ron said justly after laughing enough.

"She's a foot taller than me," said Harry, still in shock. "Imagine me dancing with her and not making a fool of yourself!"

Harry scratched his head irritably—

Tiera has been playing with Luna Lovegood for the past few days since she invited Luna as her dance partner, leaving Harry without even any alone time with Tiera outside of class.

In the last week of this semester, the school became more lively and noisy every day.

There were rumors going around about the Christmas ball, but most of them Harry didn't believe--

For example, Dumbledore bought eight hundred barrels of Essence Mead from Rosmerta of Three Broomsticks.

However, it might be true that he ordered the Weird Sisters.

As to who or what the Strange Sisters were, Harry didn't know, as he had never listened to wizard radio, but judging from the excitement of his classmates who had been listening to wizard radio hookups since childhood, the Strange Sisters seemed like a A very famous band, perhaps because of this lively wave of emotions, Harry, who has not yet decided on his dance partner, is also excited.

Some professors, such as the little Professor Flitwick, saw that his classmates were clearly distracted, and simply stopped teaching. He allowed them to play games in his class on Wednesdays while he spent most of his time with Tiera. Speaking, trying to force the two spells Tiera used in the first match of the Triwizard Tournament——

"The flashing spell, the flashing spell, the flashing spell, Professor," Tiera said.

"The Flying Curse, the Flying Curse, the Flying Curse, Professor." Tiera insisted.

"No, no, no!" Tiera added, "You don't think I, a fourth-year wizard, can master a spell that even a duel champion like you can't master. Right? No, no, no?"

Harry swears, he sees Professor Flitwick's wand-holding hand trembling slightly, as if he wanted to cast a spell on Tiera, but restrained himself.

But other teachers are not so easy to talk about. For example, Professor Binns' attention can't be diverted, and he continues to trudge through his pile of goblin rebellion notes——

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} The students speculated that since Professor Binns did not let his own death stop him from continuing to teach, something as small as Christmas would be impossible to make He is distracted.

It's strange to say that Professor Binns could make bloody, thrilling goblin rebellions as tedious as Percy's bottom-of-the-cauldron report, and he's also a genius,

In the entire classroom, it seemed that only Tiera and Hermione were scrambling to take notes.

The stern teachers, Professor McGonagall and Professor Moody, didn't let the students sit idle, lecturing until the last second before get out of class ended.

Not to mention Professor Whipp, who would rather feed Harry a sex-change drug and adopt Harry as his goddaughter than let his classmates play games in class.

He looked gloomily at the class and told them that he would test their antidote in the last class of the semester.

Meanwhile Hogwarts teachers and students continue to show a desire to impress Beauxbatons and Durmstrang's guests, who seem determined to bring out the best in the castle this Christmas~www.mtlnovel. com~ The school is decorated with colorful lights——

The handrails of the marble stairs were covered with icicles that never melted, and the twelve Christmas trees that were customary in the auditorium were decorated with knickknacks of all kinds, from glittering hollies to A live golden owl that stopped chirping.

The armors were enchanted and they would sing Christmas carols whenever someone walked by. Hear an empty helmet sing "Oh, come on, you godly people."

- But it's especially funny because the armor only knows half of the lyrics, and Uncle Fitch has to pull Peeves out of the armor several times, because Peeves is hiding inside, and when the armor can't sing, he He made up his own lyrics to fill in it, and it was all very rude words.

Before Christmas, Tiera seemed to be busier and busier—

Almost every night, until Harry went to bed, Tiera could not be seen walking into the dorm, and when Harry woke up the next morning, Harry would find Tiera's bed empty.

Even several times Harry deliberately sprinkled a few pieces of candy on Tiera's bed before going to bed. When Harry woke up the next day and looked at it again, he found that the candy had not even moved. Harry guessed that Tiera Maybe he didn't come back all night.

"Hey...Tiella..." During class, Harry once asked hesitantly, "You don't come back every night...what are you doing?"

"I'll prepare a Christmas present for you." Tiera lowered her head and wrote hurriedly, while calculating something.

Harry smiled happily and didn't ask any more questions.