Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 417: trust

"The smell of gunpowder between Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic is already strong." Hermione whispered to Harry at the end of the banquet.

Harry nodded.

There was the sound of a collision of tables, chairs and benches. It was obvious that Dumbledore had announced the disbandment of the entire school, because everyone stood up and was about to leave the auditorium.

Hermione jumped up, looking very panicked.

"Ron, we should go and show the freshman!" Hermione said.

"Oops, yes, I almost forgot!" said Ron, apparently not remembering his duty as a prefect at all. "Hey! Hey! Hey! All of you! Little ones!"

"Ron!" Hermione roared in dissatisfaction.

"Cough, what's the matter, they are so small." Ron said.

"I know, but you can't call them little ones! First-year freshmen!" Hermione shouted dignifiedly at the table, "Please come this way!"

A group of freshmen walked shyly from the aisle between the tables of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, trying to hide behind each other, not daring to come forward.

They did look small, and Harry was sure he didn't look so young when he came here. He grinned at them.

A blond-haired boy named Euan Abercrombie next to him seemed petrified. He nudged Euan with his elbow and said something into his ear. Euan Abercrombie also said something. He looked very scared, but still comforted a few words softly.

These two little wizards seem to have established a deep friendship before the sorting ceremony, just like him and Tiera back then——

Just like him and Tiera...

Harry felt the smile on his face gradually lose its warmth.

"See you later." Harry said to Ron and Hermione a little wearily, and then walked out of the auditorium alone, trying not to pay attention to the stares of people, their whispers and pointing.

He walked without squinting through the crowd in the foyer, hurried up the marble staircase, took two hidden shortcuts, and quickly left most of the crowd behind.

Harry came to the end of the corridor leading to the Gryffindor common room and stopped in front of the Fat Lady's portrait, only to remember that he didn't know what the new password was.

"Well..." He looked up at the fat lady with a sullen face, and the fat lady smoothed the folds of her pink satin dress and looked at him with a stern look.

"You can't pass without a password," she said arrogantly.

"Harry, I know!" someone behind him panted, and Harry turned to see Neville slowly running towards him, "Guess what? I can remember it this time—"

Neville waved the little stunted cactus he showed them on the train: "Mibu Mibao!"

"That's right," said the Fat Lady, and her portrait suddenly opened towards them like a door, revealing a round hole in the wall that Harry and Neville slipped through.

The Gryffindor Common Room looked as pleasant as ever, a circular room in the tower, filled with worn, floppy armchairs and rickety old tables.

There was a crackling fire in the fireplace, and several people were discussing something there.

Harry quietly leaned in and listened—

"I think Dumbledore's report will be very interesting!" said a girl.

"Yeah, at least not more boring than Professor Binns' history of magic class," said another girl, looking forward to Dumbledore's new history of magic class from the look on her face, "and I can't wait to see Fat Amy's embarrassed! That idiot can't even talk, let her act? Well, the scene will be very interesting!"

Hearing that the two girls were not talking about himself, Harry secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, since the trial will acquit him and even the Daily Prophet will no longer report on him, he should be relieved, but recently, for some unknown reason, he always feels inexplicably irritable, and no matter where he goes, he seems to feel that someone is there. Just like talking about yourself behind your back, you always want to find someone to scold you, or have the urge to fight.

Harry took a deep breath, eased his emotions, and prepared to go back to his dormitory, with Neville following behind him.

As soon as he entered the dormitory, the one facing the door of the dormitory was the bed that belonged to Tiera.

The other four beds in the dormitory were full of large and small luggage. Seamus, who had returned to the dormitory early, had already packed his luggage and was carefully posting a Kenmare Kestrel Quidditch ball on the wall. The poster of the team, Neville, who was behind Harry, also bypassed Harry, who was standing at the door, and came to his bed. He opened the box and started packing. Only Tiera's bed was empty, even the bedding. None, a thin layer of dust had accumulated on the bare bed.

Harry involuntarily walked over to Tiera's bed, then sat down gently—

Harry sat on Tiera's bed for a while, and when he was about to get up, Seamus Finnigan seemed to have finally put up his poster, ran to Harry's side and patted him on the shoulder hard, then said:

"Don't worry, Harry, we all trust you!"

"Um... Thanks, thank you, Seamus..." Harry said somewhat at a loss, he didn't seem to expect the comfort from Seamus at all.

"I don't think there are many people who don't believe you except the Slytherins." Seamus continued, "Even my mother said that the Daily Prophet was too outrageous."

"Thank you..." Harry said again, seeming to be in a better mood.

"My grandma also said it was all bullshit." Neville said sharply, he seemed to be in a period of voice change, so his voice sounded weird~lightnovelpub.net~ She said that the downhill was The Daily Prophet, not Dumbledore, she has stopped subscribing to it, we trust you, Harry. "

Neville said simply and clearly, "And my grandma is also very supportive of Hogwarts' educational reform. In her words, Hogwarts should have reformed a long time ago."

"Thank you, Neville." Harry also said sincerely.

This seemed to make Harry feel a lot better, he got up from Tiera's bed, and was about to start packing his things.

Three little wizards—

After Ron came back, the atmosphere between the four little wizards seemed to have eased a lot, and they began to chat about their experiences during the summer vacation. Harry also felt less tired, and also told the other people in the dormitory that he met the photographer during the summer vacation. Golems, Dumbledore's tongue-in-cheek battle with Wizengamore, and evidence of the fulfillment of Tierra's prophecy.

Using his prefect's authority, Ron quietly brought a bottle of red wine from the kitchen in the basement and poured a few glasses for everyone—

"Respect to Tierra!"

After three rounds of drinking, Seamus raised his glass with a blushing face and said, "He's a great prophet."

"Respect to Tierra!"

Harry, Ron, and Neville also raised their glasses.


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