Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 432: time retrospective experiment

"Persie Weasley has never heard such a voice." Tiera sat in the principal's office, and asked Dobby to make himself a cup of black tea without milk and sugar, and enjoy the pan-fried steak, "It was as hoarse as it was. A language that has been deliberately fabricated by humans."

"Persie Weasley has been at Hogwarts for seven years and he's never heard a sound like this," Tiera said in a flat voice, cutting a steak. "It's like it's coming from the other side of the wall. It came, even through the thick walls of Hogwarts..."

Even through the thick walls of Hogwarts, Percy Weasley could hear the thick smell of blood in this hoarse voice.

Percy Weasley didn't know why there was such a sound in the castle at Hogwarts, but he didn't have any fear, trepidation, or anxiety, on the contrary—

He felt that this was his chance to make a contribution, and this sudden voice must have something to do with Dumbledore—

Perhaps... this is Dumbledore's secret weapon against the Ministry of Magic, maybe!

Passy thought excitedly, her ears pressed against the wall, and she followed the sound step by step—

In addition to the hoarse voice, Percy Weasley, who was lying on the wall, also heard sporadic, crisp crashing sounds, like the sound of iron scraping through a pipe.

Percy Weasley followed the sound and listened all the way, and unknowingly, he stepped into the abandoned girls' bathroom on the second floor of Hogwarts Castle.

The hoarse voice ends here—

To be more precise, the hoarse voice and the sporadic crashing sounds are getting farther and farther away...

Percy Weasley stood blankly in the middle of the women's bathroom, somewhat missing.

"Persie Weasley only knew that the voice disappeared," said Tiera, who was sitting in the principal's office, "but what he didn't know was that he was already standing right above the altar."

"That is the core of the whole evil plan, a gear that never stops spinning." Tiera continued to explain.

"Unfortunately, Myrtle doesn't like Persie Weasley, so she didn't come out to show him the way." Tiera took a sip of tea and said, "I don't know if it's luck or misfortune, Persie Weasley will get nothing in the end."

"Now let's look at Umbridge's side," Tiera said, "Umbridge decided to start with Professor Minerva McGonagall's class first, and was going to kick Dumbledore's right-hand man out of Huobi first. Gwartz."

"Let's see if the probability of Umbridge's side encountering a strange event is—" Tiera threw the hundred-sided die on Dumbledore's desk again.

"It's a pity... d100 (29)..." Tiera shook her head regretfully, "It's just an ordinary weird incident—"

When it was finally time for the Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall strode into the classroom. Judging from her expression, she didn't seem to care about the existence of Umbridge sitting in the back row.

"Okay, everyone, please be quiet." Professor McGonagall said, and the classroom fell silent immediately, "Mr. Finnigan, please come over and send your homework, Miss Brown, please take this box of mice...don't be like that. Silly girl, they won't bite you, give each classmate one—"

"Cough, cough!" Professor Umbridge coughed, the same stupid light cough she used to interrupt Dumbledore on the first night of school.

Professor McGonagall pretended not to hear.

Seamus returned Harry's paper to him.

Harry didn't look at him, took the paper, and was relieved to see that he finally got an "A".

"Okay, classmates, please listen carefully - Dean Thomas, if you continue to torment that mouse like that, I'll put you in confinement - now, most classmates can successfully chant the Vanishing Charm and make the snail disappear, even if Those of you who still have a little snail shell left have grasped the gist of the spell. Today, we're going to—"

"Cough, cough." Professor Umbridge coughed.

"What?" Professor McGonagall said, turning around, her two eyebrows coming together as if to form a long, forbidding Gryffindor sword.

"Professor, I just want to know if you have received my note notifying the date and time of the investigation of your class—"

"Obviously I received it, otherwise I would have asked you what you did in my classroom." Professor McGonagall said decisively and turned her back to Professor Umbridge again. Many students began to exchange joyful expressions of joy. Gaze, "As I said, today, we're going to practice the harder Rat Vanishing Charm. Well, here, the Vanishing Charm—"

"Cough, cough."

"I don't understand." Professor McGonagall said coldly, turning to Professor Birdmridge, "if you keep interrupting me, how can you understand my usual teaching methods? You know , I generally do not allow others to speak when I speak."

Professor Umbridge looked as if someone had been slapped. She didn't speak, but just straightened the parchment on the writing board and scribbled in anger.

Professor McGonagall looked indifferent, and said to the class again: "I just said, the disappearance spell, as the animals that need to disappear become more and more complex, it is also more and more difficult to master. Snail is a kind of intangible Vertebrates, it's not very challenging, and the mouse is a mammal, it's much more demanding, it's not magic that you can do with supper in your head. Well, you already know the spell, let me See how you are doing."

The students started their own exercises, while Umbridge, walking on high heels, began to wander back and forth, wandering back and forth, wandering back and forth—

For a while, she bent down and brought her ugly toad-like face close to her classmates, and then motioned for the Aurors and the Master of Uncurse who were following her to do some meaningless measurements, and finally Umbridge recorded in his notebook. Write and draw something.

"Umbridge wrote and drew something in her notebook—" Tiera said, sitting in the principal's office, "but apparently, she couldn't fault her, except that the teaching model was too old-fashioned in the notebook. Other than that, there's nothing wrong with it at all—"

"So she had to harass the students in the class bored, hoping to add a little fun with the nervous, disturbed and painful expressions of the students, and suddenly—"

Tiera smiled, took a sip of tea, paused, and then took out a book from the void—

"The Secret of the Worm"

Recite the mantra there.

Suddenly, Draco Malfoy only felt a pain in his left arm, and the location of the Dark Lord's Mark seemed to be on fire.

"Um..." Malfoy didn't have time to think, and covered his left hand as quickly as possible—

Draco Malfoy completely forgot that he still had a wand in his right hand.

The wand cast a spell with the swing of Draco Malfoy's right hand. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The curse hit Umbridge's pouting **** in the front right with lightning speed—

Umbridge jumped up like she had been stabbed with a needle, hitting the table in front of her, and the students in the rows in front of Umbridge jumped up and screamed. The sound, the curse hits crooked, the crooked spell hits crooked.

In the chaos, Umbridge felt a sense of weakness and collapse all over her body. She only felt that her body was getting heavier and heavier, but at the same time, her soul felt lighter and lighter—

Everything around him became blurred, like an ink painting soaked in water.

The surrounding scene changed little by little, as if the hands of time were rapidly turning back.

Umbridge felt as if she had crossed the light and shadow of time, back to her childhood, back to when she first stepped into Hogwarts—

Tiera, who was sitting in the principal's office, took out a notebook and wrote:

"Time Back Experiment-1, start."

"Umbridge's spiritual dimension and spiritual dimension are in a good state of separation."

"Go back thirty-seven years ago, when Umbridge first stepped into Hogwarts."


First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju mobile version reading website: