Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 53: Quidditch

The next morning was sunny and cold. The restaurant was filled with the tantalizing smell of grilled sausages, and everyone chatted happily in anticipation of a good Quidditch match.

"You must have a few bites of breakfast," Hermione urged.

"I don't want to eat anything." Harry absentmindedly fiddled with the egg ham bread on the plate.

"Have some toast." Hermione continued to coax.

"I'm not hungry."

Harry felt terrible. In another hour, he will be walking to the field.

"Harry, you need to stay strong," Seamus Finnigan said. "Seekers are always the ones the opponent guards."

"Thank you, Seamus," said Harry, watching as Seamus slathered his sausage with ketchup.

At this time, Tiera, who was reading a book by the side, took out a piece of chocolate from her pocket, asked the house elf for a glass of hot milk, and pushed it in front of Harry.

"If you really can't eat it, drink some hot milk and eat this chocolate," Tiera said.

In his last life, he couldn't eat breakfast for the whole year of his senior year, so his father prepared him a glass of hot milk and a piece of dark chocolate with a bit of bitterness in the morning, which made him survive the toughest period of senior year.

However, after the college entrance examination, he never tasted dark chocolate again, and even smelled dark chocolate, he would get nauseated.

Harry took the dark chocolate and milk, and ate the dark chocolate in three or two mouthfuls. Harry drank even the sweet cup of hot milk that Tiera had specially let the house elf add some sugar to.

"Huh~" Harry really felt a lot calmer, and his lips that were bloodless also took on a hint of ruddy, "Thank you Tierra."

Harry noticed that Tiera was not as "clean" as usual today.

Two slashes of pale yellow and red were drawn on Tiera's face.

It's the color of Gryffindor.

He also wears a huge lion puppet hat on his head.

It finally gave Harry the feeling that Tiera was a Gryffindor.

It was soon eleven o'clock, and it seemed that all the teachers and students of the school came to the stands around the Quidditch pitch.

Many students also brought binoculars. The seats were almost raised to mid-empty, but it was still difficult to see the game.

Tiera, Ron and Hermione came to the top row to join Neville, Seamus and Dean, a West Ham fan.

To surprise Harry, they drew a huge banner out of a sheet stained with little rat Scabbers that said Potter must win, Dean the good at drawing, and a big gran at the bottom. The Lion of Findo.

Then, Tiera waved her wand, making the entire banner twice as large, and the paint on it flashed with different colors, dazzling like neon lights.

"Borrow the light, borrow the light, let it go." Just as the banner was hung up, a stout voice remembered from behind them.


Tiera, Ron, and Hermione squeezed each other to make room for Hagrid to sit in.

"I was watching it in my cabin just now," said Hagrid, patting the large telescope around his neck, "but it's not the same as watching a game in a crowd."

As soon as Hagrid sat down, Mrs. Hodge appeared in the middle of the arena with a suitcase.

"I hope there will be a clean and fair game." After speaking, Mrs. Hodge whistled and opened the box.

The Bludger and the Golden Snitch soared into the sky, while Mrs. Hodge threw the Quaffle high in the air.

A tense and exciting Quidditch began.

Tiera's high platform can take the overall picture and is a very suitable position to watch the ball.

But Tiera's attention was not on the ball, nor on Harry, but looked at the teacher's bench from time to time.

There are traces to use spiritual latitude to affect physical latitude, especially the use of black magic.

There is no specific spell or method to sense the "trace" of this magic, and it all depends on the wizard's own talent and experience.

This kind of "trace" sensing can not only help him hide his "traces" better, but also help uncover the disguise of other wizards.

For example, the Disillusionment Spell in the Advanced Spell Tutorial, or the Transfiguration other than Animagus.

Tiera tried to feel this "trace" based on Merlin's notes.

But unfortunately he failed.

Tiera felt nothing.

I don't know if it's because he can't do it himself or because the magic power of other little wizards is too weak.

But a man can't say no.

If nothing else, Voldemort is about to attack Harry in this Quidditch match.

This is the continuous magic output of an adult dark wizard.

The game continues.

Gryffindor got off to a great start, but Slytherin quickly broke the score back.

The game gradually entered into a frenzy.

Suddenly, Tiera noticed that Harry's broom shook abnormally.

"Come on!" Tiera thought.

While everyone else was looking at Harry~lightnovelpub.net~ Tiera's eyes were fixed on Quirrell on the teacher's bench.

No, nothing.

Tiera was a little disappointed, but he still didn't feel anything.

There were loud exclamations in his ears, and a chaotic crowd in front of him.

There is no feeling of "mosquito wings brushing over the soul" described in Merlin's notes.

At this time, Harry's broom on the Quidditch field started tossing and rolling, and Harry could only barely support it from falling.

Suddenly, the broom wriggled wildly again, and Harry was thrown off by it!

He now holds the broom handle with only one hand, hanging in the air.

"Is there something wrong with the broom handle when Flint hit him just now?" Seamus guessed in a low voice.

"Impossible," Hagrid said, his voice trembling slightly, "except for powerful black magic, nothing can interfere with a broom! It's impossible for a child to perform such magic on Nimbus 2000."

Hearing this, Hermione grabbed Hagrid's binoculars. Instead of looking up at Harry, she began to scan the crowd anxiously.

"What are you doing?" Ron asked.

"I guessed it," Hermione gasped. "It's Snape! Look!"

Ron grabbed the telescope.

Snape stood in the middle of the stands opposite them. His eyes were fixed on Harry, and he kept mumbling words.

"He's doing bad things! Snape is chanting a curse on his broomstick," Hermione shouted.

"Then what should we do?" Ron's face turned ashen.

"Look at me." Hermione turned around decisively

Before Ron could say a word, Hermione wanted to squeeze out of the crowd.

"Wait Hermione!" Tiera grabbed Hermione.