Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 530: atmosphere of silence

When Cornelius Fudge's inauguration was over, Tiera, or one of Tierra, followed Harry, Sirius, Lupin, and the rest of the Order of the Phoenix back to Twelve Grimmauld Place—

Perhaps because of being in London, the top wizards in this line of wizards chose to walk back to Twelve Grimmauld Place.

But obviously, except for Hermione, everyone including Harry didn't think Tierra's comrade was much fun or exciting.

Likewise, on the walk back to Grimmauld Place, no one said a word except for Hermione, who was pestering Tiera with questions that Harry didn't understand at all.

Even Harry didn't say anything, he just kept silent and walked forward with his head down, but every now and then he turned to look at Tiera, who was having a lively conversation with Hermione.

But when Tiera noticed his gaze, Harry turned his head quickly, as if nothing had happened just now, continued to be silent, lowered his head, and walked forward.

And Tierra—

Then he just smiled and didn't care.

"Um...Tiera..." Hermione whispered, "I always feel...I always feel like your methods are a little too...too Aggressive...they, they seem to be intimidated..."

"Oh, Hermione, I remember I told you that revolution is a method of violence." Tiera said with a smile, "My methods are already very mild, and seriously, if I were a little more cruel, I would It should follow the example of Grindelwald, directly blow up the entire Ministry of Magic with a pair of fierce fires, and then rebuild a brand new Ministry of Magic on top of the ruins."

"With all due respect," the one-legged Alastor Moody said in a gruff voice as he walked laboriously, "You have already bombed the Ministry of Magic once. From the hall of the Ministry of Magic on the eighth basement floor to the mysterious affairs on the ninth floor. Sir, most of the Wizengamore Trial down to the tenth basement level is contained in the big hole you blew up."

Alastor Moody walked forward with a murmur, and kept looking at Tiera with a demon eye—

"Let me guess." Alastomedi said, "A lot of the good things in the Department of Mysteries were not destroyed, but were put away by magic you don't know?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Tierra said without changing her heart.

"Hehe..." Alastor Moody crossed the pavement with a cane with a merciless smile, "sounds like a... in your words... Hehe...sounds like a means of sharing wealth and means of production."

"As I said." Tiera said with a smile, "War means waste. It's a pity that those precious magic items have been wasted."

"Well...yes, yes...Tiella...you said...revolution is a means of violence..." He Min pondered and said, "I mean...I mean...the way you punished those who rebelled at Cornelius Fudge's inauguration today... .It's...already...already a little...a bit outrageous...and horrific."

"This universe itself is an absurd and disordered universe." Tiera said with a smile, "warmth and normality are only temporary illusions, and fear and distortion are the norm."

"You have been immersed in this gentle village for too long." Tiera said with a smile, "Oh, no, you have never been out of the gentle country."

"Konstantin Tsiolkovsky once said that the earth is the cradle of mankind, but mankind will not live in the cradle forever." Tiera continued.

"Con...Con...Standing....Or what?" Sirius Black tried to attach this extremely convoluted name, but apparently failed.

Gu "The wizarding world used to be too narrow-minded." Tiera continued, "We used to focus our future on how to compete with Muggles for survival resources, why can't we set our sights on Put it a little longer? Why can't we cooperate with Muggles to develop more survival resources?"

"This is great! Tiera, this is great!" Hermione was about to applaud Tiera, Hermione praised and pulled Harry, who had been rushing forward, "This is great, Right, Harry?"

"Ah? Oh, oh... yes, yes... it's great." Harry was pulled by Hermione, and he didn't react for a while, he could only say in a daze, and after a short glance at Tiera , but continued to walk forward with his head down.

Feeling the strange atmosphere of the team, Hermione had no choice but to put the problem in her mind first, and continued to move forward in silence with the others.

Twelve Grimmauld Place is not far from the public toilet where the official entrance and exit of the Ministry of Magic are located. Soon, the group of them came to the front of Grimmauld Place.

"Okay, here we are." Alastor Moody said loudly, standing in front of the gate of No. 12 Grimmauld Place, "Think of your escort, I think you are at your busiest time, and we will be soon leave you."

After finishing speaking, Alastomedi stared at Tiera with both the normal eye and the demonic eye, looking like she didn't welcome Tiera at all.

"Professor Moody, Tiye—" Hermione shouted anxiously, but was stopped by Moody's wave.

"Walk slowly, Tierra," Moody said.

"That's fine, that's fine." Tiera shrugged indifferently and smiled—

Then he used his finger to gently draw a vertical line in the void behind him~lightnovelpub.net~ Then Harry, and Hermione, see you at Hogwarts. "

After speaking, the space seemed to split from the vertical line that Tiera had drawn in the void with her fingers, and the vertical line developed into a barren and chaotic crack.

The moment the crack appeared, it was like a black hole, exuding huge suction, fallen leaves, dust, mud, and the garbage on the square all rushed towards the crack under this huge suction.

But the crack didn't last long, because Tiera quickly stepped into the crack.

Then soon, the crack healed into a vertical line, and then the vertical line disappeared without a trace——

"Okay, Harry, let's go, let's go home." After seeing Tiera disappear, everyone except Hermione was relieved, seeing Harry seemed a little lost, Sirius He stretched out his hand and patted Harry on the shoulder, trying to comfort him a few words, but he didn't know how to speak, so he had to pat Harry on the shoulder—

like a father.

"I... I'm fine..." Harry smiled reluctantly, patted Sirius' hand on his shoulder, and followed behind Moody, Sirius, Lupin, and the rest of the Order of the Phoenix , walked into Twelve Grimmauld Place.


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