Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 55: Christmas is approaching

Christmas is coming. One morning in mid-December, Hogwarts woke up from a dream to find several feet of snow all around and hard ice on the lake.

George Weasley and Fred Weasley were punished for enchanting a few snowballs to run after Quirrell and smashed into the back of his hood.

This scene was recorded by Tiera with a magic camera.

From the end of October until Christmas, for nearly two months, by embezzling Harry and the Quidditch team's pharmaceutical funds, Tiera finally saved money to buy a magic camera in addition to buying the potions she needed.

In the past two months, in addition to the gradually filling wallet, Tiera's knowledge of potions, alchemy and transfiguration has also grown considerably.

When Christmas comes, Tiera will be able to try to brew the Hydra Potion after the final exam of this semester.

Due to the official arrival of winter, Tiera stayed indoors most of the time... To be precise, most of them stayed in the warm bedroom.

Only when the two factors, the heavy snowfall and the Weasley twins, appeared outside at the same time, would Tiera set foot outside wrapped in a thick bun.

Then this commemorative scene was photographed.

With the end of the final exam and Christmas approaching, only Tiera can still study hard.

Even Hermione was a little absent-minded these days. Like everyone else, she was looking forward to the holiday.

While the Gryffindor common room and the Great Hall were roaring with fires and constantly enchanted to keep them warm, the draughty corridors were chilly, and the classroom windows were blown by the frigid wind. Crackling.

"I really feel bad for those people," Draco Malfoy said on the final exam, Potions, "and they had to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because the family didn't want them. them."

He looked at Harry as he spoke.

Crabbe and Goyle snickered.

Harry was weighing out the powdered lionfish vertebrae, ignoring them.

Tiera had already finished the exam and left early.

Otherwise, Malfoy wouldn't have been so stinky.

As the gamekeeper, Hagrid was naturally responsible for the decoration of the Christmas hall. After Harry and Ron finished their exams, they happened to bump into Hagrid who was dragging a fir tree to the hall.

So the three of them came to the auditorium together, where Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick were both busy laying out Christmas decorations.

Hermione and Tiera, who had finished the exam early, were also there. Rarely, they were not reading a book, but were playing wizard chess.

"You guys are too bad." Ron walked over to take a look and said, "Tiella, you should..."

"Hey, don't talk, kid!" the knight **** standing on the chessboard raised his head and said.

Ron shrugged and pulled Harry to sit beside Tiera and Hermione, watching them play chess quietly.

Ever since Harry, Ron and Hermione learned the name Nicole May from Hagrid's mouth, they have been looking for Le May's name in the books.

But the trouble is, it's hard for them to know where to start, or what Lemay's outstanding achievements can be written into the book.

He is not in The Great Wizard of the Twentieth Century, nor is he in The List of Famous Magicians of Our Time. In addition, his name cannot be found in "The Great Discovery of Modern Magic" and "Research on the Development of Modern Witchcraft".

And, of course, the sheer size of the library alone is daunting, with thousands of books, thousands of shelves, hundreds of narrow passages.

Tiera also pretended to look behind the trio.

Unlike Hermione, Tiera read few books but focused on it. For one semester, Tiera only read "Principles of Potions", "Introduction to Alchemy", "Where Are Fantastic Beasts", "Modern Times" in addition to textbooks. "Principles of Magic", "A Brief Talk on Transfiguration" and the book Snape recommended him to read, "Explanation of Potions".

Although this amount of reading was considered rich in the eyes of other little wizards, it was still a little insignificant compared to the fifty books that Hermione read in one semester.

Therefore, Tiera does not recite every book she has read, but she definitely remembers every knowledge point in it.

Tiera remembered that Hermione borrowed a copy of "A Brief History of the Development of Alchemy" in order to get angry with him.

Although Tiera had not read it, he was sure that Nicole May was mentioned in the book, but there are two characters that cannot be avoided in any book with more alchemy, one is Merlin and the other is Nicole Lemay.

There are only two alchemists in the world who have successfully refined the Sage's Stone.

This reflects the disadvantage of reading in general but not precise.

But Tiera didn't mention Hermione, whether it was Nicole May or reading.

It is a good thing for children of this age to read more books, because children of this age are limited by their age and knowledge, and they cannot study a certain knowledge point in depth at all.

Therefore, it is better to read more books when you are young, so that when you go to college...

Um... it seems that wizards don't have a university...

In this way, when you graduate, you will know what path to take.

As for Nicole May...

Tiera thinks it's better to hide it for a while, these three little wizards are too capable of causing trouble.

And Tiera is waiting for Harry's invisibility cloak. After Christmas, Tiera can borrow Harry's invisibility cloak to go out to campus at night.

Tiera needs a quiet place to brew the Hydra Potion.

Due to the approaching holiday, Hermione, the little witch who was at her heart, was not in the mood to continue looking for Nicole May, so she dragged Tiera to play wizard chess.

Tiera was happy too~lightnovelpub.net~ After Tiera and Hermione finished a round, Ron squeezed out Tiera and played a few rounds with Hermione himself.

Unlike Tiera's half-baked chess skills, Ron's wizard chess can be described as a three-game winning streak in which God blocks and kills God, and Buddha blocks and kills Buddha.

Tiera noticed that Hermione's complexion had changed. From the beginning of the second round, she bit her lip, and by the end of the third round, her lips were bitten and bald.

"Stop playing, it's boring." Hermione pushed the chessboard and said.

At this time, the Christmas Eve dinner was just starting.

The entire auditorium was adorned with lights by Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick.

The walls were covered with holly and mistletoe, and there were a dozen towering Christmas trees all over the room, some with tiny icicles, some with hundreds of candles.

The Christmas dinner was even bigger than the start of school and Halloween combined.

Pan-fried foie gras, smoked salmon, crab cakes, ham and melon rolls, herring salad, lamb tripe soup...

Ron was so addicted to it that even Tiera ate a little more.

Even after it was over, Ron returned to the Gryffindor lounge with his big drumstick.

On the second day of the banquet, Tiera, Harry and Ron put Hermione on the train.

"When I'm not here, you have to keep searching, okay?" Hermione said, taking out a book list from her pocket, passing Harry and Ron, and handing it directly to Tiera, "If you find anything , send an owl to tell me."

"You can also ask your parents if they know Lemay," Ron said. "It's safe to ask them."

"Very safe, because they are both dentists." Hermione rolled her eyes and said.
