Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 560: chat

(First update, comrades, happy new year everyone)

Harry was still in a deep sleep when the eerie moonlight shone down on the world.

Harry has been exhausted lately, and this exhaustion doesn't come from outside, but from Mrs Weasley. Mrs. Weasley was always nervous these days, as if she was nervous about the upcoming war at some point.

Especially earlier in the day, after the Magic Federation issued a curfew announcement, the already nervous Mrs Weasley became even more hysterical.

"It'd better be a war," Ron complained as he helped erect a wall of bricks outside the Burrow at Mrs. Weasley's orders, "otherwise my dad and I will probably have to deal with this when it's over. She was sent to St Mungo's to see her mental problems!"

Harry, who was also helping, nodded. As a guest, he was embarrassed to comment on Mrs. Weasley's behavior so simply and rudely to Ron, but agreed with Ron's words.

Because of the tiredness of the day, Harry couldn't even wait in line to use the bathroom, and when he was resting in bed, he gradually fell into a deep sleep, but soon, Harry was awakened by strong anxiety and fear——

Harry lay straight on the bed, gasping for breath, as if he hadn't just woken up from sleep but had been running.

He woke up from a very realistic and absurd dream, his hands covered his face, and he gently rubbed his sweaty forehead.

Under his finger, the lightning-bolt-shaped scar hurts as if someone had just pressed a white-hot wire to his skin.

He sat up, clutching the scar with one hand, groping in the dark with the other for the glasses on the nightstand.

He put on his glasses, and the scene in the bedroom gradually became clear. The light from the street lamp outside the window through the curtains enveloped the bedroom with a hazy orange-red soft light.


Harry's heart was beating slowly and heavily.

Feelings of palpitations and fear came to reality along the nightmare, sending Harry's brain into chaos.

But Harry quickly calmed down and began to think about the nightmare just now--

Harry was no stranger to this feeling, even quite familiar.

He'd been tormented like this for the past year, but Voldemort hasn't invaded Harry's mind since Tiera's resurrection.

But why today?

Harry got up from the bed, bowing his head, rubbing his forehead, soothing the throbbing nerves and the hammer-beating heart.

Um... month, moon?

Harry slowly got up from the bed—

what happened to the moon?

Harry walked to the window, trying to pull back the thick curtains in his room.

From the still vague and confused memory, Harry only got one piece of information—


For some reason, Voldemort seems to be terrified of the moon, as if his prey meets a predator, or once Harry met Voldemort in the halls of the Ministry of Magic.

But now, this fear appeared in Voldemort's memory, and the fear was so strong that even Harry felt it.

Moon, what happened to the moon?

Harry's hand was already around the curtain, and he was about to pull it open.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do it."

Just as Harry was about to open the curtains, a cold but very familiar voice came from behind him.

Harry turned his head in surprise and saw an Asian teenager about his size lying on Harry's bed in an extremely comfortable position, leaning on Harry's pillow and quilt, looking at Harry with a beaming smile, As if he was used to lying down.

"Tiera!" Harry exclaimed in surprise and joy.

"Hehe." Tiera smiled, and then a carp sat up straight, sat cross-legged on Harry's bed, and patted the bed, "You are very smart, Harry, and excellent, but the only problem is that you are too curious. Heavy."

"Of course, there is still a little bit of stubbornness." Tiera put her hands behind her head, leaned against the back of the bed, and looked at Harry quietly.

"Um... mention, Tiera?" After the surprise, there was doubt and uncertainty.

"It's me." Tiera nodded and said, "It's always been me."

"But, but..." Harry still looked a little disbelieving.

"You don't think I got out of Voldemort's stomach for fun, do you?" Tiera asked rhetorically with a smile.

Yep, I just do it for fun.

Although the main reason is that there is no more suitable person to digest the power of death than Voldemort, who has died again and again, there is another reason that it is fun to scare Voldemort thieves.

After all, the brain is not easy to use, and it is difficult to find village-level terrorists with large ambitions. After this village, there is no such shop.

If you are not scared at this time, you will have no chance if you want to be scared later.

"I know you trust Sirius, that's normal, Harry, he's your only family after all, but..." Tiera paused, then continued, "but like I said , his vision and vision are too limited."

"I don't deny that he is very knowledgeable. It's true. Although Black escaped the ancient and prejudiced Black family early, he also received an orthodox black magic education, so he was able to be as old as us in the third and fourth grades. At the same time, he made magic items like the Marauder's Map, but... his vision was also limited to this."

"You don't think my resurrection from the dead is fake, do you?" Tiera asked rhetorically with a smile, "There has never been a record of the resurrection before, but Voldemort and I have done it."

"Or Hogwarts where you brought my body back with your own hands~lightnovelpub.net~Have you forgotten?" Tiera asked with a smile, "Did I die, did I come back to life? Don't you know best?"

"The beauty of the magical world is far beyond your imagination, Harry, compared to the vast magical universe, what we learn in our textbooks is like the frog that has been sitting in the dry well looking up and seeing the four and four outside the well. The square sky." Tiera said, "Because of some special experiences, I saw the sky beyond the square, I saw the vast universe, of course, I also found the antidote of the wizard—— How wizards and muggles live in harmony."

"So I want to push this development forward, I want to push the wizarding society forward," Tiera said. "I want to start a revolution."

"Change, change?" Harry asked confused and puzzled.

"See you at the beginning of school, Harry." Tiera's figure slowly faded, as if about to disappear in mid-air, "Keep an open mind and receive new things..."


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