Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 6: The nature of magic

After sending the owl away, Tiera lay back on the bed.

Knowing that she was in the Harry Potter world and there was another safer and safer magical path, Tiera felt less urgent about Merlin's path full of dangers and thorns.

Moreover, there is a teacher to teach, why bother to **** by yourself, if you are not careful, it will be another finger.

Tiera put her hands behind her head and began to fantasize.

I don't know if Hogwarts is really the same as in the movie. I don't know which house I will be assigned to. If I am assigned to Gryffindor...

Do you know if you will meet the famous Harry Potter?

Harry Potter…




This year, 1991, is exactly the year Harry Potter entered school. If this is really the world of Harry Potter, then he will definitely meet Harry this year.

First grade and Voldemort grab the Philosopher's Stone.

Second grade Horcrux and Basilisk.

The third grade was a near miss, and the only one who looked more dangerous, Sirius Black, was actually a good guy.

Then fourth grade... Voldemort was resurrected with blood.

Fifth grade, reuniting the Black Dead.

Year 6, Year 7... Start clearing the Muggle seed in an upright manner.

Muggle Seeds…

Tiera was 100% sure that both her parents in this life and her previous life were non-magical people.

Tiera can be said to be the purest Muggle breed.

It couldn't be purer.

Thinking of this, Tiera rolled over and got out of bed with a jerk, and sat down at the desk again.

Still have to learn, these broken knowledge still have to be learned.

Tiera picked up the pen again, wrote and drew on another blank parchment, and continued to build the second layer of spiritual walls.

This is a kind of magic that Merlin researched in his later years that can block the erosion of the outer gods. The moment when he used Harris' Pharmacy to enhance his spiritual power, he engraved this magic configuration into the spiritual dimension.

This spiritual wall has a total of seven layers. Tiera has completed the analysis of the first layer of the wall before drinking the Harris potion. The first layer to the third layer can only gradually deepen the connection between Tiera's spiritual latitude and spiritual latitude. Strengthen your control over your magic.

The fourth to sixth layers can increase the spiritual dimension, that is, the accumulation of magic power.

The seventh layer needs the help of an old ruler to make a qualitative change in its own spiritual dimension and spiritual dimension.

As for the construction of the magic model...

According to Merlin's notes and the description in the Necronomicon Principles of Black Magic, the essence of magic is dimension.

Three-dimensionality in the physical sense is the direction of space.

And the three-dimensional in the sense of magic is the physical dimension, the spiritual dimension and the spiritual dimension.

The physical dimension is the direction of length, width, height and space in traditional physics.

The spiritual dimension is the source of the wizard's magic power, which is what Hogwarts calls the magical talent, and the spiritual root of the cultivator.

The spiritual dimension is the essence of all intelligent life thinking.

Wizards are three-dimensional creatures that exist simultaneously in the physical, spiritual and spiritual dimensions.

The three dimensions of matter, spirituality and spirit are interrelated and affect each other.

The use of magic by wizards generally requires the assistance of wands and spells.

The magic wand is the fusion product of the material dimension and the spiritual dimension, which can help the wizard to stabilize the magic and release the power of the spiritual dimension more easily.

And spells are simplified models of spells.

Any kind of magic that exists today is simplified from ancient ritual magic.

And everything that ritual magic does in the material dimension, such as jumping to gods, stacking rocks, lighting bonfires, and even blood sacrifices, is to build a spell model in the material world, and then mobilize the power of the spiritual dimension.

These rituals have been simplified step by step, and now, most of the magic has become the point where magic can be simply released by simply chanting a spell and a wand that can communicate with the spiritual dimension.

Of course, neither spells nor wands are necessary. As long as the wizard can construct a magic model with an accurate spiritual dimension, the spell can be cast without chanting spells.

While other wizards chose to use long and complicated ancient runes, Merlin chose a simpler method of construction - mathematics.

Merlin lived rationally on earth for more than 700 years, from the beginning of the eleventh century to the end of the eighteenth century. During this long period of vitality, Merlin met a genius named Newton.

Since then, Merlin has changed all magic configurations to multivariate calculus...

Fortunately, Tiera was a science student in her previous life. Because of the postgraduate entrance examination, she did not forget all the high numbers, and because of the limitations of Merlin's ancient thinking, all the magic configurations he gave were only some basic calculus configurations. With a bit of a simplified version of the ancient rune spells, the current learning is not too difficult for Tiera.

In the past few years, Tiera was not all used to build the first layer of the spiritual wall. While studying Merlin's notes, she also tried to build several small magic spell models, such as flashing spells, fire spells, repairing spells, and of course There is a floating spell that he uses to channel magic.

In the process of constructing these little magic spells, Tiera also further deepened her understanding of the entire three-dimensional theory of magic.

After all, although there are Merlin's notes, but due to the era he lived in, many descriptions made Tiera ignorant. Although there are many books in this library, Tiera dared not understand. I have only read the "Necronomicon" chapter on the principles of black magic and the general chapter on alchemy.

According to the description in the Black Magic chapter of the Necronomicon, the latitude of a creature is not completely unchangeable.

Two-dimensional creatures can evolve into three-dimensional creatures, and three-dimensional creatures can also evolve into four-dimensional creatures by acquiring the coordinates of the divine latitude.

The Muggle in the wizard's mouth is the kind of two-dimensional creature that only exists in the physical dimension and the spiritual dimension. It lacks a source of mana and a spiritual dimension that can affect both at the same time, so Muggles cannot use magic. Blame this kind of magical creature that only exists in the spiritual dimension and the spiritual dimension.

But Dementors can in turn absorb Muggle souls through their spiritual dimension.

It is also very simple for Muggles to obtain magic power. They only need to build a magic configuration in both the physical dimension and the spiritual dimension, and achieve the resonance of the spiritual dimension with a mysterious existence, and then the spiritual dimension can be obtained by connecting with the spirit.

This mysterious being can be a powerful demon, a pagan god, an extraordinary wizard, or even... a crazy outer god.

Of course, this kind of spiritual connection is extremely dangerous. Powerful demons will take the opportunity to occupy your body and descend to the physical latitude, pagan gods and wizards will turn you into a puppet, and outer gods...

Tiera has already experienced it, and the little finger of her left hand still feels empty.

Tiera even suspected that she might be a Muggle at all, and she obtained the spiritual dimension only by connecting with the spirit behind the "Secret Book of Xuanjun Seven Chapters".

After all, he never received an admission letter from a magic academy in his last life, and there is nothing unusual in his memory in this life, such as an explosion of magic power.