Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 628: brawl in herbal medicine class

The first class in the morning of the sixth year after the Dark Arts class was Herbology, but the students at Hogwarts didn't care about Herbology class at all, or any other class.

After a day of fermenting, all kinds of deeds about the young Voldemort have been thoroughly spread among the students of Hogwarts, and now everyone enjoying breakfast in the auditorium hall is discussing this matter hotly, discussing Everything about Voldemort—

When the mystery is no longer mysterious, when the veil of the unknown is lifted, all fears will naturally disappear.

When they just came out of the black magic classroom yesterday, they didn't dare to discuss with each other too loudly, and even dared to use only "mysterious man" as their address.

But today—

"Hey, let me tell you, that Voldemort, yes, is the Dark Lord. His name was Tom Riddle when he was a child, what a silly name." When Harry came to the auditorium for breakfast, he suddenly heard a person walking towards him. The Slytherin girl grinned.

"Yes, yes." One of her Ravenclaw best friends nodded in agreement, "And I heard that his father is also named Tom Riddle, and he is actually a Muggle, and he is not the kind of Muggle-born wizard , but the kind that are pure Muggles, that is, Muggles that can't use magic at all."

"Oh, Merlin, no way..." The Slytherin girl chattered away with her girlfriend.

Harry looked at the two girls strangely and curiously.

"Hey, let me tell you, Voldemort was very gloomy when he was a child." Before the two girls left Harry's sight, another group of male and female friends came towards him.

"Hey, is that so?" The girl asked in amazement, and then said, "He is the Dark Lord. It's normal for him to be a little different from others when he was young. It would be abnormal if he didn't differ from others."

"But he liked to steal things when he was young." The boy said again, "I saw with my own eyes that the things he stole were stuffed into a closet, and they all stole from orphans in Muggle orphanages."

"Eh? Really?" The girl yelled out in surprise, and then said with a look of disgust, "This is going too far, stealing things from orphans!"

Harry:  …

Obviously there are only as many as a small iron box.

"Hey, hey, let me tell you, I saw it with my own eyes. In the black arts class yesterday, Voldemort used mind control spells to control the entire orphanage when he was a child!" Another student came to his face and introduced it to his little friend happily Looking at what I saw and heard in black magic class yesterday.

Harry watched helplessly as this little bean who had just entered school described how terrifying Voldemort was to his companions.

When Harry finally walked through the crowd and sat next to Hermione and Tierra, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have lost his appetite.

"Let's go." Harry stood up after sitting for a while, said to Tiera and Hermione, and then asked the house-elf for a sandwich, "We'll eat as we walk."

Then they met Ron again at the top of the stairs—

Apparently Ron had overslept again.

"Ah! Harry, that's great." Ron greeted happily after seeing Harry, Hermione, and Tierra, then stared at the sandwich in Harry's hand for a while and asked, " Do you still eat this sandwich?"

"..." Harry could only silently pass the sandwich in his hand.

It took Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Tierra longer than usual to find their way to the greenhouse due to yesterday's sudden wind and blizzard that buried the road to the greenhouse.

"Wow, I'm so scared when I think about it now, the young mysterious man." Ron finished the sandwich in two or three bites on the way here, and said, licking his lips.

They are now standing around a gnarled tree stump that was planned for the term, and are starting to put on their protective gloves.

"Even at a young age, the Mysterious Man feels very different from ordinary people." Ron still maintained the name of the Mysterious Man,

"Yeah," said Harry quietly, slipping on a rubber face shield, and he shot a quick glance at Tierra before slipping the mask on.

"Your idea, Tierra, is awesome!" Hermione said bluntly, "That way we can all learn as much about Voldemort as possible, and then mobilize us all to find his weakness!"

"It's like letting Voldemort fall into the ocean of people's war!" Hermione said excitedly.

"Ah, by the way! How was the last slug party?" Harry asked her through the thick face shield, thinking of ways to change the subject, not knowing why he always felt so uncomfortable hearing Hermione talking about it. A little uncomfortable feeling.

"Oh, that's interesting, really," said Hermione, putting on a pair of goggles, "I mean, he's babbling about a lot of his famous exploits, and he's taken all the mics. Round **** because he was close to him, but he did serve us good food and he introduced us to Wenger-Jones."

"Winger-Jones?" said Ron, eyes wide behind the goggles. "Winger-Jones? Halpier's captain?"

"True," said Hermione, "but personally, I think she's a bit conceited, but..."

"Did the people there say enough is enough!" Professor Slapter pushed his way through the crowd with a stern face, "You are falling behind, everyone has already started, even Neville has already got his first Tree sac!"

They look around—

True, Neville had a broken lip and a few nasty scratches on his face, but he was still holding onto a disgusting, pulsating green thing the size of a grape.

"Okay, Professor, we'll start now!" said Ron, and when the Professor turned again, he whispered, "Should we use leather gloves, Harry?"

valley girl

"No, we can't!" said Hermione immediately, looking like she'd been doing all along, "Well, come on, we'd better start…"

She gave the other two a understanding look, and they took a deep breath and began to fight the gnarled stump between them.

Immediately the stump came to life, and long, prickly, bramble-like vines flew from its top, twitching in the air.

One of them got tangled in Hermione's hair, and Ron beat it back with a pair of secateurs, and Harry managed to lure a few vines and tie them up, as if in all the tentacled branches. A hole opened in it.

Hermione bravely reached into the hole, looking very much like her arm was trapped. Harry and Ron wrestled the vine, forcing the hole open again.

Hermione pulled out her hand, holding a tree sac very similar to Neville's in her fingers. The prickly vine drew back immediately, and the gnarled stump stood looking like a harmless piece of wood.

"You know, I don't think I'll have this in my garden when I have my own home," said Ron, wiping the sweat off his face as he pushed the goggles back on his forehead.

"Give me a bowl," said Hermione, holding the pulsating tree sac at a distance.

Harry handed over a bowl, and Hermione tossed the sac into it with a look of disgust.

And Tierra is in a group, and has already picked the tree sacs—

It's Tierra after all, isn't it?

A person who can even escape death, how could he not even get a tree sac.

"Don't be afraid of getting dirty. Squeeze them. They work best when they are fresh." Professor Slapter called from a distance.

"Anyway," said Hermione, continuing their interrupted conversation as if a piece of wood had never struck them, "Sluggers are having a Christmas party, Harry...you didn't Can't get away with it this time because he wants me to find out which nights you're free, so that's a surefire night for you to come."

Harry groaned, and at the same time, Ron, who was putting his hands on the tree bag and trying to break it, stood up and squeezed the tree bag with all his strength.

Ron said angrily, "It's just another party for Slug's favorite student, isn't it?"

"For people in the Slug Club, yes." Hermione said inexplicably.

The sac jumped out of Ron's fingers, hit the glass of the greenhouse, and bounced off the back of Professor Slapter's head, knocking off her battered, patched hat.

Harry walked over to retrieve the tree sac.

When he came back, Hermione was saying: "Look, I didn't dress myself up with the name 'Slugger Club'..."

"The 'Slug Club,'" repeated Ron, sneering like Malfoy, "that's pathetic. Well, I hope you have a good time at the party. Why don't you hook up with McLenne so Slugger Will recognize you as king and queen of the Slug Club..."

"We can bring other people to participate. I wanted to invite you to go. We haven't participated in any activities together for a long time." Hermione said coldly, "But if you think it's stupid, I won't bother you." Already!"

Harry suddenly wished the tree sacs could fly a little farther, so he wouldn't have to sit between Ron and Hermione listening to their angry and slightly childish quarrel.

Without being noticed by either of them, he grabbed a bowl of tree sacs and began trying to break them, making as little noise as possible.

Unfortunately, he still heard every word they said.

"You were going to invite me?" said Ron, his voice changing completely.

"Yes." Hermione said indifferently and somewhat angrily, "but it's obvious that you prefer McLenne to join our small group, don't you..."

There was a pause between the two, and Harry continued to break the elastic tree sac with the shovel.

"No, I didn't." Ron said in a low voice. It was obvious that he had just realized his gaffe and was ready to apologize, but—

Coincidentally, at this moment Harry missed the tree sac and smashed the bowl.

"Restored as before," he said quickly, poking at the shards with his wand, and the bowl fell back together.

The accident apparently made Ron and Hermione aware of the existence of Harry and their experiment ~lightnovelpub.net~ Hermione panicked and started looking up the method of juicing the tree sac in her Carnivorous Plants of the World.

"Hand that over, Harry," Hermione commanded calmly. "The book says we should pierce it with something sharp..."

Harry handed the tree sac in the bowl, and both he and Ron pulled down their goggles and wrestled with the stump again.

It's not like he's really surprised, thought Harry, who was fighting a vine that was determined to strangle him.

"Got it!" yelled Ron, and just as Hermione managed to break the first sac, Ron pulled the second from the stump, filling the bowl with writhing elephants. Gray-green worm-like tubers.

For the rest of the session, no one mentioned Slugger's party again.


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