Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 65: Busy

After the Christmas holiday, everyone's study and life seem to be back on track.

Since they already knew who Nicole May was, the trio of deductions did not go around making trouble anymore, but devoted themselves to the intense and exciting study of the new semester.

Tiera persuaded them to believe in Dumbledore's power, and at the same time persuaded herself...

With the arrival of the new semester, Tiera, Harry and Hermione are all busy.

Needless to say, Harry, as the Quidditch season entered a new season, Gryffindor's fanatical Quidditch captain Wood stepped up the training of the entire Gryffindor Quidditch team, even Harry, a first-year junior. Wizards are no exception.

Several team members, including Harry, were often injured in training, which invisibly increased Tiera's workload, because in addition to the tranquilizer, Tiera had to cook typhoid fever for all Quidditch players. Pharmacy.

Primary school Ba Hermione has already completed most of the lessons for this semester, and now she has started to borrow textbooks for the next semester from the library.

Tierra was the busiest. In addition to making typhoid potions for the Quidditch team, Snape's first private lesson after the Christmas break made him a lot more difficult. Tiera is also an old fritter that has been immersed in the laboratory for many years, and he may not necessarily be able to acquire this knowledge.

Just like the Hypor pills that Tiera once fed Peter Pettigrew, the more advanced the potions, the more they need to add spells or even curses in the brewing process, in addition to medicinal materials.

Therefore, Tiera had to borrow a copy of "Analysis of Profound Potions and Spells" from the library.

In addition to her homework, Quidditch assignments and Snape's extra assignments, Tiera had to face Tom Riddle, a dedicated personal trainer.

Tom Riddle was amazed at Tiera's talent in potions, alchemy and transfiguration, so he did not need money to teach those magical knowledge that did not involve principles but only involved techniques.

As everyone knows, it is these technical magic knowledge that Tiera lacks. He has Merlin's research notes and the "Necronomicon". He has already mastered the principles of magic. Sexual magical knowledge.

The magic principle is like a mathematical formula. He can bring the formula into the physical, chemical, and biological reactions, but the real physical, chemical and biological experiments are a little different from the theoretical formulas.

To convert the principles of magic into magic, he also needs spellcasting skills and a lot of experiments.

That's what Hogwarts teaches.

It's just that most of the spellcasting skills taught at Hogwarts are the ones that are most suitable for them...

Of course, Tom Riddle taught this kind of thing... and even concealed some uncritical spellcasting skills.

But I couldn't bear that Tiera was blessed by "knowledge"... She pressed her finger on the notebook, and Tiera knew exactly what Tom Riddle was thinking.

Including a set of nearly popular spellcasting skills that he summed up through constant experiments and observations during his student days.

Now Tiera is like a sponge without water. Tom Riddle accepts as much knowledge as he pours.

Tiera was busy and happy.

In this way, Ron seems to have nothing to do in the trio of deductions. He followed Harry to the Quidditch stadium to watch them practice, and followed Tiera's **** to watch how he boiled the potion, but after watching it. In less than five minutes he fell asleep in his chair.

The days went on like this, because Tiera was too busy, and whether it was Tom Riddle's notebook or the book he brought out of the room, it was impossible for Tiera to be in the public eye directly. Read on, it's not even possible to take it out in front of a trio of deductions.

Because Tiera really doesn't trust the confidentiality of these three people.

So Tiera either secretly read books under the covers during the night break, or hid herself among a bunch of dark senior students during self-study in the library.

But even so, he was often found by Hermione, so Tiera had to try to find other places to read, the observatory, on the lawn, on the empty hallway seats, and Tiera even ran to Myrtle. the bathroom.

Time flies so fast, until Hagrid mysteriously comes to them and asks them to go quietly to his cabin at night, Tierra realizes that almost two months have passed, and there are less than ten weeks left. Going to spend his first year of magic at Hogwarts.

"What did he hide behind his back?" Hermione asked thoughtfully after Hagrid had left. "Do you think it has something to do with the Philosopher's Stone?"

Today was another day when she was found by Hermione during her self-study in the library. Tiera had no choice but to write and draw the magical configuration of the magic potion on her manuscript paper.

He completed the magic configuration of the magic potion more than two weeks ago, and now he still lacks a few herbs, which makes him unable to brew it for a long time.

"I'm going to see what books he was looking for just now." Ron read impatiently for a long time, and took the opportunity to run away~lightnovelpub.net~ A minute later, he came back, holding a pile of books in his arms, Throw them **** the table.

"Dragons!" he whispered. "Hagrid is looking for information on dragons! Check out these: The Kinds of Dragons of Great Britain and Ireland, From Hatching to Nirvana, The Guide to Raising Dragons."

"Hagrid always wanted a dragon, he told me that the first time I met him," Harry said.

"But it's against the law," Ron said. "In 1709, the Wizarding Convention officially passed the law against keeping dragons, and everyone knows that. If we keep dragons in the back garden, we It's hard to keep Muggles from noticing us, and it's very dangerous to tame them. You should really see all those burns on Charlie's body, which were left to him by Romanian wild dragons. "

"But is there no wild dragon in Britain?" said Harry.

"Of course there are," said Ron, "there are common Welsh green dragons and Hebridean black dragons. I can tell you it's a job of the Ministry of Magic to hide the existence of these wild dragons. Our wizards have to constantly show those who see them. The Muggles of the Wild Dragon chanted a spell to make them forget about it."

"So what is Hagrid trying to do?" Hermione asked.

An hour later, they knocked on the door of the gamekeeper's hut.

The four of them, including Tiera, also came, because the magic potion that Tiera brewed requires dragon egg shell powder.

They found that all the curtains were drawn tightly.

And Hagrid first called out "Who?" before letting them in, and then quickly turned around and closed the door.

The hut was suffocatingly hot. There was a roaring fire in the fireplace.

Hagrid made them tea and a ferret sandwich.