Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 657: times school

Harry took a closer look, and suddenly laughed out loud, dangling these letters on the gold chain:

"To my sweetheart!"

"Nice," said Harry, "beautiful. You must wear it in front of Fred and George."

"If you tell them," said Ron, pushing the necklace out of sight under the pillow, "I...I...I'll just..."

"Just stuttering at me?" Harry sneered, "Come on, how could I say that?"

"How did she think I'd like something like that?" Ron called into the air, looking shocked and puzzled.

"Well, think about it the other way around..." said Harry, "did you ever tell her you liked to go out with a necklace that said 'My Sweetheart' around your neck?"

"Uh...we haven't talked much," said Ron. "We're mostly..."

"Kiss?" Harry said.

"Well, yes," said Ron annoyed, "she's so kissable I can't stand it!"

"Then maybe she likes you like this." Harry teased, "You know, Lavender likes to keep small pets, just like putting a leash around a puppy's neck."

Ron:  …

After hearing this, the expression on Ron's face changed from shock to disgust.

"I'm going to break up with this crazy woman sooner or later." Ron flipped through his stockings viciously. Harry's presents included a sweater with the Snitch on the front, knitted by Mrs. Weasley, and a large box of Weasley's joke shop products from the twins.

By the time everyone was sitting at the table getting ready to start Christmas breakfast, everyone was wearing new sweaters except for Fleur Delacour and Mrs Weasley herself, obviously Mrs Weasley didn't want a piece of clothing to be wasted, at this point She was showing off a brand new dark blue wizarding hat studded with tiny diamond stars and a striking gold necklace.

"Fred and George, give them to me! They're beautiful, aren't they?" said Mrs. Weasley.

"Well, we find we appreciate you more and more, Mom, and we're washing our own socks now," said George, shaking his hands briskly, "Right, Remus?"

Remus Lupine smiled helplessly.

Sirius also came downstairs, also wearing a sweater.

But I don't know if it's because it doesn't fit well or because of some reason, Sirius keeps scratching his cuffs and neckline, as if the sweater makes him feel very itchy.

"Good morning, Sirius!" Harry greeted happily.

"Good morning, Harry." Sirius stopped tickling, walked over and touched Harry's head with his hand, "Did you sleep well last night?"

"Excellent," said Harry.

"Hey." Sirius rubbed Harry's hair happily and blissfully.

To Harry's surprise, Hermione was the last to show up this morning.

"Good morning, Harry." Hermione greeted Harry vigorously.

"Um...good morning...Hermione..." Harry echoed, "You...your dark circles..."

"Huh?" Hermione touched her face, "Oh, it's okay, I drank some wine last night, but I couldn't fall asleep."

"Okay, eat breakfast, eat breakfast." Hermione sat down quickly and said, "I'm almost starving."

Harry instinctively felt that Hermione was weird, but he didn't know what was wrong, so he put down his doubts and ate breakfast first.

In the few days after Christmas, they had a very happy time. Except for Hermione, almost everyone was immersed in the happy Christmas atmosphere—

Although Voldemort is still at large, but to a certain extent, with the existence of Tierra, they only need to worry about whether Tierra will be too centralized or too high-handed in the future.

And with the continuation of Tierra's rule, the occurrence of crimes in the entire magic world has also decreased a lot.

Christmas spent in such a stable atmosphere made everyone feel much happier.

Even Sirius and Mrs. Weasley, who initially disliked Tierra's rule, no longer complained.

But the good times passed quickly after all, and it didn't take long for the sixth grade to start.

That afternoon Ron, Harry, Hermione and Ginny lined up in front of the kitchen fireplace at Twelve Grimmauld Place back to Hogwarts.

This time Tierra didn't come to pick them up, but the Magic Federation specially connected a special "route" on the Floo network to allow the students to return to school faster and safer.

Only Mrs. Weasley was there to say goodbye to them, because Mr. Weasley, Charlie, Fred and George, Fleur and Bill had all gone to work.

Mrs. Weasley was in tears at the parting, looking very sad that this merry Christmas was over.

"Stop crying, Mom," Ginny said, patting her on the back as her mother crouched on her shoulder. "It's fine…"

"Oh, don't worry about us," Ron reassured, letting his mother kiss him **** the cheek.

"Promise me you'll take care of yourself...don't get into trouble..." Mrs. Weasley swallowed harder as she hugged Harry.

"I see, Mrs. Weasley," said Harry. "I like the peace and quiet, you know."

Hearing Harry's assurance, Mrs. Weasley wiped her eyes, smiled faintly, and then took a step back, "Then, you all have to take care!"

Harry stepped into the green flames and yelled "Hogwarts", and he took one last look at the Burrow kitchen and Mrs Weasley's tear-stained face and was immediately wrapped in fire, spinning rapidly—

He also glimpsed the furnace doors of other wizards.

Finally, the spin slowed down, and he stopped in Professor McGonagall's fireplace.

"Good evening, Potter." McGonagall barely looked up, "Try not to bring the soot from the stove onto the carpet."

"I'll be careful, Professor," Harry promised.

Harry straightened his glasses and smoothed his hair, and then Ron fell out of the fireplace, followed by Hermione, and then Ginny.

The three of them walked out of Professor McGonagall's office and walked towards Gryffindor Tower.

Harry saw the sun outside the window had already set, and in the distance he saw Hagrid feeding Buckbeak.

"Harlequin's cane," Ron called confidently when they reached the portrait of the Fat Lady.

"No!" The fat lady refused him.

"What do you mean 'no'?" Ron asked suspiciously.

"It's a new password," she said, "and don't shout it so loudly."

"We've been away for a while, how do we know—"

"The new password is 'forbidden hobby'" Tierra's voice suddenly appeared, but Harry looked around a lot and didn't see Tierra.

"Very good." The fat lady seemed to have gotten used to only hearing her voice but not seeing her, she moved forward, revealing the opening of the portrait.


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