Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 666: Six hundred and sixty-six special chapte

Hell, Hellfire, Underworld, Necrosphere, Talos...

They are like a sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of pious religious people forever, reminding them to abide by the rules and regulations, always reminding them to abide by their inner morality, always reminding them not to bully the weak, always reminding them to obey Law-abiding.

But the sense of morality and order built on fear will eventually dissipate.

As the years go by, as the people who have really seen this strange space pass away one after another... the truth has become a legend, the legend has become a myth, and the myth has gradually become All kinds of writings and works of art handed down from generation to generation.

Dante Alighieri, Mazzolini, Goethe, Plato, Michelle Morgana, countless famous human writers, painters and artists in their works, use almost magical brushstrokes and grammar, towards The world is showing this strange and terrifying space.

Under their pens or on the canvas, this strange space may be "flowing with a trickling and boiling sea of ​​blood, the souls of sinners are soaked in the sea of ​​blood, and every corner of this space can hear them being beaten by the sea of ​​blood." A miserable howl of steaming heat."

Or "There are towers flaming everywhere, and the city is a cemetery that stretches as far as the eye can see. The open coffins spew out fire. Heretics and Epicureans, those who do not worship God and do not follow God's teachings are locked in a burning cemetery. tortured in a sarcophagus."

Or "sinners were pierced by hot iron stakes one after another, standing on the cliffs with jagged rocks to be exposed to the scorching sun, to be attacked by fierce cold winds, and to be gnawed and pecked by giant eagles."


Descriptions like these fill the brains of the world through the works of writers, painters, and artists.

Gradually, **** became synonymous with fear again.

Myths have turned back into hard truths, and religion has become a means of evading taxes and accumulating wealth.

The high-ranking missionaries try their best to describe the horrors of hell, intimidate their believers, control their spirits, empty their wallets, make them abide by the rules and regulations, and let them give selflessly, while themselves—

Then they are extravagant and extravagant, and finally, when their bodies die, their rituals pass through the unknown shady scene, and come to the "hell" they once preached, they find——

There's nothing here, just—

Just endless barrenness.

When the sinners came to hell, they found that they fell on the endless desolation, which cannot be distinguished and described by human vision and perception. Accurate color.

There are no ruins, no mountains and plains, no undulating terrain, no grasslands, no forests, no hellhounds guarding the gate, no devils holding scissors, no seas of scalding blood and high platforms burning with flames—

Nothing at all.

The land they stepped on, the space they lived in seemed to be an eternal and boundless barrenness.

"Is this...hell?"

Matsumoto Chizuo just took a nap in his cell, and when he woke up, he appeared here.

This barren world.

Matsumoto Chizuo, self-named Asahara Shoko, was born on March 2, 1955 in a poor family in Yatsushiro City, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan.

Partially blind from birth, he spent time at the Kumamoto School for the Blind from the age of six to his twenties.

Later, with excellent eloquence and shameless spirit, he founded Aum Shinrikyo, and planned the infamous Tokyo subway sarin gas incident on March 20, 1995, killing 13 people in total And more than 5,510 people were injured.

After the Tokyo subway poison gas incident, the police immediately sealed off the headquarters of Aum Shinrikyo at the foot of Mount Fuji and took action against Aum Shinrikyo. On March 22, 2,500 police and self-defense forces surrounded the Aum Shinrikyo facility in Kamikuichishi Village, opened three large warehouses with acetylene guns, and found various chemicals and instruments. In the factory, the medicines contain hydrogen peroxide solution, acetic anhydride, and sulfuric acid, three raw materials for making sarin. There are also four metal airtight barrels much larger than gas tanks, which contain solvents and other chemicals that can dilute sarin. The Japanese National Police Agency ordered the arrest of Aum Shinrikyo leader Shoko Asahara across the country.

All the headquarters and branches of Aum Shinrikyo in Japan are secretly monitored. In addition to the core members of the Aum religion who had been detained earlier under various names, the core figures of the "Aum Empire", including the "Emperor" Asahara and the "ministers" of various ministries, are under close surveillance by the police. At the headquarters of the "Aum Empire", although a military helicopter from the former Soviet Union was parked, Asahara could not escape. The leader of the cult can only hide in the camp of Shangjiuyise Village, waiting for the police to break down and arrest him. After the police discovered Asahara's whereabouts, on May 16th they dispatched hundreds of policemen wearing helmets and heavily armed to Shangjiuyise Village to arrest Asahara. The police used welding torches to burn down the gate of the headquarters of Aum Shinrikyo and conducted a comprehensive search. When the investigators disassembled the one-foot-high thick board between the second and third floors of the Sixth Aum Hall of Truth, they found that Asahara was hiding in this secret room. The "Holy Pope" of Aum Shinrikyo, who has "boundless magic power" and "floating magic power", is obediently captured at this time. The Japanese Metropolitan Police Department arrested the leader of Aum Shinrikyo, Shoko Asahara, for murder and attempted murder. At the same time, they also raided more than 130 strongholds of the religion across the country, arresting more than 40 leaders and believers.

There should be no suspense about this matter, even the relatively evil Japanese government cannot tolerate the existence of such a cult organization that caused large-scale terrorist incidents.

The Japanese police immediately detained the captured members of Aum Shinrikyo, and waited for the prosecution to sort out the materials and prepare for an appeal.

But soon, a strange thing happened—

In July 1996, fifty-seven core members of Aum Shinrikyo, including Shoko Asahara, who were detained in the Tokyo prison, disappeared at the same time, disappearing from the cells where they were held, as if they had evaporated from the world.

There was no sign of any damage to the cell site, and the prison surveillance did not capture Asahara Shoko's entry and exit, as if he just turned around the dead corner of the cell surveillance and then disappeared.

The disappearance of Shoko Asahara and his cult henchmen from their prison cells has become one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of twentieth-century Japan.

There are different opinions on the reasons for its disappearance. Some say it is a conspiracy theory. The Aum Shinrikyo Church is just a puppet put forward by the top government. It is said that Asahara Shoko is the real son of God, and his purpose of coming to the world is to capture the evil spirits that escaped from hell. The thirteen victims who died in the Tokyo subway sarin gas incident were evil spirits that escaped from hell. .


"There is no sea of ​​blood, no tower of fire..."

"Compared to the mistakes I made... this kind of **** is not bad..." Asahara thought leisurely.

"At least I can wander around leisurely... um... it's just a little bit desolate... If I can meet someone again, I'd like to talk to you... "Shoko Asahara said, "No... Maybe this is heaven... No, no, no... With the ability to ask... I can Make this a paradise!"


"Still...still no one..." Asahara Shoko looked exhausted.

"I've been walking...forget it, I've forgotten how long I've been walking...I feel like I've lost all feeling in my legs..."


"Nobody...nobody...or nobody...is this my punishment..."


"So thirsty...so tired..."


"My... my... my hearing? I can't seem to hear..."


"Can't see... can't see... why? Why can't I see?"


"I...who am I? Where am I? I...I can't feel my legs, I can't feel my handwriting, I can't feel my eyes, I can't feel my mouth...I...I'm disappearing!"

"Save... life... save... me... I... I don't want to... don't want to... .do not want to disappear..."



Tierra, who was playing chess with Dumbledore, burped lightly~lightnovelpub.net~What's wrong? " Dumbledore asked strangely.

"I ate something bad." Tierra said indifferently.

"Have you eaten something bad?" Dumbledore put down the wizard chess in his hand in disbelief, "You still eat something bad?"

Tierra took a sip of the black tea, smiled and said nothing.


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