Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 674: people in Snape's memory

Harry took the final steps toward the Pensieve, standing by the basin, looking down at the bottom. Harry hesitated, listened sideways, and drew his wand. The office and the hallway outside were so quiet that it seemed that there was no one in the entire basement of Hogwarts. Harry tapped the contents of the Pensieve with the tip of his wand. The silver object in the basin began to spin rapidly. Harry leaned towards it and saw it became transparent. He seemed to be looking into a room through a circular skylight. This was the second time...if he wasn't terribly wrong, he was actually looking down at the auditorium. His breath clouded the surface of Snape's mind... He felt himself in a dilemma... He really wanted to do it, but it was too irrational... He was shaking... Snape could come back at any time... He took a breath Breathing heavily, he buried his cheeks in Snape's thoughts. The floor of the dark, damp office tilted at once, and Harry fell head-first into the Pensieve... He spun down and down in the icy darkness, and then—he stood in the middle of the auditorium, but four The Zhang Academy table was gone, replaced by more than a hundred small tables facing the same direction. At each table sat a student, hurriedly writing on a roll of parchment with his head lowered. Harry could only hear the click of a quill, and the occasional rustling of someone adjusting his parchment, apparently for an exam. The sun shone through the tall windows on the lowered heads, which were taupe, reddish-brown, and gold in the bright light. Harry looked around carefully, Snape must be somewhere here...after all...this is his memory...there! Where is he! Just behind Harry at a table. Harry stared at him condescendingly—the teenage Snape looked muscular, but pale, like a plant growing in the dark. His long hair was straight and greasy, hanging on the table, and his hooked nose barely half an inch from the parchment as he wrote hastily. Harry went around behind Snape and looked at the title on the paper: Defense Against the Dark Arts - Normal Wizarding Level. So Snape must be fifteen or sixteen, about the same age Harry is now. His hand moved quickly from side to side on the parchment; he wrote at least a foot longer than the people closest to him, and his handwriting was small and dense. "Five minutes left!" A sharp voice pierced the silent examination room. The sound startled Harry. He turned quickly and saw Professor Flitwick's head moving between tables not far away. Professor Flitwick walked past a boy with tousled black hair...very messy black hair...Harry was moving so fast that if he had any real form he would have knocked over several tables. However, he seemed to be sliding, as if in a dream, he crossed two aisles and slid forward along the third aisle. The back of the dark-haired boy's head was getting closer and closer, and… he was straightening up now, putting down his quill, and pulling the roll of parchment towards him so he could re-read the answer he had written down… Harry stopped at In front of this table, he looked down at his fifteen-year-old father. There was a burst of excitement in his heart: as if he was looking at a somewhat out of shape version of himself. James has beige eyes, a slightly longer nose than Harry, and no scar on his forehead, but they both have the same thin face, the same mouth, the same eyebrows; James' hair is exactly the same as Harry's , also propped up at the back of his head, and his hands were almost Harry's. Harry could also see that if James stood up, they wouldn't be more than an inch apart in height. James yawned and ruffled his hair, making it even messier than before, then he glanced at Professor Flitwick, then turned in his seat to the fourth behind him. The boy in the seat grinned. Another burst of great excitement hit Harry, who saw Sirius give James a thumbs up, then Sirius lounging back in his chair, looking very comfortable, his body leaning back, only using The two legs of the chair were on the ground. When he was young, Sirius was very handsome, with black hair hanging down in front of his eyes, inadvertently bringing out a bit of elegance. Whether it was James' hair or Harry's hair, it was never this elegant. A girl sitting behind Sirius was watching him expectantly, but he didn't seem to notice that in the girl's row, two seats away - Harry's stomach was squirming with delight - it was Remus Lupin, who looked rather pale and haggard for some reason or not because of the approaching full moon, was engrossed in the exam, rereading his answers, scratching with the tip of his quill pen. chin, frowning slightly. So Wormtail must be somewhere nearby... Sure enough, Harry spotted him in a split second: the small, pointy-nosed boy with mouse-grey hair. Wormtail looked a little anxious. He bit his fingernails, stared down at his test paper, and rubbed his toes on the ground. From time to time he glanced hopefully at the examination papers of the students at the next table. Harry stared at Wormtail for a moment, then turned to James, now scribbling on a small piece of parchment. He has already drawn a golden snitch, UU reading www. uukanshu. com is now drawing the letters "L.E.". What do they mean? "Please stop writing!" said Professor Flitwick sharply. "And you, Stebbins! Please stay in your seat while I put away the parchment! The papers are flying!" Over a hundred rolls of parchment It jumped into the air and flew into Professor Flitwick's outstretched arms, knocking him to the ground. Some people laughed arrogantly. A few students sitting at the front table stood up and supported Professor Flitwick by his arms. "Uh... thank you, thank you... thank you." Professor Flitwick said breathlessly, "Okay, fine, classmates, you can leave now!" Harry looked down at his father , he hurriedly painted out the two letters "L.E." that he had been modifying, jumped up, stuffed the quill and test paper into his schoolbag, threw the schoolbag on his shoulder, and stood there waiting for Sirius to come and follow He will meet. Harry looked around, not far from the glimpse of Snape, who was walking between the two rows of tables towards the door to the hallway, still staring intently at his exam paper. He arched his shoulders and moved stiffly, with a jerky stride reminiscent of a spider, his greasy hair twitching beside his face. A group of chattering girls separated Snape from James, Sirius and Lupin, and Harry inserted himself between them, trying to keep Snape out of his sight, while listening to James Conversations with his friends. "Do you like question ten, Moonface?" Sirius asked as they entered the hall. "Oh my gosh, I love it so much," Lupin said lightly and cheerfully. "Listing five signs to identify a werewolf is a good topic." "Then do you think you can name all the signs?" James asked in a worried tone. . :