Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 676: shame

"What are you waiting for?" Sirius said coldly, "What do you want, snotlite, rub your nose on us?"

A flurry of expletives and curses came out of Snape's mouth, but his wand was ten feet away, so nothing happened.

"Clean your mouth!" James said coldly. "Clean it up!"

Instantly pink soap bubbles came out of Snape's mouth, and his lips were covered with froth, making him want to gag, choking him—

"Let him go!"

James and Sirius looked over their shoulders. Immediately, James' free hand ran quickly to his hair.

It was a girl walking from the lake. She had long, thick, dark red hair that fell down to her shoulders, and a pair of strangely green almond eyes—

Those were Harry's eyes.

That's Harry's mother!

"How are you, Evans?" James said, his tone suddenly friendly, and it seemed to grow deeper and more mature.

"Let go of him." Lily repeated angrily, her emerald green eyes looked at James with expressions of extreme disgust everywhere. "Why did he bother you?"

"Well..." James said, pretending to be musing over the point, "it's mostly because of him, if you know what I mean..."

Many students watching laughed loudly, Sirius and Wormtail laughed too, but it seemed that only Lupine, who was still concentrating on his study, didn't laugh, and of course Lily didn't laugh either.

"You think you're pretty funny?" Lily said coldly, "But you're just an arrogant, bully, rotten brat, Potter, let him go."

"If you'll hang out with me, I'll let him go, Evans," James said quickly, "Go on... hang out with me, and I'll never touch old snot with my wand again. "

Behind him, the effectiveness of the Impeding Curse was gradually weakening.

Snape began to move slowly towards his lost wand, vomiting bubbly suds as he crawled.

"Even if I had to choose between you and the giant squid, I wouldn't go out with you." Lily said disgustedly.

"Go back to your words, Prongs!" Sirius said cheerfully, turning to Snape, "Oops!"

But it was too late, Snape had pointed his wand straight at James, and there was a flash, and a deep **** appeared on one side of James' cheek, and blood spattered his robes.

James turned sharply, and after a second flash, Snape was hanging upside down in the air, his robes hanging over his head.

For a moment, Lily's angry expression fluctuated, as if she wanted to smile, but she quickly and firmly said: "Put him down!"

"Of course," said James, and he jerked his wand up; Snape fell to the ground, curled up in a ball.

He pulled back his robes, stood up instantly, and raised his wand, but Sirius said, "All petrified!"

Snape fell on his back again, stiff as a plank.

"Let him go!" Lily shouted angrily.

Now she drew her own wand. James and Sirius stared at it carefully.

"Hey, Evans, don't force me to cast a poisonous spell on you." James said seriously.

"Then break the spell for him!"

James sighed deeply, then turned to face Snape, and whispered the counter-curse.

"You go," he said as Snape struggled to his feet. "Lucky for you, Evans is here, snot-"

"I don't need help from a smelly little mudblood like her!"

Lily blinked, as if shocked and disappointed.

"Okay, fine." Lily said coldly, "Okay, I won't worry about this anymore... Also, if I were you, I would wash my underwear , snotty."

"Apologize to Evans!" James yelled at Snape, pointing his wand menacingly at Snape.

"I don't need you to make him apologize." Lily turned to James and shouted, "You're as annoying as he is."

"What?" cried James. "I never said you were a—you know what!"

"Oh, really? Do you think I have to thank you for never saying I'm a Mudblood?" Lily Evans was visibly agitated, "Or do you think posing with a broomstick just got off the broom? Looks cool, that's why you messed up your hair, showed off with that stupid snitch, and cast spells on whoever you met in the hallway that **** you off, just because you could—I'm so weird, you How can you get off the ground with that big head on your broomstick? Honestly you make me sick!"

After finishing speaking, she turned around abruptly and ran away quickly.

"Evans!" James called after her. "Hey, Evans!"

Too bad Lily Evans didn't look back.

"What's wrong with her?" James asked, trying to casually address the question as if it didn't matter to him, but he failed.

"From the undertones of what she said, all I can say is—she thinks you're a bit arrogant, buddy," said Sirius.

"Ah, yes!" said James, looking genuinely annoyed now. "Yes—"

There was another flash, and Snape was hanging upside down in the air again.

"Who wants to see me take Snotty's **** off?"

But Harry would never know if James had actually taken off Snape's underpants.

Because soon, he felt a hand gripping his upper arm tightly, as tight as a pincer.

Harry flinched, turned to see who had grabbed him, and he trembled when he saw that a grown-up Snape was standing next to him, pale with rage.

"Did you have fun?"

adult Snape asked angrily ~lightnovelpub.net~ Harry felt himself rising into the air, the summer scene around him vanished, and he floated upward in the icy darkness, Snape's hand still Gripping his upper arm tightly. Then-

With a sense of a sharp dive, as if he were flipping somersaults in mid-air, his feet hit the stone floor of Snape's dungeon, and he was once again standing on the Pensieve on Snape's desk. Next to it, in the dimly lit study of the real Potions teacher.

"So," said Snape, gripping Harry's arm so hard that Harry felt his hand go numb, "so...happy, Potter?"

"No, no...no..." Harry said nervously and frightened, trying to free his arm.

Snape's lips trembled, his face was pale and his teeth bared, like a grinning vampire.


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