Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 72: back pot king

Hagrid sent Harry, Ron, Hermione, Malfoy, and Tiera five little wizards out of the Forbidden Forest, and then hurriedly followed the men Firenze and Ronan-like "Heir" who shot an arrow The blond long-haired men and horses, let's go to check the place where the unicorn happened.

But the real initiator has followed Tiera into the castle.

After a tense night in the Forbidden Forest, even Malfoy was no longer interested in sarcasm.

After returning to the Gryffindor lounge, the four little wizards, Tiera, wanted to take a bath and sleep, but Harry and Hermione took them to the sofa in front of the stove together.

Tiera was helplessly squeezed between Harry and Hermione.

Tom Riddle's diary was put in his arms, and just returned to his hands, the "heir" who had changed greatly was put under his butt.

These are two books that he does not dare to leave.

Any book found by others will cause him countless troubles.

"Snape was going to get the Philosopher's Stone for Voldemort! Snape didn't want to use it himself! He was going to get the Philosopher's Stone for Voldemort! Voldemort was waiting in the forest! We thought Snape just wanted to make a fortune off the Nightmare Stone. ..." Harry said excitedly as soon as he sat down.

"Don't! Don't say that name again!" Ron whispered in a panic, as if worried that Voldemort would hear him.

But Harry didn't listen to him at all. "Firenze saved me, Firenze said! He said the astrology showed that Voldemort was coming back! Tiera heard that too!"

Tiera nodded helplessly.

"Can you stop saying that name!" Ron said in a low voice.

"So now I'm just waiting for Snape to steal the Philosopher's Stone," Harry went on with great excitement, "and then Voldemort comes up here and kills me..."

Hermione looked terrified, but she still wanted to say something to comfort Harry.

"Harry, everyone says that Dumbledore is the only person Who-You-Know has been afraid of. Dumbledore is the most powerful white wizard who has ever lived. With Dumbledore here, You-Know-Who won't hurt you. And Who says centaurs have to be right? I think that sounds like fortune-telling, as Professor McGonagall said, a very imprecise type of magic."

Hermione said a lot in one go.

"..." Tiera opened her mouth, wanting to say something for Snape, but finally closed it.

Tiera is a little tired, just hurry up and end this conversation. So that he can go back to sleep for a while, or drink a tube of Harris' Elixir.

Despite his magical powers, his stamina is abundant.

But his mental power was consuming a lot.

On the one hand, Tierra wants a continuous position, and the pseudo-persona constructed by Occlumency outside the mental wall and outside the wall is strictly guarded against Tom Riddle.

On the other hand, it is necessary to control the "inheritor" to complete today's growth ceremony.

Don't look at the "inheritance" swallowing unicorns, it took less than five minutes to grow from a twelve-page human skin book to a complete bibliography of 666 pages, but the process of less than five minutes requires Tierra Remote control, continuous output of spiritual latitude and magical configuration of spiritual latitude, integrated into the spiritual latitude and spiritual latitude formed on the basis of unicorns.

So he was really too lazy to correct the misconceptions of a few stubborn children.

During the quarrel and discussion between Harry, Hermione and Ron, Tiera gradually closed her eyes and prepared to take a light sleep.

They didn't stop arguing until it was bright, Ron and Hermione were going back to the dormitory to sleep, but Harry was going to sit in the common room for a while.

Because Tiera, who was in a light sleep, dipped her head a little bit, lower and lower, and gradually leaned on Harry's shoulder.

After the confinement, they soon ushered in the final exam.

Tiera and Hermione naturally passed without any pressure.

But Harry and Ron didn't fare so well.

Ron, who was usually idle, and Harry, who was busy with Quidditch, had to ask Tierra to make up for it before the exam before leaving the exam room in fear.

"It's easier than I thought." Hermione said as they followed the crowd out of the final exam, History of Magic, to the sunny field outside, "I don't really need to go. Remember the Werewolf Code of Conduct in 1637, and the Pixie Rebellion."

Hermione always liked to revisit the exam after the exam, but Ron said it made him sick.

So they walked down the **** slowly, came to the lake, and sat under the tree with a plop.

Over there, a giant squid lay basking in the warm shallow water, and the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan were fiddling with its tentacles.

"How good, no need to study again." Ron exhaled happily, laying down on the grass with his limbs stretched out, "Harry, be happy, we won't know how bad the test is in a week, no need now Just worry about that."

Harry rubbed his forehead.

"Does it hurt again?" Tiye stretched out his hand to help Harry rub his forehead together. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Tiera accidentally discovered that when he touched Harry's lightning scar, he could feel a stronger "trace" of black magic than touching a Horcrux.

But it's normal to think, after all, Harry's lightning scar is caused by two completely opposite attributes, and both are caused by the conflict of extremely powerful black magic power - the blood guardian curse from Lily's mother's love and the life-threatening curse from Voldemort's killing intent.

So when Harry's scar started to hurt, Tiera took up the job of massaging him.

Tiera had to stay up all night to do experiments for a period of time, so she taught herself some small massage skills, and combined with the wind oil essence to massage the temples.

Although Tiera is well aware that this is completely useless, he can use Harry's scar to explore and practice how to sense the "traces" of black magic.

"Thank you, Tiera, I feel better." Harry said a little embarrassedly.

But through spying on magic, Tiera knew that Harry was not well, and Harry's forehead was still burning with pain.

Prying magic is equivalent to a passive simplified version of Legilimency. When Tiera makes physical contact with other people, she will automatically hear the other party's voice.

But this magic is not like Legilimency, which can dig out memories buried deep in consciousness, and can only linger in the subconscious at the surface.

This can easily lead to misjudgment.

Because human consciousness is not always single, most of which are mixed with many thoughts.

Spying on this magic can only hear the strongest thought.

It's like when Harry was tortured by his scars, Tiera could only feel the burning pain, but couldn't hear other thoughts in Harry's heart.