Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 818: Digester

Because of the addition of magic, the reclamation of the wasteland is not that difficult—

Left is nothing but a fire thing.

Jasmine Weasley used the Drying Charm, which turned the weeds and trees growing wildly in the wasteland from their bright green color, turned yellow and shriveled, and finally... turned into clumps of dead grass and dead wood.

Afterwards, things were much simpler. After casting the "Raging Flame" spell, one could get a fertile field.

"So Tiera, what do you think this is for?" At the same time that Jasmine Weasley, that is, Mrs. Weasley, led the wizards and parents to reclaim the wasteland, Arthur Weasley and Tiera were standing In front of a huge metal round pot, watched the round pot slowly sink into the pit that Tierra and the others had just dug with magic under the joint force of several wizards' levitation spells.

"It's called a biogas digester," Tierra said, "and it's a way of using organic waste...well...that's feces and urine, oh yes, and food waste and so on through fermentation. way to produce biogas.”

"Fermentation? Biogas production? What is this?" Arthur Weasley asked like a curious baby.

"Winemaking is a kind of fermentation." Tierra tried to explain to Arthur Weasley in the simplest and simplest language.

"You mean we can turn feces, urine, and food scraps into fine wine!?" Arthur Weasley asked in surprise and disgust, "Muggles are geniuses, they can do this without magic ?"

"No! No!" Tierra felt like a cow playing the piano, "I mean fermentation is a natural phenomenon discovered by Muggles, and this natural phenomenon was later mastered and used by Muggles. After the fruit is fermented, it turns into various fruit wines. Similarly, after they ferment the feces, urine and food residues, they become a kind of gas and some residues.”

"Gas is biogas, which can be burned, used for power generation or cooking, and the rest only needs to be processed a little before it can be used to make fertilizer." Tierra cleans herself as if she was teaching them a high school biology elective three.

"Genius! What a genius! How did those Muggles think of it?" Arthur Weasley exclaimed.

"Is it possible..." Tierra said with a sigh, "Because Muggles don't have magic, they don't know how to use the Vanishing Charm, and then the excrement piles up there, stinks and rots, which forces them to think A way to dispose of the feces and convert it into something useful for yourself?"

"Ah...don't they use flush toilets to solve it?" Arthur Weasley asked puzzled.

"Then have you ever thought about how the feces are disposed of after the toilet flushes them away?" Tierra asked.

"Isn't it buried in the soil?" Arthur Weasley asked, "Yes, why don't we just bury the excrement and urine in the soil? Wouldn't it fertilize our crops? The second time is, Jasmine asked us not to use the disappearing spell to treat the excrement, we must bury the excrement in the soil to fertilize the crops."

"In this case, the utilization rate is too low, and the decay of manure will produce various harmful gases, which can be used as fuel." Tierra patiently explained, "Secondly, it will lead to excessive nutrients in the soil. This leads to stress on the crops...well...not good."

"So it is." Arthur Weasley said suddenly.